Supreme Demon

Chapter 1285: baptism

The holy sun is flowing, like a firefly shining.

In a flash of light, there is a mysterious force scattered in the sky, filled with the whole hole in the heavens and blessings, it seems that there is light rain falling from the cave days, flying and stirring, so that the entire sky is shining.

This is the hole in the sky!

Among them, Shengyang is the essence of the sun, far more refined than the power of the stars, and it breeds a heavenly creation in the heat, which can light up the blood of the gods, and if it can withstand the baptism of such power, it will be unprecedentedly powerful and embark on the real martial arts god. territory.

in spite of.

This hole is not only a three-foot square, but not enough, but when Shengyang flew into the body of Lingfeng, the momentum of the mountains and the sea, suddenly and unexpectedly, the momentum of the bursting, is flying into Dantian with violent temper.


Dantian shocks, the small **** tree completely recovers, shines with the brilliance of the world, roots must reach, is fully trying to capture the power of the holy sun, a strong atmosphere, like the wine to spread the whole body, so that the ancient blood and the blood of the floats are boiling.


Lingfeng's blood is retrograde, and the wind devours the surrounding holy sun. The roots of the little **** tree are all in all directions, spreading to the wind and limbs, and integrating the Shengyang power that flies into the body from the pores.

"Oh la la!"

It grows gradually with the degree of visible to the naked eye. In just one day, it grows a lot, but it does not grow wildly, but stops, and the sun rises into the tree, and it will be endless. Expulsion, replaced by Shengyang.

More than that.

Shengyang is rushing into the body of Lingfeng, to dispel the star power and the aura of the heavens and the earth, so that the whole blood is golden and radiant, and then Shengyang flies into the lightning of the burning road and the burning of the stars. It gradually disintegrated, as if the whole was abolished.


Ling Feng knows that this is not a true sense of smashing, but that Shengyang is a star-struck force, and is building a stronger power. Moreover, it is not compatible with the star power. It is the king of the gods who are looking down on the living beings. It can be counterbalanced, so when it comes in, the star power is collapsing.

This is the picture.


In the end, the first road burned with lightning, and the light rain scattered to Dantian in all directions. But when Shengyang flew in, the light rain was re-shaping centered on Shengyang, and a prototype was emerging.


The light rain trembles like a surging water.

Lingfeng disk sits on the ground. For three days, every pore in the body is in the light. God can be dazzled to dim. This is caused by the first light-burning of the burning road. It can be concise with the new lightning. The boiling violent momentum is quietly awakening.


At this time, the hole in the sky has been grayed out, the power of the holy sun is about to dry up, which makes Ling Feng very helpless, his first burning road lightning has not been able to shape, only to half the extent.


After half an hour, he stood up with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. The three-footed cave was a great place for many martial arts. It was not enough for him to baptize at least one divine power.

He needs more holy sun!

"To get more holes!"

Ling Feng’s eyes burned. He was worried that the demon had never come in. He now knows the secrets of the gods. He naturally let go of his heart and can fight wholeheartedly. Of course, the first step is to get more holy sun and use it. Come to baptize yourself.


This kind of cave is completely sealed under the cover of the heavenly breath, and even the butterfly can not smell any breath.


At this time, the cut butterfly from the Lingfeng's Dantian flew out, looked excited, is facing the Ling Feng "hands and feet", that petite look, people can not help but can not help.


Ling Feng glanced at it and stared at the sky and the butterfly, and asked: "Shengyang is also very beneficial to you?"

The sky-cutting butterfly has a small head. If it wasn’t afraid of disturbing the wind, it has already flew out to devour the holy sun. Now that the holy sun is exhausted, it can only express its feelings with “sadness”.

"Unfortunately, this kind of hole is uncontrollable, otherwise you and I can be made." Ling Feng sighed.


The cut butterfly pushed the arm of the Lingfeng, and it was very excited to "find the finger".

"What you mean is that there is a heavenly seal in the cave, but the kind of formation before the blessing, can you trace it?" Ling Feng was a glimpse, and then overjoyed, this is a shocking thing, there is indeed this array before the hole Law, and as long as you can find it, you can naturally walk into the hole.


Ling Feng immediately acted to fly forward.

However, only after flying for a few miles, he quickly turned back, intercepted the sky and flew straight out, stabbed the valley, drew a circle in front of the cave, and then broke into the cave, and used all the power to make the whole blessed land. Moved up and directly into the spirited beads.

This kind of cave is able to seal the holy power of the Sun, which is not as simple as it is supposed to be, and may play a big role in the future.


"call out!"

At this moment, Ling Feng no longer delays, stimulating divine power and galloping forward.

At this moment, his first burning road lightning is just a prototype, can not be waved out, so the real realm is only the six-level martial arts, he wants to shape it as soon as possible.

"in front!"

Two days later, the butterfly flew out and landed on Lingfeng's shoulder. In this area, it smelled the spirit of the gods, but the direction is still not certain. If it was previously, it would not care and remind. This kind of gods has no benefit to the great demon.

But at the moment it is completely different.

"The direction is wrong!"

After a short time, Ling Feng turned back and flew again in the other direction. Until the third time, the cut butterfly was sure to come down and determined that it was approaching that one.

"right here."

In the end, Ling Feng fell, the cold sweat on his forehead was down, and the power consumption was very much, but compared with Dongtianfu, these consumptions were not worth mentioning.

He landed on a mountain.

Qingsong greets guests, mountains and rivers are pretty, this mountain is very ordinary, many stones have been crushed, it has already decayed, it is not like a hole in the sky, but Ling Feng has a different point of view, Shengyang is the sun god, between heaven and earth All the essences are taken away, which will cause such a sight.


The next moment, he did not hesitate to smash the mountain. After the stone fell, a huge array of gods appeared in front of the big devil, and in the gods, there was a deep tunnel leading to the underground. .


Compared with the genius of the 鲲 Protoss, the Big Devil obviously does not have to be so troublesome, and the sky is flying out. When the edge is infused with the power of God, it instantly tears open the gods, and Ling Feng drifts in.

The tunnel is not dark, and it is surrounded by enamel and sparkling light.

"Hundreds of miles!"

Ling Feng took a sigh of coolness and secretly stunned. This mountain seems to be half-dead. It has already collapsed. The mountain is only 30 miles high, but the tunnel has hundreds of miles and goes straight down.

This is a bit ridiculous.

But here is the realm of the gods. There are always things that are unusual. Ling Feng didn’t think much about it. It’s more important to get the hole in the sky.

Shortly after.

He fell to the ground and saw a golden light source, which gradually became bigger in his eyes, and when he reached the end, he couldn't help but ecstasy. This is indeed a hole in the sky, far more than a few times before.

A hundred square feet!

How big this will be.

In front of the cave, there was a light curtain that did not let the golden material flow out, and when he walked in, the light of the firefly illuminated him.

"Should it be enough to temper the first road burning lightning?"

He said to himself, immediately sat down, and the sky-cutting butterfly flew above the hole in the heavens, opened his mouth, and madly swallowed the holy Yang Keli, but this kind of phagocytosis is far from being comparable to the big demon.


When he stretched out all his pores, the endless holy sun was pouring in madly to shape the first burning light.

Needless to say.

In this hole, the holy sun is more awkward, like the tide, drowning him, so that he will be warm in a short time, and God seems to flow from the blood.

And Dan Tianzhong.

The first road burned with lightning and light, and the positive pole flew, reshaping a new kind of lightning.

Time is like water, rushing.

Lingfeng Pan sat in the cave of Tianfu, and suddenly realized the flow of time, entered the realm of forgetfulness, faintly black matter spilled from his body surface, and in the power of God, it quickly disappeared.

" !"

Finally, on the fourth day of dawn, the first light and rain of the first road of the burning road flew back, and the holy sun spread from the inside, so that the whole lightning was greatly changed, and God could be like the sea and the sky would rise.

Originally, the shining light of the stars has completely changed at this moment, and the golden light is like a sun.

It has appeared!

But it is not like lightning, more like a round of holy sun, rounded like a drop of water, but Ling Feng can clearly understand that this is indeed a kind of lightning, just off people's perception of lightning.

Who said that holy sun can not be lightning.


The more the force is removed from the cognitive domain, the more terrible it is. When the holy sun blends with the lightning, when the burning lane incorporates a new consciousness, this is not the lightning of the burning road, but the power of the holy sun lightning. It will also be off.

"More terrible than the Star Burning Road!"

Ling Feng secretly screams, this is a very strong intuition, and the change is not only the burning of lightning, but also his own, the body has been baptized, the small **** tree is integrated into the holy sun, is also changing, the limbs are reshaping Once completed, it will be unparalleled.

just now.

He finally understood.

Only by receiving the baptism of the Holy Sun can you enter the real martial arts and be qualified to stand in the realm of the gods. For now, he is not enough.


When he opened his eyes, he was also shocked. The hundred-foot-thousands of the heavens and blessed land were exhausted at the moment. Most of the holy Yang Qili entered their own bodies, while a small part was swallowed by the cut-off butterfly.

"Take the butterfly you can eat too much, the whole hole is blessed by you!" Ling Feng blinked, very angry.


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