Supreme Demon

Chapter 1137: Dragon

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-seventh chapter

In the mountains of God, there is no messenger!

The star map Xeon will not interfere with many martial arts, give them enough freedom, and how much can be obtained, relying entirely on their air transport.

And at the moment.

In the ancient forest, a message was heard, directly called the war **** domain to kill, so that the entire mountain of God has calmed down, people are bright, knowing that some forces can not sit still, must first suppress the gods to kill, let the big devil Bow down.

This news is heard from the Zizhu forest. In the whole bamboo forest, there is a forbidden zone. Only the real super-class killing can enter. The other first-class killings are surrounded by the weak meat and the ranks are strict.

Of course, not all super-class killings care about this kind of strictness. Like Ao Xian and Shenfeng, they have never entered the Zizhulin. They are forbidden to sit down in the ancient forest, and the two fight each other to communicate with each other.

And like the people of the gods, they have no interest in Zizhulin. They sit down and consolidate the recent realm, get rid of the weaknesses, and let themselves go further. Because this ancient forest is different, the star power is abundant, which is an excellent practice. Holy land.

At this point, the message sounds.

"Oh, you know they will want to kill us!" The proud bird flew up and sneered at the direction of the Zizhulin. It was not so much a star map event, but rather a large pit dug out for the gods.

The devil will!

This is what people really want to express, and the devil is naturally the big devil.

But for the domain of the gods, there are different interpretations. This is completely a sacred sacred society.

"It looks like we are suppressing the flying and killing in front of the mountain, and we have not shocked these people." Qin Haotian also laughed. He is in a very good state, suitable for fighting, and opponents like Feitian cannot let him do his best. Naturally, there is no real understanding.

"Then kill a few birds!" Ming said coldly.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Ling Xuewen said: "The big devil is not everyone who dares to provoke, unless it is the top five super-class killing, otherwise no one is sure, but some people jumped, afraid that someone is operating in secret."

"I am also this idea."

Lingfeng stood up and stared at him, looking forward. He said: "Senbang has angered many people's interests, especially the top three super-class killings. A single flying sky cannot reveal our true power. There must be more killing and jumping out to kill our strength."

Before sharpening the knife, you must also recognize the situation.

The first five kills are people who love the feathers very easily. They don't easily do it, but once they start, they are thunderous strikes, so they will lurk until they don't know the real fighting power of the big devil.

"The first five kills?"

Qin Haotian’s eyes are cold and cold. He said: “It is reported that there are more than one six-level martial arts in them. They can all seal the king in the first star map, and they can enter the top five killings. Their potential is very scary. The power is enough."

"There is no problem in destroying a king, but other kings are not so easy to deal with."

Everyone frowned.

The situation is worse than they think. The big devil can suppress a king, even two or three, but Qin Haotian, Ming Hao, and Ling Xuewen are not enough to watch. The genius of the martial arts is still very low. There are not so many killers, they are doomed to tragedy.

"The enemy is clear, I can't prevent it!"

Ling Feng shook his head and said that he originally wanted to take the lead in the challenge. However, in this way, he was afraid that the first three kills would not show up, and wait until the other kills were defeated one by one, and then one by one.

And one step later, it is also trouble!

The situation is very unfavorable!

"First kill this provocative kill!" Tsundere bird rubbed his head. "The first to suppress a few kills, shock them, let them be jealous."

"Actually, it's not that much trouble!"

Ling Feng smiled and said: "First shock, let go of some blood, and then lead the disaster to the tree of the gods, where to open the battlefield, the confrontation at that time will not be an individual, but the entire fight."


When the eyes were bright, the thief smiled.

When they first saw the ancient trees, they were very much looking forward to it. Now, the ridiculous Xiaoqi is going to pull everyone up and go forward to uncover the mystery of the ancient trees. This benefit can be imagined.

Moreover, at that time they were in the dark, and it was easy to kill a few super-class kills. They were straight in front of the three kills, and they did not have so many taboos.


On this day, the mountain shook, and everyone was shocked by the news and excited.

"It’s finally coming, the big devil is so dazzling, it must be targeted!"

"Oh, the fear of challenge is super-class killing. I think from today, the gods list will change, and the destruction of the gods is inevitable."

"However, they want to kill the top five kills, fear it is impossible."

"What's the matter!"

A martial art martyr: "There has been smothering and releasing, the martial arts genius who really sealed the king came, they are the kings of the previous generation, they will not easily be born, but now it seems that most of them are directed at the big devil."


A Wushen in the Pure Land of the Quartet was angry and yelled. "The first star map was taken by the Great Devil, and now many people still want to suppress him. It is too much."

They put it aside, this war is trying to be fair, and if someone dares to break the rules, they don't mind getting rid of it.

The current star map is not the home of the middle domain!

The strong characters of the Quartet Pure Land have come in, and the Wushen of the sixth-level peak has also curbed the realm, branded with the fifth-level Fengwu, and mixed into the first star map, like the gods and the gods.

This is a terrifying god. No one dares to swear. If they are annoyed, they will be able to push it horizontally. It is the top three killers of the gods, and they will lose one or two.

And the gods are more direct.

The martial arts who dare to operate all of this in secret, they will catch them one by one!

Undoubtedly, these martial arts are not from the Tianmen, but from the Shenmen, there are four martial arts shackles, they naturally attach great importance to the ridicule of the small seven, absolutely can not let him have any accidents.


This is a secret land of the Gulin Center, covering a radius of 50 miles. A strain of Zizhu is very thick and requires three people to hold together. The soil is lavender and the soil is soft. When you step on it, there will be purple water. Take it up.

Soon after the news came out, the entire Zizhulin was surrounded by black pressure, and one by one killed and came in, to witness this war.

Super-class killing battle!

"Can the gods killing come?"

In the center of the crowd, a huge venue, the twelve martial arts are standing in front, arrogant, and the eyes are all stunned.

"Not afraid, don't you dare to come?"

Someone sneered.

"After killing a flying sky, what about it?" said a martial god. "I am not afraid of killing dragons. The great devils are so eager to fight, they don't know the real fighting power. Is it so legendary?"

Dragon Slayer!

This killing is extremely overbearing. If you don't agree with one word, you can't do it in today's star map. If you dare not put the big devil in your eyes, there are not many people who try their best to ridicule, and Tulong is undoubtedly one of them.

Because they are the super-class killing of the 25th power of the gods list, this is not to kill the gods and demons, but to kill them from the gods list, one by one, they like to do things.

And it is still the kind of killing inside and outside.

Such a sharp thorny head like the Great Devil is naturally the first target of the dragon slaughter.

"Call a chicken feather!"

The proud bird flies, sticks to the purple bamboo forest, and swears. "The fly is so high, like a bird, will hit you down."

The gods are coming!

What can be amazed is that the head is not the big devil, but this bird, the golden light body, sprayed with the glow of the sun, especially dazzling, let people take a sigh of cool.

"Ten gods!"

Someone recognized the origin of the proud bird, and stunned his chin.

This kind of species is too rare, it is difficult to find one in Shenwu, and more importantly, it is strong in blood. It is said that there is the power to step on the dragon and the phoenix. People have never really seen it, but the **** of this blood is at least inferior to the true. Dragon.

"Oh, the domain is really unfathomable."

The **** of martial arts, known as the bird man, has a sullen face, and his cold voice.. "The gods and beasts of the gods have appeared, it is really dazzling, but you should not call this bird, will stay You suppress it and take it as a mount!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Mount me, say you!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone laughed, but they immediately took it, fearing that they would offend the **** of the same god, and when they learned the truth, the Buddha who was angry with the **** of the gods would ascend to heaven, and he would not want to slaughter the proud bird on the spot.

"The meaning of the tongue is meaningless!"

He reluctantly said: "I will be the first to get rid of you!"

When the voice fell, he looked at the proud bird behind him, and sneered. "The second and third level of the **** of martial arts, even the first-class martial arts have come. It is said that they can fight more than level, but I don’t know **** me." What will happen?"

They can also fight in level!

This is super-class killing!

"No problem, kill a few birds, do not move all the power." Qin Haotian flew, super-class killing is indeed quite strong, at least the screaming bird is the five-level martial arts, and in the entire slaughtering, he Two people could not see through.

Undoubtedly, it is a six-level martial art, and its combat power is terrible.

"Can the big devil be there?" Someone shouted coldly.

"Call me?"

At this time, a crowd of people squeezed out of the crowd, said with a smile: "Do you want to single-handed me, or let me single-handedly kill you?"


In an instant, people are far away, the big devil is there, and they have never thought of it. This is really scary, and Tu Long is even stunned and can't speak. Anyone who singles out the big devil has no chance of winning.

Moreover, they are going to destroy the gods. Even if the big devil can suppress one of them, others will fall down. In the whole situation, they are taking advantage of it. As for the big devil, it is naturally destroyed by the six-level armed god. .

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