Supreme Demon

Chapter 1720: Grasshopper after the fall!

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-two chapters after the autumn grasshopper!

At that time. Super fast and stable update novel, this article started by

The void is bright, and a touch of sunlight is tearing open the dark gaps, dispelling the suffocation between the heavens and the earth.

At that time.

The cow's emperor's eyes are bright, and the bull's eye shines with a shocking god, looking at the dead **** on the top of the mountain, full of cold taste.

At that time.

Ling Feng turned around, and his body was annihilated, but his mouth was stunned by unprecedented sneer.

"Niu Huangxiong, what is this?"

Ling Feng grinned and let the blood drip from his chest. The fierce image was tearing up the image that was once impossible.

"Oh, I will pick you up!"

Niu Huang said with a smile, striding forward, the cold power instantly tears open the endless seal power, appearing in front of Ling Feng, facing the gods and gods who are fighting.

"Now I won't leave. If the cow brother is worthy of being down, then he will get rid of the true God here." Ling Feng smiled indifferently, pointing to the gods of the heavens and the earth, indicating that he would not leave, but wanted the Niuhuang to come here. The **** of the gods.

"Ling Feng!"

Niu Huang’s face finally coldened, and he bluntly said. “The situation is already like this. Can you still not see clearly?”

"What does that mean?"


The cow king disliked and said: "I am not your brother, with your current strength, what qualifications are you and my brother?"

"In this way, the cow king brother also wants to borrow this wind?"


Niu Huangyin’s testimony: "Can you be a weaker brother and you can be called a brother-in-law? And now, the gods of heaven and earth are targeting you, and you are doing things that are both angry and angry. The cows are going to do the heavens at this moment. ”

"You want to be against me?" The smile on Ling Feng's face was exhausted and he became serious.

"It’s just a coward, it’s empty, but there is no IQ to match it!”

The Niu Huang is even more disgusted. The situation is already like this. The true God actually did not see through it. Do you really think that he is going to be shopping with the gods of heaven and earth?


He took a step forward, and the ten real forces on his body were boiling. The vast suppression force had swooped into Lingfeng, and under this pressure, Ling Feng’s face changed wildly, and the moment was retrograde, and his footsteps were very embarrassing.

A smack of panic flickered in his face, but it was completely covered by it.


What kind of person is Niuhuang?

Ling Feng's expression did not escape the eyes of Niu Huang, which made him more wild. He had some jealousy about Ling Feng before, but now he is completely relieved. The panic has already proved that Ling Feng is really abolished.

"Ling Feng, your previous insult to me on that starry road, now I have to pay back 100 times!"

"Not a thousand times?" Ling Feng shouted.

Ling Feng’s face overflowed with indifference and smiled in his mouth. “One hundred times is not enough. You have to know that the cow skin of the five **** cows is what I sold to the true gods. Do you know why?”

"Is the five **** cows you got rid of?"

Niu Huang’s eyes are red, and Ling Feng is uncovering his scars. He thinks that he will be saddened by the five gods. But it takes a lot of effort to create the five gods. Everyone can be alone on this star road.


Until then, he still did not know who the five gods were killed. One thing is certain. With the power of the original gods, it is impossible to get rid of the five gods and be pushed by the five gods.

He is chasing the fierce!

And the real murder is here!

"Exactly!" Ling Feng blinked. "Is it a thousand times now?"

"10,000 times!"

Niu Huang's face is more ugly, the madness is going crazy, the five cows are dying in their hands, and he is standing side by side with the true god, accompanied by his brother, brother and brother, who wants to come to Niuhuang and want to kill him.

He cursed the wind in his heart, but Ling Feng at that time was afraid to laugh at himself.


Before the emergence of this fierce battle, he was also attacked by the dragon beasts. Although he did not hang it, it also cost a lot of treasures. If he did not explain it in time, he was afraid to give it back.


He can't wait to fan himself, too shameful!


Ling Feng is stimulating him at this moment, let the Niuhuang go crazy all over, the real power of the body is boiling wildly, rushing to Lingfeng, and then, with a bang, a knives smash out and carry full The murderous momentum of the sky, swaying to Ling Feng.


The emptiness of the air, the air wave burst.

The ox knife flew out a hornbill, and the horn was sharper than the sharp weapon. In an instant, the space was pierced and a vacuum-like space like the ink was cracked. Although there was no fancy, it had the most refined power.

This is the terrible of the Niuhuang!

The ordinary top **** can't resist such a fierce force and will collapse directly.


At this moment, the real killing of Ling Feng is not only the Niu Huang, but also the other three top real gods, each of whom is not inferior to the number of Niu Huang, the vast force of the real forces fell together, even the characters such as Niu Huang I am afraid that I will be hurt, let alone the Ling Feng that has now been abolished.

of course!

This is just an intuitive idea, not a leap.

"Be careful!"

The **** gods shouted in the distance, the strength of the body further burst, so that many true gods were wounded, and they were also shopping, to suppress the gods, to prevent them from returning, and to change the whole situation.

"Get away!"

The **** of death is also shouting, the true power of death is coming out, it seems to open the gods, and then turn to save the wind.


The gods immediately rushed, they do not want to die at this moment and the war cows, especially the dragon beasts, have already killed red eyes, even if they are filled with life, they must suppress the **** of death.


The gods and the **** of death are just smashing the power, but they don’t mean to fly back. No one knows more about the current situation of Ling Feng than they do.

When Niu Huang really kills!

When the vast gods cover up the body of Ling Feng!

On the same day, the gods felt that Ling Feng had been annihilated in the wind.

A brilliant light, tearing open the endless wind, piercing the vast force, is the most powerful person in this world!

And in that wind, a true **** is vacant!

Bloody drops, blood on the clothes, but this can't cover the wind and the wind, the dark eyes are sharp at this moment, the low head is no longer knowing when to lift.

Cold to the void!

At this moment, his temperament changed day by day, from a decadent mortal to a sharp and true God.


Ling Feng slowly opened, but the body has disappeared in front of the gods, and then a flash of lightning across the void, nine spaces carrying the stars, stinging the gods of the heavens and the earth, the terrible winds really appear at this moment.


It is not a violent wind that has evolved from the power of force, but a gust of wind that comes from speed.

Lightning roared!

"Run? Run!"

At the beginning, the cow king was dumbfounded. This scene appeared too embarrassing. The **** of death has already shown terrible power. There is no difference between it and the heyday, and there is a stronger momentum.

He is a **** for a moment, even if he is completely stunned!

The situation is getting out of control, Ling Feng has not been abolished!


It was too late!

The murderous blade of Heaven has already appeared, and there is no possibility of dodging again. What is more, this is the deadly blade of Ling Feng, and can you let the Niuhuang dodge?


A blade fell, and the flying Tianniu was instantly opened. There was no blood, but there was endless power and collapse. Then the murderous blade fell on the knives and made a terrible vibrato. The knives flew directly back and slammed into the hands of the ox On it, it shocked his body.

"A terrible murder!"

The cow king trembled in his heart, once again horrified by the terrible power of Ling Feng.

Although blood hate is important, life is more important, so he wants to take the first time, and the power of the other three true gods is also flattened by the sinister savage, and the **** of the space can be presented at this moment.


Just when Niu Huang was going to take a walk, he stopped and looked at Ling Feng’s eyes and became strange.

"I'm not right!"

He whispered. "Take so much power with the true body of God, don't abandon too bad, and he is bleeding!"

He noticed a detail issue.

That is, in the current strength of Lingfeng, the corner of his mouth is full of blood, although he is deliberately suppressing, but the eye of the Niuhuang is very sharp, directly seeing it.. "He is bravely fighting, or using the treasure to suppress the injury in the body! ”

"Don't take it away, as long as it is with its blood and force its power to expand step by step, it will disintegrate its power and let it completely abolish!" Niu Huang Yangtian shouted, excited.

Ling Feng's talent, let it taboo!

This is a more talented person than him, and if he can ruin it by himself, the cow king will laugh when he is dreaming.

Too refreshing!

Too happy!

Can you miss this opportunity?


When the sound of Niu Huang fell, Ling Feng's face changed slightly. The subtle changes may not be noticeable, but Niu Huang noticed that it made him more excited, like a child who got a novelty toy.

"Niu Ye, today I want to abandon a genius!"

He is excited to drink.

"He is indeed bleeding, afraid to stick to it soon!"

"It’s still a great god, and I’m almost bullied by him!”

"Then listen to Niu Huangzhen, destroy it!"

The three gods of the world are immediately excited. They are all true gods of the Tus. They don’t want to see the masters like Ling Feng. If they can use the current situation to get rid of them, it should be their heart.

"That's all coming!"

Ling Feng’s voice is cold, he no longer “covers up” his injury and said: “I don’t mind before I quit, I’m pulling a few masters, Niuhuang, and you three, I’ll be smashing one by one. !"

Bloody threat!


I have to say that the Niuhuang and the three true gods are discolored. They don't know how long the road can be suppressed. If Lingfeng has been in this state, it is they who are the first to fall.

"Four people are flustered. He is just a grasshopper after the fall. It won't last long!"

At this time.

Five dragon beasts are flying, each one is awe-inspiring, the exuberant power is squirting, the terrible momentum is dying, although it is not as good as the four gods, but it is second only to the four true gods, plus Niuhuang four, but the whole nine true gods.

"This blood debt has disappeared!"

The head of the dragon beast opened, and Mori took a step toward Ling Feng, and the power was being suppressed wildly.

Ps.. First of all, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happy people in the moon, round and round.

Secondly, it is necessary to keep the fragrance and not to lose face. Today, the time is enough, but to solve the major events of life, it is completely delayed. It is very late to return home, more tired, and there is no room for thinking.

I can't hold everyone, tomorrow will be fine, I will try my best to update.

Good night (weakly said that it is even more.

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