Supreme Demon

Chapter 1129: Come to a bowl of blood

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-nine chapters come to a bowl of blood

Inside the five-door.

Ling Feng closed his eyes and thought, and his eyes were clear, and it seemed that there was a light lightning flying over, which changed his temperament.

"How can I get more blood?"

Ling Feng secretly snarls that the blood of Qin Haotian and Tsaojiao is indeed overbearing, but the two districts are not enough. In the realm of Wushen, he must get more blood and let the gods change, and he guesses that His eyes can only swallow more blood of the Valkyrie, and then they can move forward to the front, and then they can sacrifice the true blood.

And if he prematurely sacrifices the blood of the true God, he is afraid that it will be unstable, which is very unfavorable for the gods.

Every step is very important!

Therefore, in this realm, he wants to get more talented blood, so that the gods can smash the realm of the gods, and be proud of the world.

"The double star map, you have to advance!"

Ling Feng's eyes shine and scored in the double star map. This is what he has been doing all the time. Although the number of gods is large, the real combat power is not strong. If you walk in too early, you will be thrown away.

This is very unfavorable.

However, the **** map is more important. Only the true sacrifice can understand how terrible the **** figure is. Now he is in the realm of the **** of martial arts, but once he has sacrificed to the extreme, he is absolutely inferior to the cut-off, empty, and burning. Lightning, even more terrible.

Moreover, he did not think about it, let the domain completely enter the double star map, but will make the real powerful Wu Shen walk in. After all, for Qin Haotian and Ming Hao, the first star map is no longer challenging. Only the double star map can make them pressure to break through.

"But before that, I have to think of ways to get some blood from them."

He grinned and laughed. Some of the blood of the gods had little effect on them, but it was very important to the gods. But these people are very cunning. It is not easy to get the blood of God. In a little moment of contemplation, he flies. From the five-door.



The gods flashed and he appeared in the murder.

At this moment, the people of the gods have stepped out of the building, plucking into the dynamism of the sun, consolidating the realm and laying a solid foundation.

These days, they smashed blood and killed them. They made a horrible name in the star map, and they were shocked. Therefore, everyone has gained a lot of success and is using this opportunity to temper and integrate into the body.

Qin Haotian has healed, sitting on a gravel, his body sparkling, the life and death of the demon domain is slowly running, flowing with immortal power, he squinted, the whole momentum is very strong, so that everyone around can not help but cast Looking up at the gaze.

However, in the blink of an eye.

The eyes of the road were all removed, and they looked in the other direction. This made the eyebrows of the Qin Dynasty scream and secretly pout. In this domain, only one person can steal his limelight.

The ridiculous little seven appeared.

"Domain master!"

Yongqing and Zhu Ling rose up and said respectfully.


Ling Feng’s forehead, indicating that the two were calm, and banned from going to Qin Yutian and Ming Yu, said: "You have been quite big during this time, but there are still some places. I decided to start today, you have to Challenge me."


Qin Yutian and Ming Hao are all a glimpse, and then they lick their teeth and secretly scream, when they say they want to challenge this person.

Can you not be so shameless?

How terrible the ridiculous little seven is, they have a deep understanding, the six levels of the gods understatement, they are seconds off, they really want to challenge, but with the current combat power, if forced to fight, fear is to be bloody.

They are not idiots, and naturally they will not do such a thing.

However, the ridiculous Xiaoqi did not care what they meant, and it was so "happy".

"Come on!" Ling Feng hooked his finger.


Qin Haotian, the bright smoke of the suffocating, this is forcing them, and they are all under the eyes. If they refuse, they will not have any arrogance in the realm, but if they rush to fight, they are afraid of arrogance. Will be broken up.

There is no road ahead, no way after!


In the next moment, Qin Haotian and Ming Yu gritted their teeth and directly smothered the past. Once they came up, they were the strongest forces.

"Life and death!"

"The most amazing!"

The terrible gods, swallowing the heavens and the earth, playing the gods are shaking, the terrible fluctuations, sweeping the squares for dozens of miles, so that the murders are stirring, people are far away, not afraid to get involved In the power.


However, Ling Feng is too direct and too overbearing.

He sacrificed the lightning of the burning road, directly opened the realm of life and death, sharp as a sword, directly pierced the arm of Qin Haotian, tearing a large piece of flesh and blood, blood spewing, and the next moment, people are full of eyes.

Because of this, the domain owner did not care about the Ming dynasty, soaring and leaping forward, a flash of lightning flew to the front of Qin Yutian, a jade bowl, fell under the arm, the blood of the sprinkling down, all in the bowl.

"Hey, hey!"

Immediately, he kicked his backhand, and the three burning roads smouldered out and turned into a punch of the yang to the right. He knocked out the sacred sacred sacred, smashed the alum, opened his mouth and spurted blood, and flew far away. .

At this time, his performance was also "stunning", a step fly out, and the jade bowl was punched under the mouth of Ming Yu, so that the blood dripping into the bowl.

Not much more, just a whole bowl!

"It's still a little weak, to be stronger!"

Ling Feng thief smiled and decisively flew away.

It’s been a long time, it’s hard to calm down, the domain owner appears, and a punch hurts Alum, and it hurts Qin Haotian quietly. It’s horrible, but even more puzzling, the domain owner is actually eyeing. The blood of the two geniuses.

"Making eggs, fooled!"

Qin Haotian, Ming Yu gas burst, this pit **** even did not let go of it, clearly is eyeing their **** blood, but also put on a "challenge" brand, too shameful!

"This is... the domain owner."

Some newcomers are stunned, and they are shocked and have the urge to "see the sky."

This is a wonderful guy!

It is very difficult for people to connect him with the domain owner. Until then, it was simply an insult, but after that...

"Amazing bird, come over!"

Not long after, Ling Feng stared at the proud bird and made it play.

"Don't do it!"

Tsundere bird decisively walked away, Ling Feng blew two geniuses, the movement was too big, it naturally noticed, the first time I wanted to run away, but the speed of Ling Feng is too fast, it is not allowed to dodge.


A lightning flies away and hits the body of the proud bird directly, causing its feathers to fly, and the blood on the wings is falling, and Ling Feng quickly flies past, hits a bowl, and connects the blood to the bowl.

"Pit baby, Lao Tzu and you are not finished!" The arrogant and arrogant bird, it is a life and death brother, this person actually shot it, it is too much.

"This is a spur to you, fight again every other day!"

Ling Feng slammed the next sentence, and instantly flew far away, and rushed into the ancient Wuta in a place where no one was.


"Hey, hey..."

Three bowls of blood were burned out, turned into blood, sparkling with a little bit of glamour, crystal clear, like a jade gemstone, very magnificent, and Ling Feng did not hesitate to drop it in the left eye.

next moment.

A lightning flashed clearly, like a real dragon, roaring and angering in the endless darkness, and alarming nine days, but the lightning flashed down, not horrified, let Ling Feng shook his head helplessly.

"Not enough!"

Originally, he thought that these blood essences could inspire the spirituality of the gods. In fact, they did appear, but they were also fleeting. They were not really activated, just like the light that fell through the treetops.

Turning back!


Ling Feng shouted, although these blood fines, fell in the left eye, like gravel falling into the Bohai Sea, not bottom, but can also start the waves, as long as enough, I believe there will be qualitative changes.


The next day, the domain owner appeared.


This time, Qin Haotian, who had always been very calm, turned out to be the first to walk away, the neat and scary, and the alum movement was not slow, tearing the space and flying directly into it. This pit was coming again.

"Where to go!"

Lingfeng drank, the whole person was excited, and said: "You are too weak, to grow up under my oppression, it is wrong to take it away."


Qin Haotian and Ming Hao are simple and rude.


Ling Feng fangs, directly sacrificed the inch god, caught up with Qin Haotian, said: "Don't go, I am doing this to you is beneficial."


The weather in Qinhuang was anxious, and the hate said: "You are simply remembering our blood and wanting to sacrifice your weapon."

"Then come a bowl of blood!"


Qin Hao Tian Mei's heart black line flashed, almost fell to the ground, before he felt that the ridicule of the small seven is shameless, and at this moment he feels that the ridicule of the small seven is awkward, after the disguise was torn off, he did not care.


The next moment, Ling Feng flew over, and the lightning of the burning road was drawn from the arm of Qin Haotian, so that Qin Qintian’s body was awkward.

Injury, or the injury.

Just the same!

When the blood of God fell into the bowl, Qin Haotian’s angry roar, can’t wait to get rid of the ridiculous little seven, so his family knows.

"Come a bowl of blood!"

When Ming Hao heard this sentence, it was black and straight, and this perverted thing appeared in the domain of God.

He really wants to let the wilderness of the small seven out, to miserd, the geniuses of the middle.

Undoubtedly, the third unfortunate thing is the proud bird, which ran the fastest and hid in the demon stone, but it was still found by the ridiculous small seven, and the scorpion could actually come in, and he was almost faint. .

Moreover, it suspects that the ridiculous door is not good. When the demon stone was handed over to it, it may have left a mark on it, otherwise it is impossible to fly in so quickly.

This day.

The gods are in chaos, people panic, respectful and fearful to the domain owner, respect his fighting power and the magic of shaping it, and fear to be stared at it, playing the classic "a bowl of **** blood."

However, after three days, they breathed a sigh of relief, only because of the news in the first star map, another event will come.

Happy New Year’s Eve in advance!

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