Supreme Demon

Chapter 1772: turmoil!

The first seven hundred and seventy-two chapters are turbulent!

This is a problem! ”

Speaking of the old man sitting between the mountains and rivers, his face said heavily. "There have been fewer attacks outside the country over the years, but the repressive power has become more and more terrible. I am worried that the heavenly characters on that side are impatient!"

Yes, this situation is not right! "Tian Yun slightly closed his eyes.


He also sat down and reacted with the old man. It seems that he had forgotten the vision of the day, and he was more serious than ever before, while the old man was quiet and did not mention it.

Half awkward.

Tianyun stood up and said with a smile. "I still listen to my brother's cautiousness. In the current situation, I would like to invite another person from the heavens to suppress the situation outside the territory. So, do you think that the heavenly road is more suitable?"

The one that splits God is suitable. ”

This is not enough! ”

Tian Yun expressed disagreement. The days of the gods were a bit less calm. The heavenly figure was more important in the town, but he felt that he could invite one from the middle.

God, this is not appropriate. Weng smiled and refused.

Then think about it! ”

Tian Yun turned and left, disappeared into this world, and at the moment he appeared, his mouth raised a cold smile.

Do you have to turn off your time? ”

His voice is not big, but it is full of the sharpness of the sword. It is obvious that he was acting before, the purpose is to verify whether the breath of the previous sigh is released by the old man.

It turns out.

The old man is getting old, the road is unstable, he may be at any time, and he knows that he has three virtual bodies that are handed over to Ling Feng, and these three bodies are annihilated on the starry sky. The impact is great, causing his body to grow old faster and can't hold on.

This is thinking about retreating! ”

Tian Yun smiled and whispered, smelling old things, in the upcoming road, still considering the safety of Shenwu, want to move to the third heavenly character, once he does not let the aliens at least enter.

The Heavenly character of Split God is indeed suitable, but this is not the key to the problem!

Tianyun has different opinions. When you hear the old Taoist priests, the heavenly characters of the sacred gods come in to fill the vacancies, but what if you come to the Tiandao Tiandao characters?

At that time.

The gates of the entire starry sky are in their hands, and can God come and go? As long as it cuts off its connection with the Shenwu continent, and the true gods such as the Tianzu can enter the Tibetan stars, and even he can cross the past, will the situation be so fierce?

will not!

of course.

He also used this opportunity to suppress the meaning of smelling the old and the gods. As long as the gods are ruined, the gods and the zeros do not know the news that the old man is about to turn, he can control the whole situation and wait until the old man controls it again. Live, when you want to annihilate, he will appear in the gods for the first time, and flatten it to the ground!

And the annihilation is also against God!

Double-edged with one arrow!

In any case, the God of Heaven can not come over! "The rhythm of the sky is shining in the sky."

The stars can cover up the truth.

Heaven can also cover up the truth!

The vision of the day was too bad. Can you pass through the eyes and ears of Tianyun?

At the moment when Tianyun left, it was hard to look at the old face. A drop of blood was spilling from the corner of his mouth and was wiped away by his concealment, but the gradually pale face was explaining the problem.

Indeed, he is old!

Even the heavenly characters can't stand the torture of the years. Before, he felt that he could still hold on for fifty years, and even longer, but the three dying bodies were dying, and the **** battle on the door of the starry sky accelerated his time.

He is old and faster, and he will be on the wood.


He had to cover up the truth. If Tian Yun knew that the problem would become serious, it was a pity that he couldn’t hide it. The arrival of Tian Yun and the question were asking him.


He smells old and sighs. At his age, he doesn't care about life and death. But he cares about the future of God and the future of God. He loses the suppression of heavenly characters, and he can't live through it. What changes will happen to the pattern at that time?

Will the gods of the gods, the gods of the yin, and the people of the zeros prefer them?

If the Tianzu provocatively provokes it, and tells the stakes, is it that there are not a few forces that will fight it with it?

Cooperation is an interest.

Points are more benefits!

These forces were originally brought together by interests, not to the gods and against God. It was a life and death relationship polished by a **** battle, attacking and defending the alliance.

The old man looked at the sky, as if he wanted to penetrate the endless starry sky and look at the Lingfeng who was shopping.

He hopes that Ling Feng can come back, but he does not want him to come back!

Come back, Ling Feng will face the current situation, will use life to fight the forces of the Tianzu and other forces, may be able to pull together the forces of the Zero, Split God, but if you can not hold it?

A dead end!

If you don't come back, God's martial arts may fall down, and the whole Shenwu will enter the era of the Tian and other forces, but Lingfeng will live, and living is always more hopeful.


Although the star map hides the vision of the day, this does not mean that other heavenly characters cannot be found, especially in the middle, closest to here.

of course.

The light of the vision of the day was very faint, not very clear, but there are still people who can distinguish it.

It’s going to change! ”

A heavenly figure watching the sky at night, looking at the endless starry sky, seems to understand the turbulence of this world.

The atmosphere of the world has become rich! ”

Another heavenly figure opened, the rich atmosphere is not obvious, but it is difficult to escape their eyes. This is obviously unreasonable, but there are not many explanations. The birth of the treasure can be triggered, and the world can explain, but more What can be explained is that the Taoist characters will say!

For a time.

The Tiandao characters woke up a few people and were always paying attention to the changes in the atmosphere of the day, but they did not know who was in the road and could not guess the result.


The Taoist priests are not a one-off event, but a long-term process in which the power of the heavenly characters can be suppressed for the last two years, and even longer.


The vision of the day appeared, seems to be accelerating this rhythm, let them guess that the heavenly character may have been unable to suppress.

Let the gods prepare for it, no matter which heaven, this world pattern will change a lot! ”

The heavenly figure in the sky of the cracked **** opened.

A heavenly man sits in a power, and the fall of heaven is bound to cause the power to collapse. No matter which side, the **** of the sky must be prepared.

Yes! ”

Yin Shenzong began to gather! ”

Yes! ”

Let those characters be born! "The zero-aged old man is full of sadness, and the current pattern is very wrong.

On the one hand, it is a super-power that is led by God and rebelled against God. On the one hand, it is a super-power that is led by the Tianzu, and the third party has a mysterious force that forms a three-legged situation in order to maintain the current balance.

Once the balance is broken, this piece of heaven and earth will enter a period of war. This is not what they want to see now, only because the anti-God is in a stable period, the wings are not full enough, and if they are martyrdom, they are the characters on their side. The situation will be more severe.

No matter which one, he does not want to start a war at this time.

The actions of the sacred gods and the yin gods caused other forces to pay attention, and when the hidden news spread, the forces of the heavens moved, and the whole continent appeared turbulent, preparing for the next battle.

what happened? "The color of the line is disfigured, and the turmoil of the wind is beginning to appear. Once the forces are fighting, the impact of the anti-God is too serious.

They may be cannon fodder!

Still not clear, we are looking for! ”

Find out immediately, the shortest time! "The line is serious and said."

One day passed... Ten days passed... But the butterfly did not find the root cause, which made the line anxious, and the butterfly across the continent was fully deployed, but there was no clue.

This is very strange!

Still not found? Asked the voice.

Yes! ”

The face was exhausted and the butterfly swept the mainland, but still did not get any valuable news. "However, our source has some problems."

Ok? ”

After a trip, my eyes are bright and I ask. "Where?"

The gate of the sky! ”

Xie Yan explained: "That is the restricted area, the butterfly is difficult to get involved, or it is a bright future, but as always, there is no problem."

Is there something weird? ”

Recently, I came up with the heavenly figure of the Tianzu! ”

This is the problem! ”

It’s hard to look at the face of the line. Normally, there will be old people in the place where the gods appear. Recently, there are very few people who smell the old, but the lazy heaven of the heavens often appears.

Is this not enough to explain the problem?

Can there be news from the Tibetan stars? "The line then asked."

No! ”

Immediately issue a decree, let the butterfly send the message to the Tibetan star anyway! "The lineage looked heavy and said. "I am afraid that it is a big problem. ”

What is my sister suspecting? Asked Yan Yan.

Smell old... I’m afraid it’s old! "The line is close to the fist. This is the problem they have to face, but they always feel that they can continue."

Yes! ”

The face of the face is disastrous, knowing that the problem is too serious, involving the future life and death of the gods and the gods.

The line of lightning disappeared and began to issue orders. A butterfly disappeared in a hurry and rushed to the gate of the starry sky. From there, he would go to the star of the earth, and he would never come out and even open his mouth. This requires them to speculate.

Whether it is or not, this news must be sent!

Ning is credible, it is not credible!


The news was sent out one day, but the Tibetan star did not respond. This made the heart beat straight, and the guess in the heart was confirmed. I was afraid that the character had already started and would not let the butterfly send any news.

Sister, please break the heavenly characters of God! Said the line of eagerness.

No! ”

Shaking his head bitterly.. "This news is terrible. If there is an impact, how big will it be? At that time, the forces of the gods, the gods and the gods can also share the interests of the whole heart with the heart. The hearts of the people are unpredictable, we can't afford it, we can't afford it. Can't afford to lose!"

We must not only keep confidential, but also send out the news! ”

good night.

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