Supreme Demon

Chapter 1751: Will insult the end!

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-one chapter will insult the end!


The winter rain was torn apart, the flesh and blood were blurred, the bones of the gods were falling, the limbs fell on the mountain wall, and the Dantian and the head were flying in the center of the limbs, like a deformed dwarf.

His eyes are gray, and he feels that vitality is going out, and Yin Hong's blood is dripping from the mountain wall. The dripping is like a flag, but the soul is not destroyed, but it has also been hit hard.


The dragon and tiger are indifferent and contemptuous, the three tigers are proud, and he is the head of the three tigers. He is more proud. The defeat of the tiger and the tiger is a stimulus to him. He does not want to lose again.


He still despised the winter rain. Even if he took the step, he would fall to his feet, but the winter rain was tenacious than he had imagined. He did not care about life and death. He used the power of the road to smash the sword and put the sword in him. On the neck.

When the winter rain shouted out the words, he felt the burning pain on his face, and his heart seemed to be burning with lightning.

Is there anything more shameful than this?


If the winter rain hits the last force, it can cause him no small damage, but it is impossible to get rid of the dragon and tiger. The winter rain is exhausted, so he wants to force the dragon and tiger to admit defeat, but he is too normal and underestimates the dragon tiger. Not normal.

A character like the Three Tigers can die, but will not admit defeat to the opponent, unless it is a worldly character like the king.

"As for your waste, I want to let me admit it?"

The dragon and the tiger are unstoppable, and the winter rain is broken up, but they still can't get rid of the gas. He strides forward and wants to smash the winter rain.


At this time, Ling Feng said with a cold face. "You don't admit defeat, that is, he loses, but he is a respectable opponent after all. It is too much to be insulted by you."

"Which onion are you?"

Dragon and Tiger contempt, did not put Ling Feng in the eyelids, said: "When you get rid of him, you will challenge you!"

"He has been abolished, you shouldn't insult your opponent like this!" Ling Feng looked colder and said, "You want to challenge, then I will challenge you!"

"Oh, not a cat and a dog can challenge the king!"

Dragon and Tiger are cold-blooded toward the winter rain. He wants to vent his inner anger on the winter rain. Only when the winter rain is removed can the stain on his body be erased.

"You are challenging my true anger!"

Ling Feng’s eyes shine with sharp light. Fighting until now, Qin Haotian is weak, but after the moon is pushing the tiger, it has not killed it, and the proud bird is posing as a beast of Qin Yutian. Start with Linghu.

In such a realm, they should have the grace of this realm.


The three tigers do not seem to abide by such rules. This is angering the wind. The winter rain is coming from him. Lingfeng does not want to be killed by the winter rain. It is enough to get to this step, and the dragon and tiger must vent their anger.

"so what?"

Dragon and Tiger despised Ling Feng and said: "He is the first one, and you will be the second!"


Dragon and Tiger also regards Ling Feng as a prey. The whole battle is caused by the wind, and this person is directing this scene. What he wants is to challenge the gods in their minds. This is a joke.

Being challenged by such a weak and true God is also an insult to the king!


The dragon and tiger will kill them before they challenge the king. When the gods know that the three tigers will never fall, and the moon and the Qin dynasty will be destroyed, the Hengtian stars do not need the "three tigers second."


Ling Feng was irritated, and he said coldly. "You have to insult, then you will insult the end!"


He turned to the proud bird, and the face of Junfeng Fengshen had a touch of Mori's momentum.. "Give it to you!"


He strode to the king, and the temperament came out of the world. Nowadays, he wants to let the whole world know about the gods, even if the king has to bow down, he was worried before, but when the proud bird appeared, he There is no worry.

Only war!

"Enough brother!"

The gods and gods are excited, the spirits are flying, the winter rain is fierce, the moon is closing, the Qin Haotian confrontation is the spirit tiger, and Ling Feng seems to trust it more, and wants it to suppress the dragon and tiger, the top of the three tigers.

This shows that in Ling Feng's mind, now it is more powerful than Qin Yutian, Dong Yu, Yue Xian, so that it can not make it particularly exciting?

"You can rest assured that I will suppress the dragon and tiger and carry the insult to the end!"

The gods and **** flashed and appeared in the front of the mountain. The imposing manner was overwhelming, and the body of the winter rain was smashed behind them. The colorful and powerful powers of the tenths were suffocating.

At this moment, the gods are horrified!


Just as it was excited to want to drink from the sky, a voice sounded. "He is not talking about you!"

The sound is clear and crisp, and the softness is bred with the sharpness of the knife. The sound is not big, but the gods and the birds are trembled. The bird's hair is upright. If you don't know the master of this voice, I am afraid that it will fly now.

A sudden burst of light in the gods and gods, like the stars passing by.


In that light, a beautiful jade fairy is slowly appearing, and the eyebrows are like the willow leaves. It looks like a jade. The beauty like a porcelain doll blooms in this world. The light and cold temperament is boasting in the space.

Her body is not tall enough, she shows Lori's style, and her body is exuded with a light smog. The white gauze is scattered on her shoulders, and her body is perfectly presented. A light fragrance like water waves generally sway around. And open.

She is a little more tender than the moon fairy!

She is more charming than the elf jade rabbit!

She is more than a stalwart of the dead fish!

This is a loli!

A unique peerless loli!

The **** of the gods is stunned, and its momentum in the spirited beads swayed, affecting the loli, and it was directly collapsed. At that time, she closed her eyes and let the gods think she had not recovered, but the instinctive reaction. Only.

But when she was born, the gods know that this loli simply wants to beat herself.

"It turns out that he is not brother enough. He would rather believe a loli than a bet!" said the god, and this loli is born. There is no suspense in this battle.

If Wang Lao and other gods and gods are here, I am afraid that I will be excited to cry, that is, Ye Witch and other goddess of the world, and also respectfully called: Xiao Shijie.

This loli is a more chu nq character than Ling Feng.

She is clear!

At the beginning, Qingyi saved the Holy Lord and killed himself to a heavenly figure. He almost died. X ngy n was that Ling Feng found her on the Hengtian Star and took her together to make her life reborn. .


She relied on the endless resources of Lingfeng to restore her blood and realm in the spiriting beads. Now she has finally recovered. Although she has not yet entered the gods, she has entered an unimaginable realm of true deities. In a critical situation, Qing dynasty was born the first time.

What is the horror of the cleansing after Nie?

At this point, the **** of the gods is not clear, but it can only be violently stepped into the border, fearing that only the wind can see through, but one thing is certain, Qingyi is the one who can carry the insult to the end. .

"Nothing to play!"

The **** god is downcast, and the winter rain body is dug out and taken to the distance. The **** Dan is used to help it recover, but even if it is recast, it is feared that the winter rain will be abolished.

The gods are puzzled.

They did not expect to be a loli, can she suppress the dragon and tiger?

However, this loli breath is too weak, far less powerful than the winter rain, in front of the dragons and tigers in the Wei'an, she is too small, like a child to an adult man.


At the moment when Qing dynasty was born, the top masters in the field trembled one by one, and even the kings in the distance became serious. They deeply experienced the inexhaustible deterrent power in Qing dynasty.

Unfortunately, the dragon and tiger can not see through.

"One Loli, it’s ridiculous, are you already poor?"

"He said that the insult will be carried out to the end, and I will try not to let him down."

Qing is very indifferent, she just came out, not clear about the current situation, but what Ling Feng needs is what she wants to do.

"court death!"

The dragon and the tiger are unstoppable. The first is the so-called Hengtian Sishen. Now there is such a loli. Is it true that he is mud?

In the wrath, the dragon and the tiger punched the Qing dynasty, and the vast mountain-like force swayed, collapsed into a heavy space, and a black hole with a fist shape appeared on the void, which could not be closed for a long time.

Its catastrophe, although not as long as the dragons and screams, is not the usual God of God.

The gods closed their eyes, but they couldn’t bear to see the end of the Qing Dynasty. Even the old Taoist priests were exclaiming, and Ming Yu and Qiu Shuyi were straight-eyed. When they were joking, Ling Feng was in the face of Qing Dynasty. If you want to pay attention to it, if this loli appears on the Shenwu continent, it is the gods who want to marry, and the real gods in the district dare to despise?


When the **** fist came, the clear wind and the light cloud lightly pointed, and in a flash the sky was bright, the finger directly resisted the impossible **** fist, and pushed it back slowly, collapsing in the void .

When people open their eyes, let the Buddha see the female immortal coming, then is the style to dispel the brilliance of this world?

"Be serious!"

Qing faintly looked at the dragon tiger and said, "Put out your sword!"

"That depends on whether you have this qualification!"

The dragon and tiger squinted and finally looked at it. This loli was much stronger than he imagined. He was scornful and clear, and naturally he could see that Qing Li was more contemptuous. He did not regard this as a battle.


In the next moment, he opened his mouth and sipped, and the endless powers formed a dragon and a tiger, smashing and ruining, and completely smashing the mountain and river terrain and directly pushing it to the Qing dynasty. This is a terrible skill for letting the winter rain bleed.


The dragon and tiger have already produced anger in their hearts, and their power is stronger than before.


When the dragon and the tiger screamed across the road, the Qing dynasty was still volleying. Her eyes were light, and her hands were lifted to sweep off the dust on her shoulders. The demise of the world made the dragon and tiger numb, which is Where is the enchanting Loli?

Is the dragon and tiger scream just a wind for her?

"You are really heavy, it is recommended to eat lighter." Qing 漪 opening, squatting Xiaoqiong nose said. "Puzzle, I am in a hurry!"

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