Supreme Demon

Chapter 1192: Hit into the star map

The first one hundred and ninety-two chapters into the star map

The blue sky is like a wash.

In the star map, due to this dispute, it showed a messy momentum, but when the eleven gods came, the people calmed down, and the gods and demons were also exceptionally calm, not afraid of chaos, the gods want In a calm world, they will be calm.


The eleven gods never walked into the star map fairy. They stood on the sky and sat quietly. They opened their eyes together, and there were terrible lightning flashes. They were shocked by the world, and the cold-eyed eyes were staring at the star map. .

"The star map is not justice enough, we have to explain it!"

A **** is angry and screams, his voice is like ice, and he stabs the heart of the star **** Wushu, causing them to panic. In this more than a month, the great demon is insulted, mentally inhuman, and the Quartet is also insulted. This is not a simple apology to erase.

They really want a "commitment".

The waves are shocked!

Anyone who faces these eleven gods who dominate the world will not dare to slack off. The star map gods will fly for the first time. They can see eleven gods, and they are as big as cows. These gods are like the sun in the sky. They are not them at all. Able to talk.


It’s not the case that they can be the master of the whole star map. Who can think of the star map, and there will be such a day? The eleven gods came strong and asked them to sin, which is far more serious than the face.

At this time, the gods of the big gates could not sit still, and they flew in an instant, led by the three clan gods, appeared in the star map fairy, invited eleven gods, to invite them into the star map fairy.

"We are humiliated, just ask for one!"

God's gods open their mouths and do not accept their invitations at all. This also means that the attitude of the Star God is not enough. They want true "sincerity."


Star map fairy.

A **** appeared, sitting cross-legged, and the eyebrows were blown up. They were very angry with the attitude of the eleven gods, but they also knew that the star map had indeed made a big mistake, and they could only recover as much as possible.

"Give some genius treasures and explain them to them!"

A **** god opened his mouth and felt that the appearance of these gods was to give the big devil a sigh, and the genius treasure could seal their mouths, especially the great demon king, a martial **** in the district, once he got the true **** to the treasure, even the **** To the treasure, I am afraid that the moment will be heartbroken.

They immediately ordered that people put the genius treasure on, intending to use these treasures to erase the stains on the star map. Unfortunately, the eleven gods were ridiculed, full of anger, and screamed. "What we want is Account, not these treasures!"

"Is the star map to seal our mouth, or to seal the mouth of the world?"

"Is this going to smear the star map?"

They were resentful, and they turned a real **** across the hand and vomited blood. They were pale and straight, and the eleven gods did not care about the treasure. They felt that this was insulting them.

"What are they doing?"

The former god, Mori, said coldly: "These treasures are very precious, and they still can't seal their mouths. Is it necessary for a **** in the map to commit suicide before they can sin?"

"Is their appetite too big?"

Some people scolded, "At least, you should also ask the opinions of the big devil."

However, they also know that the treasure is impossible to make the gods care, and this is only preliminary, it is a kind of temptation, from which some problems can be seen, but the eleven gods have a small appetite and are not satisfied at all.


They have come up with a greater "sincerity", and even moved out of the heavenly gods, even they are all heart-to-heart, intended to give the world a person to explain, but the eleven gods will be determined, not tempted.

"We want an account, and you are not afraid of sincerity. Do you want to deceive the world?"

The eleven gods are murderous, their eyes burning with flames, and they can't wait to immediately get rid of these true gods in front of them, scaring those true gods with their feet soft, almost immediately fell to the ground, one by one cold sweat.

"its not right!"

Finally, a **** in the star map can't calm down. Absolutely things are being pushed in an unpredictable direction. Their every move is gradually spreading all over the world, making the star **** Wushu completely resentful.

I almost smothered a martial arts genius, and even wanted to use these treasures to seal the mouth. Is such a star map still worth trusting?

Can such a star chart maintain justice?

People are mournful, and they gradually feel bad feelings against the star map, and they are very contemptuous. Even if the gods cannot deceive the world, the martial arts of the pure land of the four sides will be assassinated and almost smashed. This is not only the problem of the treasure, but the star. The figure also has justice, and the attitude of the star map to these heroes.

"I don't think about it, I bully!"

This is the swearing of the whole star map of the Valkyrie, not only the Quartet of the Pure Land, but also the Zhongyu Wushen, such a star map makes them chilling, and feel that the military achievements of these years are not as good as the treasure in the eyes of the gods.

The wind is booming!

Under the influence of the star map, people's intentions for the big gates have also changed. Even the martial arts of the big gates are blushing, and they feel too shameful. It is really an idiot on the day. If this star map is even illusory, justice is illusory. So what is the use of the treasure?

And under this trend, the top gods of the Quartet Pure Land also opened.

"Dare to insult justice, kill!"

This is their dissatisfaction with the star god, the interest is impossible to maintain justice, and the purpose of the star map **** is to discredit the whole world, which is even more fierce than the sword, if cast a force, then the ruin will It is the entire Shenwu continent.

"Dare to bully the world, get rid of it immediately!"

Finally, the gods of the Zhongguan Dazongmen also spoke up, bluntly, expressing dissatisfaction with the star gods. This is simply discrediting them. Before they invited the eleven gods into the star map, they dared to seduce. too stupid.

Needless to say.

The star map gods panic, the top gods and the big gate gods expressed their dissatisfaction, the influence is too great, and now they are being noticed by the gods of the world, one careless, may be the sinners of the ages, and even to be punished.

"Invite the Big Devil and invite the eleven gods into the stars."

They immediately invited, but they were still rejected. The meaning of the eleven gods is very clear. They are humiliated. This is a disrespect for them. Without enough explanation, they will pay the price of the whole star map.

When Wushen flew to Sirius Mountain, Qingyi walked out and told the Great Devil to lose money. Now it is like being enchanted. The whole person is mad and mad, and refuses to star the martial arts, and she complains, please ask the star map.

"How could this be?"

Star map gods are a god, they think this thing can be controlled, as long as the mouth of the eleven gods and the big devil is sealed, it is enough, but now it is known that the situation has been out of control, not anyone can control.

"Ask, how do the eleven gods want me to explain the star map?"

They are very happy, very sad, once the **** of the sky, but at this moment they have been oppressed, like the fish in the fishing net, have long fallen into the net, and they even suspect that the big gate has long known This is a **** pit, let them come forward, no matter what the outcome, they will definitely be reviled.

The glory is defeated!

"We only ask for one result. As for the question of confession, it should come from the star map." God God said with sneer.


The star map gods are guilty of death, can't fight, can't wait, even dare not dare. In the face of these eleven gods, they can only swallow their voices, whisper, and do their best to pray, hope that the eleven gods can Prompt some.

"The star map can't maintain justice, so please be able to maintain justice!"

After a few days, the eleven gods finally spoke up and said bluntly.


The star map gods were shocked, and all of them were shocked and stunned. The chins had to fall. They never thought that the appetite of the eleven gods was so large that they wanted to use this opportunity to enter the star map.

"As for the devil of the great devil, it is up to him to ask for sin!" God God said calmly.

"This is impossible!"

The star map gods are shocked. They want to be at the forehead at this time. They are afraid that they will be slaughtered in an instant. The big gates hate them, and they are indeed shocked by these words.


In a short time, the whole star map was spread, and the content of the news was very explosive.

"The star map Wushen can't maintain justice, internal chaos, and therefore the characters who refuse to maintain justice enter!"

"Is the star map Wushu to use the star map to dominate the gods of the world?"

"Too fuck!"

People have blown up, they are not so much thought, naturally do not know the meaning, but the star map gods dictatorship, but also want to stand in a moral position to maintain justice, which loses the original taste, people question.

There is no doubt that the Star God is stunned at the first time, and people are not ashamed.

"Invite eleven gods into the star map fairy, talk in detail."


Just as people were resentful, the old man was born, and the words of the goddess of the star map were pushed. Now the wind is too strong. Who dares to refute who is defeated, even if he can’t recover, the only way is to let the gods of the Quartet come in. .

"Talk about how to maintain justice."

Not long after, the second clan also stood up and overthrew the words of the star god, and invited eleven gods.

"The star map is not the star map of anyone, but the whole world. The star map was previously martial arts. It should be punishable, and it will be convincing to let more gods maintain justice."

The third clan also flew out. They have already seen the situation and stood up early to reduce losses.

And these three clans have naturally been praised, especially the Zero-aged old man, the old man is already old, but every time he is born, he can maintain justice, and at this age, he still has to worry about the future of the star map, which is heartbreaking. With respect.

The same moment.

The star map Wu Shen flew, invited the big devil, and this time Ling Feng no longer refused, along with Qing Yi, Gu Qing and other four gods flew to the star map fairy, and the eleven gods also slowly entered, the big thing has become Now is the negotiation.

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