Supreme Demon

Chapter 1108: Annihilation

Chapter 1108 is annihilated

The middle field is stirring and the star map is boiling.

Looking at the whole Shenwu continent, the Zero family is a hegemon, and the old master is the main **** of the Zero family. Every move will alarm the whole world.

Since the old master took control of the zero family, it has always been very low-key, and there has never been a shocking move. It is only because he is very clear that every move may cause the gods of the mainland to wave through the sky. Therefore, when the old man goes out, the whole **** is boiling. .

"沧澜 沧澜 族!"

These four words are like the sky hammer, falling from the sky of the gods, shaking people's hearts and swells, stunned.

People didn't think that the old man would say such things. He was angry and shocked. He was as cold as a knife. He was going to strip the Yi people. Once the old bones enter the play, it is a three-pointer. Who can see through it? ?

And when the people were still awkward, the old man opened his mouth again.

"Oh, the enemy, the wolf ambition, is actually hiding the aliens and the gods, so that many of the forces of the Terran side have been assassinated, and their hearts are awkward!"

His overbearing words horrified the whole world.

This is the anger of the Yi people, and they also express the attitude of the Zero family. They caught the traces and broke into the interior of the Yi people. They got the culprit who once killed many forces in the middle, even the Zero family. The Valkyrie was assassinated by the Yi people and died.

"I am not a member of the Yi and the Yi, and I am fighting against the aliens!"

The sound of 铿锵 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Yi people are erasing the traces and making them eat!

"Don't let the aliens succeed, don't let the cockroaches die!"

The old lady killed the sullen drink.. "Today, my family is named after the sword. Hey, even if it is killing one person and one sword, even if the family is silent, we must kill it."

This is blood!

It is the Zero family who are in the state of the whole day, they kill with the blood of the aliens, and they will die!

On the occasion of the fall of his voice, many true gods of the Zero family also flew into the Yi people, and they smashed the heavens and spirits. They smashed the heavens and the scorpion, and they smashed the Yi people. They also got the news. To further sneak away, I did not expect the Zeros to kill and not give them any chance to breathe.

Moreover, all come are true gods, gods, and ruined forward and horizontal pushes. Nearly half of the Yi people’s bodies in the blink of an eye are everywhere, and the blood flows into the river. The picture is like the end, which makes them horrified.

In a short time, the true gods and gods of the Yi people also flew out. Without too much explanation, the Zero family dared to kill, indicating that they had mastered their crimes. Only when they were killed, could they survive.

But they are too small and zero, and Tiandao Xeon has never come, but the Zero has come to a half-step Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly God. The **** is very small in front of him, and he is smashed by one hand and burst.


On this day, the Yi people panicked and some did not even know what was wrong. Why did the Zero family poison their hands?

The Yi people are very strong, but for more than a thousand years, they have not yet produced a heavenly and strong one. Therefore, under the blood of the Zero family, they gradually became fierce, and they all fell into a pool of blood, and they died.

What is even more frightening is that the Zero Family God has set up a squadron around the Yi people to prevent a person from leaving alive. This is to kill a clean rhythm.

Not so much.

In the star map, the zero-genuine gods flew to the bases of the Yi people, and they fought each other and killed them one by one.

This battle is too terrible, so that many forces have completely collapsed, the battle is too big, the square is smashed, and the battle between the gods and gods is not imaginable.

That is a ruin!

Moreover, the Zero family was too decisive, and the news of Yulongzong came, and they resolutely started, so that many forces did not respond, even if they did not know what happened.

Three days!

The imperial Yi people were in a hurry, and the five gods were all dead, and the twelve true gods were killed.

Family is gone!

A square of more than a thousand miles, completely immersed in blood, a bone in the sun, very glaring, they piled up into a hill, died of extinction, even more terrifying is that the Yi people completely abolished, the earth sank three hundred feet Like a big rift.

Of course, the Zero family also paid an extremely fierce price. Four true gods sacrificed, and one **** was killed. This made the Zero people feel distressed. This is also a disaster for the Zero family. Therefore, they all hate the dead. .

"The culprit who killed many forces has seized, and my family will use its head to pay homage to the soul of the once-death!"

On this day, the old man was overbearing, and the protoss with his wings broken in his hand were dying, but the spirit of the spirit on his body did not go out, so that people knew the protoss in the first time.

Heaven and earth are stunned, and the world is shocked.

Such a family of zeros made them shudder, but at the moment when the news broke out, many forces were crying, and they hated each other. They had fought in the star map, but the forces had been eradicated, and there was no roots and no flats, like a Homeless children.

You can't be wronged in your heart.

At this moment, the culprit is in the hands of the old lady. They can't wait to swallow the flesh and blood of the Protoss. This is blood hatred. It is only now that people know why the old man is so angry.

"There is a beast in the face of the beast, and its heart is awkward!"

The Valkyries yelled. "With the collusion with the Protoss, it is intended to assassinate many forces in the Middle Kingdom, destroying the entire Shenwu continent, and killing them for thousands of times is cheaper."


"Is this still a human? The Yi people moved into the Protoss, let us kill them one by one!"

"The gods and gods are indignant, and you have to do such a slaying thing, it should be annihilated!"

A true God declares that if the non-zero family is strangled, they will all be jealous and let them pay the price of blood.

"Damn, aliens are not terrible, terrible is guilt!"

People are quite hateful, and they are more hateful than the aliens. Just like the betrayal of the hands and feet, it is the pain of blood and flesh being cut off, bloody.

When the old man threw the culprit out.

This anger has climbed to a peak, and many people have chased it, to get rid of this culprit, and those who are killed by the forces, the first time to get rid of their heads, to pay homage to the **** and devastated forces.

Even some people flew into the ruins, from the head of the Yi people to pay homage to the soul.

The star map is solidified, and the gods are dead!

People are very sad. There is no doubt that the sacrifice of many martial arts has a considerable relationship with this family. It is no wonder that the star maps around the Yi people have always been rampant in these years.

On this day, the battle of the star map also ended, and the Yi people’s embers were completely shackled, which also meant that the Yi people had since annihilated from the Shenwu continent.

What a terrible thing.

It is indeed very tragic, but in these years, the martial arts gods and the true gods who died in the hands of the Yi people are not in a minority. Many forces have been annihilated. What is even more frustrating is that once the protoss use the smashing into the Shenwu continent, it is the real life.

"Zero family is mighty!"

"It’s too domineering, and if you don’t agree, you will kill a big clan!"

"The Zero family has a clear-cut attitude, a firm stand, and no end to the aliens, and they have lost their shackles and paid a lot of money. This is just an explanation for those who sacrificed their power."

"This is the mainstay of my middle school!"

"Zero is immortal, I will not be in a hurry!"

The storm is far from the past. When people's anger is vented, the gratitude for the Zero family is like a river, and it is endless. Someone personally walks out of the star map and flies down to the mountain.

However, they were rejected.

"The killing of the zero family is nothing but an internal matter, not because of the individual, but the life of the entire Shenwu continent." This is the meaning of the old man.

This is the next.

People have red eyes, shortness of breath, and heartfelt emotions. The Zero family is selfless, but the true guardian. When they are wronged, they stand up for the first time, not letting the aliens murder and not letting the traitors arrogant.

This is the real strong posture!

"The old man is too handsome, the zero family is domineering!"

"Being born in the Zero family is a kind of glory, not for the benefit of the waist, not for the vanity, but we all owe a great favor to the Zero."

"The Zero family sacrificed five Xeons in this battle. There is also a god, but the old master underestimated them. They didn't want me to be grateful, but just to return a clean sky."

"My generation is a model!"

For a time, people pushed the zero family to the peak, and the tribute to the words, even the zero family of the star map received preferential treatment. Even if the star map is strong, even if it detects some problems, it will not reveal it. This will irritate many people. .

However, the old man refused and failed to drive away these people. They still go up the mountain daily, respectfully stand and worship the mountains. This makes everyone in the Zero family feel glorious, and when this trend is brewing into a terrible situation, .

Finally, someone went up the mountain, went to the fierce front, and the eyes were wet, beheading the mountain.

They are from the forces that have been sacrificed. At present, they are only a single shadow. Even if they know that the Yi people are doing it, they can’t kill it. The Zero family is for them. This is grateful.

"Children, don't need this."

At this time, the old man walked out and said with a red eye. "These days, let you be wronged. If there is no place to go, then enter my family, here will be your home."

Instant, a sensation!

The old master invited each other, because these people did not have a "home" to return, this is appreciation, but also compassion and care, and then they got the hearts of the people, let the gods who sacrificed the power, the heart was moved, and finally found the "home" .

Undoubtedly, those who got the news swarmed and broke their heads and wanted to enter the zero family, especially those who did not have roots and no gods. They were naturally grateful and they were naturally valued.

Although the Zero family sacrifices a lot, they can get more, there are so many strongest entry, and there are many geniuses, let them choose, can make the Zero family immortal, and the world will last forever. This is the real power.

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