Supreme Demon

Chapter 1054: Trauding monk

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters of treacherous monks

Qing Yun!

This is a river, the river is raging, and it is the largest river in the first star map. The rolling river can make a thousand miles, which is magnificent.

On the river, there is an ancient island with lush greenery. Even in the winter, it is like the spring season, the flowers and plants are blooming, the ancient trees stand, and the magnificent picture is outlined, and the whole ancient island is shrouded in the peerless sword array. The gods also want to be able to tear such a sword array.

Here is naturally the foundation of the proud.

In the first star map, Ao Xian is relatively strong, and their roots are not as concealed as the **** wind. Therefore, Ling Feng can easily be heard, and with the depth of the proud, it is not difficult to find out the foundation of the wind.

Bathing in the heat of the sun, Ling Feng flew to the Qingyun River, feeling the magnificent atmosphere, his heart is also stirring up, it is no wonder that Ao Xian can have such a chest, sometimes the terrain is able to affect people's chest, and proud fairy daily Both bear the Xiong Tao of this river, and the chest is naturally open.


When Ling Feng appeared on the top of the ancient island, the two gods of the arrogant celestial being appeared in front of him in an instant. They looked at him with a slight eye and watched him with vigilance. But the next moment, there was no turn to open the wind, one of them He has already recognized him.

"You are... that **** pit?" he said stunnedly.

"Do you want to do something?" Ling Fengqi's straight fangs, although he is very pit, but so straightforward to say, still make him angry.

"Cough, the domain of the **** domain?"

"It's me!" Ling Feng glanced at the man.

"What are you doing?" The man smiled. "Isn't there any big trouble in the domain?"

"Nature is not!"

Ling Feng smiled and said: "At present, the domain has been on the right track, is gradually approaching the proud fairy, you have to work hard, don't fall in front of my gods."

"Hugh think!"

"I have important things to do with Xiong Xiong." Ling Feng is not entangled in this topic, let the two lead the way, open the peerless sword array into the ancient island, but in his next sentence, he will get two The Wushen eyebrows directly flash the black line.

"This sword array is very overbearing. I heard that Xiong Xiong is a genius. Can you sell it?"


The two martial arts want to beat people, this is a problem, Xiong Botao is their lord, in the entire proud immortal is not to be insulted strong, and who dares to sell the lord.

"Cough, I asked the peerless swords to sell?" Looking at the face of the two martial arts gradually sullen, Ling Feng changed his mouth in time, the thief smiled.

However, the two martial arts gods are even more angry. This is their peerless sword array. It can suppress the Qingyun rivers and rivers. It is the root of them. How can this **** pit be closed and sold?

Besides, can a region of a godland kill can afford such a peerless sword?

"Well... it is to discuss with Xiong Xiong."


The two martial arts gods were awkward, and they were fiercely stunned. This person is really screaming and dying, and he has put his mind on the head of Ao Xian. If this person does not know them, it is the lord's Friends, they are now taking their hands.

Just because this person is too robbed, now they just want to send this person to the lord as soon as possible.

In a short time, Lingfeng three appeared in front of a bamboo house, surrounded by bamboo forests. The faint wind is playing a song of joy, and there is a kind of bamboo charm to listen to the wind. In this troubled star map, it is peaceful in the world. Such as.

"Little Seven, what are you coming from?"

Xiong Botao did not have any horror. When Ling Feng entered the ancient island, some people had already sent news. However, the purpose of the ridiculous Xiaoqi was to make him guess, the Qilin Protoss was destroyed, and the Dragon Protoss also died. The three thousand miles have been cleared, and now the sacred killings are in an unprecedented embarrassment, to open an unprecedented dynasty dynasty.

At this juncture, there seems to be nothing in the domain of the gods?

"Some important things." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"But it's fine." Xiong Botao invited Ling Feng into the bamboo house and waved the two martial arts back.

"Is that peerless sword sell?"


Xiong Bo’s mouth was straight and stunned, staring at Ling Feng, as if he could swallow him. His eyebrows were black and straight, and after a long while, he was faintly spit.. “Send customers!”

"do not!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "I really have something to do with this."

"As long as it is not the peerless swordsmanship, this kind of problem can be said to listen." Xiong Botao breathed a sigh of relief, and he did not see it for half a year. This pit is still... it is unpredictable.

"Do you sell it?" Ling Feng added a knife.

"Send customers!" Xiong Bo Tao Mo teeth, this guy is to do things?

"do not!"

Ling Feng grinned. "I did have something to do, but before that, I was really curious about you and the peerless sword."

"see a visitor out!"

"Cough, okay!" Ling Feng put away a cynical smile and said very seriously. "This matter involves too much importance, so Xiong Xiong should be cautious. I don't want a third person to know."

"Well?" Xiong Bo sneaked a sly, but when he thought about the nature of Ling Feng, he wondered if the next sentence would be.

Of course, he also saw the prudentness of the ridiculous Xiaoqi, so he shocked the 10,000 Dao Shenhong and directly sealed the entire bamboo house. Unless it was the Supreme Valkyrie, it was difficult to overheard their conversation.

"Can you talk now?"


Ling Feng walked two steps forward and sat down on the bamboo chair before he started. "Xiong brother, have you heard of the Sirius Mausoleum?"

"Is this not nonsense?"

Xiong Botao is very speechless. They once joined forces on Sirius to get rid of the genius of the Dragon Protoss. It is the Tianlang Mausoleum, but the Mausoleum is too deep, and non-manpower can be opened, so that they are helpless.

"I mean the real Tianlang Ling."

"What do you mean?" Ling Feng said without hesitation. "I want to open it."

"You think too much."

Xiong Botao was very helpless and shook his head. "The wolf's tomb was broken in the beginning of the day. No one can shake it yet. With the power of your **** domain, it is tantamount to hitting the stone with eggs."

"Do you think that is the real Tianlang Ling?" Ling Feng smiled and asked.

"What do you mean?"

Xiong Botao blinked and couldn't help but ask. "Isn't that the wolf's tomb?"


Ling Feng said with certainty: "In short, it is a **** pit of the beast and the **** wolf. It is not a problem to discern martial arts and aliens with ulterior motives and to bury a few true gods."

"then you……"

"What I want to say is the real Tianlang Ling."

"Where is it?" Xiong Botao's eyes suddenly brightened, shining with a hot atmosphere, staring at the ridiculous door and small seven, this is the mythical wolf to the treasure, once opened, I am afraid that the entire star map will be sensational.

Ling Feng smiled indifferently, calmly and Xiong Botao.

This also made Xiong Bo a glimpse, and instantly understood it. In such a place, Xiaomen Xiaoqi could easily tell him that before they did not enter the place, they would not disclose the points.

"You can be sure?"


Ling Feng said. "Because I came to meet you, my domain does not have the ability to shake the wolf's tomb, and only the astrology and the gods in the star map."

"What do you want us to do?" Xiong Botao asked with some vigilance.

"Nature is to open the wolf's tomb." Ling Feng is very surprised by Xiong Botao's reaction, said: "If we don't know each other, and I have a certain understanding of the two super-killed characters, I am definitely not doing such a thing. Will come to the business."

"If you say such a secret, don't you be afraid that I will detain you?"

Xiong Botao couldn't believe the ghost of Xiaomen Xiaoqi. He forced himself forward and sneered. "The secret is in our hands. Naturally, I can find a way to open it. Don't you think it is too risky?"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng seriously thought about it and said, "This is indeed the case, but what about it? Just don't know if you have this guts."

"Why not?"

Xiong Botao forced a step forward, and the smile on his face was extinguished instantly. The whole person became murderous, and the interests were touching. Even the proud ones were the same. Now they are their sites. The door is not difficult.

"Have you heard of Super God?" Ling Feng calmly glanced at Xiong Botao.

"Super God?"

Xiong Botao Meiyu gently twisted, it seems to be heard a little, but I can't think of it for a while, but the next moment he stood up and said, "What are you talking about?"

Even the nine Protoss have created the same style of blood. Who in the first star map can be more coquettish than him?

"What do you want to say?" he asked.

"The Qilin Protoss nest is obtained from the Ao Xian and Shenfengkou. The eight major Protoss nests come from the mouth of Yuxian." Ling Feng said very indifferently.

"It's you."

Xiong Botao was shocked and his face was white. In fact, before that, he had doubts before, but he told the Xiaomen Qilin’s beast nest. In less than two months, the entire Qilin Protoss nest was razed. Flat land.

But at that time, he did not think it would be a sacred killing, only because they did not have such ability, but now the ridiculous Xiaoqi is destroying his ideas.

"This is impossible!"

"Then you can detain me, I will know if you try." Ling Feng hands out, indicating that Xiong Botao can be tied.


Xiong Botao's eyes are shining, and his heart is very tangled. He really doesn't want to detain the ridiculous door. But this sac is almost mad at him again and again, naturally he wants to suffer some bitterness. But how can he be detained now?

That super **** is too bloody. If it appears in Ao Xian, God knows what will happen next time?

The most important thing is that he does not dare to gamble. Compared with the life and death of the entire proud fairy, the origin of the super **** is not so important. He took a deep breath and only faintly said. "The treacherous monk!"

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