Supreme Demon

Chapter 1062: True dragon

The first thousand sixty-two chapters of true dragon

One thing!

It is not a golden non-jade, the endless stream of gods, like a cluster of flames, living in Huangquan, never annihilating, but also like a drop of spring water, clear crystal, horrified aura, only nail size, but Can detonate a frenzy.

It can hold the yellow spring, but it can also set off a magnificent, this is the center of the entire Huangquan, is the most magical thing.

At present, Ling Feng has no time to study that thing, but as long as he succeeds, he has time. It is undoubted that the thing is terrible, that is, the burning of the fire is annihilated, and the interception of the sky is automatically shot. Very vigilant about that thing.

"Life and death!"

Ling Fengyi, although he couldn't see through that thing, he could faintly guess that it was because of its extraordinaryness that Huang Quan could be cast.

Six hours.

That Huang Chun, all of them fell into the space of the psychic space, but the space of tearing has not yet stabilized, and the cave bridge has also revealed a hole, even if there is a violent suppression, but the horror of Huang Quan is gradually presented. It can melt the ancient gods of the gods, which is afraid that the gods never thought of it.


Ling Feng spurted blood, and the power of Huang Quan’s destruction was too overbearing. Between his confrontation, he also suffered a rebellion, deep into the bone marrow, and made his face pale, worthy of swallowing the best float to cure internal injuries.

And people still maintain their posture, stunned, and have a feeling of suffocation. This sac has swallowed Huang Quan in one breath, especially the power of the two martial arts. It is simply ruining, even Huang Quan can not be melted, and life is endless. .

What kind of power is this?

I have to say that at this moment, people have a new understanding of the ridiculous small seven, that is, the Qing dynasty is also full of surprise, she is already scary enough, and the ridiculous small seven is to overturn her magic, to start from scratch Start by creating a myth that is unique to you.

"He has passed!" said the clear and faint.

In a word, the truth is broken, Huang Quan represents annihilation, and Nie is endless, and the fire is reborn. Only such a force can hold the melting of Huang Quan, but it can also be seen that Overbearing, once the fire of the burning road is growing up, it will be the supreme power of the world.

Nothing to fight!

“Truth, mysterious space ring!”

Qing dying, she looked at the ridiculous door, and the younger brother couldn’t see through it. The treasures on her body had an endless feeling, and she was all red-eyed. It will trigger a riot, not to mention the **** of war, that is, the true God will try its best to compete.

"Small seven, what about the ring for me?" Qing Yu approached, exhaled as the blue said.

"Don't do it!"

Ling Feng directly pouted, this ring is connected with his blood, there are many magic, and now there is the life and death of Huang Quanzhong, he naturally will not come out easily, and he knows too much about this little sister, fell to her In the hands, it is not as simple as watching.

"Small air bag!"

"Hey, Huang Quan is gone. You can't pass it." Ling Feng said weakly, although he is physically strong, the healing power of Fuquan's best is extraordinary, but Huang Quan's rebellious power is particularly horrible, so he can't recover now. .

"I have been afraid that I can't fight these days." He added another sentence.

"Well, you have worked hard."

Muchen said with a smile: "Next, let us know."

He couldn't wait to rush up and give the big door a big hug. When they were all overwhelmed, the ridiculous Xiaoqi gave such a big surprise and opened the door of the Sirius Mausoleum. This is enough.

When the voice fell, he went to the front of the hole, and he shot a soldier and flew to the bridge. At this time, the scene of the ghost did not appear again. The soldiers fell straight on the bridge, without any damage.

However, Muchen did not relax his vigilance, and he successively shot a few squadrons and flew to the Quartet. Even if there was a squadron and a spurt of the squad, it was also unaffected, which made everyone feel relieved.

"It seems that there is nothing dangerous, we can finally walk into the mausoleum."

Gu Qing laughed and said. "But everyone still has to be careful. Even Huang Quan has appeared. This day, in the wolf's tomb, there may be more terrible murders."


The people said calmly, at this time, they really realized the importance of the seven gods and the four true gods. Without their words, even if they knew the position of the wolf's tomb, they would not come in.

"go ahead!"

Muchen moved forward and flew directly through the scope of Huangquan. His body was not scattered, he did not suffer any danger, and people followed closely. All of them fell on the bridge of the gods, and the tight body could not help but relax. a bit.

Shenqiao is very calm.

After a quarter of an hour, the people flew down the bridge and saw a medicine garden far away. They were flying on Tianyu, seemingly flush with them, but they were already flying above the underground palace.

The medicinal garden was shining around, and there was a faint flash of light. It was instantly lost in the medicine garden, and the distance was near, and people did not smell the herb. This is no different, let them think it might be a scary again. Fierce land.

However, Ling Feng does not think so. The tiantian butterfly in Dantian has already stood up, and his eyes are twinkling, like two bright lights, which also means that the garden is true, not a terrible fierce land.

"call out!"

At the moment when people hesitated, Ling Feng was the first to fly into the distance, and the gods and medicines were all flying. These are the gods and the gods. Every plant has born a creature, and there is a flying god. At the time, they naturally will not stay in place.

However, there is a ban on the pharmacy around the pharmacy. Although it is not very strong, the herb can't be taken away. In this shackle, there is also a sacred spirit, which can surround the world of aura and star power. Converged and introduced into the medicine garden to raise these **** medicines.

It is precisely because of this, for tens of thousands of years, the gods of the gods and the gods of the gods will be born.

"Lock the dragon!"

Ling Feng is very fast, lightning shot, a true magic drug is caught in the hand, the **** medicine is cast like silver water, shining with a stunning light, rich aroma, almost to swallow the world, and the spirit of the soul is more It is crazy to rush to Ling Feng.

However, the lock dragon can not only succumb to the power, but also the mental power, so that the real magic drug can not move, he was scored into the spirit beads.

In the next moment, he flew again, and immediately banned a whole body of true black medicine. This kind of true medicine, which is similar to the potion, is very overbearing. It can refine the true magical medicine, which is conducive to the refinement and transformation of the gods.


Muchen whispered, he can clearly know that the ridiculous Xiaoqi is an alchemy genius, deep in Dandao, too familiar with all kinds of sacred medicines, true **** medicine, he first rushed in, I am afraid that will be the most The top herbs are all removed.

Moreover, like this herb, don't subconsciously think that Lingfeng will take it out equally, and he will definitely be included in those two.

This is a creation, but the creation of each other is different. The first to succeed is more than the slower.

When the voice fell, the four true gods also flew into the medicine garden, and they took the strong magical medicine. Anyone can see that the real medicine is more precious than the magical medicine, but what they can’t imagine is that the true medicine is There are only four poor ones in this world, and two of them have already fallen into the hands of the ridiculous Xiaoqi, and Qingyi has taken a step faster than them and got the third strain.

The fourth strain fell into the pocket of Muchen, which is going to take Gu Qing and the ancestors out of the air, so they can only pick up the magical medicine, but in this medicine garden, there are not many Qi Shen medicines, the number is very rare. There are only two types, only eight, which is already very bad.

But what makes people stunned is that the speed at which Ling Feng took the shot was not slow. He was so slippery that he could always hit the squad and provoke the three true gods to be silent.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen, Ming Yu, Qiu Shuyi, proud birds and proud fairy, the wind also rushed in, the most difficult moment has passed, now is the time when receiving goods, they naturally Can't miss this feast.

However, the true **** medicine and the strange medicine are too rare, they have no chance at all, but this medicine garden is very great, and there are quite a few **** medicines. It is only a long-distance look. Only 12 extraordinary ones can be seen. God medicine only.

Carpet-style sweep!

The whole medicinal garden was completely chaotic, and the medicine was scared away, but it still fell into people's pockets. Four gods, proud birds, and two big killings were very amazing, but tea martial arts, everyone I got a dozen herbal medicines, and they are all amazing medicines, far from those obtained in the star map.

And this is just the beginning.


Ling Xuewen moved forward, but grabbed it, but the dark gold **** medicine, very slippery, slipped directly from her jade, let her look a glimpse, full of stunned, when can the medicine escape the power of the Valkyrie?

Therefore, she flew in the air and raised her hand.

At this time, what made her laugh and cry was that the magical medicine had stretched out two claws and quickly walked away into the distance. It looked like a real dragon. It was not so embarrassing, but it was very deep, and the head was born with a dragon's horn and its eyes were sprouting. The small scales reflect the faint purple awns, and the seeds of a strange **** medicine are in the mouth, lifelike.

"Is it a true dragon medicine?" Ling Xuewen exclaimed.

However, when she chased a few steps, the eyes suddenly burst into a sharp edge, and there was even more incredible color in the pupil. It was because the "Dragon Dragon Medicine" was just scattered with the light, and it was extraordinary and beautiful. Wu Zun.

But the problem is also here, Wu Zun-class creatures, will there be divine power?

This is impossible.

There is only one kind of creature, that is the beast, and it is not an ordinary beast. From the shape of this "real dragon medicine", it is simply a real dragon, but it can actually pretend that it looks like a magical medicine. Cute, but it makes people laugh.

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