Supreme Demon

Chapter 1051: Clear and angry

The first thousand fifty-one chapter is very angry

The sixth star map.

Here the mountains are undulating, endless, and far away, like the nine dragons, the dragon ball, the magnificent **** rainbow descends from the sky, outlines the amazing picture, even when the sun is hot, you can also hope See the stars shine.

Its magnificent beauty is far from being comparable to a star map. At this moment, the Qing dynasty stands on the head of a real dragon. The eyes are slightly open, quietly opening the storage ring, and suddenly a strange stone flies out and falls on Her jade hands.

Tianmo Stone!

This is sent by the ridiculous little seven "gift". God can shock the world. When it is in the battlefield of the gods, it can seal the devil, and in the six-star map, it also kills the heroes and angers. The magic stone shudders, and when I think of that generation of loli, my face will be embarrassed.

Of course, the horrible and clear eternal demon stone, as well as the gods and celestial gods, the fairy tales do not know how many aliens were swallowed up, and the students were shocked by the entire six-star map, which also made the Qing dynasty fascinating and admired. It is also called the witch by the aliens.

Since then, Qingyi has also embarked on the peak of smashing and killing, and this is the main force that dominates this killing. This is that the real gods in the middle are not questioned, and then the scorpion kills and smashes, and the whole six stars are laughed. Figure.

This is the hegemony of Qing Dynasty!

At this time, the demon stone shines, and the gods and rainbows are shocked out of it, so that the darkness around them is completely dispelled, which naturally makes her aware, but when she sees the magic stone in the day, she slowly shines. That person can't help but fangs.

"Abandoned door small seven!"

"Sister, you don't want to miss me like this, I will be embarrassed." In the demon stone, the man grinned and said, "Sister, you have to calm down, we are separated from each other, I know..."

"Small seven!" Qing Yan is pretty and blushing, and the gas is straight.

"Cough, the sister is calm."

The man in the demon stone smiled. "I am also very difficult. I have to find that you can take life and be dangerous."


Qing 漪 呼 , ​​, 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , But what she did not think was that the ridiculous Xiaoqi actually made a mark in the demon stone.

what is the rhythm.

It also means that the small door is still not dead, thinking of ways to completely refine the demon stone, from her hands strong control, if not he is shocked at this time, I am afraid that the Qing Dynasty will cry, and make the Qing curious Yes, how did the ridiculous Xiaoqi do it?

We must know that the Tianmu Stone is sturdy and immortal, that is, the true God wants to drive the brand into it. It is extremely difficult, and the brand is light and can not fully exert the branding ability, but the ridiculous Xiaoqi did it.

This is a bit ridiculous.

"I have some troubles. Only the sisters and the gods of the gods, the gods of the gods, and the true gods of the restricted areas of the heavens can join together. It is possible to solve the problem." When it comes to the wolf's tomb, Ling Feng's look is also solemn.


Clear and stunned, I couldn’t help but ask. "What trouble? Even the true God is very dangerous?"

She is very clear about the character of the ridiculous little seven. If a true God can do it, he will never talk about the true gods of other forces, and if he moves out of the four true gods, he still uses the words "may" to make it clear. Surprised.

"The Sirius Mausoleum!"

Ling Feng said with a dignified look. "This is the tomb of the beast and the wolf. It is not as simple as one or two. It is in the Tianlang Mountain. There is already a true God, so we are not killed."

"The true God is also tragic?"

The Qing was shocked and frowned. He said, "This seems to be very wrong. I was afraid that there was a problem with the wolf."

"Oh, naturally there is a problem."

Ling Feng proudly said: "The wolf that they found is a pit, it is a trap that Sirius deliberately set, and the real Sirius is not included."

"Can you be sure?" asked Qing.

"This is nature!"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "This kind of thing is not fully grasped, it will not take risks, but the depth of the wolf's tomb is not sure for the time being, so a true God is not enough, that is, the four true gods must be careful. ”


The Qing dynasty is full of enthusiasm. She knows how a terrible resource will be in the tomb of a beast. This can make a big clan grow up, and it can also rise up a big force like a god, and if this resource falls into their hands, it is a mediocrity. It is doubtful that the momentum of the Quartet's pure land into the star map will be unstoppable.

Therefore, this day is also a must for them.

"I have a problem." Qing Xiao Shen said, "I can try my best to shock the different kinds of protoss, can split the gods, the gods, the heavens, the three real forces of the real world, I am afraid not easy Agree."

She can trust the ridiculous little seven, but the three major forces are not, a martial **** can be sure that it is a wolf.

The martial gods and true gods who have died in these years are not all idiots?

"Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen, Qiu Shuyi, and Ming Hao are all in the domain of God, we can't hide." Ling Feng said regretfully. "In fact, I don't want to let them come, but I can't always put those four. Is it personally urgent?"


Looking at the small poor appearance of Ling Feng, Qing Yan and Jun Jun can not help but feel that this **** pit is to be swallowed up, but the other four people will not let him do this. In fact, she is such a thing, I am afraid Repel other forces.

"What do you want us to do?" Qing said the forehead.

"A month's period, the singer of the Tianlang Mountain, open the wolf's tomb." Ling Feng said with a voice.

"it is good!"

Qing Hao gently nodded, there is a month, I want to come to them can be stabilized, as soon as possible to rush to the Tianlang Mountain, and there are Qin Haotian they are involved, the three forces will not have any doubts.


Just as Ling Feng’s figure gradually became faint, Qing Xiao smiled and asked. “It’s said that the first star has produced a super god, killing the nine protoss, and making the whole star map messy. It seems that only one person can do it?"

This is the inquiry.

"Is it?"

Ling Feng was very serious about thinking about it before he shook his head and said. "I have never heard of it."


The figure exploded, and the mark in the demon stone was dimmed, and the qi and blood of the gas was boiling. She was sure that it was absolutely a waste of the door, but this Shenkeng worried that he would ask, and he would not let go.

"Super God, the brand of the demon stone, the secret of your body is really a lot."

Qing looked at the demon stone in her hand and grinned. She was more curious about this little teacher. "How did he do it?"


One month period.

For the true God like Qing, it is not difficult. The whole demon is controlled in her hands, and within a radius of a thousand miles, the alien protoss are all gone, and they dare not stay in the scope of the demon.

This demon will be terrible.

Therefore, it is a few days after the Qing dynasty disappeared, and it will not cause the attention of the alien protoss. But the three major forces are true gods. It is a problem to leave easily. Of course, this is not her concern.

In a star map, the domain is in full swing, and God 1 and God are incomparably strong. They are powerfully killed around the gods. They will kill each other, and the forced aliens will retreat. They dare not dare to get involved in that world.

The Sirius Mountain squad is also stabilized, so people can't peek into it, but this is also the initial squad. If you want to really not disturb anyone, you still have to wait for it to come out and use the real God's handwriting to cast it.


The star map is in chaos, the battle is in full swing, and in the gods, a battle has quietly come, and the Holy Land of the Emperor exchanges war with the Holy Land.

In the jihad, the gods were ridiculously riding the dust, and the three holy places were far away, which made them pay attention to them, especially the holy land of the people. They were miserable in the holy war, only one The squad smashed into the quarterfinals.

This is also a big blow for the Emperor.

Thus, after half a year of silence, the Emperor and the Holy Lord decisively proposed an exchange of war. After the sacred sacred sacred Lord, the battle came in a vigorous manner.

What is exchange war?

Nature is the battle of the strongest Wuzun under the Valkyrie. This is the same as the holy war. The difference is that it is not a elimination system, but a simple challenge. The venue is not a battle platform, but a battlefield.

On this day, in the floating gods, the mountains and the sea, the shoulders and the shoulders, every soul martyr is excited by this event. It has been a pity that I have never seen jihad, but now they have to make up for this great regret.

In particular, there were a few people in the gods, and they set foot on the peak of the holy war.

In such an atmosphere, what they long for is that God’s ridiculous genius reshapes such a miracle and curbs the momentum of the genius of the Holy Land.

Of course, what they value is that the martial arts from the Holy Land of the Emperor are terrible, mostly from that battlefield. Two years, let them grow to that step, it is also worthy of their vigilance.

The Emperor's Holy Land is an old man with a cool face, a bronze complexion, and a cold, imposing manner. He is telling his power. Undoubtedly, this is a martial art.

Behind him, there are seven full-fledged Wu Zun, each of which is very powerful. Most of the generation of Wu Zun two years ago also entered the martial arts, and now the generation of Wu Zun Real growth, how powerful they can play, is also expected.

The situation of the gods is the same, the situation is the same, the ridicule of the small seven is a unique existence, the same is the same as the people, now they have entered the star map, and who is the genius of the enemy emperor holy land?

I have to say that the gods are now experiencing problems. The Tianmen do not have to ask. They have been suppressed by the Qing dynasty. Until now, they are still worried. Naturally, they will not be shot. There is only one small seven in the barren door. There is only one cold as a month, but these two years are also a trace of the blasphemy, I am afraid that it will not appear because of this exchange war, then only the people are left.

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