Supreme Demon

Chapter 1139: a bird

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-nine chapters


Trembling sound, until the handle of the sword to the front of the proud bird, only burst open, hundreds of knife rainbow, shot from the sword, straight to the proud body of the proud bird, the space is not stable, by the knife rainbow The waves swayed, and the holes that were big in the mouth appeared, and the edges burst.

This is the arrival of the four gods!

Every dragon of the Dragon Slayer is not simple, can enter the list of gods, killing step by step, hitting the status of twenty-five, they have their own potential. Therefore, although this person is a four-level martial art, there is definitely The combat power of the five-level Valkyrie.

Very fierce!

Everyone in the field was shocked, and they shook their heads. The gods were not balanced enough. Not everyone was a big demon. They didn't have that kind of fighting power. They couldn't match them. One of them was a four-level **** of war, and they were afraid that they would be enough.


At the time of the discussion, the arrogant bird moved its claws.

It is a step forward, a sacred sword shines on the sacred gods, flies from its claws, bans from smashing forward, a huge explosion, proud birds fall, the body is uncontrollable, the five-level martial arts that amazing The power is indeed terrible, and it is in the middle of it, and it is restricted by the realm and its strength is relatively weak.

However, this does not mean it is not strong enough!

The next moment, it flies up, lightning fast, inch God can fall into the butterfly's pocket, naturally it will be obtained by it, this is a superb bird, sometimes the wind can not stand it.


Between the lightning, the proud bird flew behind the Valkyrie, and the sword fell instantly.


The martial **** was shocked, and the reflexive slashed out, directly against the fierce knife of the proud bird. "When", he shot the endless Mars, like a gorgeous star, falling down one by one.

And just as the martial **** wanted to chase the arrogant bird, the arrogant sky in front of him, the arrogant bird also flew far away, and instantly flew to the body of the martial god, the speed was shocking, it did not comprehend the inch. God, but also touched a part, in the case of full explosion, is the six-seven-level Wushu, but also want to catch it.

"Hey!" "Hey!"...

It is like a light, a lightning, and constantly killing the Valkyrie, and this martial **** is also quite calm, calm, and the soul of the whole person is bursting open, shrouded in all directions, the proud bird is not the big devil, the inch **** still Did not reach the point of breaking the soul.


In a short time, the martial artist smashed the arrogant bird, and said coldly. "The gods are not as powerful as you think. If you don't hide, I can easily drop it in seconds!"

"Is it?"

This time, the proud bird did not dodge, but stopped, coldly looking at the Valkyrie in front, said: "This **** bird hates you so much, I wanted to tease you to play, now immediately drop you!"

It is high-spirited, flying in the sky, the commanding martyr of the dragon, the martyrdom of the dragon, the words are quite sharp and overbearing, threatening to immediately get rid of the martial god, shocked people to straighten their eyes.

This bird is not saved!

"kill you!"

The martial **** was angry and flew out in an instant, and the light of his body flew like a fly. He finally used the ultimate strength. The four gods were shocked, and they flew on the body and turned into the strongest tornado storm.

This is a **** burst!

Not only for Shenhong, but also for the soul, killing it, the surrounding gods are discolored, can not help but go backwards.

Undoubtedly, this is a forbidden zone in the realm of the five-level martial arts. Once it enters the non-death and hurts, and this **** bursts, it hits the proud bird, and locks its breath, to the dead!


The Zizhu forest is chaotic, and the large purple bamboo is broken. In the face of this pulsating force, it turns into powder, and in the process of flying out, the **** burst is shrinking, the power inside is melting, and the speed is thin. The momentum to explode.

But it is very stable and gradually condenses, and the power of it is heartbreaking.

The proud bird is calm and looks directly at the storm, but the small eyes are up, there is no jealousy in the eyes, but there is an impulse to eager to try, it must be amazing, it will blow, but the current strength is not enough.

It is waiting!

"Let the storm come even harder!" It was nervous.


Like feeling the contempt of the proud bird, the **** burst is more fierce, killing in a circle, the terrible momentum ruined the surrounding purple bamboo, within a radius of ten miles, became the pure land of ruins.


In a short time, God exploded, and the momentum inside it solidified and turned into a savage knife. It fell from the sky and shocked people's eyes. What can be seen is that the space is torn, and a light knife is curbed. All light.

Extremely explosive!

That murderous knife reached the peak of the five-level Valkyrie, and the power of one blow could smash everything.

"It's at the moment!"

The eyes of the proud bird are bright, and they move forward to the extreme, and at the same time, the knives in its claws are also raised upwards. And out.


The next moment, the space is gorgeous, and it has fallen into the eternal darkness.

All along, the bird has been very restrained. During the holy war, no real combat power has emerged. Ye Xinran’s dominating gas field, Yunxi’s ice and fire two days, and Lingqing’s hail, but no one knows this. What did the bird get on the road of Death Valley?

At the moment, it finally exploded.

"Don't burst the dark!"

The darkness is coming, like the sky, covering everything, and the darkness can swallow the rainbow, directly cutting off the knives of the gods, interrupting it with "sound", crushing the inch, and then the darkness is pressed. , swallowed the Valkyrie.


In less than a quarter of an hour, the darkness was exhausted, and the martial art of the Dragon Slayer fell from the sky, and the blood was vague and dying. The only certainty was that he did not die, but his power was exhausted and the whole person fell into fainting.

And people looked at his eyes, and they were shocked. The eyes were not closed even in the fainting, and the shudder in the pupils made people clearly capture the terrible things in the darkness. Can you let a martial **** panic to this point?

That is a nightmare!

The powerful dragon slaughter of the first battle fell, was smashed by a bird, and in the strongest state, it can be said that even if the martial **** wakes up, I am afraid that it will be lost. How can such power be lost?


This is the state of the present divine domain. A bird is tyrannical to this point, let alone other people.

More importantly, the five old gods sticked out the scenes of the gods, set up a gambling, and killed a lot of people, and those who optimistic about the first battle of the dragons were instantly caught.


Undoubtedly, the blood of many people in this trench has made them lose their blood. At this time, five old **** sticks have appeared again. They set up a gambling squad to set up the second battle. They are very confident in this battle. Knowing the terribleness of the gods, they know it well.

"Blood, Laozi is on the gods!"

"Mahjong, a bird must go against the sky, I will not believe that the domain of God can be all the way to the end!"


For a time, people did not give up, they bleed blood, and they were on the gods.

Of course, they firmly believe that the Big Devil will not shoot at this time, and that they are not afraid to lie on the roots of the Big Devil, and most of them will calm down.

"who is the next?"

The proud bird did not retreat, but despite the bloodshed, it was still cold.

The power of darkness is very difficult to control. With its current power, it will also be out of control. It can leave the life of the Valkyrie. It is already taking into account the rules of the star map. Otherwise, it will be killed on the spot.

But this sentence also makes a lot of popular vomiting blood. Many of them feel that the arrogant bird is exhausted and will not fight again. Therefore, the blood of the gods is directed to other people in the domain, but who knows that it will do this out. what.

Nothing to lose!

Whether winning or losing!


At this time, another four-level martial art flew out and directly killed the proud bird.

But... At this moment, the proud bird is in a state of peak, and the injury is not light, and it does not fight with this person. It is a lore, and the darkness comes again, directly destroying the fourth-order martial art.

Win again!

This made the dragons full of anger, the real characters of the gods have not yet shot, a bird will kill this level, it is even more ugly than the face of their faces, if the bird has been playing, they do not want to live.

Thus, a five-level martial **** is on.

At this time, the Tsundere bird turned and let the people breathe a sigh of relief, and then they let go of the blood, and felt that it finally could not hold on, but after people bleed, the arrogant bird came back again, arrogant to the dragon .

Fight again!

This is its determination!

However, to this extent, it is impossible to sacrifice the darkness, and it faces the five-level martial arts. The non-four-level martial arts are comparable. In the case of such a heavy injury, people are generally optimistic about the dragon.

The problem is that this time the proud bird is shocked.

It did not smash the darkness, but it hit the demon stone!


The golden light sprayed, like the lift of the sky, and the circle of the road formed a huge cage. It was very clear that the five-level armed **** was shrouded, letting him struggle, and it was difficult to escape the suppression of the demon stone.

This is the demon stone of the gods, it is their inheritance!

It is a contraindication to the depths of the blood!


When the demon stone shines, the five-level armed **** is directly imprisoned and scored into the demon stone. With the power of the proud bird, one can hold a five-level martial arts for several days, and the demon stone is its world, which can be fully captured. The power of the Valkyrie is far from complete, and the death of the martial **** will eventually end.

The third win!

This is a force that people have never seen before. A strange stone has suppressed a powerful Valkyrie, which is simply incredible.

In fact, the proud bird also bears a heavy weight. Although the demon stone is shocking, it can only be three levels. The five-level Wushen is a limit. If you change to a six-level martial art, you can cut off the golden cage and give it Caused huge trauma.

"Oh, a bird is fierce, this is the rhythm of the sky!"

A sigh of suffocation, vomiting blood, said with a sigh of relief. "I said that I refused to accept it. I will use the blood of God to kill this product!"


He walked to the front of the gods, touched his knife and cut his wrist, and looked very fierce. Looking at the twitching body, people were shocked. This person is too embarrassed. This is to take his own life to come with the **** Consumption.

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