Supreme Demon

Chapter 1057: The teacher really wants to die!

The first thousand and fifty-seven chapters of the teacher really want to die!


It is so vast that it is far from the end. Because it stands on the ground, it can only be seen as the tip of the iceberg, and the scent of the wildness covers the sky and makes the endless starry sky dim.

A thousand miles!

It is not golden enough, just because it is the underground palace, it is the celestial tomb, and the whole is cold gray, but every tomb that stands out is shining with a heavy momentum, like a true **** standing on it, stabilizing the sky More restraint of the Valkyrie, in the faint haze, people can only see the vague tombs, but the real face can only guess.

This is the heavenly wolf!

"Too amazing, there is such a world!" A martial god's eyes sparkled, completely dizzy, and he could not help but rushed toward the palace, and all of them were excited by the excitement.

"Don't!" Lingfeng drank, this palace is very strange, can break into the soul of people, tempting them to fly to the underground palace.

However, his big drink did not affect the martial art. He was excited all over the place, completely ignoring the surroundings, and the lightning approached the palace, trying to cross the smoky haze.


However, when he flew into the haze, the whole person was like a gray fly, instantly annihilated, and even the bones of the ashes did not start to be shocked, completely killed by the smoke, and this scene of the moment also made people cry. Shocked.

"No, this haze can confuse people, everyone is careful!" The lean old man also has a moment of confusion, letting the Buddha see a strain of the gods, a handle, and the source of the end. I am trying to call.

However, his heart is tenacious, he has stabilized his heart, and he is not affected by the smoke of the palace. Moreover, when he drank, he incorporated the spirit of the soul, which made people wake up from the dizziness. In fact, there are already several Valkyries. Stepping toward the haze, when they woke up, they couldn't help but sweat. If they were late, they would have to step on the footsteps of the Valkyrie.

"Stable, don't be affected."

Xiong Botao also shouted. "This is the wolf's tomb. At least one **** is buried. It is the supreme that even the true gods look up. It is almost at the end of the martial arts. Even if it has been buried, it must not be underestimated."

"Yes!" The people were pale, urging the gods to consolidate their souls, thus stabilizing the Tao, and even some people have been urging the spirit of the spirit to suppress the power of this temptation, only because they are worried about this situation. They will still be affected and unconsciously have entered the underground palace.

"We teamed up and tried our best to cut off this haze!" The lean old man burst into drink. At this time, they naturally would not have any doubts. This is indeed the real wolf's tomb, but the smoke is too embarrassing, a four-level The **** of martial arts was an instant smog, and God knew how terrible the power was.

In this case, they naturally do not tear the haze alone, it is tantamount to digging the grave.


Xiong Botao’s forehead, this haze also makes him feel tricky, and the Sirius Mausoleum is in front of you. They will not give up easily when they are not in a desperate situation. When the voice falls, everyone will move forward. Shenhong all played and flew toward the underground palace.

"Hey, hey..."

However, the scene of the cockroach appeared, and the endless sacred rainbow flew into the haze, and the smoldering smoke was extinguished. That is, the martial **** launched the sacred soldier, and in the smog, it was smashed and turned into a powder.

And when people were scared, the smoke suddenly shook a little, and the next moment, a big smoke, suddenly came out of it, grabbed a martial god, smashed his life, even blood and water Did not ooze, only because the blood has been smouldering.


The lean old man and Xiong Botao are all shocked. The big smoke is too horrible, and the four fingers of the gods can be killed. This is the power to destroy all beings. It is not the match of the six-level armed gods in their area. And once you touch it, you will die.


However, the smoked hand was very fast, and caught up with a martial **** in the blink of an eye, directly piercing his chest, so that the martial **** was terrible, and in his savage voice, his chest was gray and spread to the whole body. Like a curse in the middle, it annihilates in an instant.

"The trouble is big!"

Ling Feng’s face is also ugly to the extreme. This real wolf’s tomb is more shocking than the fake one. This smoke is not a martial art, even if he urges the interception. It is easy to touch, and once it is stared at by the smoker, I am afraid that the situation of the cliff will come, and it will not save.

People are flying and want to stay away from the right and wrong.

However, the smoke of the big hand flashed away, and fell into the haze, the whole world has also calmed down, but it is to let Lingfeng breathe a sigh of relief.

"too terrifying!"

The martial arts are horrified, and they breathe one by one. They are high gods among the mortals, and here they are like ants, and they are thin old people, Xiong Botao, and can’t understand what the smoke is like. The power, or substance.

"I don't move, don't you give up like this?" Xiong Bo was not reconciled, but he did not dare to take risks. In this pioneer, Ao Xian has already died of four martial arts, and there are more gods and five. There are many.

And if you force a cigarette, I am afraid that everyone will be buried here.


The lean old man squinted at his eyes and said, "This is indeed the real wolf's tomb, but with our current strength, it does not move at all."

When the voice fell, people’s eyes fell on Ling Feng’s body and said, “Little Seven, did you say that you have invited a few true gods? Why haven’t they appeared yet? Are you trying to use us as the main force? Come and open the wolf's tomb?"

"Nature is not!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "I have said before, our purpose is to tear the space, to accurately control the position of the wolf's tomb, but you are too impulsive, and once you come up, you will open the palace tomb. What can I do?"

"You are paralyzed!"

The skinny and old-fashioned eyelids are straightforward. Why didn’t they stop them before this pit? They also joined forces with them. At this time, they even made up the knife, but they still refute it.

"What about God?" Xiong Bo said with a cold face.

"It will take a while." Ling Feng said with no certainty that this woman is too overbearing, not that he can control, even though the time they have agreed is already coming, but she does not appear, what can you do?

"You won't marry us?" The lean old man and Xiong Botao felt that they were very wrong in their hearts. Why do you believe this pit so easily?

"will not!"

Ling Feng opened his mouth, but it was not his voice that rang through the world, but a cold and squeaky female voice, slightly tender, but the overbearing in the bones was reflected in the sound.

A woman came from afar, she looked like a singer, there was a small playfulness in the cold, a strong coat, a pair of small boots, a red silk belt around the waist, like a rainbow drift, there is the momentum of the sun and the moon.

Only she is alone, but she is suppressing the whole world.

Before the space, it was the murderous squadron, but at this time, the stalk of the stalk flew away, and the sacred power did not dare to move forward, and the Qing dynasty rushed into the space, and the tyrant mountain river The temperament, interpretation of the best.

Years have passed.

The Qing dynasty is even more different. She took a stronger step with the help of the gods and the gods, and entered the seven-level true state. When the two are one, it is the eight-level true god, but she is not allowed to be her. Get rid of it, you can fight in the real world, but not anyone can do it.

"Sister, you are coming!"

Ling Feng’s face was white for a moment, but in a moment he showed a smile, and the fart and the fart flew over, and he was very diligent.

"I am coming, are you not happy?" Qing Xiao faintly took a look at Ling Feng.


Ling Feng said very seriously. "Sister, we have found the position of the real Tianlang Ling, but it is too dangerous, has buried the life of several Valkyrie, I am also looking forward to the arrival of the sister."

"Is that the case?"

"of course."

"Well..." Qing looked at the front and said quietly. "Can you remember what you said before?"

"What?" Ling Feng had the urge to escape.

"Do you think that the sister is thinking of you?" Qing Yan turned his head and looked over, and the pupil flashed a glimmer of light.

"I am!"

Ling Feng was shocked at once, directly urging the inch of God, it is necessary to take it away, but what about the inch? In the face of peerless cleansing, this power was unbearable, and the next moment, Qing Yuyu's hand flashed, pinching Ling Feng's ear and pulling it back.

She said with a smile: "The sister really wants to die!"


With the constant smashing and smashing of the hands of Qing Yuyu, Ling Feng’s face is constantly deformed, and even the ears are rotated in a circle. This is the hand of the true god, which can make the **** of death hurt, but does not flow a drop of blood. .

Let everyone look at each other, and then turn around and can't help but turn too cruel.

"This is the price of offending the little sister!"

Ling Feng’s heart screamed at the sky, and he said that the child of Ling Feng was badly played.

After a long while, Qingyi released the jade hand and said with a smile. "It is said that the heavier the injury, the deeper the love, the younger brother, what do you think of the expression of the sister?"

"call out!"

Ling Feng instantly smashed, this little demon is too cruel, and he did not break into the true state of God, he still should not offend, of course, he also has evil thoughts in his heart, and fall in love with the cute little sister.

But in an instant, that thought was annihilated by his life. This little sister is just a long-lived man. In fact, he has lived for thousands of years.

"This day, the wolf's tomb is a bit weird, and the smoke will be awkward!"

When the Qing dynasty looked at the smoke of the palace, the eyes suddenly became dignified, and such a haze made her feel awkward.

Ps.. rhinitis committed, slumber for a long time, the idea is unclear, originally wanted to update the five chapters, but it can not hold it.

If it is better tomorrow, the fragrance will also be stabilized in five chapters. First, thank you for your support. It is also the addition of four hundred votes, and there are 70,000 fans.

I don't know if you can't spend Christmas, but I still want to bless you here. Merry Christmas.

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