Supreme Demon

Chapter 1802: The situation is down!


The sky is full of fire, and the life of the semi-emperor level is full of power. Its horror is unimaginable. In a short period of time, the powers of the Taiwanese and other people will be squandered. Even the top gods are caught off guard and are also hit hard.

"Play a good weapon!"

Before they came, they had got the weapon of heavenly characters, and they were able to get rid of their opponents at the moment of life and death. But now they are not trying to get rid of their opponents, but they have to take advantage of this opportunity to take it away. Anyone who is in the upper class should be tricky.


They can't figure out why, at this festival, there will be semi-emperor creatures?

Is it true that the heavenly figures of the Tian and other forces have not suppressed the situation in the land of the gods?

"Reverse the gods, please swing your fists!"

Ye Xinran led the Lingqing, the gods and the gods to kill, the air stagnation, igniting the blood of the gods, let them be more fierce than the slashing arrows, directly tearing those characters away.

This is the knife against the gods!

From today, no one in the entire continent will despise God!

At this moment, they show the tyrannical power of the top forces. The hidden forces are all out, especially the endless creatures. The demon tree is rooted in the soil layer, giving the Taitai people and other forces a terrible heavy blow, while the **** of the gods is not dead. Xiaoqiang, the spring breeze is born again, it is very headache.

Even more terrible is the party and the candle dragon.

One is a semi-imperial creature, and the other is a top god. When the candle fires out, people know that the candle dragon is not inferior to the party, even though the candlelight is only for the top gods, The scope is far less terrible than that of Bi, but the **** is the key to this battle.

God is desperate!

What are they?

of course.

The appearance of the Qing dynasty made the gods full of excitement, especially the ridiculous winds and the gentlemen, and the younger sisters came back alive, proving that the ridiculous Xiaoqi did indeed, and Ye Xinran and other rebellious people appeared in time. Let them guess something.

not to mention.

The ridiculous Xiaoqi has not come to the present, which means that the ridiculous Xiaoqi really wants to target those heavenly characters. Don’t underestimate the power of this person. The true state of God cannot explain his strength and weakness, just because he is behind him. There is a burning god.

Just a quarter of an hour.

The powerful Taiwanese and other forces fell into the pool of blood, and the living people were far away. Only the bones of the earth proved how strong they were, and now how miserable they are, but now there is no pity.

"Solve them!"

Ye Xinran’s mouth screamed at the smattering of the face, and this battle was against the gods, which was about their future.

"Get rid of them!"

The wind is easy to drink, but it is more lonely. The restricted area is more inclined to the heavens, which means that his love will fade, but in front of home and love, he still makes the right choice.

He sighed and walked with the endless gods and gods to the west.

"Lv Wen was forced to blew, we insisted on it now!"

When the **** god opened the mouth, it seemed as if the air around it had cooled cold, and the eyes of the gods were cracked and hated, and the gods had sacrificed a genius, but now it is the second.

There used to be seven strangers, and now there are only five.

This is blood hate!

"I want to pull their skins down!" Qing said, others can't understand the feelings between the seven wonderful gates, but the easy wind can understand.

"I have to live with them!"

Easy wind sounds sobbing blood, they are like hands and feet, now the hands and feet are being scrapped, the pain is hysterical.

"Do not want to live one!"

Jun sees and laughs suppresses the inner anger, strides toward the opponent, and the **** hatred of the absurd door is to be found by them personally.


However, what makes them laugh and cry is that they have not waited for them to start, and the fire of Bifang has already flown down. On the spot, the forces of the great powers will be bloody, and they will fall too much in a short time, and when the second fire will fall, They looked into the distance and could not find an opponent.


The next moment, the candle dragon came forward, and the black and white flashed day and night, letting this piece of heaven and earth form a frenzy, pushing the opponent three thousand miles in one fell swoop, hitting the mountain and river collapse, the heavens and the earth annihilated, and even the bones of the earth were wiped out.

But this is not enough!

Just because the top gods are flying, and at this time they have no time to hunt down, and there is a battle in the north and the center of the gods that can determine the future of the mainland.


When they raised this question, they were opposed by Ye Xinran and Qing.

"Be sure to worry, Xiaoqi will solve the problem and will not take advantage of him!" Qing said so strongly, the Royal Road, the Mingtian beast has arrived, and the law power of burning Tianzun.

They would still worry if they used to.

But it is different now.

The Tiandao characters of the four major forces of the Split Gods, the Zeros, the Xishen Island, and the Yin Shenzong appeared and suppressed the momentum. At this time, the power that the beasts and the Yudao can exert is terrible.

not to mention.

They already knew that things were not as simple as they thought. This is what Ling Feng and Wen Lao had done in the early years. Just because he came back, Wen Lao Cai took the road ahead one step ahead.

Why should we advance?

"Are you coming?"

When Bi Fang, the candle dragon, etc. appeared, the top gods of the Zero family gasped and vomited blood, but the corners of their mouths raised a happy smile. When the party appeared, they felt the kind of fluctuations, and now they The arrival is to end this battle.

in spite of.

They did not know the result of the battle between the heavens and the roads, but they gambled on the battlefield of the gods, and the anti-God was far more unpredictable than they thought.

"Work hard, let us give it next." Ye Xinran said.

"it is good!"

The zero-character characters are retreating from lightning, while the opponents are flying fast. This situation is a bit funny, but things are not funny at all. As long as the opponent is not an idiot, they understand how terrible the current anti-God is.

I know that the top figures such as Candle Dragon, Bi Fang and Yu Lao are flying in what kind of situation.


They can't run away. In the process of flying the dragonfly, the top gods of the Yin Shenzong, the Split God and the Gods have flew in three directions, completely trapping the major forces and solving them here.



When the night and night black and white magical power appeared, when Bifang Tianhuo spit out, the remaining powers of the gods were only desperate and tragic. Once they felt that this battle would win, but now there is only the ridicule of the sky.


The gods are dark and the heavens are dry.

The old tree of that plant is being broken, and turned into fly ash. The soil layer is rising and forming endless dust. The power here is drying up, and the Qimen force that draws the mountain and river terrain is disintegrating.

Sitting here in the Lord of the Lord, the heart is stinging, but can only bow down, smell old and old, the future road can only rely on themselves.


Do they still have a future?


The Tiantai people of the Taiwanese people look at the old, some doubts, and they are powerful and suffocating, but now they are dying, always alert, worried that they will suffer big losses, and know that he has been hit hard before.

"Two rules, fear is the limit, and now it is estimated that the road is dead!"

The Tiantai people’s heavenly sighs, and they are even more relieved. If the old man is still strong, his heart will be extremely depressed.

How can he still live?

He will definitely ask himself this way.

"Really the road!"

The road fell and raised his hand, catching the blood rain that was falling, and sighing in his heart, but more excited, they bet this game won.

"Then destroy him, the province has a long night dream!" The Taiwanese Tiandao characters opened their mouths and prepared to smother the old man with this piece of land. He was worried that the old man had not yet died.

"Forget it!"

The road came up and said to a few heavenly figures: "The road has collapsed and you are dead. Why do you do this?"


In terms of power, the Tiantian restricted area wants to seek a farther avenue, and does not want to bury it together with Wen Lao and him. This is the case, but Wen is always his character at the same time, although he can’t talk about how deep the feelings are, but It is also an opponent worthy of respect. He does not allow people to insult his body after hearing the old man.

This is not kind!

This is even more inhuman!

"Are you suppressing me?" The Taiwanese Tiandao characters are cold-faced. He hates to hear the old, will not care about his face after death, and feels that the aisle is just self-satisfied, regardless of his feelings during his lifetime, but he is honest after death. ?

Do they have any awareness of being a bad person?

If you want to be bad, you will be bad. Is this half-hearted and half-bad character the most shameful?

"This is respect, he is an opponent and a friend!" sighed down the road.

The face of the Tiantai people in the Fujian and Taiwan nationalities is even more ugly. He will not understand the current state of mind in the downswing. When he is about to speak, the emperor who has been closing his eyes says: "Friends, I want to send old friends a ride."


He flew down and said to the old man, "When people are dead, why bother to do something more irritating?"

"You also have to turn to the gods?" The Tiantai figures of the Taiwanese people are cold and ruined.

The atmosphere instantly became tense, and when the blood rushed to the air, the atmosphere was even tighter and there seemed to be signs of hostility.


At this moment, a heavenly figure flew down in the void, cold and temperament, with a hip flask at the waist, even if it was far away, it could smell the wine, obviously his wine was stronger than the old wine. More fragrant.

"The Emperor!"

The Tiantai people of the Fujian-Taiwan people laughed lightly. This is the heavenly figure of Shenyangzong. It was originally with the Zero family, but now it has turned out to be a zero-family, standing side by side with the Tian and the Taiwanese.


Shenyangzong is not optimistic about the crazy behavior of the Zero family, and the Zero family does not care.

"Oh, you don't have to be nervous."

The emperor smiled and said: "I didn't fall to them before I was alive. I won't even die after death. But after all, I am with his friends. When he is alive, I can't bear to do it, but now I see the Tianzu and the Taizu. ""

"What about you?" The Emperor looked to the blood phoenix.

"I mean this too." Blood Phoenix laughed.


Lianxu is going backwards, the situation is one-sided, and the old man is dead, and now he has to face a full five heavenly figures, which is simply a mortal situation.

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