Supreme Demon

Chapter 1125: Xiong Xianling

The first one hundred and twenty-five chapters Xiong Xianling

People are proud, devil wars!

The first star map was boiling, and people were conquered by the Great Devil. He opened up an era.

The Protoss stalked, the devil bowed, and the first star map was able to fight, and only the aliens were left. But under the power of the Great Devil, they also quietly left this "fierce land", even the Protoss were paralyzed, and they did not Dare to provoke the Great Devil.


The momentum of the first star map has changed, and people are doing their best to chase down the aliens. The tyrannical gesture shocks the world.

"When the big devil comes out, who fights."

People praised the fact that the Quartet had a big demon and frightened the gods and demons. This terrible degree is even more terrible than the super-god of the Ten Protoss lair. It is a godsend.

"Oh, which one of the Mozu screams and screams the Great Devil?"

The martial arts sneer, bursting into the double star map, and said: "There is the ability to leave famous names and nests."

"They took the third star map!" Someone laughed.

"Dare to suppress the big devil, live tired?"

"How about hiding in the triple star map?" Someone smirked. "Soon, one day, the big devil will come to the triple star map and kill you one by one."

"Ah, I have the ability to let him come!"

The demon of the third star map is full of anger and sorrow. For thousands of years, they have not suffered such insults, and they are even more uncomfortable than killing them. But the big devil is too fierce. The three peaks of the Mozu were killed, and they were killed by two, and they were still in the joint situation.

What makes them spurt is that the big devil is only a three-level martial art. If he is allowed to go to the fifth-level martial arts, and even the six-level martial arts, he is afraid that the double-star map will be bowed to his feet.

"Is it capable?"

People sneered, thinking that the Mozu is too shameless, but the Big Devil has scored a triple star map. This is a disguised killing, so they burst, and they screamed. "There is no ability to leave the first star map. The big devil gives you a hand."

"Get out of the big devil sooner or later, and score a triple star!"

In the midst of a raging situation, even people flew to Sirius Mountain, invited the Great Devil, to help him score the triple star map, and get rid of these hard-nosed demons, let them know that the Big Devil can easily die. they.

"I have a few martial arts in the desert, and I am tempering in the triple star. If you invite, I can sit and sit!"

On this day, the Big Devil pronounced and shocked the world.

People are boiling in an instant, one by one, looking forward to witnessing the brilliant battle of the great devil crossing the star map. Even the triple star map, the big devil does not have any taboos. What is important is that Yi Feng is now in the triple star map. Its terrible degree will surely shock the Protoss, and he will kill a few Devils and easily lift them.

"The big devil dares to fight, do you dare to leave a name and a lair?"

People exclaimed, all of them were hot and waiting.

However, the Mozu closed their mouths and scared their paws. They were warned on this day. The Mozu Supreme of the Triple Star Map is very cautious. The meaning of the "Breakgate" is very different, and they know the Great Devil. It’s not nonsense. There are indeed two martial arts who have blood in the triple star map, and they are all shocked.

If the Great Devil came in, I was afraid that they would be targeted in an instant, and would be killed under the butcher's knife of the two invincible gods.

This is simply taking the life to test the blade!

"Too boring!"

Finally, the Great Devil opened his mouth again and despised the Mozu. From the actions of the Mozu, he could also calculate that Yi Feng and Lu Wen were in the triple star map, killing the fierce momentum and scaring the Mozu to make them I dare not talk too much, worried that it was killed.

"Hey, what can you do with the Mozu?"

"The Big Devil will visit the Triple Star Map, and the Mozu can dare to fight."


However, no matter how fierce their words are, the Mozu has no movement, which makes people quite speechless. On this day, a martial **** muttered a sentence and instantly burst into a star map.

"They... won't scare away again?"

This is the big devil!

In a word, the gods and the demons can panic, and they dare not go out. They also make people very excited. They directly make Yongqing and Zhuling both under pressure. These martial arts that want to enter the Protoss are too much. From the Tianlang Mountain to the ruins of the gods, there are even four or five martial arts flying, only because the big devil shocked the Mozu, they pay tribute.

Needless to say.

The first star map, the era of the big devil is coming.

And when these martial arts entered the realm, the era of the gods also came, and in the next few decades, there is no fear of any fight.


The Great Devil is calm.

However, the gods are full of endless chills. A martial art flies out and directly hits a heterogeneous nest. It is led by Qin Yutian and Alum, and it is horrible. It destroys the aliens within a radius of five thousand miles.

They are very fierce!

Encouraged by the Big Devil, they can be described as killing madness. They are trying to use this kind of battle to gradually enter the country and catch up in a short time. There is no doubt that this is a catastrophe for the different species, five thousand. Rine, even a live mouth did not stay.

But they never stopped, but pushed to Wanli, and they were shocked to see each other. They didn’t dare to collide with this killing...

And when people are boiling.

The Great Devil has flew into the ancient Wuta, and it has fallen into the triple door. The gods and the demons have been scared. The first star map is completely under the control of the gods, not to mention Qin Yutian and Ming. It is the four women in Lingqing who can hold the gas field, and at this moment, as long as he is a big demon, it is enough.


He is standing in the triple door.

The next moment, he opened the spiriting beads, a flash of light, a delicate Loli fly, her feet clear, a bunch of flowers are quietly filled, aromatic, non-medicine is not a floral, but a very Unique taste.


This is what he got from the dark sea. It is very mysterious. It is said that it can breed a kind of magical power, involving the power of heaven. If it is not a butterfly, he can't take this little creature.

But at this time, it is in sight.

"call out!"

At the moment of flying out of the devouring beads, the fairy will go away in an instant, but it can not fly through the ancient Wuta, can only fly to the distance, and try its best to avoid this comet-like character, but then fly out of the hundred miles. It was a shock, and it flew in an instant, and it was straight.

Prior to this, Ling Feng had sacrificed the sky, cut off the sky, and waited for the opportunity to move. He never thought of giving Xianling any chance.

The fierce glimmer.

The scorpio appeared on the fairy spirit, and the fierce edge was up to the little Loli, which made the flower discolored, and did not dare to take it away, fearing that it would be cut off.

"Don't run?" Ling Feng shouted.


He reached out and held the fairy in his hand. The fire broke out with the lightning, and he watched it go away. He looked at the fairy with his eyes fixed and his eyes burst into a rainbow.

"How should the spirits be sacrificed?"

Ling Feng feels tricky. He knows too little about Xianling. How does it breed the magical powers? It is completely puzzling. Do you have to wait until the flower bones are fully filled? Or the little Lolita turned into a full woman.

What year and month.

"Smelting off, saying that there will be a shocking treasure!" Ling Feng stunned and made up his mind to sacrifice the fairy spirit. This is the only way he can think of now. As for eating this little loli, he still I can't get a mouth.


Turkic, a tender voice, sounded in the ancient Wuta, that flower shudder, Xiao Loli looked at Ling Feng with horror, and suddenly regarded him as an ogre.


Ling Feng Mei Yu trembled, and he was so happy. I didn’t expect this fairy to become a good one, and I was able to speak, so that things were not as tricky as I thought.

"You are a fairy?" Ling Feng asked.


Little Loli closed her mouth and stared at him fiercely and panicked.

"Hear, can you nurture?"


"Still eat it." Ling Feng said with regret.


Xiao Loli was so scared that her face was white and curled up. She was very jealous of Ling Feng, and then she began to say. "I am indeed a fairy, but I am still very young, and I have never given birth to a supernatural power."

"When will it be born?"

"Bloom and bear fruit!"

Little Loli trembled and said: "My fairy fruit is bred."


"10,000 years," said Little Loli.

"That's still to eat." He regretted that this time was too long for him. At that time, he was afraid that he had already won the heavens. Faerie did not make much sense to him. At present, he is very powerful. Craving.

The appearance of the butcher made him pressured and eager to improve.

"Five thousand years!" Xiao Loli changed her mouth.


"Three thousand years!"



Looking at the little Loli, whose eyes are twinkling, Ling Feng grinned. This little girl wants to fool him?

He is not an idiot.

Faerie was very shocking and cunning. At the beginning, she ridiculed the four true gods in the dark sea. It was definitely not a "pure" child. Her words were naturally untrustworthy, so he had been forcing her to reveal the truth.

"A thousand years!"

Little Loli wheezed and said, "I will hold it up and blossom, and you will get magical powers by then."

"Is it?"

Ling Feng blinked and said lazily. "I have got an ancient book. I have a very detailed explanation of the spirit of Xianling. Do you think I am eating you or frying?"


Little Lolita is stunned.

She is also very angry, this **** has been obtained from the ancient books, actually still ridicule her here!

"My patience is limited." Ling Feng's voice gradually calmed down, calm and tremulous, and he would start the next moment, tearing off the petals and eating them one by one.

Xiao Loli's eyes flashed, and she panicked for a moment and lamented.

After pondering for a moment, she only faintly opened her mouth. "The result of flowering can indeed produce a supernatural power, but it is not a real magical power. Once the enlightenment will enter a desperate situation, it will collapse."

"What about the real magical power?" Ling Feng secretly shocked, and now there are too many bears, and one can be killed if he is careless.

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