Supreme Demon

Chapter 1083: Immortal lightning

The first thousand zero eighty-three chapters immortal lightning

Anti-God is a unique force.

Glory has already been integrated into the bones. They have this kind of integrity, and they can climb to the present step by step. Now the people who led them out of the wilderness are in danger of dying and dying from the enemy. They naturally have to fight with their lives. .

To the dead party!

Ye Xinran left, only the slender body gradually disappeared into the sun in the sun, and a fragrant fragrance filled the air, and looking at this crowd, Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen actually had a sense of awe.

They are unyielding, they are more stubborn.

They are weak, but they are even less afraid!

Only such a force can step on the Xeon step by step. In contrast, the pure land of the Quartet must be stunned. At least the God of Heaven and the Emperor Shenzong do not have such a gas festival. They know that they will die and they will resolutely embark on a dead end. This is Extraordinary discouragement.


Ancient Wuta.


A striking lightning bolt, shot from Lingfeng Dantian, it is like a real dragon, traveling between the heavens and the earth, not involved in dust, it is so vast, like immortal lightning.

The ancient device was born!

It is as thin as a flap, not as heavy as before, and some is just a texture of tulle, but the sharp force, straight through the sky, is amazing, at this moment it is completely open, the meaning of chilling stirs the entire sky.

Of course, what is even more frightening is that the momentum above it makes the stalking martial arts and the Wuzun weapons in the storage ring tremble. They bow down and worship, which is awe of the strongest soldiers.

It is not a soldier!

It is just a savage blade!

In fact, it is the interception of the sky, the interception of the butterfly are dodging, the taboo of this savage blade is quite taboo, it has no real form, the hilt has disappeared, and some are just the sword front, but the sword front can not be held in the hand, It is completely controlled by the soul.

Only by truly integrating into the soul of the soul can we realize the terribleness of this murderous soldier. It seems to have broken the ancient sky, and there are only two handwritings on the murderous blade.

They are very old, not what Lingfeng can recognize, but he can understand the charm of the two.


The two handwritings can be amazed by the world. The meaning is too great. Without such discouragement, it is absolutely impossible to breed such a handwriting. It represents an extremely powerful force that God wants to look up to.

"Oh..." The sinister blade circling in Dantian is like a wandering soul, but the space around it is completely torn, casting a terrible annihilation world, which is the power that can't be touched even by the burning road.

This is the fierce blade!

However, at this moment, Ling Feng completely ignored the path of the Taikoo. He swallowed the nine-day star power and continued to break into Dantian, causing him to disintegrate the heavenly lightning, and integrated into the inch. With lightning as the center, he created an invisible burning tunnel. .

This step is quite dazzling, even the Taikoo murderous blade has the momentum to be covered up, but also his dantian shaking, tearing out a terrible gap, and the eye-catching light is flying out of the gap, dispelling the five-door Inside the haze.

When the time rushed away, Lingfeng Dantian became more and more glaring, so that the tortoise had a feeling of being blind, and it also surprised him. This martial art has never heard of it, and it is not impossible to integrate into the heavenly lightning. Dry, but the Wushen can't do it.

This is something that the gods can do, and the people in front of them are doing it in advance. This is the rhythm of going to heaven.

"What kind of monster is this ancient Wu Chuan person!"

The tortoise whispered, Ling Feng’s talent completely shocked it, but this scene only lasted for a while, and then it laughed and said. “But I like this young man!”

For it, the more ancient martial artists are, the more powerful they are.

"Oh!" Finally, in the rush of thirteen days, the star power of the surrounding area solidified, and the body of Lingfeng also entered a state of saturation, not taking the stars and the stars, and even the blood vessels calmed down.

At this moment, his dantian suddenly dimmed, giving people a feeling of blindness, not seeing the distance, not seeing Dantian, at least this is the feeling of the tortoise.

This is a violent explosion that has changed from a very embarrassing to a polar night.

The tortoise instantly closed his eyes, and it only turned into a look at Lingfeng for a moment, and the next moment it stunned. At the very night, he felt that it should be a terrible power to be born, but things went beyond him. It was expected that the lightning disappeared that day, and there was endless star power disappearing together.

In the Dantian of Lingfeng, there were only two non-extinguishing fireworks, but no third burning road was seen.

"Can't you integrate?"

The tortoise is stunned, looking at the thin body, can not help but feel sorry, Tiandao lightning has fallen into Dantian, but he is not a god, it is difficult to integrate Tiandao lightning into the third burning tunnel, more importantly, the lightning is empty There is also the endless star power, as well as the three levels of the Valkyrie.

"This step is too shocking and will suffer endless containment."

The tortoise said faintly. "And, premature contact with the heavens is not good for it."

"Is it?"

Ling Feng spit out a suffocating gas, and finally calmed down, but this does not mean that he has failed. It is because of the integration of the star force, so that its lightning strikes the light. The night is because the sky is lightning. Light.

If you don't see it, it means that the heavenly lightning has disappeared?

Do not!

It was only because the endless star power has been integrated into the heavenly lightning, and it is also the spirit of Lingfeng, the soul of the spirit, and the water of Taiyi. They have solidified a unique burning road.

The previous burning lane was a light fire, and the burning lane at the moment was lightning.

What kind of power is the most terrible? Nature is the power that can't be seen, and Heaven's lightning is one of them. This is Xeon.

"Yeah, heaven is detached... take off..."

The tortoise is pity in the heart, but still comforts Ling Feng, but its voice has not yet fallen, a hidden lightning, abruptly flying out of Ling Feng's body, can not see, but can be perceived, it is deeply shocking, it 桀骜The world.

It is immortal lightning!

It is more terrible than a light fire in the burning of the road, and it is a contraindication to heaven.

"You...have you succeeded?" God's tortoise licked his mouth and slammed it for a long while before saying this.

"Yeah." Ling Feng said with a smile. "If you are not careful, you will be involved."

This is too stinging, so that the tortoise is a surprise, and it is annoyed. This guy can still point to the face. If you pretend it, why do you want to play the turtle face?

"That's a lightning bolt!"

It said faintly. "With such power, you will be detached, you can get involved in the taboos of the heavens too early, and when you step into the threshold of heaven, you will be incomparable. You are also in the history of ancient Wu, you will get the heavens in the realm of the gods. Taboo people."

"You didn't say it before, is this not good for me?" Ling Feng grinned.

"just a joke!"

The **** turtle grinned. "I am worried that you can't think of it. If you are in front of me, do you say that I am looking at it, or are you blind?"


"What is the benefit of lightning in this day for me?" Ling Feng asked.

"Powerful!" The turtle said affirmatively.

"anything else?"

"I know so much." The tortoise said very shamefully. "At present, I have not got such a heavenly power, or will you tell me when you step into the threshold of heaven?"

Ling Feng wants to fight turtles!

This **** turtle clearly does not understand the heavenly taboos, but also installs the big tail wolf, directly saying that it is not perfect to realize this.

However, the tortoise is a bit right, this lightning is too terrible, far faster than the burning of the fire, more fierce, equivalent to the two gods of ordinary Valkyrie, more importantly, it has the **** of destruction Yes, the ordinary power in front of it, like a piece of white paper, can be easily shredded.

And if such power falls on the path of Taikoo, I am afraid that the whole world will bow down.

"Kid, your talent is very shocking, if you don't challenge the space after the fifty-fourths in advance?" The **** turtle swears that such talent will get more terrible improvement in the space of the gods, it naturally craves the ancient Wu Chuan people can embark on the peak as soon as possible.

"No time!" Ling Feng said lazily.

When the voice fell, he took out a dress from the storage ring and wore it on his body. He sat down on the knees to consolidate the current realm, and he has already entered the third-level martial arts threshold. The dark **** is afraid of having to move. It is.

He also had to be prepared to at least devour the best of the scum, use the remaining Taiyi real water to heal the scars, and face the dark gods with a full body, but what surprised him was that the dark gods were calm and calm, without any movement. .

"This is how the same thing?"

Ling Feng frowned, but he can understand it in an instant. Heavenly lightning is a supreme force, more terrible than dark gods, such a force, even if only a star fire, is not a dark god, but it is not in it. The scope of tempering.

As the tortoise said, this is indeed detached.

However, Ling Feng did not immediately stand up, but consolidated the realm, and tried to temper the Taikoo razor blade, so that it completely integrated into the body, completely dissipated in Dantian, is not seen in the blood.

If you don’t see or disappear, it will disappear. When the spirit of Ling Feng is trembled, it will suddenly appear, composed of endless scattered blood, suddenly smashed out, and it’s so horrified that even the **** turtles are screaming. .

"Through the sky, cut off the butterfly, the ancient cursed blade, and the empty space, is to beat the seven-level Valkyrie, at least you can run." He grinned.

"It's been nearly a year."

He looked up at the sky, and some helplessly said that it is not so easy to do either the Taikoo Blade or the Burning Light, and only in the ancient Wuta, there is such time to provide him with consumption, if it is in the star map. In the midst of it, I am afraid that if I close my eyes, I will be a stranger.

"It's time to go out." When the voice sounded, Ling Feng had stepped out of the ancient Wuta, and suddenly fell into the Sirius Mountain, but he entered the Divine Realm. He instantly changed his color and his face was cold.

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