Supreme Demon

Chapter 1076: Vulcan

The first thousand and seventy-six chapters of Vulcan

The mountain range, in front of the ruins.

One person is as tall as a loose, Junyi is a god, and his eyes are cold-eyed in front of him. His back is a green dragon and a knife. The momentum is sharp. It is like a scabbard. Although it is only a martial art, it can force the mountains and rivers. Push the power.

This is the leader of the anti-God generation, he is cold and proud!

In the anti-God, he has a colder name - Vulcan. After Yunxi, there is a genius who controls the flame, but he is different from Yunxi. It is the qualitative change of the flame. Simple In other words, he divides the flame into nines, each of which corresponds to a level of flame, and the distinction of the flame is seen from the color, also like a rainbow.

Of course, this man is really terrible. His talent is overbearing. It is the first one to change from the original method to the emptiness of the gods. The whole person has been reborn. Now he is called the trump card of the god, very important.

In fact, before Ling Feng left, he had pushed the Void Shinto to differentiate the true power of Shinto, not the empty road. This is naturally more conducive to rebelling against the gods. At the moment he handed the Shinto to Bai Ze. It also means reversing the rebellion of the gods.

In fact, those who can enter the star map are either martial arts. They have their own martial arts. Naturally, they will not change easily. This is a big taboo. Of course, only when they step into the martial arts, this is the other way. It is a genius that has changed from the original method to the emptiness of the Shinto, which is more suitable for the star map.

And now, they are finally here.

On this day, it is not Qin Yutian who is responsible for meeting the gods, but Ling Feng. He can’t wait to see the people against it. One is in the past two years. He wants to know the current situation of the gods. .

Although he knows that the cold is coming, the butterfly is taking the **** domain as the core, radiating the entire star map, one by one, if it is not Ling Feng, the atmosphere of the emptiness and the inch of God, I am afraid it is hard to detect.

However, they are too important. Once they appear, they will certainly alert some people. They must know that since he walked into the Zero family, it has already attracted people's attention. It is like a bright light that can be easily seen.

In this case, if the butterfly is exposed, then waiting for them is assassination, endless assassination!

Ling Feng will not be so an idiot!


He saw a lot of people flying in the distance. When the Quartet came in, the middle field was very uncomfortable, but it was also unstoppable. Now there is a huge monster of the zero family next to the square. The star map Wushen naturally does not dare to offend, like entering They are not obstructed by such small demands as the Divine.

"Come to stop!"

Ling Feng looked at the one who was headed, could not help but grin, although he is not familiar with this person, but he can recognize the unique logo of the anti-God, and the unique temperament.

"Who are you?" Vulcan asked coldly, his eyebrows swelled, and he had no impression of this person. He had been fighting for the past few years. When he was in the middle of a desert, he was unable to fight against the West. When I come back, I will naturally not recognize the wind.

However, behind him, a Wushen and Wu Zun have long been awe-inspiring, and their eyes are hot. Vulcan does not recognize it, but they recognize that this person is like a unique sword, smashing the thorns and smashing the three gods of the Western Gods. Pushed the star map.


However, they are not moving, knowing that there are people in the vicinity, revealing the anti-God, there is no benefit to them, and the people have never spoken, they naturally have to wait and see.

"Qin Haotian!"

Ling Feng stunned, helpless grin, with his prestige against the gods, there are still people who do not recognize him, is it cold, such as the moon, Lingqing, these women can not make a portrait or something?

Of course, that would be a bit too much.

In fact, there are not many people who have actually seen the Lord. They are the strongmen who have fought with him, and they are only secretive. Only then can they reassure the gods. After all, once the identity of the person is exposed, God knows how many people will be there. I want to get rid of the wind.

"Chull God, the genius?"

Vulcan is cold and proud, and then laughs and said. "I have heard that God is so extraordinary every day, but today is it for you to sit down?"


"But we have to enter the domain of God, see the domain side, and we have a great relationship with God." Vulcan said faintly.

"The domain of the gods has the rules of the gods!"

Ling Feng jokingly said: "When you want to enter the domain, you naturally have to pass me, accept my test, and the domain owner is very busy, can you see it all alone?"


Vulcan squinted and said proudly. "I also have my rules. There are not many people who can test me in the whole world, but there is only one in the gods, but it is not you!"

"Oh, the tone is not small!"

"What is the genius of the gods? I will enter the martial arts in the morning and evening, when I will personally challenge you and suppress you!" Vulcan arrogant, he walked close to the martial arts, knowing how shocking this is. The power, and he is the idol of the Lord.

When the first person had done it, he naturally had to do it, not to lose the world!

"Well, I am discouraged!"

Ling Feng praised. "However, it is not enough to be discouraged. I can't wait, and now I want to suppress you!"

"court death!"

As for the little temper of Vulcan, I can’t stand a man who is more arrogant than him. He wants to enter the domain of the gods. No one can stop it. The genius of this “cracking god” is spoiled from it, even if they are not entering the gods, just From the waste of God, the characters of the Pure Land of the Quartet will naturally be released.

I have to say that this "Qin Yu Tian" still makes him angry.

When the voice fell, Vulcan flew out instantly, and the Qinglong 偃月刀 under the purple mang flame, released a gorgeous light, which faintly revealed a lightning, in fact, that is the lightning flame, is the most unfathomable.


A light, tearing the sky, directly hit the power of the peak of the false gods, tyrannical to the point of destruction, at least the face of the **** of martial arts, but also pay attention to it, this is also the capital of Vulcan arrogance.

Especially in the emptiness of the Shinto, this style is even more embarrassing to shoot out the unprecedented gods, and the quality of the gods and rainbows.

This time, it also made some people stunned by the people of the gods. This is a battle against the people. Is this Vulcan the head of the other side unable to open?

However, the Lord is not angry, but instead praises them, but it makes them breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise they will offend the Lord, this one is enough for Vulcan to drink a pot, at least against the **** that the woman will not easily forgive Vulcan .


When the shocking lightning fell, the heavens and the earth suddenly collapsed, and a devastating force shrouded the wind, and the space was instantly torn, and it could not withstand such murder.

But... Ling Feng just glanced at him faintly. At the moment when the power fell, he blinked. For a moment, the shocking lightning flame came to an end, and the torn space was instantly frozen.

Then, the lightning flame went out, and together it was the power of the world.

Under the understatement, the leader of the anti-God generation was defeated.


Vulcan's face was shocked and he couldn't help but step back, but when he wanted to kill again, Ling Feng spoke. "Your strength is very good, but there are still some problems."

After that, Ling Feng gently pushed forward with both hands, and a faint thunder suddenly appeared. The initial time was as smooth as the lake, but when it fell, the whole space exploded.

This is thunder!

"do you understand?"


So, Ling Feng demonstrated it again.

"do you understand?"


Vulcan took a deep breath and his eyes warmed up. This is what he always couldn't understand, but at this moment he suddenly became open and the whole new world was opened. However, he was still amazed at the power of this person.

I can't figure out how he annihilated the lightning flame.

"You..." Suddenly, Vulcan glanced, and the faint feeling was different. He stared at the wind and his eyes gradually heated up.

He knows that the genius of the sacred **** will not be so pointed to him, and will not be so calm.

An answer in my heart is coming out.

"Yes, he is the Lord!"

An old man walked with a smile, and lowered his voice and said in his ear. "You lose, but get more!"


"He is unique and cannot be surpassed. At least you have the courage to take action against the people." Another old man said.

"Oh, yes, you have the courage to blame the people for death!"

The old man took another step back and made up the knife.


One by one, Wu Zun, Wu Shen, and respectful salute, they did not say much, the wall has ears, and some things will only be revealed when they enter Tianlang Mountain. They are not in a hurry.

However, this kind of thing to replenish the knife has always been passed down in the anti-God. When one of the Valkyrie and Wu Zun has a bayonet in the heart of Vulcan, Vulcan really has the urge to cry, not just to calm down. Is it forced?

Why did you just fall on the leader?

However, he turned to be happy, and the Lord has always been the first **** in the heart of the gods. The power is ambiguous and unspeakable. There is nothing to say to him. If he loses to Qin Haotian, he is really Tragedy.

"At least, it's not the worst ending." He comforted himself.

Later, a group of people walked into the Sirius Mountain under the leadership of Ling Feng. When the murderous murder was closed, they rebelled against the gods, and Vulcan cold and proud also apologized to Ling Feng. Ling Feng refused.

"Reverse God should have such pride!"

If you are against the top geniuses of other forces, you will be horrified and will not dare to fight. That is the sorrow of the whole anti-God. What's more, this Vulcan talent is excellent, and it is indeed qualified with the original Ming and Ling. Xue Wen shoulders, but I want to compare with the Qin dynasty, which is still relatively inferior.

However, as long as you overcome your own problems, you can achieve that level of height, which is equivalent to the genius of Qin Yutian.

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