Supreme Demon

Chapter 1078: Sadness

The thousand thousand seventy-eight chapters of grief

God one, God two **** kills.

There are only 12 people who can live to the present. They are led by Zhu Ling and Yong Qing, but they are only 14 people. Among them, there is only one person who can stand on one person. Others can’t talk about how amazing they are, but also Very balanced, there is a momentum of first-class killing.

More importantly, they know each other well and cooperate with each other so that the Protoss have suffered a lot. Therefore, they only step by step to kill God and God, and to get rid of them one by one.

This kind of ending has made many people feel sad, they have tried their best, but the domain has never come out of a Xeon, the domain owner is not asking about this, which makes them feel that it is only a knives in the hands of the domain master, once lost The value is an abandoned child.

“Does the domain owner only pay attention to the core figures of the gods?” A martial artist smiled sadly.

"will not!"

Yongqing said coldly. "The domain owner will not give up any one person. He naturally has the purpose of doing this."

"But we have reached a desperate situation!"

A martial **** said bitterly: "The protoss are coming in, and as long as we break our defense, no one can leave alive."

"believe him!"

Zero repairs that have never been said before. "Before you die, you must believe this person. He has absolutely not annihilated humanity, and will not ignore our life and death. The smart and terrible guy, can you do this?"

"Ka rub..."

Just as people still have to say something, the sturdy defense suddenly broke apart. One by one, the aliens were squatting and flew toward them. The endless gods were about to spill from their heads and take off their heads.

This makes the martial gods who are seriously injured and dying. Their eyes are dim. It is not one or two gods, but hundreds of them. This kind of torrent is the current god, God II can rival?

It’s a dead end!


The Protoss rushed ahead, their eyes sparkling with bloodthirsty light, and their claws were coming toward the chest of the people. Only blood could provoke their fierceness, and only blood could satisfy them.


But when the Protoss was about to kill people, he was trembled, a blood spurted out of the neck, a sly head, and the bones rolled down the people’s feet, which made every desperate person Oh, it’s amazing.


The head was like a signal, and it immediately stunned the sky. When it fell, the commandments of the Protoss rushing in front of each other, the death of each other, all were smashed.

"What is going on?" The momentum of the aliens' subductions came to an end.

One by one, the gods are looking forward in horror. They are worried that the imprisonment has not completely collapsed. They are annihilating a protoss, but the front is calm, and the back is bloody. All the people are killing coldly.

One step first class blood!

Kill one step at a time!

Undoubtedly, against the gods, they did not have a hegemonic killing, but they were hidden in the dark, hiding their own breath, using the anti-kill to first smash the Protoss, and then they came in strong, and the means were extraordinarily cruel. There are no gorgeous moves, but each can kill the aliens.

This is also against the gods, nearly half of the genius has not yet entered the martial arts, but there are reasons for the first-class killing qualifications, their assassination is the most terrible, a Wu Zun can kill a Valkyrie .


When the dark light flashed, Yang Huzheng led a group of martial gods who were against the gods and swooped in. The momentum of the second-order martial arts was fully rushing out and ruining the life of a god.

The Vulcan and the shallow drop are in the middle, and a dissident is thrown away. They are cold and powerful, and they don’t drag the water. They are clean and neat. Even if they can’t get rid of it, they will instantly fill the knife. Kill the aliens one by one.

Fast and amazing!

In less than a quarter of an hour, the anti-God has already flown to the front of the gods and the gods. The temperament of the murder has really climbed to the apex, and the arrogant, especially the first few old people, are second-level martial arts, although It has not yet reached the level of leapfrog, but it is also at its peak, and in the case of assassination, it is possible to get rid of the third-order martial arts.

"You are..." Yongqing asked for a moment.

"God three!" Vulcan flew to the front, faintly said, in his eyes only the Lord is worthy of respect, and others are not qualified.

"God four!" "God five!"

Shallowly falling, Yang Hu has come forward, and at that moment, hundreds of different races have completely fallen. This kind of ruin is much simpler for the anti-God, and they have faced a more terrible situation than this, but Still quite over.

"we are coming!"

"You are all my gods?" Yongqing and Zhu Ling both eyes brightened. They know that the characters of the Quartet are coming in. This is very beneficial to them, but they have never thought that the domain will be more than three. Kill, and still very strong three.

"Yes!" Yang Hu laughed. "When you work hard, the domain owner lets you take a break, then let us know."


Yongqing and Zhu Ling looked at each other. For these three strange killings, they still had some reluctance. At the beginning, God and God were led by them. They worried that they would not know the situation and ruin their lives.

However, in front of the three killings, the domain owners were relieved to let them out alone.

"Now the situation here is very wrong. With your strength, I am afraid that it is still too thin." Yongqing shook his head and said: "Does the domain owner not let the core figures come out?"

"There is enough for us!"

Vulcan arrogantly said that the protoss and aliens in the district are not enough for the main squad, and they know that butterflies and hidden gods are coming. They can find God one, God II, and the news from the butterfly. .

Therefore, if the Protoss can't cope with the gods, then the hidden gods will appear, and the butterfly will send the news to the hands of the people in time. They naturally have no fears.

"This... well."

Yongqing and Zhu Ling are all happy. The domain lord, from where the bulls are getting, is not going to put the aliens in their eyes. I am afraid that they have to suffer, but this is good, only to make them truly aware. To the tyrannical of the aliens, it can be stabilized.


However, they still stunned the gods.

In just half a month, the three gods of the three gods smashed and pushed a full five thousand miles. The star map centered on the Sirius Mountain was completely swept, even the hidden deep protoss were in this catastrophe. The death of the people, the rebellious gods are simply pervasive, and even the five levels of the gods are falling under the knife of the gods.

This horrified Yongqing and Zhu Ling, even the zero repairs were stunned. What kind of **** is this.

It is no wonder that the domain owner will be assured that such a killing will go out, that is the real wolf.

They know that the aliens are finished, but the three kills have not come back, but they continue to push forward, with butterflies and hidden help, and despite the sacrifices of the gods, the aliens simply cannot stop their steps.

You know, these people are all anti-God's elite.

Three days later, the four women in Lingqing were born. They almost entered the martial arts scene at the same time. Every one of them was extraordinary. When they also entered this battle, it was the end of the alien race, at least within a million miles. , no life, showing the momentum of vacuum and annihilation.

Until now, the aliens really realized that this is a land that can devour life, and also awakened their memory of this "great land". Once there was a five-level peak of the gods, it fell here.

And that person is from the Kirin Protoss!

For the anti-God, Ling Feng is reassured. Even if it is troublesome, Qin Yutian will be in the shortest time. It will naturally have no problem, so he will leave the world. At the same time, he also entered the ancient Wuta.

It’s time to pass the bloodstone...

Beiyuan, separated from Xishen Island, is not adjacent to the Southern Wilderness. It has a wider area and seems to be in control of the underground of the Emperor, but under it, there is an undercurrent that is surging and silently sweeping an ancient country. The ancient country is the foundation and gradually radiates to the Quartet.

In the past two years, this undercurrent has spread a quarter of the area of ​​Beiyuan, which is not surprising.

There is no doubt that this undercurrent is against God.

Guided by the Lord of the Anti-God, step by step, especially in the early stage, laid a solid foundation in the ancient Yue Empire, so that the anti-God is flourishing, and now it is not a big tree, it is not inferior.

This naturally makes the emperor realize that the danger is dangerous, but there is nothing to help. Even Xishen Island and the gods are pulling down the eyelids. How can they make the desert door small? More importantly, this is a fierce guy who offended him and the problem is serious.

However, at the time when the anti-God's head was in the air, the Lord of the Anti-God led the anti-God to sneak into an ancient country, and suffered a terrible attack. One of the Valkyrie fell, and one Wu Zun died, even The Lord of the Anti-God was also seriously wounded and broke into a desperate situation.

For a time, the whole anti-god was angry!

However, far from being able to hydrolyze thirst, when the butterfly sent the news to the south, the hidden **** was madly killing the desperate, but it was too late.

Candle days are desperate!

The Lord of the Devil is looking into the distance. The face of the blood is flowing with anger and regret. He knows that the star map is open, and the gods are gone. There are few geniuses sitting there, there will be no problem, but he will not be able to see it. A glance at the most glorious moment of God.

"Because of death!" Around the eyes of a pair of eyes, staring coldly at the Lord of the Devil, each of them flew out five gods, completely oppressing the Lord of the Devil, making him desperate.

"Life, don't see the coming day, die, don't regret Huang Quan!"

The Lord of the Devil is blood-stained, but the voice is screaming and shouting. "Today, let my blood push my back against the gods."

The next moment, he raised the gods in his hand and suddenly smothered the pair of eyes. He was not afraid of life and death, but he died to death. When he died, someone would come in and there would be a villain against him. The blood, killing a different kind of world.

In a line of gods and rainbows, a generation of anti-Lords died in this battle...

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