Supreme Demon

Chapter 1301: Small sample, quite awkward!


The first thousand three hundred and one chapters are small, it is quite awkward!

A Lingshan.

You have lost hundreds of gods and devils. Everyone is a wizard. This is bound to shock the world. The Wushens are late, and they have not been able to enter Lingshan for the first time.

This Lingshan is not only a **** of food, but also a more terrible creature, a peak figure can not be beaten.


Time flies, the sky beam is also gray, gradually dispersed, the martial arts gods and gods and gods within 20,000 miles have come, and naturally it is difficult to attract other gods, which makes Ling Feng very regrettable.

He waited for three days, determined that no other gods would fly, and then flew out of the spiritual domain, picked up the wind god, scored into the devouring beads, and gave the gods of the gods and the half-seat of the grass in the grass to make them "Satiating meal", especially in the grass king, the status is very unique, Ling Feng does not want it to be taken prematurely.

"Lingshan is terrible, and it is very troublesome without the power of true god."

Ling Feng quietly flew into the spiritual domain, frowning and wondering. The situation of the cliff was only one year later. He could not wait in the ancient Wuta for so long, which made him think of many problems.

"If you get a **** grass, you may get rid of a lot of trouble."

This is a question he has been pondering. A Lingshan obviously cannot satisfy the appetite of the Great Devil. He not only wants to baptize himself, but also packs the little sister, and even more against the gods. Therefore, he wants to win more Lingshan. .


Every Lingshan has a true god-level creature. Not every one is like this one. If there is a **** who is the first to stare at it, when the wall is coming, I am afraid that the daylily is cool.

He is not a pinnacle, but it does not mean that there is no peaking creature beside him.


He feels that if he can surrender more true-level creatures, when he leaves, he can let the gods feel the horror of these gods, at least the life of the peak, he will take half.

"Ok, deal!"

He secretly smiled treacherously, and then moved the surrounding heaven and earth into the spiriting beads, separated it from the oysters, and then went to the holy sacred spirit.


On the shoulder, the cut butterfly is quite dissatisfied with the action of the big devil, and is warning that laying down a Lingshan has its merits. These holy sun gods have at least five small bowls.

"no problem!"

Ling Feng waved quite aggressively. There is no such thing as monopoly. However, considering that the butterfly does not have the magical treasure of the spirit beads, these holy gods will be collected by him first. When necessary, they will naturally come out.


Looking at the eyes of the big demon, and seeing a full of sincerity, it was the forehead.

"The holy sacred **** can make a magical power."

Ling Feng stopped and looked at the Shengyang Shenjing who had fallen from the sky. His heart was very touched. At present, he has reached the end of the 7th-level Wushen, eager to make further breakthroughs, especially the appearance of the peak figures, so that he has Deep sense of oppression.

"I want to enter the eight-level martial arts!"

Since entering the realm of the gods, his vision is completely different. Shengyang Qi Li is not the end. It is very likely that Shengyang Shenjing is not, and his seven powers are only preliminary baptisms, and can go further.

And at the moment.

He wants to drink the holy spirit of the Holy Spirit to refine the eighth power, one step in place, let yourself go to the peak.


Cut a butterfly, and then licking his mouth, waving his feet against Ling Feng, the intention is to worry that this guy will eat all the holy sun gods in one breath, the previous cave is a **** example.


Ling Feng ruthlessly took a picture of the head of the cut butterfly, and said: "The holy sacred **** can compare with the hole in the heavens and the earth? A small bowl of holy sacred gods can compare the ten caves of heaven and earth, and even more, I can eat all Lost?"

"What's more, I have only used ten seats in the hole, but how terrible are you?"


"Okay, don't force me!" The big devil is so arrogant that this scorpion butterfly is getting smarter and he always feels that he will raise a wonderful flower, like a proud bird.

"I will use a part, but I can't drink that much."

Ling Feng affirmed that he can feel the scent of the spirit of the Holy Spirit, the ordinary Wu Shen drink a drop, afraid that it will be unimaginable metamorphosis, and his physique is different, but really want to drink it, fear is also like the original The Taiyi is the same as the water, and it explodes itself.

next moment.

He did not argue with the cut butterfly. He took out a small jade bowl from the storage ring. The size of the baby's palm was somewhat flat. Carefully, the half-small bowl of Shengyang Shenjing was taken out of the small pool.

The golden light is thin and glaring, making it impossible to breathe.

Shengyang is like a sea. It seems that there is a frenzy. This is the essence of Shengyang Keli. It is the essence of tens of thousands of years of accumulation. It is far more precious than the cave, and every drop is magical and more baptistic.


It is filled with the fragrance of Qingling, and it is rushing into the breath of the Great Devil, such as the same bowl of Shenquan, which can make the blood spurt, which makes Lingfeng not hesitate to drink half a bowl of Shengyang Shenjing.


Time, golden light, frenzy like the frenzy, blasting in Lingfeng's mouth, overflowing, no sense of warmth, no sense of medicinal sensation, it is not a real current, but Shengyang The blending of Kellett is a kind of singularity that flows in the heavens and the earth.

Initial time.

It is clear and refreshing, but it can be stirred up in the blink of an eye, like a sword like a sword, is in the mouth of Ling Ling, and quickly penetrates downwards, violent unimaginable.


It seems like there is a big river running in the wind, and the holy sun is melting into a stream of air. When it meets flesh and blood, it can be integrated. It does not take into account the feeling of Ling Feng, and it is completely uncontrolled.

out of control!


Lingfeng's mouth exploded, blood flowed across the skin, and the skin was fleshy, and Shengyang Shenjing was surging, making his mouth golden, not only that, but his body was even more awkward, and the golden light seemed to penetrate. The flesh and blood are coming out.

He did not dare to delay, immediately sat down, and the treasure was solemn, and he ran full of the emptiness of the Shinto and stirred up the blood of the ancients to spread the power of this scorpion as quickly as possible to the limbs. More importantly, he entered the dantian. .


Shengyang Shenjing is far more horrible than his imagination, and the momentum is uncontrollable. Even if the emptiness of the Shinto is running very fast, it can't keep up with the rhythm of the sacred spirit of Shengyang, which makes him miserable.


He is arrogant, and the stars in every acupuncture point are shining, suppressing this power, so that it will not smash the body, although it is painful, but as long as time is enough, he can completely refine.


His blood is stirring, and every word is like a whip. He is swallowing up the sacred gods, and every piece of flesh and bones shines like a monster with a mouth open, biting off the holy sacred god...

Not much time.

Lingfeng body surface is soaked, there is a light gray airflow, slowly infiltrating out, this is the impurity in his body, is being further baptized by Shengyang Shenjing, making the body more quintessential.

Time is in a hurry.

Under the stimulation of Shengyang Shenjing, the empty sacred and ancient Wuxi bloods also erupted with unprecedented resilience, full of engulfing and quenching, and when they gradually poured into Dantian, Lingfeng also stabilized the violent momentum.

Dan Tianzhong.

Seven Spirits are also engulfing the Holy Spirit, and try to create a stronger power. As a matter of fact, Shengyang Shenjing is far superior to Shengyang Kelly in terms of level, and when it is integrated into the power, it also makes the power more powerful. Sturdy.

"Oh la la..."

The small **** tree grows vigorously, and the roots must be plunged into the spirit of the holy yang. The speed of engulfing is extremely crazy. In a short time, it grows ten feet, and the trunk is thicker, that is, the roots must be held by a dozen people.


There seems to be a strange flower to be placed on the little **** tree...


The scorpion butterfly stared blankly at the big demon, secretly shocked, and the sacred **** was more embarrassed than it had imagined. The power was swimming in the body of the great demon, creating his flesh and bones.

The vastness is unimaginable.

Needless to say.

When the Big Devil opens his eyes, it will be different, just like a new day.

It is a strange light, not very calm, although it has swallowed a lot of holy Yang Qi Li, but it is too different, it takes a little time to change, and Shengyang Shenjing is full of expectations.


Just look at the big devil to drink the holy sacred spirit, complete a gorgeous transformation, let it feel very unfair.


Immediately, it stretched out and hugged the jade bowl that Ling Feng had previously drank from Shengyang Shenjing. He also flew to Xiaochi, took out a small bowl from it, and opened the mouth to drink it. Then he was very satisfied and wiped his mouth. .


When a frenzy like the power of the ocean swept over, it screamed in the sky, and the whole body was to be blown up. The power was detached from the previous, and it exploded in the little body. It is conceivable how wild. .

" !"

It hurts all over the sky, and one of them hits the ground, but it can fly out again in an instant. With a bang, a few pieces of golden stones are crushed. At this moment, it is like a balloon that blows up, suddenly deflated. , flying all over the sky.

"Small, it's quite awkward."

The sudden movements, the Ling Feng also shocked, can look at the sky full of flying butterflies, his mouth bent upwards, could not help laughing.

From the moment he drank the holy sacred spirit, he knew that this little guy couldn't help it, but he didn't worry. The physique of the cut butterfly was special, it was a rune that was more terrifying than the scorpio, half a small. The bowl of Shengyang Qi Li does not blast it, but it certainly can't be digested, afraid that it will bear the light and fall into a deep sleep.

And this is his purpose.

The cut butterfly can be tossed, and there are not many gods in the holy sun. The hole in the sky can not withstand his consumption. If it is really consumed too much, it is afraid that the butterfly will be desperate with him and simply let it sleep.

When it wakes up, I am afraid that it will be a few years later, at that time... Shouldn’t this be a pit beast?

Ling Feng felt a sense of guilt in his heart and felt that he was too dark.

"Let it leave a half bowl!"

Ling Feng’s heart is very generous and said: “You can’t be poor and beastless!”

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