Supreme Demon

Chapter 1074: The power of a word

The power of the first thousand and seventy-four chapters

"To the dead party!"

These four words are screaming and screaming, and he has always felt that the gods are the killers of Shenwu. Once they reach the point of life and death, the aliens will be killed, but now they are just grinding the young martial gods and true gods. .

Yes, it’s more cruel than he imagined. The gods are not trying to kill the Protoss, but not!

The gods are currently the strongest people of the human race. If they are involved in the battle, it is equivalent to bringing the whole situation closer to the final battle. Or the human race, or the aliens sweeping the human race, there is only one ending.

Therefore, the world of gods will always be retired.

"Old man, I feel that the situation at the moment is very dangerous?" Zero Rainbow trembled, but still could not help but ask, not life and death, he did not want to let the four sides of the pure land of the characters come in.

"Nine deaths!"

"What if the characters from the Quartet come in?"

"You still don't understand!"

The old man said with a strong heart. "They are coming, this is the most powerful answer!"

"I understand!"

Zero rainbow secretly nodded, respectful worship, he will never question the old man, it is this old man who picked up the whole family, without him there will be no brilliant clan today, such a character will naturally not be targeted.

"Remember, the pure land of the Quartet can be delayed, and the worse the situation worsens, the better for them, but we can't afford it."

The old lady's look eased a few points and said: "In this situation, we still have the strength to curb the momentum of the Quartet, and once..."

"Zu and grandchildren have been taught."

In this respect, the old man is paying more attention to the middle ground. If the situation is not forced, the old man will not be willing to let the four sides go deep into their hinterland.

"And, the attitude is good, there must be no complaints!"



Under the mountain, a thatched cottage.

At this moment, Qingyi, Lingfeng, and zero-corrected calm sitting, and outside the thatched house, there is a martial art, all from the zero family. They smiled and said: "My grandfather is invited, please People enter my family."

"Is there something?" Ling Feng asked not salty.

"This... the old man did not explain." The stranger said bitterly.

This is not the first time they have come to invite them. Before that, the two gods who were sitting in the "mountain gate" of the town had come and had the embarrassment of the old man. They naturally did not dare to be proud, and they put the gesture very low. .

The problem is that the two characters from the Pure Land of the Quartet turned their faces. They were sitting in the thatched cottage like a grandfather. They couldn’t come out. This almost blew the two, but they did not dare to disobey the old man. Meaning, try to express their goodwill as much as possible.

However, it was rejected.

"I still have something!"

This is a refusal in disguise, let the Zero family suffocate the hair, but also insist on a smile, respectfully left.

The third, fourth, fifth... unprecedented boiling, the first few days are still cold and proud of the zero family, at this moment, they are left out, let a lot of popular people want to beat people, but the old master ordered them to resist, as long as possible Lower your posture.

Most importantly, they simply can't figure out the situation.

Finally, at the ninth time, Ling Feng accepted the kind invitation of the Zero-American grandfather and agreed to go back with them. This made people feel relieved and secretly squeezed a sweat.

This is definitely a pit, the old man refused nine times, and he did the same.

The question is, can you tell him what to do.


Zero family hall!

The old man sat on the purple gold chair, his eyes were dim, like sleeping, and his body was shocking and stirring, and he gave a strong sense of oppression in this hall, which made people feel awe.

At the bottom, Qing and Ling Feng are closing their eyes. They are very jealous of the old man in front of them. The pressure of the gods on that day almost suffocated them, but the old master is just right, and it does not threaten the point of their life and death. .

What's more, these two are gods and strong geniuses, a cross-pushing true God, a burning road proud of the world, and thus have not been affected, at least on the surface.

"Old man, your purple gold chair is going to crack!"

Not long after, Ling Feng's faint opening, said with a smile.

"After life is awesome!"

The old man opened his eyes and said with a smile: "This talent is too rare in the martial arts."

He was shocked in his heart, and the momentum of the gods did not surprise the two men. The Qing Dynasty is the true God. Although there is such a capable ability, a second-level martial art can hold it and make him really hurt.

Are young people now so scary?

After the waves of the Yangtze River push the waves, do they have to die on the beach?

"Grandpa, invite us to come over, just to say this?" Ling Feng grin, he has no respect for this cunning old man, the old man who can fight with him, may not necessarily eat this set.


The old man opened his mouth, and he couldn’t speak. The original words can still be said.

This should have been for him. The two people in the Pure Land are asking them to be right. But this young man is smearing the facts and messing up his rhythm in one sentence.

However, when it comes to star maps, he doesn't care much about these details.

"Who is the slaying of the top ten Protoss nests?"

The old man asked awkwardly, but his expression was dignified and he wanted to know the real answer.

"It's us!"

Ling Feng did not conceal, the top ten Protoss nests are messing up the whole situation, they do not say, such an old man, naturally guessed, and on such an old antique, concealed is not as honest.

"There is a super **** in the domain!"

"Although this situation is very unfavorable to us, we have to say... you are doing beautiful!" said the old man, laughing and laughing. "The Ten Protoss threaten too much, and I have been waiting for the star map to do so. No one has seen this danger."

"Old Master is wise!" Ling Feng took a big ass.

"Oh, I’m listening to such a flattering."

The old man said very much that he didn't buy it. "But I am very curious, you are so sure that I will invite you to come over?"

"Not sure."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "The old man's heart is deep, and our juniors are naturally invisible."


The old lady’s mouth lingered, and said for a moment. “Your intention, I know, but what if I refuse?”


Ling Feng eyes flashed, clapping.. "This is beyond our expectations, the sisters let us go!"

When he finished, he stood up and walked directly to the outside of the hall, and the Qing dynasty also flew out in a dull manner. There was a wonderful thing about the ridiculous door, and what she could do was a display, and of course a vase.


If it weren’t for hundreds of years of cultivation, the old man would want to swear, and this is where the **** did not follow the routine.

However, when the two people entered the zero family, many things have been characterized. Whether they agree with the four pure land to enter the star map, or disapproval, they are branded with the pure land of the Quartet. This is indisputable. fact.

"Young people, be calm!"

The old man said with a smile: "I am just talking to you, but I will not really refuse."

"This way!"

So, Ling Feng came back again.

"I want to ask, if I refuse, what will the Quartet be?"

"There is no such possibility, you have already said, you will not really refuse!"


The old man took a deep breath and stopped the anger in his heart. Until then, he really learned the horror of the ridiculous little seven. "What can you give me?"

This time, he went straight to the subject.

"The friendship of the Quartet!"

Ling Feng said directly: "There is also an ambition to compete in the world, Shenwu mainland is too small, and the Zero family will not be lonely, I think we can union."

The old man is heartbroken.

The friendship between the four Pure Lands is too important, but their ambitions are not here, but the more distant stars. Their journey is the sea of ​​stars, and it is not until this moment that he really understands that the middle field loses and loses in the eyes. Also lost in the pattern.

The Quartet is pure land, not intended to be in the middle.

"What can I give you?" asked the old lady.

"One sentence!"


How big is the energy of a sentence.

For many people, it is a turbulent air, as thin as a cloud of smoke, not to be shocked, but for others, they can start a sigh of relief in a word, heavy and heavy.

When the star chart nearly collapsed, the zero-ranking old man who had been in the state of retreat finally spoke up.

"Please ask the Quartet for pure land!"

Star maps are strong and overbearing, and they are very strong. They can ignore people's requests, but they are not tyrannical enough to ignore the huge monsters of the Zero family. Moreover, this is a chain reaction.

It is more than one force that is rooted in the Zero family.

That is a group of forces!

When the Zizu flag clearly stated its position, those younger brothers naturally spurred their strength, shook their flags, and feared that they were one step late. Therefore, one big force stood up and there was only one sentence.

"Please ask the Quartet for pure land!"

And when such a momentum gradually became vast, the star map Xeon also collapsed in this endless pressure. They could not persist, and the entire middle domain had the power of one of the four sides, completely falling to the pure land of the Quartet.

What is even more frightening is that after the Zero family, another big clan stood up and said the same thing. No matter what the heart is, the situation has reached this point, and they have no choice.

Moreover, the late step is equivalent to offending the Quartet, and no force is foolish to this point.

This is the real trend!

"It is!"

At this moment, the Wushen, Wuzun, and even the true gods who are fighting in the Pure Land of the Quartet are relieved. They know that the Baden Xiaoqi has done it, and no one can slap their footsteps.

This day will be a Pure Land Day!

"Come on, we will be amazing in the world!"

Ling Feng was in the air and looked at the distance. He knew that there was a force that was finally coming. They had been looking forward to it for many years, and now they will be marching from the stars to the world and embarking on eternity.

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