Supreme Demon

Chapter 1777: Anger Stars!

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters are raging stars!

The power of anti-God is fully developed.

This is unprecedented.

Since the end of the vast battle, the anti-God is ten times more terrible than ever. It is almost impossible to see the figure of the gods in the mortal world. It is not exaggerating to say that they are full of any corner of the mainland.


It was such a flood of power that, when it was born, did not cause a sensation. They entered the WTO with low-keyness and did not appear in front of people, but were integrated into the anti-God.

Internal worry is the most terrible!

This is not to fight against other forces in the mainland, but to fight against the internal forces of God, but this is more serious than the foreign enemies, and even if it wins, it will be badly hurt against the gods, and it is not as good as before. This is what the Tian and other forces want. The situation to see.

What is more serious is.

They have not yet found the real culprit. Who is rebellious against the gods? If you don't find that person, or those few characters, this civil strife will continue and it will be very tricky.


It is impossible to appear against the elite of the gods. It is necessary to solve the culprit at the lowest level and solve these traitors.

This is very troublesome, but this is the only way.


Now they can not even contact God, so they will be amazed, whether it is Yang Yuyao, or the tortoise, poisonous insects, etc. are smart people, can you not know the big snake is not dead and bite?


A flash of lightning tears through the void, and the clouds are covered with clouds. The wind and rain are falling, and the winds that are even more invisible are being baptized in the face of God. Even important people cannot see the results at this time, and the future is unpredictable.

Earth star!

Tiangu fell to the footsteps, stepping on the solid land, and his mouth was filled with a faint smile. His future began from here. As long as he held the rebellion against the gods and stopped the journey of the Emperor Wu, the Tianzu could solve the gods and the gods. .

By then.

The Tianzu will be stronger, and with his talent, the future will control the Tianzu. A strong Tianzu can be much more powerful than it is now, and even win the mainland in one fell swoop, breaking the three-legged situation in the middle and becoming the first family in the mainland.

"The Lord of the Stars!"

Tian Gu said in his heart, he is in a good mood, and his footsteps are naturally calm.

"Oh, I heard that the anti-god of the Tibetan star is weaker. The top figure is just a nine-level true god. If it is not the heavenly figure, I am afraid that it will be long-awaited." Tian Gu said with sneer.

"Yeah, there is no such person, can you laugh at the present?" A real **** behind him said with a smile.

"The butterfly is all in me, I have played it on the mainland. This is the original Tibetan star m in, I have never played it." Tiangu smiled indifferently, laughing very slutty, swaying, although it is a **** But the inner fire did not go out.

"It's not easy, just a few oysters are coming back!" Several real gods behind him immediately smiled.

"Take it carefully, don't be amazed!"

Tiangu’s forehead, his scorn is scornful, and the real thing is the heavenly figure. As for the anti-God here, he is really not in his eyes, and he came very low-key and soon merged into the heavens and the earth.

He believes that with their strength, those weak butterflies will find their whereabouts.

"Hey, you can rest assured!"


Several true gods looked at each other and disappeared immediately. Even the butterflies on the mainland were played by them in the applause, let alone the weaker Tibetan stars. When they won the rebellion, the Tibetan stars were their celestial beings. Site.

As for the heavenly character, huh!


What they didn't think was that the butterfly was more cunning than they thought, the speed was terrible, and several true gods could not be traced, which made them look ugly, how they were the top gods, and they lost to a few yellow hairs. ?

have to say.

The gap between the top gods and the gods is very big. Under their hard work, they finally gave birth to two butterflies, imprisoned them and prepared to bring them back, but at that time, the two butterflies suddenly collapsed and became devastated.

They would rather die than yield to the true gods of the Celestial!


Several real gods were furious, and they slammed a few feet toward the two butterflies. "It's awkward!"


They ignited the bones of the two butterflies and erased all the traces. They left in a hurry. Now the area is not flat. They want to stabilize first, and wait until the situation is settled.

Although this will disappoint God, but I want to come to God to understand.


Listening to the rain, Zhu Zhan Shen witnessed, looking at the butterfly that was being reported, his face flashed with suffocation, and then he listened to the rain and strode into the attic.

"What happened?" Ling Feng is sitting on the plate, how to get into the heavens.

"The heavenly family appears in the earth's stars!"


Ling Feng Shen flashed a light and asked. "How much?"

"The eighty true gods, there is also a god!" Hearing the rain and boring for a moment, then said: "The two butterflies were poisoned. They came not to be good, but they did not walk in, but they were near the door of the stars."

"There was news on that side?"



Lingfeng stood up and sneered at the corner of his mouth. "A **** is here, what is his purpose?"

" Still checking, but it's hard!"

It’s not that they don’t want to check, but the butterflies are too weak to be close to the gods of this level. However, one thing is different, the anti-God is standing, the whole is not as complicated as the Shenwu continent, and they There are too many opponents to encounter, and they are too weak. It is not easy for other forces to sneak in.

When any forces first stand, they are not relying on resources and material, but full of blood. Of course, this is inseparable from the wild. These characters are in the midst of rebellion, and the degree of loyalty is unmatchable to other characters.


The responsibility of the wild is to eliminate the "impurities", otherwise the ability to listen to the rain and the battle of Zhu can not suppress the situation.

"Take this thing to us, you just have to stare."

Ling Feng took the lead, he understood the rain, a **** is that they are now tricky, let alone butterflies.

"I go!"

The cold flies out like a moon, the face is suffocating, the butterfly is her butterfly, and the Tianzu dare to do this, that is, forcing the butterfly to kill God.

"I am with you!"

Ye Xinran came, not worried about the cold as a person, and she had a familiar feeling in the faint, but could not find any clues, but she was flustered.

In the first place of Ling Feng, two jade-like characters have already flew out of the wind, and they are back, and their faces are unprecedentedly ugly.

"Very serious?"

Ling Feng straight frowns, can make the leaf witch, the cold as the two characters face ugly things are really not much.

"Not quite right!"

"I sensed the breath of the Supreme Imitation in the god!" The sorcerer's eyes were shot and killed. This is the familiar atmosphere. Now she doesn't know whether the celestial being is too strong or the butterfly is in trouble.

"Guwuta?" Ling Feng face a clean.


"Then force it to do it!"

Ling Feng’s eyes flashed cold, and the Tianzu got this kind of treasure. What does that mean? Yang Yaoyao, the people who are jailed may have died?

"The second child, I have to trouble you again!"

Ling Feng turned and said to the beast that is feeding.

"beg me!"

Mingtian beast lazily said that he did not take the right eye and the wind, this product is becoming more and more disrespectful, and it is driven by the ordinary beast.


Ling Feng’s voice is low, but he is screaming at the Mingtian beast.


The bear's paw in the mouth of the singer's mouth fell, stunned, like a ghost, this shameless and treacherous guy, actually asking for it?


Ling Feng suppressed the inner killing and said: "This is related to the life and death of the important characters of the anti-God, which may affect the future of the gods. Please be sure to force the **** to sacrifice the supreme copy."

"If you have been this attitude, how can I be embarrassed in the future?"

The sound of the beast is resentful, and there is no doubt that this is a very awkward poultry.


It can be seen that the situation is very serious, and the anti-God is angry. The anger that is suppressed in the bones will inevitably drown a force, so it promised Ling Feng’s request, and Ye Xinran disappeared into the wind.


A wind blows up, Tiangu suddenly shocked, the backhand is a punch, a loud bang, he stepped back a few steps, his face suddenly changed.


His face sank and looked into the void.


He did not get a response, responding to him is a more fierce punch, collapsed mountains and rivers, swallowing stars and heavens, in the blink of an eye has been in front of Tiangu, forced Tiangu can only sacrifice the sword.

A bang.

Tiangu strode backwards, his face was more ugly, his opponent was more terrible than he thought, even if Tianli could not suppress it, obviously the opponent is also a god.


There was a sigh of relief in his heart. The real gods of the wastes couldn’t even be born with butterflies. They were so embarrassed that they couldn’t fulfill the evil and great desire in his heart. Now the **** is killing. .


What shocked him was that even if he did his best, he was collapsed and his opponent was stronger than him. At this time, several true gods of the heavenly family had already collapsed. If Ling Feng didn’t want to scream, these true gods would not live. Come down.


The Mingtian beast took a slap in a very indifferent manner. The wings collapsed into a heavy space, and the power was turbulent and directly oppressed. At this time, Tianli was no longer able to prevent space forces.

"Supreme imitation!"

Tiangu screamed, and Dantian sprayed a strange light. An ancient tower slowly flew out and pressed against the road. Under the urging of Tianli, the square was collapsed for five thousand miles, and the power was completely changed.


The blossoming clouds are gone, and the characters in the void are screaming and disappearing directly into this world.

"Blood debt, then use your life to change!"

When the Mingtian beast and the leaf witch returned, Lingfeng’s face was even more fierce, and the Mingtian beast was shocked.

That is the anger of the raging star!

That is the weihai gas field that can be proved!

That is to annihilate the pride of the world!

For a moment, he calmed down, his eyes flashed and he meditated.

good night.

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