Supreme Demon

Chapter 1112: God

The first thousand one hundred and twelve chapters miracles

Fire spirits are like sleeping.

The fierce array around him is like a ray of light, covering the whole spirit space underneath, calming down together, and boiling Beiyuan, which makes the Emperor also very shocked and can't understand what the **** is doing.

A month has passed!

In this process, the middle domain has gradually calmed down, and the four pure lands have completely gone in. After getting the resources of the top ten kingdoms and the Yi people, one by one, the gods are squirting forward, let the four sides look at the big clan. Zongmen is eyeing the pure land of the Quartet and trying to curb this momentum as much as possible.

Therefore, the situation of the Quartet Pure Land is not optimistic.


Turbulent, the fire spirits trembled, the spirits of the pearls sprayed out of the sacred gods, bathed in the gods, Ye Xinran with the return of the women, the body's momentum is completely concise, like a smashing practice, almost substantive, Each of them is killing the Ten Protoss, the genius of the Devil's Son, the combat power is unparalleled, and the realm has gradually climbed to the peak.

But they did not calm down, but took down Shen Dan, flew into the hidden place, and further climbed.


Within a few days, the proud birds also flew out with the beasts, including the golden-winged Dapeng, and a Jinpeng, who were also smashed into the spirited beads, and now they are in the water. The extent of the overflow.

Moreover, the blood of the Tsundere bird is further awakened, and the inheritance of the gods and gods also opens a new world to it, letting it shoot a more brilliant light, but they have not stopped, but also flew into the distance.

The world is exhausted!

The star power in the entire fire spirit is being swallowed up, and countless hurricanes are coming, dispelling the haze, illuminating a piece of land, a brilliant future.

At this moment, Ling Feng secretly from the forehead, this is the direction of his deduction, there is no accident against the gods, and there is a predecessor sitting in the town, can completely stabilize the whole situation, and he flew into the ancient Wuta.

Inside the five-door.

He looked into the distance and his eyes were cold. He had already walked a distance in the realm of the third-level Valkyrie, but it was far from the end, and the appearance of the butcher also made him truly realize that he was against the big troubles of God. It is.

Therefore, he must try to be as strong as possible!

The next moment, he flew to the end of the five-door door, embarked on the post-fifty-fourth space of the gods, with his current realm and combat power, can not reach the end, but killing more than a dozen heavy space can still be done.

"call out!"

A light flashed, he flew into the first space... This is a **** kill, cruel to an alarming level, but the fifty-fourth space is different, not always forward, but can be returned.

This also means that once he has reached the end of his fighting power, he can get out of the space of the gods and not die in these spaces. However, the space of the gods is alien, protoss, and demons. Every weight is a battle between life and death, and he will die if he is not careful.

Fight, never stop!

The second month also rushed.

The calm fire of the air, with a faint stunned, at first glorious candlelight, but it is just a tea kungfu, a sturdy force, abruptly from the hidden place, the sea is full of waves.

"Hey, bang..."

In an instant, the heavens and the earth tear, a large rift flies from afar, and instantly rushes to the far side, and in the Great Rift Valley, a line of gods and rainbows fly out like a real dragon, like a phoenix.


The sky was trembled, and the sound of the air was broken. Like a Sirius, it was a horrible day.

Within ten miles, the gods are shuddering. The vast gods can shoot the sky, and they can pierce the soul of people. It is amazing. In that god, a white zebra flies out, and the extraordinary atmosphere is transmitted to the world.

Eight Daohonghong!

This means that it has entered the realm of the eight-level beast, and from the perspective of the gods, it has entered the peak of the world, just a step away from the nine-level beast.

At the time when this **** rainbow was calm, there were dozens of hidden places in the fire spirits, and the smashing shots of the gods, one by one, bursting into the sky, breaking a day, the same as Bai Ze, against the gods, the dozens of old people, Its **** rainbow is extraordinarily solid, and what is needed is just an opportunity.

And now, Ling Feng gave them.

As a result, they have smashed the previous realm and entered a stronger position.

Undoubtedly, they are one step further than the Lord. It is already a four-level martial art. This is a sublimation for the anti-God.

But this is not going to be extreme!

The time was only calm for three days. Vulcan, shallow, and Yang Hu also woke up one by one. Vulcan and others entered the martial arts, while Yang Hu and others walked out in the martial arts. The second step.

This is not one or two, but dozens of them, and they have withstood the blood and fire, they are pure gold, become more resilient and more terrible.


A sound of the sky blew, the proud bird was born, and the body was entwined with a golden rainbow. It came out of the realm of returning to the truth. It was extremely embarrassing, and it was golden, like gold water casting. Under the cover of the three gods, it was imposing. It’s shocking to spray thin.

Third-level beast!

Because of the awakening of the blood of the gods and the treasures that he got in the wolf's tomb, it made it into a new world. The terrible gods light up, making it a five-level **** of war, very terrible.

Then, the golden-winged Dapeng, Jinpeng, and the beasts killed a few great beasts, and they also woke up one by one. Their physique was further tempered, their talents were more amazing than before, and the improvement of the realm caused them to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Like the Golden Wing Dapeng, it has also entered the ranks of three-level beasts, while other Jinpeng also entered the realm of the second-level beast.

But this is not enough!

When the four women of Lingqing went out, the whole fire spirits were smashed by them, and the second-level martial arts were all in one, but each one was shocking, and one eyelid could be smashed to the martial arts.

Over the years, they have gained a lot of wealth, the valley of death, the temple of the gods, and the heavens and the earth that God has opened up. When these creations are further integrated into the body, the four female temperament sublimates.

Although, in the realm, their promotion is not so fast, but the combat power is completely different.

Different from them.

When Ye Xinran came out, it was very calm. Even the air was thin. Although it was still cold, it always gave a feeling of warmth. She used to be like an ice lotus. At the moment, her temperament is dusty and warm. Put a lotus flower in the water.

She is indifferent, hehe!

She is light and ordinary!

This made people feel astonished. Ye Xinran’s realm is very wrong. It seems that it is not promotion, but it has fallen, and it has fallen into a mortal. It has made them dignified. Is it true that Ye Xinran was hit by the war and he was hit hard? When I entered the realm of the second martial arts, something went wrong?

However, the **** turtle has dispelled people's doubts in one sentence.

"Millions of dominions!"

What is the dominance.

It is not only to dominate the darkness and the light, but also a lot of power, and at this moment, Ye Xinran has entered this realm, returning to the truth, and can influence the surroundings at any time. She wants to be cold, then she will be snowy, she wants to be hot, Then the fire burned the sky.

She wants to be warm and light as a month.

She has come to the point where she can imagine people's feelings, seemingly light, but in reality it is terrible.

Undoubtedly, this makes the anti-God boil, the heart pays homage to the flood, this woman can climb to the unimaginable level in the future, and only the Lord can oppose the oppression.

"What about people?"

People are shining with their eyes, eager for the people to go out, and even the little uncles have such great changes. It is conceivable that the people will be different.


The fire spirit is empty for two months.

In the five-door door, there were more than a year. In the process, Ling Feng was extremely bloody. He entered the fifteen-fold space from the first heavy space and smashed one of the protoss, but he also stopped here and could not go further. It is.

Otherwise, he will kill!

However, his life and death can be smashed more than a few times. Instead, he has once again entered the space of the gods and ate the protoss in the fifteen-fold space. This is how to get out of the space of the gods and calm down.

He wants to break through!

In fact, he has reached the peak of the third-level martial arts. When he took the best of the sacred sect, the blood trembled, a heavy star flew, wrapped around his body, and rushing into the air, in less than eight hours. In the meantime, he will fill his flesh and blood and gradually become full.


One word, the tongue is thundering!

Endless Star Force flew into Dantian and burned it in an instant. In just three days, it turned into a cluster of shining flames.

The third burning road is light!

This also means that Lingfeng entered the fourth-level Wushen threshold, and after half a month of consolidation, he slowly flew out of the ancient Wuta.


The fire spirits were thunderous, people were very excited, and they were filled with smiles.

In just over two months, there were hundreds of martial arts in the anti-God, and there were also forty-five martial arts in the second-level martial arts. There were also dozens of martial arts in the third and fourth-order martial arts, and there were five levels. The beast of the beast, the eight-level beast, Bai Ze, the second-class **** of the beast.

The middle-aged generation has also risen, and it is following their pace. Imagine how many martial arts will be born in the reverse of the gods in a few years, even after a dozen years, and where the previous martial arts will go. step?

A battle, they are heavy and serious, but don't be mournful, now the anti-God will only be stronger than before!

This is a miracle!

This is the one who dominates the gods, in order to cast such magic, and in the eyes of the gods, their people are such a god.

Therefore, when Lingfeng came out, people were very excited and excited, but what made people strange was that the current atmosphere of the people was a little bit the same as that of Xiaoshuzu. It was very dull and gave people the feeling of spring breeze.

Yang Hu and others looked at the tortoise and tried to get an answer from its mouth, but this time the tortoise was very dignified and closed.

"not enough!"

Ling Feng looked at people and said awkwardly. "I know that you have improved a lot, but we don't have much time."

People instantly look at it.

"The ancient gods are not the culprit against the Lord, the Yulongzong, the Yi people are not!" Ling Feng threw an explosive news and said: "The real culprit is the butcher!"


People's eyes are cold, like a blade.

"But, do you know who the butcher is?"

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