Supreme Demon

Chapter 1071: Torn the skin

The first thousand seventy-one chapter tears the skin

The whole world is so indulged!

In the dark sea, the Qing dynasty and the shepherd's four people, each with a pale face and a big breath, the innocent bones of one eye, can make them annihilate, if it will be ruthless in the peak period?

This is not a god, the **** is not so shocked, people feel that it is expected to wear for thousands of years, cut off the ancient floods, it is likely to be the power that Shentong must look up.

Five days.

They flew a thousand miles. When the power rises and they return to the peak, many people can't help but scream in the sky. Before they were desperate, they fell into a realm and wanted to return. Is it so easy?

Many people will run out for decades, and they have already reached the peak, and now they have fallen into the altar, and this gap is almost collapse.

"Not annihilation!"

Shepherd said: "The one can crush the realm of the warrior, but it will not push us down the altar. It should be a taboo."

"If it weren't for the brilliance of the sky, we have buried the dark sea at the moment."

The clear and dignified said: "The land of the wilderness is too embarrassing, we still leave the dark sea immediately, don't delay, once the wild land is reappeared, no one of us can leave alive."


For a time, everyone was secretly from the forehead, that is, the true gods were scared, and the bones were terrible. Until now, they still have a lingering fear. More importantly, they are not sure that the wild land will not be pursued.

In this case, leaving immediately is the best policy.


Ling Feng squinted and took a step forward. The interception of the sky was too unique. The butterfly was too mysterious. If the creature was born in the bone, it was the real life to the two gods.

Therefore, he also urgently wants to get out of the Tianlang Mausoleum immediately.


Seven days later, people flew out of the dark sea, and they never felt the breath of the ancients, and they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Then they went straight ahead without any hesitation, because they had been evacuated by them. A place worthy of attention.

All the way.

Huang Quan has already fallen into the spirit of the beads, and naturally will not threaten people's lives. Only the smoke is shocking, but in the case of the Qing Dynasty, the four gods join hands, and there are also the seven small knives. People are also shocked and fleeing out of the Sirius Mausoleum.


When the haze re-emerged and the whole mausoleum was shrouded, people couldn’t help but spit out a sigh of breath and reached out to wipe the cold sweat on their foreheads. This road flew, they were tight all day, each nerve They can all kill people, but now they have finally come out, there is a sense of seeing the sky.

"It’s a pity to never see the Sirius Mausoleum!" Zu Kong grinned.

"Maybe it is buried on the other side of the dark sea!" Muchen guessed. "However, is a beast and a wolf in the area, can you urge the wilderness?"

This is also the doubt of people.

The land of the wilderness is too fierce, and the ones buried in it are all fierce, especially the bones. One eye can get rid of the true God, and the gods can't naturally drive it, and this is the key to the problem.

Where did the wild land come from? How can it appear in the Tianlang Mausoleum?

Everyone pondered for a moment, after all, they didn't want to understand, but for them, it was no longer important. In this trip, they got the most precious stars, there are so many, there are four strains of true **** medicine. The gods also have four handles, even the real dragons have been stunned, and ... fairy.

"Unfortunately, that fairy did not get it." Gu Qing said very sadly.

"It's a pity!"

Shepherd said. "However, even the **** beast does not get the fairy, we can't be too greedy."

Next, it is the problem of balance.

With the previous rules, the splitting **** Tianmuchen had to sacrifice some treasures to Lingfeng and Qingyi, and the proud fairy and the **** wind had to come out with some treasures. After all, they got too much before.

And the true scripture of the proud bird is completely deducted from the 10%, and there is also the help of the wind, but it is not necessary to take it out again, showing the situation of "all happy", of course, let people know that the fairy has already If you fall into the hands of the little seven, you are afraid that you will tear his heart.

That is the fairy!

Compared with it, Zhenlong, Jiuyou Leiyan, Zhenjing, and even the gods and true **** medicines are not enough to see, the real dragon can enter the heavenly state, but the fairy spirit can give birth to a terrible heavenly and strong.

This is the essential difference!

When everyone suppressed the excitement, Ling Feng said, "Now the entire star map is afraid of chaos, and what we have to do is to take the fire!"

"What are you doing?" asked Muchen.

"Before I left, I had baited out. Once the star map was chaotic, someone would throw a bait. I think the pressure on the star map is not too small." Ling Feng blinked and smiled. "But it is not enough!" ”

"What can we do?" At this moment, the four true gods faintly regarded the ridiculous door Xiaoqi as the center.

"Showing the sturdy side of my four sides, swaying the Protoss!"

Ling Feng said coldly. "This will bring more pressure to the killing of the middle ground, and also give us a firm foundation for the next purpose."


The four true gods instantly understood that the strength of the Quartet’s pure land will also strengthen their supporters, so that they can stand firmly on this side, and the protoss who can’t beat will only target the weak mid-range as a target. Killing anger.

In this way, the star maps are dominated by one, and the pressure is big, and it will collapse sooner or later.

"What's next?" Qing Xiao asked with a smile.

"Tear the face!"

Ling Feng said with a voice: "We have created such a situation, and if the star map is strong, it can still hold on, it also means that their background is strong, can ignore people's anger, so that the situation alone is not enough. We want to let some of the strongest forces in the middle area stand up and welcome me to the four sides to enter the star map."


Everyone blinked, and the situation was indeed deducted in the direction of Ling Feng’s foreboding. However, the middle-class is hostile to the Quartet, can you easily loosen it?

It’s easy to ask for a strong force to stand up.

"Which power?" Ling Feng pondered for a moment, only a faint opening.

"Zero family!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, this is a good tiger skin. When it can be used, Ling Feng will not hesitate to do so, but the Zero family is not so easy to get it, and the scale of this is to be grasped very well. Only then.

"This is the purpose for you to let zero repair into the domain of the gods?" asked the clear smile.

"of course not!"

Ling Feng said with great sorrow: "If there is no such talent in zero repair, it is not worth training. I naturally will not allow it. Can I say that I am such a person?"

"you are!"

When the words of Qing dynasty fell, the others also had a symbolic forehead, which made Ling Feng very hurt, and his first name was destroyed at this moment.


Qing Qing looked at the ridiculous door, Xiaoqi, and asked with a dignified face.

"It is the negotiation!"

Ling Feng said: "The situation in the middle of the field is very dangerous, and it is very strong. It is probably the case, but I believe that not every clan can't see this. The four sides of our land come in, it is dangerous but more favorable."

"Now, I only hope that there will be no zero family on the star map!"

The arrogant and the gods have left, and the situation of the first star map is really not optimistic. They have to rush back in the first time. Of course, they must be grateful to the ridiculous door. In the tomb, they don’t have much effort. But the creation is too much.

This is already a gift.

Of course, Ling Feng also did not worry about the news that these two kills would leak. Once such a secret is leaked, no one can live. With so many creations, no one will be stupid to die.

Muchen, Zukong, Gu Qing also left, the sixth star map also wants them to prop up the whole situation, the more the four sides of the pure land is dazzling, their negotiations will be easier, and if they fall on the journey, then It also represents the incomparable incompetence of the Quartet, and the star map will naturally not let them in.

Every step is a success or failure!

However, Qingyi did not leave immediately. The slaying of the scorpion was not so fragile. Without her, the Protoss would be frustrated and afraid to get involved in the half step, and she had more important things to do.

What is negotiation?

Let a martial **** negotiate with a big clan?

This is simply impossible, at least it can also represent the pure land of the Quartet. At this point, Qingyi is the first choice, and the seventh level is really strong, and will be heavily charged in the bargaining chip.

The return of Ling Feng and others naturally excites the entire **** domain and the beasts, especially Yongqing and Zhuling. The things they do, Shenyi and Shen2 may not be clear, but they are both clear and clear. Chu.

When Ling Feng showed the treasures one by one, the two also stunned. Even though they were the gods of war, they could not help but lose their minds at this moment.

Of course, this is not surprising. When they learned that Qingyi was sitting in the Tianlang Mountain, the whole day was blown up. The breath of the true God is subverting the sky, which also makes the gods who are exhausted. God II has a **** spurt, many of them have never seen the true God in this life.

At night, Ling Feng summoned zero repairs and negotiated with him for a whole night.

At the beginning, zero repair was strongly refuted. He was alienated from the clan. He was not so close. It was too difficult to see the old man. Besides, he still had to lead a character from the Quartet. I was afraid that he had already been in front of the door. Boomed out.

However, Ling Feng repeatedly lured, even at the expense of "heavy gold", even more threats of life and zero repair, so that it is a heart-breaking, but also gnashing teeth, and under the shameless magic of Ling Feng, zero repair finally nodded But he can't guarantee that they can definitely see the old man.

"Zero repair, you are a very talented genius, will be my **** domain, and even the Xeon of the entire star map." Ling Feng feels great, patted the shoulders of zero repair.

"But before you, this is not the case." Zero repair does not appreciate, grinning and saying: "Zero repair, this fear is afraid, the guy who has no interest, when can become Xeon?"

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