Supreme Demon

Chapter 1151: Blood **** sea

The first thousand one hundred and fifty-one chapters of the blood god

The blood fog is like the sea of ​​the sea, and the momentum is shocking.

The blood fog covers the sky, completely obscures the front of the branch, can not see through, can cut off the soldiers, and the blood fog is mysterious, revealing the tremulous power, so that the true God is afraid, Wu Shen can not walk.

Blood **** sea!

This is not a real ocean, but it is a horrible picture caused by blood and fog. It looks far away. It does have the appearance of the sea. It is like a scorpio, which cuts off people's minds and futures.

Standing in front of the blood **** sea, all the gods in the gods are embarrassed, and they feel that things are very tricky, unless it is clear, here, you can sacrifice the gods and sacred scorpions, fight the scorpio, open the **** fog, or take their Strength, I want to enter this **** sea.

People look to Ling Feng. At present, they are helpless and feel that they can't open this **** sea. But the big devil is different. It can drive away those gods and fly back here. It also means that he has some ideas.

"There is no full grasp, but you can try it!"

Ling Feng said coldly, it was very wrong in the blood fog. It seems that there is a big danger. He can't guarantee to walk in, but at least he can get rid of it. Although it is very risky, it does not mean that they can't enter.


When the voice fell, the wind of the wind trembled and the sky flew out.


The shackles smashed forward and smashed the past, like a sly lightning bolt, piercing into the sea of ​​blood, fierce edge, smashing the blood fog, and the **** sea cracked a gap, extending far forward. .


But at this moment, the sky is trembled and the moment stops.

From the sea of ​​blood, a terrible claw sticking out, can be as big as a mountain, shot on the scorpion, wants to hold it, and the murder is terrible, so that the face is instantly white The eyebrows flowed out a drop of blood.


Ling Feng made every effort to intercept the lightning of the burning road, stabbed the claw and wanted to walk away.


However, the whole **** sea is shaking, like a huge and fierce beast standing upright, and the claws are also caught by the scorpion, want to erase the breath above, then force It’s too horrible. It’s like a million mountains crushing down together, so that the four burning lanes of Lingfeng are instantly shattered, and the gods that are branded on the cut-off are crushing.

"It’s a big murder!"

Ling Feng looks hard to look at, do his best, but not enough to see, the secret beast is too shocking, a claw has such a divine power, shocking, blink of an eye, endless burning road is suppressed, Ling Fengxin is shaking.

"Five stones!"

Ling Feng drank, directly throwing out five great swords, weighing a huge weight of 50 million pounds, like a scorpio, so that the blood of the sea is tearing, directly to the secret claw.


However, the secret claws are quite violent, and they are directly grasped. The endless gods are rushing into the five heavy stones. They must be rid of the branding and completely control this strange stone. At this moment, people also faintly look at the vastness. Divine power.


It is the power of the true God!

Moreover, from the point of view of its combat effectiveness, it is absolutely terrible to be able to talk with the original four people.

"Get rid of you!"

The five great swords were imprisoned, and the scorpion scorpion fell into the claws of the fierce beast, which made the hurricane quite violent. This is his fundamental, and it must not be lost, equal to life.


At this moment, Ling Feng was angry.

Dan Tianzhong flew out a blade, completely composed of lightning, and it was almost unbelievable. He directly smashed into the sea of ​​blood, causing the blood to roll, and the inch of the collapse, the terrible momentum is breaking.

Heavenly path!

This is the murderer of Ling Feng's life. He can instantly smash the **** of war, but he has been worshipped by the gods of the gods. He has never sacrificed it, but at this moment, he is not so much.


There was blood in the dark, and the claws were hurt. Even the terrible power of the gods broke a gap. But at this moment, the sinister blade could not smash a real beast. After all, the weapon was fierce and its power could be exerted. Or from the person holding the weapon.


The next moment, the second claw appeared, directly shot to the evil path of the heavens, to suppress refining.


Ling Feng spurted blood, his face was white, and the evil path of the heavens was imprisoned. A terrible divine power was directly killed through the fierce blade, and his flesh and blood were cracked and opened, and the blood was dull.

"what happened?"

People were shocked and flew out. They all rushed into the sea of ​​blood and wanted to distract the attention of the terrible beast, but they could suddenly sink into the sea without any surprise.

"Forcing me to kill the beast!"

At this point, Ling Feng's blood is boiling, and the anger is spurting out of the eyelids. If he is taken away from the three weapons, it is simply asking for his life. He was very jealous of the beast, but now It seems that the beast can not go to the sea of ​​bleeding, or it should have been killed.

The problem is that the beast is too strong, even if it is the scene of the cliff, it can not be ruined.

"Away from this place, I want to fight with him!"

Ling Feng fangs, very cold, he is a little monster, anxious to him, will pay the price.

What about the real beast?

Just kill!


After Qin Haotian, they were far away from this place, Lingfeng eyes shot a line of Haomang, directly forward, shocked Lingqing four women flower eclipse, worried that Lingfeng will be an accident, even Xiong Botao far behind, The thin old man, two martial arts, also exclaimed.

It is just near.

Ling Feng hit the spirited beads, flying a smoke from it, and directly smashed the blood of the sea, the nine colors of the gods can flow, can crush all things, it is undoubted that this is what he got from the wolf's tomb, It was taken from the terrible haze that was imprisoned in front.


This time, the fierce beast in the dark, the claws fly back, can be hurt by the nine colors of God, very painful, and Ling Feng also instantly summoned the heavenly murderers from the scene and flew into Dantian.

"I want you to die!"

Ling Feng is fierce and scary. In the endless smoke, a yellow spring spurts out and directly shoots at the fierce beast.

At the time of the encounter, there was a big hole in the blood **** sea. It couldn’t be compared with Huang Quanshui, and it was immediately smashed. When the claws touched the spring water, they felt like a rattan, and there was also a blood on it. hole.

"Hey!" The snoring of the darkness was shocking, and the trepidation was tumbling.

"Come, hurt each other!"

Lingfeng eyes are full of blood, and Huang Quanshui is playing together one after another. If the lightning and the burning road are not unique, they can intercept the yellow spring water, and he can’t help the secret beast.

But at the moment, he is overbearing!

If you enter the uninhabited territory, the blood **** sea is torn, and Huang Quanshui is forbidden to fly to the distance. However, Huang Quanshui is shocking, but he will also hurt himself, so he does not dare to move forward. Played, but the scope is very limited, only the five heavy stones and the truncated scorpion can be taken from the claws of the fierce beast.

But this is enough.


The next moment, Ling Feng regressed, spurting blood and confronting the fierce beast in the dark. The contest was so amazing that he was seriously injured.


He swallowed a few gods, so that the blood recovered, and he did not withdraw from the sea of ​​blood. The four burning lanes can completely open the blood fog, so that he is not injured, but only the burning road can have such a god, ordinary The gods are not enough to see, and the time is very limited.

He is banned from moving forward.

On the fingertips, the smoke was sprayed thinly, and the yellow springs shone. Under the control of the lightning of the burning road, the beasts were stunned and stunned. They did not dare to approach, but when Lingfeng approached, they took the initiative and were afraid of being killed by Huang Quan.

"What the **** is this?"

People were horrified, one by one, the fierce beast was still alive at the moment, but this moment it was forced to go, they could feel the trembling of the whole branch, that is, the beast was running.

"The real beast that is not shy and stunned." The lean old man said with a stunned voice.

"It's too frustrating." Xiong Botao also nodded.

What he said is not the real beast, but the ridiculous little seven. This guy is silent, but he has got the haze and the yellow spring. This is the real big creation. Once the sacrifice is made, the true God can only run.

However, they also feel that the secret beast is very weird. Huang Quan can indeed hurt it, and even kill it. But the problem is that with the current strength of Ling Feng, it is simply taking Huang Quan to swear, if the true **** smashes, one The two Huangquan can be suppressed, and as long as a true power can kill the ridiculous door.

But the secret beast actually went... ran away?

Ling Feng looked dignified. He sprinkled Huang Quan as much as possible. He would not hinder his own progress, leaving a gap, staring at the front with great vigilance, and worried that the real beast would kill.

"No, it was seriously injured!"

The next moment, Ling Feng immediately wakes up and understands that the star map Xeon has entered this **** sea, but suffered a catastrophe, leaving a bone in the original place, and a large piece of golden blood, not from Yu Wu Shen, but the real beast.

"It's not as powerful as you think, but it's pretending!"

Ling Feng pouted, the real beast was wounded, in the absence of Shen Dan, it is very difficult to recover, and lost so many martial arts, it is too heavy, at this moment, it is also the end of the shackles, and worried about exposure, will Let those real gods remember.

"Catch your three hundred miles!"

Ling Feng was mad, very angry with this fierce beast. He had wanted to take away three of his treasures and wanted to get rid of him. He couldn’t make it comfortable.

next moment.

He sacrificed the inch god, sprayed Huang Quan between them, held up the heavenly murderer, directly chased the depths of the blood into the sea, scared the real beast and the scorpion ran wildly, and as Ling Feng guessed, the blood on the ground was not limited. Jin Cancan, and Ling Feng did not hesitate to grab it and scored in the jade bowl.


The whole blood **** walrus is blown up, and the horse is galloping. A real beast is chased by a martial god. The world runs and sees everyone. They feel that the whole world is crazy.

What the big devil wants to do.

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