Supreme Demon

Chapter 1153: Unscrupulous old bastard

The first one hundred and fifty-three chapters are not ashamed of the old bastard

On a branch.

Ling Feng eyes shining, staring at the gods, he still could not see through, the essence has been eaten by the squirrel, the remaining walnuts are of little use, can be cut off the state of the butterfly is different, so he still picks Twenty.

At this moment, Xianling spoke, and he spoke out the gods, and he was excited to exchange the secrets of the magical powers. This is extraordinary, and the "attitude" of the heavenly butterfly and the fairy spirit is revealing the shock of the gods. .

"What kind of difference is it?" Why bother?

Ling Feng smiled and said: "It can make the fairy spirit value, this kind of **** is also worth the money, I can give you three."


The gods of the gods have never spoken. He feels that this person is very wrong. It has not been a miracle, but now he has to give it to him. It is not the style of the big devil.

"What do you want?" he asked vigilantly.

"Don't stare at me like this."

Ling Feng said in awe-inspiring way. "I used to be unhappy with each other. The three gods are also respectful. Don't think too much."


Xianling was a little shocked. "It has been with him for so long. It has already known what kind of virtue this person is. He never refuses to suffer. If he doesn't agree with one word, he will be willing to give such a big profit. That means he wants to get bigger. interest.

You can make it not scary.

"What is your look?"

Looking at Xianling, Ling Feng said very angryly. "You take a closer look and stare at my sincere eyes. I am very sincere to repair our friendship."

"The eyelids are too small to see."

Xianling looked at it for a moment and threw out such a sentence, letting Ling Feng’s words of smoke.

"What do you want to do?" Faerie asked.

"I am the kind of person who is only willing to take advantage of it and refuses to suffer?" Ling Feng was hurt by the eyes of Xianling.


"Actually, my purpose is relatively simple."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he had to change his style in the future. He said, "The gods are very special. I don't know, I want to know more, and I am very curious about the latter scenes of the **** map..."


The fairy spirit is straight and straight, this unskinned big devil, wants to seal its mouth with three gods, use this opportunity to get the news he wants, and he has given three gods, it 岂Can the "brutal" opening ask for the fourth and fifth gods?

This is an alternative "negotiation" that falls into disregard.

"Five!" Faerie said indisputably.


Ling Feng is very solemn, not at all, "bargaining", like he is a fairy, want to use this opportunity to get more.


Xianling opens his mouth and thinks that this person is playing with his IQ. Can he negotiate this way?

However, it is too clear about this person. Previously, only three gods were allowed. Now, five more gods have been added. This is definitely the rhythm of doing things.

"What are you doing?" Xian Ling Mao.

"Or, you give me a tear."



In the end, Ling Feng failed to convince the Faerie, never got the third tear, but he scored five gods into the devouring beads, and learned the news of this kind from the fairy mouth, secretly scared, think that A squirrel is simply a big idiot.

These gods are the real treasure!


At the time of Lingfeng's contemplation, a loud sound, the whole world was calmed down, people could not help but look at the proud bird, the mouth trembled, this **** is too embarrassed, directly open mouth to bite the **** Kind.


The next moment, the proud bird holding the bird's beak, tears DC, this **** is too strong, even the gods want to move.

"This is a god!"

Ling Feng angered his head and shook his head. "It is very precious, it can't be swallowed, but it is to be blended into Dantian, cultivated with divine power, made it strong, and filled in Dantian, and finally bears the power, like metamorphosis, will be better than now. Stronger, and can continue to evolve, and the dantian **** tree will be an invincible soldier."

"call out!"

His voice fell, and the proud bird couldn't help it. He rushed directly to him and took all the gods away.

What kind of shock can the gods of the gods be able to evolve? A value can be shocking, like the arrogant bird of the virtue of the god, I am afraid that I want to get it all, not leaving one for everyone.


However, Ling Feng had already expected it. He punched it out and punched it. "I know that your bird is very treacherous and has broken everyone. Qin Haotian and Qiu Shuyi have learned badly with you." ”


Everyone got rid of it and stared at him with a stunned look.

The Qin dynasty tiankeng, Qiu Shuyi is also a pit, even the Ming dynasty is the mind of the heart, but the reason is not the arrogant bird, but the big devil is next to the **** pit, and the big devil completely " frame".

But they can't refute it. Now everyone is eyeing the gods, and they worry that the big devil will "not recognize people."

"The gods are rare."

Ling Feng said with a serious face. "It is very shocking to be able to plant the next one in the martial arts, but with your talent, you should be able to do it."

The voice fell.

Ling Feng took out ten species of gods and handed them to Qin Yutian in their hands. At this moment, the arrogant bird also licked his mouth and licked the baby's "recognition" of Ling Feng's "planting."

It is very wrong, but it can't beat the big devil. If it is refuted, I am afraid that it will be picked up.

Except for the five gods traded with Xianling, the remaining fifteen are only enough, but not many, and he knows that the squirrels will not stand here, suppress the star map, and once those people hit In this area, people who know the goods see the amazing things of the gods, fearing that they will all be taken away.

Therefore, his eyes turned and he banned from flying toward the sea of ​​blood.

The opportunity is early!

"Bad embryo, what are you doing?"

The squirrel was shocked. I didn't expect this person to ran back. It swallowed a god, carefully refining, and the big devil came back, making it doubt whether the **** was poisonous.

"Hold a little, how to say is a real beast."

Ling Feng was too lazy to take care of it, banned from flying to Taoyuan, and took away the remaining more than 20 gods, and all the eyes were on fire. He knew that the ordinary **** of martial arts could plant the next god, which was very shocking. But he is different, you can plant as many as two or three.

Moreover, if you step into the true state of God, you can plant more. At that time, his Dantian is a Taoyuan, and you can complete the Great Nie. The essence of life and the power of God will change in the tree of God.

The benefits are too much!

What's more, the **** tree itself is the ultimate **** soldier, bred the essence of the majestic, and even able to forge weapons, which is very beneficial to the heavenly murderers, the interceptors, and the cut-off butterfly. Ling Feng also looks forward to it, and feels that the butterfly will be cut off. In it, it is made big, and it really flies out.


Ling Feng approached the squirrel habitat, and said that he was familiar with it, and then in the gaze of squirrels, he flew out of the sea of ​​blood.

But the next moment, he will stop.

Because of Qin Qintian, they screamed at each corner, glaring into the distance, and the power of the body was boiling, and the eyes were black and ruthless.

"What happened?" Ling Feng asked.

"Ao Xian, the wind has come!"

Qiu Shuyi held a small fist and said with contempt. "When you left, they secretly touched it and stopped us, and took four gods."


Ling Feng's chin has fallen. He was too excited before, ignoring the secret arrogance and the gods. In their eyes and ears, although they may not be able to hear their remarks, they can guess.

In particular, the picture of the arrogant bird robbing the gods will definitely make Xiong Botao and the lean old man boil.

In fact, it is also their hands-on, the seven-level martial arts realm directly burst out, the Qin dynasty four people lived, and went away from the gods, and for them did not start to Lingqing four women, but also let everyone puzzle.

Among these people, Ling Qing are in a weak position, and they are not enough to compare them to Qin Haotian. No one expected that these two people would stare at them.

Not surprisingly.

But people think it's not that simple.

"Crap, are we so idiotic?"

In the distance, Xiong Botao, the lean old man is secretly smug, and he can't catch his mouth. The four women who have a clear relationship with the Big Devil must not be robbed, and they will touch the big devil. The bottom line, Wan Li pursues them.

And Qin Haotian is completely different, at least not to anger the Great Devil.

"These old **** who are not shy."

Ling Feng smiled and said, he thought that the wind can do this kind of thing, but did not think that Xiong Botao also smothered with them, but he did not get angry, these two killings will be used sooner or later, first pay interest, it should be .

Later, he took out four gods and threw them to Qin Yutian, which calmed their anger.

"The next time I see the two people, they will be beaten first!"

Qin Haotian said with hatefulness, it was too shameful, and the genius of the martial arts of this generation of sacred gods was actually shackled and robbed of the gods, and these people are still "acquaintances."

"Being forward."

Ling Feng said with a smile. "Don't care so much, the **** tree is so huge, there will always be some magical objects."

He is full of confidence.

There are two little guys, such as the Heavenly Butterfly and the Faerie, and the murderous things of Huang Quan and Yan Yan. He can take some dangerous places and get the desired gods, at least before the secret people have not shot. He is very calm.

Two days later, they walked out of this branch and returned to the main tree of the **** tree.

The next moment, people's faces will be dignified.

"Hey, have you heard that?"


"Yu Xian got the shocking **** on the twenty-eighth branch. At present, it has exploded. The crowds are like the sea. It is reported that several killings that have not been dealt with by Yuxian have already flown, especially cold as ice. It seems that there is a intention to fight there, to distinguish who is the goddess of the first star map."

"Jade fairy is in trouble, and it has been staring at the sky. I am afraid that the first **** is not enough to see."

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