Supreme Demon

Chapter 1092: Sit

The first thousand and ninety-two chapters sit and kill

The momentum is vicissitudes, the ancient rhyme is shocked.

Since the first ancient god, a hooligan, boring momentum is exploding in this world, so that the entire city is shaking, like an ancient beast wakes up.

"Dare to kill my first ancient god?"

Under a wrath, a man came out of the air. His eyes were cold and his eyes were like a knife. Although he was very old, the bone was very overbearing. The nine gods on his body reflected his incomparable momentum.

This is a nine-level martial art!

The ancient **** empire can stand up to the present, its tyrannical nature is beyond the imagination of others, although they do not have the realm of the first ancient god, but can not be underestimated, a nine-level martial **** sits in the first ancient god, there are several gods Can the country fight for it?

They are overbearing and have capital.

The old man glared at the gods, and the fascination of the gods on his body was so imaginative that it was unimaginable. The first ancient **** suffered such a disaster. Most of the martial arts were Wu Zun, and they even came in.

"The first ancient god?" Yang Hu asked.

Because the butterfly could not enter the first ancient god, their message was instantly cut off. There was not much natural knowledge about the ancient gods, and the arrival of this old man also shocked them.

"Ancestral ancestor, can you call it?" the old man said violently.

"Not the first ancient god, you are crying!"

Bai Ze screamed, the only ancient **** that can make it tricky, can live for thousands of years, at least it is also a true God. If such an ancient **** is born, the whole anti-God will fall.

For them, as long as the first ancient **** did not appear true God, there would be no jealousy.

"A white lion, I will stew you into a pot of lion head!"

The old man screamed coldly, killing the rich, banned from Bai Zefei, the terrible momentum, just like the same blade, killing.

In the next moment, he stepped forward and took a high sword. The terrible swordsman tore up the three hundred miles of the gods, causing the destruction of the picture, and under this sword, a person who was against the gods was dying.

Bai Zeqi’s nose is smashed.

It is a purebred white zebra. On the white hair of the body, it shines with the light blue **** rainbow. The body is also much stronger than the lion. The handsome image is actually destroyed in the mouth of this old man.

"The old man, your whole family is a lion!"

It is furious and is about to go forward and get rid of this martial art. Although it has not yet reached that realm, the Baize Protoss has terrible killers and is qualified to get rid of the 9th-level martial arts, but it will also pay the price of blood.

At the moment.


The rushing to the gods of the gods, the broken lines, a huge body suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the sky, the stirring of the rainbow is to shatter the three hundred miles of the sky.

A terrible sacred sacred sacred moment, the martial arts in the first ancient **** was turned over, like the sand in the storm, flying away, even the old man was affected, the body was cold. A trembling.

next moment.

The huge body flew down, lightning fast, and went directly to the head of the old man, so that the sky around it was completely dark, and the nine roads to the world were imprisoned, so that the old man could not walk away.


The old man was stunned and forced to calm down. He sacrificed the sword in his hand and urged him to stand up. He stabbed a terrible sword rainbow and killed the soul. It was easy to get rid of an eight-level **** of war.

However, such power is in front of that huge figure, it is simply a chicken!

Just because it is a tortoise!


The gods were annihilated, the heavens and the earth collapsed, and the entire first ancient **** was shaking, and in the center of the explosion, it collapsed thirty feet, and a huge gully appeared in front of the people.

The old man disappeared into the ravine.

For the tortoise, it is quite simple to get rid of a nine-level martial art. When it comes up, it is "lost", and the fart, the stock will sit on the ninth-level martial art.

Sit and kill!

This is the unique power of the tortoise, quite overbearing and cruel, even if the nine-level martial arts are to fall under its divine power, the fart, the stock is strong and immortal, how many martial arts shudder, and how many martial arts grievances want to die.

At least, a **** of the ancient gods was stunned and hated, and an old ancestor of the ancient country died. But what really made them hysterical was to sit and kill. The ancestors were killed by a beast, and the faces of the ancient gods were It was destroyed.

"This old boy is strong enough!"

While the whole world was calming down, the tortoise screamed and flew up from the ravine, and said with a grin. "The bones are really hard!"

It seems to be telling that the ancestors of the ancient **** empire, the bones stinged its farts and stocks.


The world is quieter.

Not only the people of the ancient empire stunned, but also the stunned gods, but like the ridiculous small seven, Ye Xinran and others are the corners of the mouth, this **** turtle is the best pit.

Killing people, actually still abandoning the person, this is simply to force people to go crazy.

Compared to sitting and killing, this sentence is more poisonous, and it stabs the hearts of the ancient gods. "It's hard enough... the bones are really hard!"


The emperor of the ancient kingdom was angry and rushed to the crown. The killing ability could be overturned for several days. The crown on the head was thus raised. The whole person was like a cockfighting person. His eyes were red like agate stone. He was angry and screaming, and he wanted to go to God. The turtle killed.

Yes, it is here.

Inside the first ancient god, an old man flew out and looked at the huge gully. He shed tears and mourned. "The second child!"

"It turned out to be the second child!"

The tortoise said very unconsciously. "It's hard enough!"

"You are paralyzed!"

The old man was angry and tempted. Since the ancient gods appeared, no one dared to mock them for thousands of years, let alone a **** turtle. In front of everyone, he could not help but burst.

Followed by him, he was killed to the tortoise, and his body was bursting. The nine gods and rainbows were more powerful than the old ones. They entered the threshold of the situation. When the terrible waves smashed the sky, people They all smell the smell of death.


However, the Shenhong appeared for a moment, and then withered.

A tortoise appeared in the sky above the old man. He sat down with a fart and a stock. The sturdy and immortal shrine, all the gods and rainbows of the old man were smashed, and even the sky with the sky was gone. There was a scorpio The road cracks and stretches for hundreds of miles.

Blood is overflowing and is attributed to dust.

A martial **** who died in the world died of his life, and the way of killing was still brutally ruined.

The original world, and because of a quiet, people staring at the tortoise, full of horror, this is the beast from where to run, even to the martial arts in their eyes like ants.

The two farts and the stocks killed two of the strongest gods.

The ancient empire people are heartbroken and want to die, but their ancestors are the symbol of propping up the entire Empire State Building without collapse. It is the **** of high above, but this moment the gods are humiliated and fall under the fart and the stock.

Insulted is the entire ancient **** empire!

Until then, they really paid attention to these people in front of them, although some of them are not strong enough, but at least there are a few that can hold the entire ancient empire.


Isn't this cruel enough?

Of course, the tortoise will make the ancient gods know what is more cruel.

"Enough, the bones are harder than the one just."

This is the oil and water poured on the fire. It is the slap in the face of the fan. It is a kind of power that makes the emperors of the ancient kingdom go crazy. It is a great shame to sit and kill. But this **** turtle actually sprinkles salt on their hearts. .

It is unbearable!

"What eyes are you looking at?" The tortoise was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the ancient **** emperor, and angered. "I am telling the truth. The bones of this martial **** are indeed very hard. I almost broke my fart. Stocks."


"Otherwise, are you going to try?"

"You are paralyzed!"

The ancient martial arts martial arts all exploded, bullying people bullying to this extent, is also the ancient and the present, they are mad at the gods to kill, to see it as a source of hate, not to kill it can not be angry.

"I really want to let the turtles roll a few laps!"

Ling Feng grinned, this **** turtle is too overbearing, too "story", the huge body is the supreme killer, if it ignores self-respect, roll a few laps in the first ancient god, can make endless martial arts explosion Death is also a matter of saving.

But he knows that this turtle is very fond of feathers and will never do it.

However, it killed two of the strongest Valkyrie, which also reduced the pressure of the anti-God, but other relatively powerful Wu Shen, he and Bai Ze, one by one, let the situation dump.

"This pit turtle!" Bai Ze shook his head helplessly. Anyone who is on this turtle will be very shameful. He will sit and kill. Even if he does not die, he is afraid to die.

"However, it's beautiful!"

The ancient **** empire was mad, and the anti-God was also mad.

They are moving forward strongly, stepping on the bones of their brothers, and smashing a bit of Supreme, while Ye Xinran and Aojiao, the relatively terrible martial arts, are dedicated to the gods of the ancient gods, and there are Baize in front, so they kill Quite fierce.

However, after suffering an hour of blood killing, people are also tired, this is a **** kill with the supreme confrontation, and the impossible opponent, both the body and the mind are infected with a layer of blood.

In such a **** kill, the first ancient gods were ruined and ruined. Nearly half of the city’s pools have fallen into the hands of the gods. This makes them ecstatic, and the victory is ahead, as long as they advance forward thirty. In the whole, the ancient **** empire fell under their edge.

However, at the moment when people are excited, when their hearts are tired and tired, the shadows are quietly flying, lurking against the gods, and one of them has a dark light coming straight to the wind, and there are two Secretly targeting the tortoise.

"I'm not right!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng exclaimed, his face suddenly changed, and the realm of slaying made him aware of the sinister danger in the first time. He seemed to have a butcher knife in the dark and was smothering his neck, and he did not hesitate to The side exploded, and the cold stare was not far away.

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