Supreme Demon

Chapter 1098: Great gift

The first thousand and ninety-eight chapters

Strong, overbearing!

This is the style of the Emperor. There is no opportunity to explain too much to the ancient Yue Empire. It is a crime of death to dare to offend the Holy Land.

Did not kill immediately, has left a feeling of love.

In this regard, the ancient emperor was shocked and stunned, and they dared not refute it. Now they are under house arrest in the emperor. If they dare to be angry and dissatisfied, they will be killed in the next moment, and the emperor’s holy land is based on moral high points. They insult the former, the emperor There is such an anger in the Holy Land, which is also expected.

But now, they really don't have much time.


Looking at the martial arts who left one by one, the emperor of ancient times clenched his teeth, they have already reached this step, there is no way to retreat, and they have offended the sacred land of the people, that is, the tragedy of the murder, and he has always believed that the holy land of the emperor is not Will sit and watch the ancient Yue Empire being swallowed up.

Only because of the ancient Yue Empire, the anti-God is even more powerful, and the Emperor will be very passive, which is very unfavorable for them.

At the thought of this, the ancient Yue Empire was calm and calm. The Holy Land of the Emperor wanted an attitude and sincerity, and this was the bargaining chip. He suspected that the Holy Land of the Emperor wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the more interests of the ancient Yue Empire.

However, he does not care.

At present, the sincerity of getting the Holy Land is crucial.


Ancient Wuta.

Lingfeng ragged, Beiyuan was only a decade old, but in the triple door nearly a year, in the process, his realm has long been cured, there is too much water, he is not affected.

In the next few days, he refines one of the best of the floating sects. This will be a reward for the gods, which will make them go further. Of course, this takes very little time, and it is refining with the light of the burning of the road, and doing more with less. The speed is incredible.

And his more energy is devoted to God, but this **** is completely different from the previous one. Ruyi Shendan focuses on healing scars, especially the road wounds have miraculous effects, but now he wants to refine the air god. Dan.

The Emperor Shen Dan focuses on breaking the martial arts barriers and letting the Valkyrie go further. Once the goddess of the goddess is in the air, it is completely aimed at the true God and can make the true **** a higher building. Its hegemony can be imagined.

Originally, he was not refining the gods, not only the realm problem, but more of the **** medicine, but after entering the Tianlangling medicinal garden, these medicines were completely filled, and the number of medicines Big and amazing, naturally there is no such concern.

He has refining all kinds of medicinal herbs, so there is little problem in refining and blending. It takes three months for the prototype to appear, but when it comes to condensate, the problem arises and it is very difficult to control.

After five months of "grinding", Ling Feng is gradually controlling the condensate, and finally three days ago, an empty **** Dan was born, temperament is round, almost transparent, clear and reminiscent of the heaven and earth.

The faint medicinal fragrance is filled out, and the small sun above the wheel shines, and the air is extraordinary.

Undoubtedly, this is a great god, and it is of great benefit to the martial arts. But after all, it is only a god, it is very difficult to break the real sacred barriers, and this is not the original purpose of Ling Feng.


There is only such a crazy thought in his heart, and it is the true **** of the gods.

Of course, he is not eager to seek success. Everything has a gradual process. More importantly, he knows how terrible the earth and earth turmoil will be caused by God, so he does not dare to move when the realm is not near.

It has been a few more days.


A smashed golden awn, flew out of the burning fire, and landed on the empty **** Dan.

At the time of the sacredness, the gods and lanterns were reborn, and the weather was tearing the world. Even the three doors were affected. Under the fire, the sun on the surface of the empty **** Dan was scattered, and the inside was tumbled. The medicinal fragrance was completely concealed and replaced. It’s the quaint light, and the vicissitudes of the return.

Super control!

In the past, Ling Feng was helpless in such a nirvana, but now it is different. The burning of the fire and the burning of the road can be used to stab the Nirvana fire, without being detained and burned, especially the lightning of the road, but that is The part of the Heavenly Lightning Broken, the five-fold Nirvana of the district also does not affect the power of heaven.

Therefore, Ling Feng can easily control the Nirvana process.

"Sting, oh..."

Time rushed for 20 days, the air **** Dan Shangyu shot an arc, Nirvana Jinyan is extinguishing, and the burning road lightning is shining, the whole medicinal medicine has become different, shrinking, becoming too small, Such as rice grains, exudes a radiant glow.



In a flash, the light filled the entire triple door, dispelling the endless haze, and illuminating the eyes of Ling Feng, and the messy hair. After nearly a year of refining, he was exhausted. It is extremely horrible to consume, especially to control Nirvana. It is not as easy as controlling the evil path.

But... very worth it!


At the moment when God was born, the heavens and the earth were shocked. The whole ancient Wuta trembled a little. The light of rice grains could also oppress the Qiankun. This is the terrible of God, but Lingfeng did not immediately walk out of the ancient Wuta. It waited for a while.


The next moment, he flew hundreds of miles, and pushed the inch **** to the extreme, directly appearing on the ruins outside the fire spirit, looking directly at Tianyu.

He knew that God was born, and there was a terrible thunder.


What made him stunned was that he stood up in the ruins of tea, but the heavens and the earth were calm and there was no terrible lightning. This was different from his imagination, and even he sacrificed the sky to let it perceive.

Yes, the sky butterfly has shaken its head.

No shocking catastrophe!

"How could this be?"

Ling Feng was shocked, he was not happy, this situation has never been seen, the heavens are unpredictable, the ghost knows what terrible things will happen next time?

"Is it the reason for the lightning of heaven?"

He thought of the key to the problem. Heaven represents the supreme. He is integrated into the heavenly atmosphere, and naturally he is not killed by lightning. Then he spreads the lightning of the burning road and pushes it out of Dantian, temporarily breaking the connection. Confirmation.


The next moment, the world is dull, dense clouds, terrible lightning is tearing the world, nine days are in the air.

"Sure enough!"

Ling Feng chuckled, the first time to summon the lightning of the burning road, and scored into Dantian. The lightning flashed in the sky, and lost the traces silently. Obviously, they are taboo against Tiandao lightning, and they are instinctively afraid. .

"The heavens are indeed mysterious. This lightning is very different, and there are more horrible gods to dig."

Ling Feng said.

Immediately, he flew back to the fire, and solemnly handed the **** to the tortoise. Of course, he couldn't avoid extorting himself from the tortoise. This is an old turtle that has lived for thousands of years.

"Pit baby!"

The tortoise was indignant, but could not withstand the temptation of the gods, and finally signed a very unequal treaty with Ling Feng - sitting in the North Plains for a hundred years!

At the same time, it was also tempted, a strain of God medicine was forced to fall into the pocket of Ling Feng, no blame, such a magic drug is useless in it, but Ling Feng can refine it to God, even if it is One is also shocking.

"True God, celebrate for you in advance!"

Ling Feng Lehehe left, and then opened a secret land from the fire spirit air, let the turtles retreat here.


"People, ask the impression of the side of the force is enough, basically the Dan of the ancient Yue Empire fell into our hands, that is, some forces also tend to ask the immortal." The sect of the patriarch smiled.

"Butterfly, hidden **** spying is very fierce, the dark power of the ancient Yue Empire is fully pushed horizontally, and some branches are being removed." Cold as the moon added.

"Related people are catching."

Hidden and cold smiled and said: "In these years, the anti-God is gradually disintegrating the ancient Yue Empire. Many forces have long since refuted the ancient Yue Empire and cast it against the gods. Now they are strong outside, and as long as they get rid of the ancient Yue people, the whole ancient country is at your fingertips."

"People, let's get started?"

Everyone is gearing up, and another ancient country is about to fall into the hands of the gods. This is the battle for the expansion of the territory. Everyone who is against the gods is willing to serve. More importantly, the ancient emperor has led his ancestors to the Holy Land, and the interior is extremely emptiness.

"Calm a little."

Ling Feng smashed his hands and calmed down the hot emotions of everyone. He said, "The cost of killing the ancient empire is too great. There is no sacrifice at the moment, and there is still an ancestor in the ancient empire.

"This..." everyone glimpsed.

"Do not worry."

Ling Feng said with a cold smile: "An ancient family, one can not live, but this war is enough for a turtle, and you have to be more important."

Everyone heard the words condensed.

"The first one is to bury the bones of the Lord. I want to set up a huge monument in the ancient empire, and bury the main bones to suppress them, and engrave all the names of the sacrificed gods."

In the battle of the ancient **** empire, Ling Feng had obtained the place where the Lord of the Gods died from the soul of the butcher, and on the way back, in order to let Bai Ze and Ye Xinran go back to the Lord, "it is a dangerous." The Jedi, which took about a month to go back and forth, is estimated to be coming back soon.

This should be something he has to do, but he is very hurt, can't walk into that desperate situation, and he has to refine the true **** Dan, so that the anti-God people can reduce this casualty.

"Yes!" Everyone looked at them.

"Second, the butterfly decree, let Chen Jia, Su Jialai take over the two ancient gods, the sects also have to send out the Valkyrie, establish a branch in the two ancient countries, support each other, in the shortest time, Stabilize the two ancient countries."


The patriarchs and the martial arts are all hot and glaring, like mad, they don't care about an ancient **** country. They care about creating a god, and now the people give them such an opportunity. The horror is not to build a god, but two.

At present, the sects have reached the peak in the Wu Kingdom. It is impossible to expand. It will touch the Wu Kingdom and even the interests of the Gods. The two ancient countries of Beiyuan are from nothing, let them play. This is a great gift.

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