Supreme Demon

Chapter 1724: Please ignite your blood!

Dong Yuyan’s influence is not enough.

Dong Wei is different.

She is the real core figure in Dong Jia Nai. The Dong family gods enter the Star Road. It is she who dominates the situation. If this happens, it is more convincing for her to come back. This is far more convincing than Dong Yuyan. .

of course.

This is not because of Dong Yuyan, but because Dong’s family owes a kind of affection to Ling Feng. Now she has to repay this kind of love, even if it is a pot.

"Thank you!"

Dong Yuyan’s eyes are red, and he has tried his best to Dong Wei.

"This should not be done by you, but by him!"

Dong Wei sighed in his heart. At this point, Dong Yuyan’s heart is more than one person. Is it true that the red dust can be accompanied by life?

She is worried.

Dong Yuyan’s character is too good to be expressed, but the one is really human, and Ling Feng’s intention to enter the Star Road is not right. His ambition is far from what they can imagine. The future is full of uncertainty, and the future is afraid. It is a tragedy.


Thirteen days later.

Ye Xinran took the lead to wake up, the jade eyes were shining bright, and the spiritual light on her body was being sprayed. She looked around and did not immediately get up, but waited. Her strength alone was not enough.


The person she has to wait for has not come yet.

Not much time.

Ling Qing and other gods have also woken up, the blood has completely recovered, and the exuberant vitality is enviable. This is the result of the further growth of Xiaoshen Tree, and on the more than 20 stars, they advance in one fell swoop and step into the nine-level true God. territory.

"They are coming!"

It was at this time that there were some light in the far air, and the lightning had already reached before r nmi n such as Ye Xinran.

"Yanjia will say that some forces will be forced to withdraw from the battlefield, and you can use this opportunity to get in." Yan 12 flew, hoarse voice said. "We have done our best, I hope you must rescue the wind."

"Working hard!"

Ye Xinran forehead, this is exactly what she wants.

She quickly stood up and said, "We will not let any true **** hurt him, dare to start with him, then wait for the gods to fly, we have to open the sky, this trip we are born, he is born, we die, he Will be born!"

This is the battle of 铿锵!

"how long it takes?"

Ling Qing turned to ask Yan XII.

"In the evening, the news should come!" Yan XII explained.

"You pay too much, you will remember it against the gods!" This is the voice of the solitary rainy moon. No one will ignore a benefactor who saved the Lord.

As long as the anti-God does not die, Yan 12 will pay back sooner or later, and will be more hopeful than before.

"you are wrong!"

Yan 12 solemnly said: "I am not doing the so-called glory, but for my brother!"

"He didn't look at the wrong person!"

Ye Xinran finally gave a positive statement. She had not opened her mouth before, even if the last insistence of Yan 12 would not work, but now such a character is worthy of recognition.

"Thank you!"

Yan 12 stepped back and let Dong Yuyan behind him.

"My aunt has contacted other forces. Although our influence is limited, we can also reduce some of the true gods and let you enter successfully. It should not be a problem," Dong Yuyan explained.

"This is what Dong said, or what do you mean?" Ye Xinran asked faintly.

"This... Dong is not my own family." Dong Yuyan is slightly changed. She doesn't know what Ye Xinran means. She thinks she may be dissatisfied.

"Reverse to the gods owe you a great grace!" Ye Xinran stunned, against the gods are even more embarrassed, at this moment they are grateful to the only Dong Yuyan and Dong Wei, as for the Dong family they do not care.

In fact.

Even the candle dragon, which has been indifferently watching, is slightly swayed, which makes Dong Yuyan's blood spurt and excitement, but Yan Xun and Qing Ming are clearly seeing, and the rebellious people are not jealous of them, only because of this kindness they must Will, and not only this now.

But Dong Yuyan is different.

This Xiao Nizi is coming to Lingfeng, so that these jade immortals are very worried. With this, they will tell Dong Yuyan that they will be grateful, but the way of gratitude will not be Lingfeng.

"These people are terrible!" Qing Ming whispered.

Unpredictable layout, a hole in the world's powerful state of mind, a movement and a look will make you stretched, and can never use this thing to force Ling Feng to thank yourself.

Can you not be terrible?

“Reversely, the gods have come in?” At this time, Ye Xinran asked cold as the moon.

"It should have entered the Star Road, but it will take some time to fly." Han Ruyue said.

"Wait for the dark!"


The evening is here!

The night is coming, and Qin Haotian and other gods have long woke up and are waiting for the passage of time.


As soon as the fireworks burst into the void, let the gods who were waiting to wait, suddenly stood up and lined up with Ye Xinran. Everyone’s eyes became more red, and they had to wait for the moment.

Fireworks signal, moment!

"Going forward!"

Without superfluous words, Ye Xinran used his arms to force the crowd forward. In the night, they were meteor lightning. Under the guidance of Yan Xun and Dong Yuyan, they flew into a crowd of people, like a leaf in the lake. Did not start any water waves.

They are moving forward, have entered the encirclement, are rapidly moving towards the center, and in the process, they are trying to avoid the gods of heaven and earth.


The wind has blown and the people have disappeared.

Dong Yuyan and Yan Xie have left, and there are several true gods.

"Twelve, you treasure it!"

Yan Qing looked at Yan XII, and the eyes were filled with ecstasy. After that, he was the true owner of Yanjia, and Yan 12 would disappear into the vision of the Yan family.

"I will leave the Yan family, but I hope that you can lead the Yan family to a more brilliant world." Yan Xun.

"You can rest assured!"

Yan Qing smiled and left, things progressed more smoothly than he thought. The tired forces that had already been killed, after hearing the news, were very cooperative and left. They did not want to collide with the current anti-God.

The situation of Dong Wei is similar to that of Yan Qing.

"Those women are not simple."

Dong Wei pointed out to Dong Yuyan, pointing out concealedly. "Can they do it?"

"Happy sisters, they are very powerful, if there is no them, I can't get here with Yan XII." Dong Yuyan did not have so many thoughts, and his temperament explained.

"Aunt is worried?"

"Indeed, once defeated, we have to go to Huangquan!" Dong Wei frowned.

"I don't know the wind, but this god, I am afraid that I can break through the sky." Qing Ming said solemnly. "I don't know what they will do, but they will not be buried here."

“Qing Ming’s predecessors think they will succeed?” Dong Hao’s eyes brightened.


Qing Ming asked. "What do you mean?"

"I also think they will succeed." Dong Wei said.

"Aunt can see it?" Dong Yuyan was happy.


Dong Wei shook his head and said. "But I hope they can win because we have no way back!"


The night is like ink.

In the crowd, more than a dozen true gods are rapidly flying toward the center. The speed of the gods bursts twelve times at this moment. In a short time, it has crossed the sea and came to the center.


Ye Xinran, Han Ruyue and others did not find the breath of Ling Feng, and wanted to come to him to hide in the spirit beads.


They can only try to catch up with the dragon beast that is pushing the road to the treasure. After three days, they came to the core area, where the scope was reduced to three thousand miles.

For the true God, this is a terrible distance.

"in front!"

Suddenly, the dragon beast exclaimed, full of ecstasy, and after hearing this sentence, Ye Xinran and other people’s lightning disappeared, they have already flown to the forefront, only because they have sensed The breath of the wind seems to be getting stronger.

There are many rains falling from the ground.

A few months of hiding, so that Ling Feng and blood completely recovered, although the vitality of Ye Xinran and other true gods are strong, but the nine-way space is releasing the true power of the world, and it can be used to suppress the sky.

He flew out of the devouring beads, rushed out of the ancient Wuta, and landed on a piece of waste soil.

"It’s always coming!"

Ling Feng squinted, his eyes open and close, and he was full of anger. He knew that the endless true God was flying here at the moment. It was not thousands, but thousands. He must kill, otherwise he would die. this.


The next moment, he flew out and fell in front of him, cold to the gods of the heavens and the land that are flying, of course, this direction is also the direction of the gods.

"come on!"

He is armed with a savage blade and is proud of the world.


Some sharp-eyed real gods immediately discovered the wind, and the expression became excited. The first true gods immediately rushed to Lingfeng, and the terrible speed seemed to be exploding.

"Hey, one person wants to fight our gods, I really admire your courage!"

The dragon beasts are arrogant.

Compared with the beauty of the true gods, Ling Feng is too small.


Suddenly, Ling Feng stopped, looking at the heavens and the earth in front of the gods laughing, the voice became high and boring. "I am a single person, so I need friends, need them!"


The **** of death and the **** of the gods appeared, and the two guys have recovered in the past few months.

"Uncle, this **** is going to eat God today!"

The proud bird snarled, but it stopped for a moment, and the bird's face became excited. "I feel their breath, isn't it a dream?"



"I used to be a person, but not at the moment!"

Ling Feng lifted the path of the heavenly path, and slammed it with force, and said passionately. "There is a long-lost violation of the gods. Please burn your blood now. Please boil your power, fight with me, and level this star!"

He seems to be telling a person that it seems strange and funny in front of the gods.


Tianshen bird did not laugh, but his eyes were wet. He had not seen each other for more than ten years, but he will reunite at this moment.

"It's a cocky idiot. It's really a call to God." Someone sneered.

"Isn't it going to be scared?" Someone taunted.

They are pushing faster.

(End of this chapter) js3v3

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