Supreme Demon

Chapter 1806: The enemy has come to have bones!

The wine is mellow and the barbecue is unripe.


The road war in the void has been rumbling, and the old gas field has been brought to the fore. The hands and feet have been used to suppress the rhyme. The fingertips are raised, and a light bursts. The endless space is dying, and the law power is turbulent.


Tianyun is flying backwards, and the mouth is spurting blood. The space is invisible. It is too fragile in front of the old man, and the rule power is to penetrate the space and fall on him, causing his face to change and his chest to collapse.

The blood of the red blood ignited in the void, burning up the space, and even more terrible is that the blood flies in the soil, it is the formation of endless fire, with the mountain and river terrain as the medium, and the Holy Lord and so on.

at the same time.

The beast of the beast is bloody, and the power of the law is activated. The terrible law force is destroying the space of the heavenly king, and then it falls on it, slamming it and making it pale.

The blood is mad, his eyes are sharp, and he inadvertently rushes to the blood phoenix and several other old people.


At the moment of distraction, the beast of the beast was flying in the air, and a paw was shot on him, breaking his limbs, even if the bones of the heavens could not withstand such arrogant power, especially the beast of the beast. A world of heaven.

"A drop of wine can burn thousands of ways!"

The wine emperor was wild, and the wine was spewed out in the mouth, igniting the whole void, burning all the way, the power was extraordinary, and the fire formed the space, it was even more terrible than the Emperor Tiandao, he beat the old, to contain the power of the law.


The two forces slammed in the void, and the smell of the old is that the wine really can suppress the power of the law, extremely terrible, let him pay attention, obviously it is not the problem of wine, but the hip flask in the hands of the wine emperor.

The jug is very common, like the street goods, but it is only the appearance, and the rules are all the way, brewing wine.

That is the rule weapon!

"But you are not really a gods!"

The old man opened his mouth and punched it out. The whole void formed a hole, appeared in front of the wine emperor, and the power was so heavy that the law was shining, and the punch made the terrible road fire and extinguished.

"Tian Zun ban!"

At this time, Tianyun seized the opportunity, and flew out a handle in his hand, suddenly smashing out, and the power of the axe suddenly opened the power of the law, tearing a small wound in the old hand.

no doubt.

Every heavenly person here is not to be underestimated, especially Tianyun. They know that the old heavenly road is branded with the power of law, but they dare to come. If there is no preparation, will there be such confidence?

"Tian Zun can also kill!"

Tian Yun and the wine emperor teamed up, a pot of wine, a handle like a sky, as if the wine emperor, he no longer sprays wine, but the jug is fired, burning thousands of ways, the law of power Rushing out, the pressure is nine days and ten places.

Ling Feng is not calm, this level of power can not completely suppress the old, and if there is a little touch, he will fly away, so he flies in the first time, and moved the grill.


Wen Lao Zhuang is heavy and solemn, and the sound is like a sharp arrow shot through the void, and when his voice falls, his hands are shot out of endless embarrassment, forming a day, more like a big one.


The day suddenly spread out, forming a smog over the pot of wine, and even hit the handle.


The sky is trembled, its sharp momentum collapses in the first time, and the jug is flying backwards, then Tianyun and the Emperor’s chest are smashed, even if they join hands, they can’t think about it. Take advantage of it.

Tianzun is not an ordinary heavenly person who can be provocative.

This is the power of Scorpio!

This is the power of the old law. The martial art that he walks is different from the burning of the martial arts. It is a chance to win the world between life and death. Even if it is only a big finger, it is not that they can match, and it is difficult to step into the heavenly respect. Discuss with these characters.


When I heard the old punch, I didn’t have time to breathe for the two heavenly characters. When they gasped, they were already in the center of the earth and fell in the red magma.


He heard the old man laughing, standing in the air, despising the heavens, he flew down and came to Ling Feng.

"Friends have a good wine!"

Ling Feng personally put on a glass of wine, handed it to the old hands, the heart is very happy, can see the smell of life is really a thing n ngy n.

"What's next?"

He smelled the old man and looked at Ling Feng with a smile. He knew that this was just the last sentence, and the next sentence was the key. His current state of mind really wanted to hear. There was something exciting in it.

"The enemy has a fist!" Ling Feng said.

"Well, the enemy has a fist!"

I heard the old man flying up and suppressing the heavenly spirit and the wine emperor who are flying out of the heart.

"Lingfeng, is the deity's barbecue cooked?" Mingtian beast asked in the air.

"I am familiar, if you are late, I am afraid that it will be burnt." Ling Feng flipped the barbecue and picked it up. It seemed that he was waiting for the beast to come.


The next moment, the beast of the beast is dying, the blood is shining and the world is shining. The law seems to fly out of a god. In one fell swoop, the emperor will fall, and then descend from the sky, and they will step on the ground, and then the lightning will come out. Now in front of Ling Feng, take a sip of the barbecue.

"Respect the opponent." Ling Feng said with a strong heart, he was afraid that the beast would be mad and desolate.

"I know!"

Then, the beast of the beast flew up, and a claw clawed on the barbecue to make a big meal. While playing the emperor and falling down, the little eyes were watching the opponent with a sly look. They seemed to tell them. Let you have a claw. so what?


The emperor, the suffocating blood of the sinister, of course, is more because they were seriously injured.

"Friends have come to have barbecue!"

Mingtian beast felt that Lingfeng had been too pretending, and felt that he had to be more forceful.

It punched the flying man, Emperor Tiandao, and then a wing fan flew down the road, opening his mouth.. "The enemy came to have bones!"

"court death!"

The emperor’s anger is unstoppable. Since his testimony, he has not been so tragic. When his voice fell, the emperor sacrificed a trench, and the endless road runs on it, and then hollows out.

A slap in the air!

In the face of such a trench, even the heavens are eclipsed. Obviously, in the previous fierce battle, the emperor did not use the real sh sh u.


The Mingtian beast is contemptuous. It opens a mouth and spits out a bone, turns into a terrible heavenly wave, and breaks the endless space in one fell swoop. It does not collide with the handle, and it falls on the head of the Emperor Tiandao and knocks it up. fly.


This is the sorrow of the Emperor Tiandao.


The second bone flew out, and the runner turned and ran. His roads have been thoroughly seen. Although he can also play the terrible power of the emperor, he is still a little bit worse. It will be more tragic when he does not leave.


He is obviously a little horrible to sing the beast.


When he was just taking a step, he fell to the ground. For a long time, he did not get up.

Too shameful!

The two heavenly figures were actually broken by two bones.

Too loaded!

At this moment, it is simply the testimony of the Mingtian beast. It is the real protagonist. Under its strong suppression, the two heavenly figures of the Emperor and the Fallen Road are far more insulted than the Tianyun and the Emperor.


Ling Feng mouth pumped, he felt that his brilliance was being suppressed.

It’s very arrogant to pretend to be self-made.

"Today, even the Taoist team will kill you!"

The Emperor Tiandao was cold-faced, and his eyes were full of madness. Then he sacrificed a map of the sky. The stars were washed, the stars were washed, the terrible power was igniting, and a mysterious momentum was pushing.


Suddenly, the blood phoenix flew off the battlefield, standing side by side with the emperor, and jointly urging the sky map.


The heavens trembled, the Wanli Mountain River was broken, and the power was galloping into the distance. It seemed that the whole continent was completely destroyed. In the face of such momentum, the Mingtian beast became serious. It instantly bleeds and untires its The power of the law on it makes it completely boiling.

It does not believe that the law can not hold a map!

This scene directly shocked other Tiandao characters, so that Lan Feng, Tianzhu, Laozi, etc. had a short sigh of God. Obviously this is related to real life and death. If the Emperor and the Blood Phoenix can smash the Mingtian beast, then it can contain the smell. Old, there is hope in this battle.


The old face is ugly, the whole situation has been controlled, and I don’t think there is a possibility of a comeback at this time.

"Scorpio sword!"

His voice was cold, and a stalked sword flew out, stabbing the sky, the terrible power stunned the nine days and ten days, and Tian Yun did his best to resist, but he was disappointed and was directly beaten out.

A bang.

A sharp sword pierces the throat of the heavenly charm.


A sharp sword opened his back and touched Dantian.


Tian Yun's screams, the body collapsed on the spot, only the soul escaped from birth, only because there is a kind of heavenly ban in the soul sea, with its soul to break through the space and the law, disappeared in front of the heavens.


At this moment, the sky is loud, and the star map is filled up in a short time. It has already fallen down in the breath, blasting to the ground, pushing open the endless void, and stunned the beast to fly, just to beat the power of the law. Will pass.


The star map did not play the power of the monks, but tore the thousands of heavy space and the law, and disappeared directly in front of the heavens.

Sense q ngr n Huang Tiandao is not going to be shopping, but to be bloody.


The other few Tiandao took the lead in reacting. The first time I walked away, the heavenly rhythm collapsed, the emperor and the blood phoenix disappeared, and the whole situation could not be suppressed. They still did not leave, and they must be completely killed here.

"Where to go!"

When the old man was angry, the sword suddenly became one, and he slammed into the wine emperor.

With a bang, the sword broke through the wine pot rule of the Emperor, and banned himself from stabbing into his body, but the Emperor of the wine completely ignored it. With the sword, the lightning disappeared, and the rule of the jug in the jug Power, resisting the old moments, this short delay is enough to take away.

of course.

There is also a more embarrassing thing than the Emperor of the Wines. That is the fallway. When he appears in the sky map, when the whole beast is on his mind, he has already taken it away. It’s crisp and neat, and the angry beast wants to It is unloading eight pieces.

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