Supreme Demon

Chapter 1121: Explosive!

The first one hundred and twenty-one chapters broke!

Inch shines!

The explosion of space, a crack in the darkness, spread for ten miles, this is not the result of power, but the speed of terror is completely detonated.

The three burning roads are in a spurt of fire, and a flash of lightning in the burning lane is raging. There is no stagnation in the momentum. It is forbidden to move forward. What people can see is that the three-level martial arts are flying bravely. It seems that they have to rush into the few demons. Between the family and the six levels of the Protoss.

What is rhythm?

Is it dead?

It is the king who is super-class killing. When facing one of the demon kings, he must concentrate on his efforts. But the performance of this third-level martial **** is too calm. He does not put life and death in his eyes. It seems that he must defend the dignity of the gods with blood. .

The next moment, they are close!


The three devils stand side by side, holding the weapon of the gods and killing them directly. The horrible **** rainbow breaks up the space. The nine-headed Kirin ancient beast flies like a totem, biting into the wind, even the space storm is swallowed up. Drop it.


However, Ling Feng does not change color, and a word is like a thunder and a thunder, and it resounds through the sky.

A huge sword appeared in his hand, and the heavy weight reached 80 million kilograms. At the same time as the killing came, the space exploded. The debris was like running water. The lightning pushed forward and directly hit the nine unicorns. , the scales of the scales fly, flesh and blood smash.


A six-level **** of the Qilin Protoss flies, not an opponent at all. The fourth-order Wushen's ridiculous door is small, the combat power can rival the seven-level Valkyrie, and the heavy weight is the soft underbelly of others, and it is completely unstoppable.

Although most of the heavy weight has been weakened, it is that a small part of the heavy weight, but also hit the Qilin Protoss six-level gods spurting blood, shoulders are collapsed.


Then, Ling Feng lightning exploded, avoiding the blood killing of other six levels of gods, and using the inch **** to fly back, the five giant swords fought hard, "kick", a demon could not block this Violence, far from flying.

"Too weak!"

Ling Feng cold contempt.

At a time when everyone was horrified, he swiftly moved forward, and the three burning roads blew open the defense of a Valkyrie, and the lightning of the burning road flew silently, just at the moment when the Protoss secretly surprised. Kill it.


The light of the burning road spurs the chest, and the protoss are smashed. The guilt is completely smashed, and the lightning of the burning road is down, and the dan of the Protoss is also blasted. "Bang", the sand is flying, the radius is ten miles. They are all blown up by this power.

Less than two hundred interest time.

The two six-level gods have been killed, and the shocking power of the ridiculous Xiaoqi is astounding. The people in the middle of the country are full of horror. Is this still human?

The third-level martial arts beat the sixth-level gods!

The more it is the third level, it is incredible to be too detached.

The martial arts of the Quartet Pure Land is relatively calm. They know that the Baden Gate is very strong. When the Gods and Devils battlefield, the Mozus have suffered a lot. In the holy war, they have taken the crown. In these years, they are making progress. "The Quartet of Pure Land, the first Wizards," can you still stand still?

It turns out that they are correct.

"He is the ridiculous little seven, join hands to get rid of him!"

The Mozu are shocked. They are no strangers to this person. They have cast a record in the magical soil. So far, there are still magic in their shadows. At the beginning, they have not put this person in their eyes, but they know that they are really aware at this moment. The problem is serious.

Unfortunately, it is too late!

"God is absolutely!"

Just as the other four six-level gods walked side by side, when the wind was blown away, Ling Feng also flashed rapidly, and a soldier appeared in his hand. The **** who pressed against the crowd appeared, and returned to the true power. A sword.

The demon saw it, and the protoss also saw it.

However, they can't dodge.


They tried their best to make a great effort together, to get rid of the gods and to bury the ridicule.


In the next moment, God smashed into the endless gods and ignited the heavens and the earth, and when the smoke was exhausted, people saw a vacuum, and the ridicule of the small seven was not in front, and seemed to be destroyed by this violent force.

"Hurry to hide!"

On the occasion of their blasphemy, a Protoss could not help but scream, and they were shocked, and they were shocked. They swooped forward in an instant, but a flying sword was accompanied by a man, directly catching up with a Protoss.


Five steps of blood splashing!

The third sixth-level **** is killed!

People expected that this would be a **** hurricane, and many people would die, but they did not expect that the commandment was not a **** domain, but a demon and a protoss, the incomparable six-level god, in front of the domain of the **** domain, They are all chickens and dogs, and they are vulnerable.

"How could this be?" The demons were stunned and regretted. They were too young to make a fool of the door. Can they cast a brilliant wizard, is it so easy to deal with?

"Float Eighteen Palms!"

Ling Feng has entered the state and killed extra violence.

At the moment when the palms flew out, the gods and gods were all smashed. This is the real Futu, a protoss carrying the power of the real dragon, playing the Xeon lore and setting off a heaven.


In an instant, that day was cut off, and even his body was broken and broken into two pieces.

Scorpio divide!

The Lingfeng of the fourth-level Valkyrie is invincible in this realm. It is the top of the Devil's Son. It is also a retreat from the whole body. Moreover, these four are only the devils of the first level of fighting. They are not a level at all.

"God wheel!"

Ling Feng pushed forward and flew out one by one. In the whistling, he also lost a Protoss.

This is the fifth sixth-level god. In less than an hour, he has slaughtered half of the leading figures, which is unimaginable.


At this moment, the six gods who attacked and killed Ling Feng were left alone, and he was scared. This person is simply a monster. The third-level martial arts realm pushes all enemies, no one can fight.

"Speaking of the lair and the protoss' nest, I will not kill you!" Ling Feng forced himself forward.


The demon king was shocked and finally realized that the ridiculous Xiaoqi was not joking. He really had to break into the Mozu, and he had to trample the Protoss and the Mozu of the first star map.

"You want to be beautiful!"

The devil is angry, but he did not dive, but the first time to go, the moment of the door of the small seven has entered the invincible state, unless the eight-level Wu Shen came, otherwise no one can resist such blood.


The devil is very fast, but the wind is faster, and the flash of the gods appears in front of the demon king. A dagger emerges from the left hand of Ling Feng and directly penetrates the neck of the devil, ignoring the defense of the gods and cutting the god. A.


The next moment, the lightning of the burning road directly penetrated the spirit of the demon king, trying to get the Mozu lair from it, but he was shocked away in an instant. There was a terrible weapon in the demon spirit, and the first time detonated the soul, if not him. Dodge fast enough, I am afraid that it will also be affected.

The sixth sixth-level **** is also in vain!

Ling Feng did not delay, the other four six-level gods are killing Qin Yutian, Ming Hao, Ling Qing and others. Although everyone joins hands, they are still being forced to retreat, not at all.

At the moment, he killed!

"call out!"

The lock was tied, and a Protoss was banned in an instant, and then he understated the head of the Protoss.


The sky flies out and cuts off the heavy blockade of that **** on Qiu Shuyi. It flashes in the space, appears in its eyebrows, and points to its soul. It is shocked that the Protoss is motionless and cold and sweaty.

Too fast, he can't see clearly.

“Where is the Protoss nest?”


The Protoss was quite decisive. The first time it detonated the spirit of the gods, and did not let the ridiculous Xiaoqi get the news of the Protoss lair. This is a dangerous person. It is best to stay away from it, instead of causing the evil to lead into the nest.

"It's a bit mad!"

Ling Feng grinned and flew to the other three, scared the three people to fly like a smash.

This is simply a devil!

The big devil is coming, who dares to defeat his edge.

But in a step faster, Ling Feng grabbed a Protoss, smashed his lion's head, slammed it into the sky, and blasted the space, while the lion's head was **** and the nose was collapsed. It is.

He curbed the gods of the Protoss, did not let his dantian explode, and the lightning of the burning road also tried his best to smother the past.



The spirit of this Protoss exploded again. Under the pressure of Ling Feng, the only thing he could do was to explode the spirit.

"Too bad!"

Ling Feng said indignantly. "You have blocked the gods for half a year. You see how we cooperate with you. If you haven’t gone out for half a year, can you always have a courtesy? You are so polite, I always have to sit down in the house. ""

"The ceremony is coming."

The remaining two Protoss teeth were shocked. They knew that the ridiculous door was angered. It was not enough to smash them. They remembered their nests and did not give up.

When Ling Feng forced him to come back, they stepped back step by step. When they retired, they directly detonated the soul and Dantian, trying to pull Lingfeng to die.

Regrettably, Ling Feng’s feelings were too sharp. The first time I noticed that something was wrong, and the five heavy stones were blocked in front of me. Although I was rushed by the terrible storm, it only hurt the flesh and blood.

The ten sixth-level gods are killed!

This is terrible, but what is even more frightening is that he has smashed the six-level god's flexibility. This is a cruel means of destroying self-confidence and self-esteem. It is even more amazing than smashing them.

In a short time, the battle fell, and the gods destroyed the protoss and the demons. There was no suspense. Although some of them were heavily wounded, no one was killed.

This is an unprecedented victory!

Falling in people's eyes, they are so shocked that they are all stunned. I really want to say a word. It’s a dog, it’s a slap in the outer world.

Amazing, the wind of the face of the horror, they thought that the gods will win, but did not expect this will be the result, the first **** of Yuxian is full of surprise, the first time I saw this man who is happy with Ye Xinran.

The means of violent suffocation, the life of her life.

The Quartet Pure Land also took a deep breath, and the progress of the bad gates was too fast, so that they were under pressure, but on the occasion of people’s sorrow, the five sneaky guys were quietly walking down the Tianshan Wolf. .

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