Supreme Demon

Chapter 1185: Push the true God

The first thousand one hundred and eighty-five chapters push the true God

The blood of the gods is boiling, falling in the air, and there is blood rain between the heavens and the earth.

The seven gods flew for ten miles, and the body was unchecked. It was like the residual leaves of the wind and rain. Even the power of God was burned in the breath of the real dragon. The powerful body was also broken instantly. The whole fell to the ground and climbed half a mile. stand up.

"who are you."

At this time, the real God was shocked and his face changed several times. He was lighter than other people, but the real body could not resist the wild power. The chest broke open a hole, and the blood of the gods poured out. .


Gu Qing is still so cold, never put the seven gods in front of him in the eyes, yelling. "Don't dare to ask, kill you immediately."

He is very overbearing and stands at the top of morality. As long as he uncovers the truth, he does not care about the strongest question of the star map. What's more, when the seven gods came, they never asked the things before they came to the scene, they already asked the big devil, they must first It’s not right to lose your hands and feet.

"The big devil, do the things of the gods and gods, do you dare to let the true God sit down and kill us?" A star map was so angry that it was angered and murderously said: "A true God does make them tricky, but my star map is not Anyone can bully."

"Yes, a true **** wants to suppress this thing?"

"The big devil, you can't hide, the price of blood will be paid sooner or later!"

One person was angry, his eyes were able to spurt fire, and he was resentful. They came to ask sin, but the Great Devil did not go out, but let a true **** push them. He simply wanted to get rid of guilt, but this is not a true God. Repressed.

"Hugh to be noisy!"

Gu Qing squinted, staring coldly at the seven gods, the power of two true gods boiling, the terrible gods can hold, suppressing the nine days and ten places, so that the seven gods shut up, worried that the true God was angry, they would The seven gods fell.

The next moment, Gu Qing indifferently flew into the gods, did not explain anything, and the seven gods are coldly staring at the Sirius Mountain, hateful teeth, but they also know that at this moment, the big devil.

"Second true God?"

The real **** said coldly. "It is really difficult to compete in the first star map, but this does not mean that it is unmatchable. There will be a real star map flying and you will take it."


A great **** of the martial arts, also said: "In my sect, there will be a true **** flying, killing this person!"

Obviously, they have moved their anger, this thing can't be done like this. The big devil also wants to be happy, dare to kill the martial arts of the big gate, now it is to avoid the sin of the star map, and there is a ghost in the heart, do not want to accept this result. .

"I will fly back to the Zongmen immediately, invite the third-level true God, and get rid of this true God!"

They lay on the ground and rested until the injury nearly healed before they flew to the square. The star map Xeon directly entered the double star map. Because of the different rules of the star map, the first star map is aimed at the five-level Wushen, so it sits on the town. They are all top-ranking martial arts. It is very shocking to have a true god, but the double-star map is different. There are real true gods sitting in the town, more than one, and the realm will not be as simple as the first-class god.

The great **** of the Great Gate is flying into the Zongmen.


Inside the gods.

The four gods looked coldly at the seven gods who were far away. The cold front was shining in the pupils. It was already expected that these gods would not be reconciled, but this is exactly what they want. There is no doubt that the big devil does not respect the star map. Strong, push him hard, and never accept sin.

This will break the sky of the star map!

"Can drag on for a few days!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "It is not always easy to ask for sin."

"I hope that the true God they moved will not be too strong." Gu Qing said with a smile, the four true gods appeared together, gradually pushing these gods, dragging the time a little longer, so that they can open their mouths.

“Is it too much trouble?” Yuxian’s first **** asked indefinitely.

"We have a place in everything."

Qing Xiaoxiao, the real insider, only five of them know that they are not worried about breaking the sky. The worry is that these gods will let them break through the sky, when things get too big to irreparable, the truth is revealed. No one can clean up such a situation.

Everyone is in the forefront, and the whole situation is getting out of control. At present, they can't think of any countermeasures. They can only hope that the four true gods can turn things around.

People calm down.

However, the first star map was boiling, people were stunned, and the chin had to fall down. They did not think that the big devil would do such a savage thing, not only resisting the sin, but also hitting the seven gods.

"It's too violent, the big devil is simply not human!"

"Is he not going to be a traitor inside ours?"

"Dare to compete for the star map is strong, completely evaded the matter of asking for sin, fearing that the **** case on the tree of God is what he did, but in this way to push the star map to the strong, I am afraid it will be counterproductive."

"Hey, a second-level real **** sits in the town, dare to be so arrogant, and the big devil is too small."

"He will pay a higher price, and the Pure Land of the Quartet can't shelter him!"


People were angered by the actions of the Great Devil, and they all looked like a smoldering fire, especially the Zhongyu Wushen. They couldn’t wait for the Star Map to be strong and immediately smash the Big Devil and give them an account.

In fact, even the Valkyrie of the Quartet is also stunned. The **** case on the tree of God is full of doubts. He suspects that this is not the work of the Great Devil. In the mood of the ridiculous door, he is afraid that it will not be easily compromised.


The Great Devil did not compromise, but in this very direct and overbearing way, the Yin Shenzong vomited blood. It is not the true God who clears the seven gods, but the generation of the martial arts. clear.


Until now, they couldn't figure it out. Gu Qingyi will get involved in this kind of thing. This is simply the target of the public. If one accidentally puts the whole Yin Shenzong into it, this is too big.

Moreover, when Gu Qingyi came up, he pushed the seven gods and let them jump straight. What kind of trouble is this?


at this time.

In the valley, Wang Xianqing and Zhang Tianheng are sneering, and Lengsen said: "Before, we also regarded the big devil as a character. I did not expect to have a bad hand. If he can stabilize, he can think of countermeasures. Going back, but now pushing the star map to Xeon is equivalent to killing them and dying."

"Hey, isn't that what we want?" Zhang Tianheng laughed.

"Under this, the star map Xeon will not ask for sin, it will directly get rid of the big devil, the big thing has been fixed." Wang leisure relaxed a sigh of relief, did not expect to release a message to smash the big devil, it is too easy.

They are not worried about the characters of the Quartet, even if there is a true God sitting in the town, but the star map can also suppress, not to mention the many large gates in the middle of the field staring, the big devil can not turn over.

Unless, God is desperate to fight with the whole world because of a big demon, but it is not crazy to think of the gods.

Two days later.

In front of Sirius Mountain, there were ten other gods flying. There were seven gods in the past, and the three true gods they moved in. They are the true gods of the second and third grades. They are extraordinary and murderous. They will fight when they come up. Explosive array.

However, Gu Qing is flying out immediately, and will not give them a chance to abolish the gods.

"The big devil is coming out to death!" a true **** yelled.


Gu Qing is still so cold, not to put the four true gods in the eyes, Sen coldly scolded.

"Do you dare to intercept me and wait? Do you know what it will pay?" said a third-level real god, and it is said that this true **** is a second-class true god, but it is not enough to look at him.

not afraid!

"You are threatening me?" Gu Qing squinted.

"This is warning you, offending my star map to Xeon, killing you in minutes." The third-level **** shouted. "And, you are the true God, you should come from the front star map, not here, leave without permission. A star map, if you have a big disaster, can you afford it?"

"Is it finished?" Gu Qing sneered.


The four true gods resentful, they are so strong, did not expect to be ignored, which makes them very upset.

"Let him down!"

The head of the three-level true **** angered, a second-class martial **** dare to arrogant in front of them, simply do not know life and death.


But the next moment, Gu Qing hands-on, hands evolved true dragon, violently breathe, still the same move, the difference is that at this moment his momentum is completely different, directly dive to the level of the fourth true God.

The vastness of the vastness is like the power of Wang Yang. In an instant, the four true gods are pushed horizontally. There is no room for rebellion. This is the sacredness between the true gods.


Even more unfortunate is the previous six martial arts. They suffered from the stagnation of the fish pond. They flew for 30 miles in the power of the true gods, and their bodies were all disabled. If they were not strong enough to control, they were afraid that they had broken bones. It’s shouting.

"Four levels of true God."

The four true gods are instantly discolored, and they spurt blood. They are straight and squatting, and the skin is fleshy. Even the power of the true gods is scattered. It is not Gu Qing’s opponent, but what shocks them is that this person is far stronger than them. Imagine.

"Don't irritate me!"

Gu Qing's understated grin, banned from flying into the gods, too lazy to take care of these gods.

"What the big devil wants to do? Is it really going to die with my star map?"

"Dare to let the four real gods suppress, what else can you do?"

The star map is strong, and the great martial arts gods are furious, and their hearts are also very wrong. However, they are guilty of a four-level martial arts. They have been pushed twice and beaten twice. This is never the case.

"Please ask the five gods, you must win this person!" The third level of God is also angry.

"Get rid of the big devil, dare to make a star map, although far away!"

At this moment, they are bent on winning the big devil, tearing them away, even the four true gods, pro-automatic, flying to the triple star map, to invite the five real gods to suppress Gu Qing, to win this arrogance The big devil.

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