Supreme Demon

Chapter 1119: Invincible in the same realm

The first one hundred and ninety-nine chapters are invincible

Cold, overbearing!

Zero correction is in the highest realm of interpretation.

He never put that demon in his eyes, and he has withstood all kinds of polishing and refining. He has reborn, and both the realm and the combat power are walking in front of Wang Tu, and the genius like them is suppressed, and they dare not go out for half a year.

The anger in his heart is simply burning his opponent into ashes!

People are dumbfounded, looking at the zero repair!

A second-class martial art is actually despising a third-level god. This is a bit strange, but they also realize that God is different from these people, especially zero-repair, and the body is filled with a sigh of relief, like a wake-up. The beast that comes.

The faces of the demons are ugly, and they look at the zero-fire repairs one by one. They can't wait to eat this life. In this person's words, they fully appreciate the power of the word "insult".

A second-level martial art does not bully a third-level god?

Is there more insulting than this?

"I will make you die very badly!"

The next moment, the demon angered, and instantly flew, the three gods and rainbows interweave, turned into a scissors, "scrabble" cut, the void is like a piece of white paper, split under the scissors and flew to the in all directions.

At the time of approaching zero repair, the blast of the air suddenly exploded, and it was emptied and shattered.


Zero repair is not afraid, take a step forward.

He also pointed to the knife, swung forward, two gods like the **** gold chain, and then hit the past, entangled the invincible scissors, the raw smash, and then he punched out, it was like a broken bamboo, bursting that A heavy monster of the third-level demon.


The third-level demon flies across the field, and the body is dismembered in this fist. When he landed, the whole body was split and smashed.


People exclaimed, one by one, stunned, and they were especially respectful for this genius from the Zero family, but respect is one thing, and combat power is another.

At the beginning, when people left the clan to leave the clan, people were not very eye-catching. Zero repair was very talented, but it was not obvious in the whole clan. But it took less than a year to enter the domain of God, and it has grown to this point. Punch kills three levels of gods, and there are only a few people in the zero family.

The Mozu and Protoss are also very shocked. This person is the target of their attention, but he was absolutely not so powerful six months ago. It is the limit to be able to fight with the third-level gods. When can they be dropped in seconds?

Moreover, more than one zero repair, God II, God one everyone has improved, the combat power is particularly amazing, so that they feel the pressure, if they let them grow up, there are several magic in the first star map, a few A protoss can be suppressed.

They are very dignified!


Zero-skilled and sturdy, banned from going to the center, overlooking the Mozu and the Protoss, killing the mind, the whole person showed a different domineering, no longer the young boy.

"call out!"

The next moment, there is a magic flying, and a **** battle with zero.

However, unfortunately, in the realm of the third-level gods, the zero repair site is invincible, and even the three demons, the blade pointed to the protoss, even he directly rushed over and smashed the four protoss, only lazily Fly back.

Eight three-level gods!

This is an astonishing number. A second-level martial art can actually kill such a fighting force. It is enviable and shocking. Looking at the genius who is bathed with blood, they are all cold and shuddering. .

Who said that the gods are weak.

At this moment, whether it is a demon or a protoss, one face is blue and green, and the gas is vomiting old blood. They are full of imposing manners. There are a total of ten kills, and there are hundreds of people. But at the moment, they can’t kill a first-class killer. Twenty people.

It’s a shame!

However, God is even more terrible than they imagined. Although the repairs were severe, the other people also showed dazzling achievements, and they lost three demons and five protoss, and they wanted to kill the aliens alive.

"Is this the power of the gods?"

A demon son finally spoke up, and so many demons died, and they were also a great blow to them. He naturally didn't want to delay, and he had to get rid of the gods in the first time, but people also looked down on him and he needed a suitable reason. .

"Let those few geniuses come out, I want to kill them one by one!" he said coldly.

"Do you want to die like this?"

At this time, Qin Yutian flew indifferently, the cold voice, the biting cold, in front of him, Ling Xuewen, Ming Yu, Qiu Shuyi appeared, cold-eyed demon, Protoss, after half a year, they finally face These demons, to kill a clean, to make the entire star map tremble!

"Oh, hiding for half a year, what do you think?" The demons sneered, the Lord finally came out.


Qin Haotian thought for a moment and said: "This is really not there, but the Mozu has come to such a few waste woods, it seems that it is not enough to see, and the Protoss is more powerful than you, and there are six kills. It’s enough.”


"Do not talk nonsense, today my devil will knock down the gods one by one!" The son of the devil forward, the six gods flying in the sky, the pressure is bursting with lightning, the terrible air currents are stirring.

"The six spirits are indeed not weak."

Qin Xiaotian’s indulgent smile.. “However, the domain owner once said that the gods in this realm are killed by him, so you wait, let the fourth and fifth gods come over, I will get rid of a few. ”


He is not an idiot. With his current combat effectiveness, it is enough to deal with the five-level armed gods. But it is unrealistic to get rid of the six-level martial arts. There is a metamorphosis in the oracle domain that has not yet come out. He naturally will not kill each other, the most important thing is The gods want a big victory, not a demon in the hands of the demon.


Even people think that Qin Haotian is too pitted, and he can't beat the devil's son. He can still say so fresh and refined, and only the gods can do such things, but they also know that the devil's son is too strong, Qin Haotian It is normal to have some taboos.

"Oh, such a bad excuse, it is indeed the style of the Quartet!" The devil's son sneered.


Qin Haotian is quite calm, the whole rhythm is in their control, the commandments of the Mozu and the Protoss will push the whole gods to the peak, and what is the relationship between the momentary depreciation.

He doesn't care!

"Then get rid of you first!"

The next moment, the devil's son waved, and several five-level gods flew out instantly, directly killing the four people of Qin Yutian. They are the gods only after the devil's son, and the combat power is beyond doubt.

However, they still smashed the four characters of the oracle.


Finally, Qin Yutian four people exploded, three Dao Shenhong dispelled the haze, the death and death of the magic domain to kill, can swallow the gods, and then the five gods of the rainbow suppression, forcible murder.


The alum was flying, a sword stabbed, and the radiant radiance was exhausted. Only a ray of light shattered the ground, and a five-level martial **** was bloody, and he received many baptisms. He also entered the third-level martial arts threshold, not inferior to five. Level Wu Shen.


The tremolo of the heavens and the earth is stirring, and the two stand side by side, open and close together, killing the devil's blood, especially the life and death demon domain, too deterrent, when it flies into the gun of the overlord, the momentum of the whole person has changed.

A shot in hand, the world I have!


That shot returned to the truth, like a real dragon, stabbing five levels of gods, and in this process, the three life and death demon domain blended into a bright light, his talent is not inferior to the ridiculous little seven, and In the aspect of magical skills, the connotation of the restricted areas of the heavens is not inferior to the seven.

Therefore, he did not comprehend the seven, but strode along his own martial arts.

On the occasion of the fall, a huge round of real Yang flew, when the air fell, the flesh and blood of the Mozu were steamed, and the breath of the world was swallowing the world, and the magic was not able to avoid the flash. Hit the whole body, flying three hundred feet, the magic blood spilled over the sky.


At this time, Qin Haotian showed a more fierce momentum than the demon, and instantly flew over. The overlord's gun with a storm of violence, stabbed the eye of the demon, exploding his entire head.

The leapfrog fight!

He is interpreting an extraordinary combat power, and the two levels are just a threshold.

at the same time.

The alum was also exploding. He didn't have the hegemony of Qin Haotian. The battle lasted for a quarter of an hour, and he only got rid of a demon who entered the realm of the fifth-level gods, letting the blood flow through his body.

Ling Xuewen and Qiu Shuyi have not yet entered the realm of the third-level martial arts, but they are also the second-class martial arts. They are concentrating on the four-level martial arts, and they are not surprised, and people are shocked.

Is this still the weak **** domain?

Invincible in the same realm!

For many people, this is an embarrassing record, but in the realm of the gods, this is just a start. Each of them has gone out of an unprecedented transcendence. Even the proud and the gods are shocked. The first **** of Yuxian is also shocked. She thought that the domain was a bit difficult to deal with, but she did not expect that they would be strong.

To put it simply, God One and God II have entered the first-class killing, and genius characters like Qin Yutian and Ming Hao are not many in the super-class killing, and when the dead together have crossed the threshold.

Super kill!

Although they are still not able to enter the top 30, but the potential is endless, there will be several super kills in the future to rival the gods.

Two quarters of an hour!

The battle ended, and the four demons were all stunned. The death was like a fierce battle. The blood of Yin Hong wet the Sirius Mountain. It was the **** storm that was killed, and people were shuddering.

Of course, in this battle, Ling Xuewen and Qiu Shuyi are heavily wounded. If there is no Qin Qintian and Ming Hao, I am afraid that the gods at this moment have fallen to the bottom of the valley, but even the two are facing the eye. When the Protoss and the Mozu are also thin, they are like two thin papers, which will be shredded at any time.

"Is it enough?"

The face of the demon is cold, and the four devils are killing. They are almost killed, is there more irony than this?

They pushed forward, and the cold screamed. "This is not a personal battle, but a battle between killings. You have smashed a dozen of my Mozu people, and always have to pay the price. Now we have to get rid of you. !"

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