Supreme Demon

Chapter 1728: The stars are not chaotic, and the anti-God says!

The first seven hundred and twenty-eighth chapters of the stars are not chaotic, and the anti-God says!

Despise the gods!

This is the style of Ye Witch. When the anti-God has already reached this stage, it is impossible to stop at the front. Whether it is the Three Tigers or the Two Dragons, they are all objects of repression against the gods. They could have used the Tus .


They are even more disdainful to do this!

If you can't suppress the three tigers and two dragons, can you let the gods avoid it?

They are going to take the anti-world martial arts, against the gods to suppress the world, to go to the ancient road in the eye-catching moment, and then step into the last star, only this is more hopeful to win the treasure of the entire starry sky, or secret .

Ling Feng hardly holds the hand of Ye Xinran, and it is a lucky thing to have such a goddess.

He wants, she understands!

He doesn't want it, she knows better!


She has never considered too much on her own. In the early stage, she was a whole person, but now she is only the one who has the anti-God.

Ling Qing, Han Ruyue and other jade face changes slightly, when considering the problem, they are still too far-sighted, far from the blade-like power of Ye Xinran, she wants to work hard, she is concerned, just say it .

No need to hide!

No need to deliberate!

That is her whole heart!

In this battle, they are also losers.

"Go forward, the time of the rainstorm has been delayed enough, don't miss the final battle." Ling Feng opened, led the people to move forward, crossed the rainway, looking for the footprints of Niuhuang and Su Xiaoyu. Going to the thirty-ninth star.


"God, how did this happen?"

"Too fierce, is there such a person in this world?"

"I will save the situation and break the game!"

After Ling Feng and other people left, the news was truly scattered, and the gods and the Tus in the heavens and the earth were shocked. They did not think that tens of thousands of true gods were chasing them, but the final endings were different.

Ling wind pressures the crowd, suppressing the Scorpio with extraordinary attitude.

The dragon beasts die, the Tussmen collapse, the gods are killed, the whole rainy road is full of bones, the fierce picture makes people spurt blood, unbelievable, it is like a human purgatory, blood is shaped like a small river.

This picture is even more fierce than that of the year, and the number is far better than that of the year. However, Lingfeng and other gods have not yet stepped into the heavens, otherwise the entire wolf star will be destroyed.

"Reverse God!"

A true **** opened his mouth and looked into the distance. He said, "The power behind Ling Feng finally appeared. With the power of the world to suppress the martial arts, is this the rhythm of killing thousands of people?"

"The dragon beasts are even worse!"

This is the intuitive idea of ​​people. The appearance of the candle dragon and the reincarnation of the gods are all telling the gods of the heavens and the earth that the wind is so extraordinary that it is necessary to suppress the dragon beasts. The fall of the heavenly characters is only the beginning.

"This is impossible. There are more than a dozen people in the district. Can you kill so much?"

The dragon beasts are bleeding, and the end of this battle means that the dragon's elite and true God are completely destroyed. Even the gods are killed, can only a heavenly character suppress the current situation?

more importantly.

They can't believe that the anti-God will be tyrannical to this point. More than a dozen true gods are equivalent to thousands of horses. The Thunder fall and the beings bow down.

"If every one of them has the talent and strength of Lingfeng?"

An old man said that he was shocked by the whole star road in an instant. A singular wind is like thousands of true gods. If there are more than a few, it is a nightmare. No one wants to collide with such forces. .

To know.

The power to create so many geniuses can not be underestimated. It may be the gate of the top level of Hengtianxing, but now it is just a candle god.


What if they do their best?

The dragon beast can't order the Tus in the entire Star Road. What's more, this kind of smashing, will they raise the family forward and throw the blood for the dragon beasts?

For a time.

The dragon beasts began to panic. They didn't know what was going on, but they were able to let Ling Feng take risks, and even moved a **** of the world, and sacrificed the blood to kill the moon. The truth of the matter is related to the heavens.

In fact.

They also tried hard and hoped that the other heavenly characters on other stars would be born, but the two heavenly figures hesitated. They watched the scenes of Mo Yue and Mingtian beasts, and guessed that the origin of Lingfeng was terrible. There may be a demon-level character behind him, and I really want to irritate it, and the consequences are unimaginable.


Mingtian beast is not dead yet. This is what they really worry about. It can force Modao’s self-destructive heavenly beasts to force them to destroy themselves!

After weighing the pros and cons, they will look at the origins of Ling Feng and then start to do it. Otherwise, they will not be irritated by those who are irritating those who are ignorant.

It is because of their waiting that Ling Feng and others have crossed over and opened the farther journey, while the candle dragon is slowly moving forward, and the true gods such as Ling Feng try their best to maintain a rhythm and seem to send it to Wan Gudao.


Reversing the gods is deliberately ignoring the dragon beasts. This is to make people wonder. Normally, now they are sharp and powerful, and they can make a slap in the air and close a lot of dragon beasts, but they disappear.

"Reverse God is also jealous?" Some people wondered.

"The gods they are coming to are one, really want to be forced, and they will be able to fight against it.

This is the "truth" that people guess.


Some smart people smell a more terrible breath, even if they are afraid of being jealous, they will do it, but now they have done nothing, what does this mean? Such blood debt, they will stop here?

Obviously, impossible!

They don't do it, naturally someone will come and do it!

"The dragon beasts are afraid of being miserable!" They are sighing, the grievances in this, the rebellious people do not want to spit out, and the dragon beasts are silent, the treasures involved are certainly not ordinary, many gods are jealous, but there is no They are rushing, and they are waiting for the follow-up.

In the void.

Dong Wei, Dong Yuyan, Qing Ming and Yan 12 are volleying. They are looking into the distance and are looking forward to it. When the news comes up, they are bright and eager to exhale, and they will suppress and confess their hearts. Squirting.

They are hoping that the anti-God can push the gods, but they can't believe that the anti-God can really do it.

Those dozens of people, but do what the gods can not do.

This is not a fantasy, but a real myth.

"This gamble is worth it!" Qing said ecstatically. "After that, who else on this star road can suppress their momentum?"


Dong Wei’s forehead, said: “The anti-God is far more unpredictable than we think. It’s a broken game. It’s bathed in the blood of the gods. It’s been sharpened. I can’t imagine how this space can create this. Many arrogant figures."

"Reverse God? We have never heard of it."

"Yeah, this is where I am wondering, either they are hiding the real forces, or they are from other stars, but there is no doubt that this power is too repressive, and the pattern of the future stars will change. The pattern of Hengtian Star will change even more."

"They are coming, it is impossible to retract the hand."

"What are they doing?"

Dong Wei straight frowns. Normally, a force will have a genius to be born, and it is understandable that most of the forces will do this. It is a problem to carry the whole force like a god.

Qing Ming’s eyes flashed, and Dong Yuyan stopped talking.

They already knew something on the previous Stars Road and guessed the purpose of reversing God. But it was too ridiculous. They didn’t dare to spit out at the same time, especially Yan XII and Qing Ming. Now their identity has been lost. It depends on the god.

Strong against the gods, they are strong!

If they are dead, they will die!

At this juncture, they don't want the news to leak.

"Can you do it by conquering the stars?"

Qing Ming asked himself in his heart. He wanted to shake his head, but he thought about it carefully. Every step of the anti-God is full of meaning, and he is determined to make you doubt the life. More than a dozen true gods are crossed. A true **** is fighting forward, a **** of the world. Suppress the stars.

Even the characters of Tiantian have been taken down. What else can they do?


He also heard alternative news. It is said that Ling Feng has been single for decades. A man can even quit this kind of thing. What else can he not do?

I have to say that Qing Ming is also a bad guy.


Against the gods are moving forward.

The thirty-ninth star crossed in a short time. The real master left when the candle dragon destroyed the dragon beast god, or he was watching. Now that the war is over, they have no reason to stay.


Those who have left are afraid that they have reached the forty-fifth star and are fighting in it.


The speed of reversing the gods is very fast. It has reached the forty-third stars in a hurry. There is no calmness along the way. The people who are bathed with blood are highly regarded. It is a difficult thing to hide. .

What's more.

The arrogant bird is a catastrophe. It has not yet reached the gods. It can suppress its temper, but now it is unscrupulous. As long as you don’t see the power of the gods, you can knock a **** pot first.


This has become a curse on the Star Road, and where the proud birds pass, there will be chaos, and many forces are looking for the culprit.

of course.

Tsundere Bird does not think so, it asks itself. "This is tempering, not only to sharpen your own strength, but also to sharpen your own weapon!"

At the beginning, this was just the personal behavior of the proud bird, but later, Qin Yutian and the rebellious monks also joined in, mainly targeting the hostile forces, and the chickens flew for a while, and some true gods were forced to blew themselves. .

As the saying goes, the stars and the chaos are not chaotic, and the rebellious people have the final say!

Now the Tsundere bird is a real little beast. Whoever catches who bites, can’t wait to break the sky here.

Twelve days later.

This is a good time, and under the leadership of Ling Feng, they went to the forty-fifth star.

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