Supreme Demon

Chapter 1203: neighbor

Chapter 1,202

Great Rift Valley!

The mountain is in danger, there is a terrible arrow rain, falling around the valley, the entire rift is sinking in the ground, rare sunlight, but the cold and pale old trees are still rising and growing around the Great Rift Valley.

There is a cave in the sky, standing in the hidden valley of the Great Rift Valley, bending and bending, can not see the end, looking from afar, here is a calm, from time to time there are tigers and hills, people neglect, this is the Feiling can not Affected by the secret.

Moreover, there is a magical light in the hole, which is very concealed. It is a unique array of gods that can withstand the power of the seven-level martial arts. It is very suitable for their killing.


At this moment, the face of the martial **** who was guarding the hole in the sky was green. He was staring at the pedestrian in front of him. He did not think that the big demon who triggered the earthquake of the entire double star was in front of him.

More importantly, the Great Devil did not fly to the gods of the gods, but to the Great Rift Valley, and to the Feiling Cave, the meaning is completely different.

“Don't they know those things?”

He asked himself, his heart trembled, this kind of thing is too serious, once the news leaked, Fei Ling is bound to be sinned by the star map, the big devil can kill the king of the gods, and they are naturally not good.

"What are you doing here?"

The fee is frowning, said: "This is not a land of gods, nor is it where you should come."

"Is it?"

Ling Feng squatted and took the space, smiled and said: "The self-divine is coming in, coming straight in this direction, passing through Feiling, so come and sit down."

"Sit down..."

The fee flashed a smack in the air, but it was exhausted in an instant, and then said: "It seems that we are not very familiar with you, it is not appropriate to sit down!"

in spite of.

They are in the double star map, but the "gosswords" of the first star map have also heard some. The big devil's "sit and sit" is very different, can scare some super-class killings, and the martial arts of the gods and demons Geniuses have been "sit on the big devil" and have rarely dared to enter the first star map.

Now, the big devil is outspoken and wants to sit down and sit down. This can't help him think more, and he still kills the culprits of the flying eagle.

"Is it?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly.. "I originally thought that we are very familiar with it. We have all lost the demon that you have never lost. But what you said makes sense. We are far less familiar."

"..." Fees are taken at the corner of the mouth. The words of the Big Devil are meant to be pointed out. It seems that they have already understood the secrets and made his heart very uneasy.

"of course!"

Ling Feng paused and said in aggravating tone. "Next, we will be very familiar."

"This is impossible!"

The fee took the air to curb the inner resentment and waved. "The big devil is too harsh, but we are not interested."

He wanted to expel this pedestrian immediately, and they were staring at them. They always felt uncomfortable, especially the kind of eyes of the big devil, as if they had already learned everything and were asking for sin.

"I will be interested."

Ling Feng said with a smile. "Because, next we will be neighbors!"

"What? What do you mean?"

Fees are stunned by the air. If this time, he is not sure, it is a real idiot, but the big devil has not immediately pleaded guilty, it also means that he just caught some traces, not sure, otherwise it will not be so Calm and calm.

Ling Feng never said anything, but smiled and left.


It’s not the style of the devil, it’s not a thunderstorm.

However, the next moment.

His face was cold and cold, looking at the front, full of killing, the big devil did not ask them, but he was more poisonous than asking for sin, actually in the Great Rift Valley, hit the gods, buried a squadron Next, along with the shrine of the gods, a **** of the gods appeared, confronting the Feiling Cave.


When the gods rainbowd, the Great Rift Valley shook, and the terrible waves rolled and flew, and they were shocked.

This is a fierce battle evolved from the Ten Swords. The savage savage of the first star map re-shapes and blends with their blood, while the former savage murder is abolished, and Ling Feng regains control. This time, I entered the double star map. Without the gods and gods, he can only rely on this kind of array to shape the murder.

Moreover, his power is not the same as before, but also the murderer has climbed into a different situation, at least this murder can hold the horizontal push of the eight-level Valkyrie.

"what happened?"

This time, the movement is too big.

The calm rift was also stirred up. A martial art flew out. The head was an old man. The white hair had fallen to the waist, and there was a middle-aged man next to him. His face was cold and his face was carrying a The handle is broken, and the whole person seems very murderous.

"It's the big devil!"

The fee said in an angry voice. "They flew from the first star map and stared at our Feiling Valley. We have to create a new land here as a base."

"demon king?"

Everyone glimpsed, they naturally heard this title, but also secretly cursed, especially the flying eagle killed the hands of the big devil, even more irritating, can not wait to immediately kill the first star map, cut this demon king.

I never thought that they had not flown into the first star map, and the big devil was the first step here.

"Is it..."

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but smother the cold. The things they did at the beginning were too much, and one accidentally lost their name and ruined. At this time, the big demon appeared, they had to think more.

"There should be some doubts, but I am afraid that it is still not certain." Fei said with a low voice.

"that's enough!"

The old man who led the head immediately said: "The big devil is so deceiving, how dare he scatter in the territory of my Feiling. Is it really good for us to bully?"


A martial god, sneerly said: "This is not the first star map, what the big devil, but also dare to make waves in the territory of the Lingling, will pay the price!"


The second Wushen spoke, said: "Did the Great Devils not screaming at such a time? Hey, if you enter the second star map, you will be pushed horizontally, and you will be stunned."

"I am very excited!"

The cold middle-aged mouth, simple and concise, wants to give the big devil a lesson here, let him know that the double star map is not the place where the devil can be wild, or roll back to the first star map as soon as possible.

Feiling all flew out, one by one, sneer, directly to the front of the sword.


The cold middle-aged yelled, a word like a tongue and thunder.

"The Big Devil immediately rolled out, this Feiling Rift is our territory!" Fei yelled at the air, and at this moment he had the temper, and the twelve martial arts came out together, completely suppressing the arrogance of the demon in the momentum.

"This is not harmonious."

Ling Feng flew out of the murderous squad, and said with a smile: "We are both human beings, when watching and helping each other, and your flying tombs are not mixed in these years. It is good for us to come in."

Ling Feng spontaneously smiled and said: "Don't be so cold, everyone will be a neighbor in the future."

"Neighbors your sister!"

The 12 martial arts of Feiling are blasting. At this moment, it is certain that the Great Devil is coming to do things. You must know that the territory of this 5,000-kilometer territory is their territory. Other smuggling can indeed come in, but if you want to stand here, First of all, you must get the consent of Feiling.

And the big devil is simply unscrupulous!

"The Big Devil, here is not where you can be murderous, leave immediately." The headed old man He Tianhong said: "Otherwise, Hugh will blame us."

"What if we refuse?"

Ling Feng’s face was also cold, looking straight ahead, secretly speculating, the two seven-level martial arts heads that are headed are extraordinary, but far less terrible than he imagined, may not be stronger than Wang Xian, Zhang Tianheng.

However, Feiling’s overall combat effectiveness is indeed slightly stronger than Wang Dao’s god, but it is only slightly stronger!


Wang Daoyu fell to their feet. Wang Xianqing and Zhang Tianheng were not hurt. At this moment, he had planted the gods and got a smashing effect. The whole Dantian was completely different and very stable.

Moreover, more importantly, the small **** tree is extraordinary, not only can make the gods rainbow, but it also breeds the majestic divine power, blends with his flesh and blood, and can provide the divine power continuously, so that his body will not be exhausted.

This also means that he can maintain his peak posture and be unaffected by the battle for at least a few days.

Needless to say.

This is a very huge surprise. I am afraid that it will be sent out, and many people will be shocked. Therefore, he is so strong. He is not afraid of these people. How dazzling the gods that have already been "reborn"?

This point, Ling Feng himself is looking forward to.

"That will hit you away!" He Tianhong finally angered, he waved his hand, and instantly there was a six-level peak of the **** of martial arts flying out, God can cover the sky, forming a **** flower, each flower is the same Sword sword.


The next moment, the metal vibrato also confirmed this, the flower is too powerful, the same dark sky, the pressure is falling down, the gods can be mighty, and the mountains within ten miles are blown up, the Great Rift Valley Inside the shock, the huge rocks are dying down.


It seems that the space has been affected, there are dark cracks, but this martial arts talent is not strong enough, only the six-level martial arts realm can be played to the extreme, far from being able to fight.

"Is this contemptuous of me?" Ling Feng grinned, even Wang Xianqing, Zhang Tianheng were suppressed, they are all seven-level martial arts, and Feiling seems to care, Wang Xianqing, Zhang Tianheng is just a virtual name The double star map can be suppressed by a six-level martial art.

"Hey, Feiling finally couldn't hold back."

At this moment, Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen and others also walked out of the fierce squad. The cold-eyed spectator did not mean to help each other, but they knew that the Great Devil was doing this, that is, to force Feiling to go to this step.

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