Supreme Demon

Chapter 1820: Night death!

Night black.

They came in blood, and they were already covered with rain and dew, like the stumps in the night, waiting for a long time.

They are low-spirited, and they are not afraid to feel the compelling atmosphere. Even if the demon army is close, the gas field that can be sensed is still so light, like a bowl of water thrown into the air.

Headed by a pretty woman, she smiled indifferently at the corner of her mouth, looking at the demon army that was pushed across here, but not much surprised, as if they had already expected that they would come over.


The whole world seems to have died completely because of the appearance of this god. I don't know why, the gods and the corps did not directly push the past like this, and may feel the will of these gods.

"finally come!"

The candle dragon faintly opened and looked at the demon army. "You are slower than I thought!"


The gods in the demon army want to beat people. Are they so slow?

After entering the star map, they quickly moved forward to avoid the gods on the Shenwu continent. They arrived here in less than two days, which is called the speed, which is almost the limit that the same **** can do.


It’s really slow for the anti-God. If they do it, I’m afraid it’s already here.

At the opening of the candle dragon, the anti-God is just standing behind her quietly. There is no expectation in this step. The demon army is really terrible, but against the gods?

Experienced the blood of the disaster, they have already reborn!

Now living is the elite in the elite!

"Oh, Valkyrie!"

The gods who were headed by the demon army sneered at them, and they did not put these people in their eyes. Then, in his wave, the demon army was like a dark elf, flying to the gods, to open this last thorn.

"Oh, god!"

This is the voice against the gods.


The candle dragon closed his eyes, and the day was darker, so dark that the gods could not see the five fingers, and then a shocking force burst open among them, forming a terrible frenzy, swooping toward the candlelight. before.


The landslides, as if the whole world had collapsed, the gods and sorcers who rushed in front of the corps suddenly vanished, and even the tragic sounds were too late to be sent.

This is the ultimate **** of the gods!


The Demon Legion is indeed not weak. There are many gods. They found out that they were not right at the first time. They immediately sacrificed the heavenly weapon and tried to resist this kind of might, but they were still thrown out.


Against the gods quickly forward, without any sound, just set off a hurricane.


When they lifted the sword, the light of the whole world was dispelled, and an anti-world force suddenly appeared, more turbulent than the steel torrent, more unpredictable than the sword, they pushed straight forward.


This is the first knife's smashing, and then the flesh and blood shredded voice. At this level, the rebellious people are indeed more invincible than the demon army. They are forbidden to open the demon army, like a sword, straight thorn The heart of the magic army.

All the time, the gods and the demon corps that have been unable to overcome the invincible battles have finally sneaked into the top soldiers of the Shenwu continent. The gods cannot suppress the mighty power of the candle dragons, the true gods can’t beat the elites of the gods, and the gods are more opponents of the gods. .

Why are other top powers jealous against God? Because they are too balanced, at the level of Valkyrie, no forces want to incite the anti-God.

Destroy the dead!

This is unthinkable!


The Demon Army is a nightmare of other gods in Shenwu, letting them resist, and also wants to tear open the defense line of the Demon Legion. Now, against the gods is the nightmare of the Demon Legion.

Oh... it’s dawn!

When the candle dragon opened his eyes, the whole void was annihilated, and the lightnings of the gods that were swooping down collapsed, and even a drop of blood did not fly down. This level was completed in the void, and the impact was not affected. The fierce battle of the demon army and against the gods.


A flash of lightning exploded in the center of the Demon Legion. Several demons were killed on the spot, and more demons were smashed in the process of flying backwards.

"Hey God!"

Lin Yong strode forward, his feet are full of light and shadow, and his shocking power is destroying the last hopes of the gods.


This is to describe the demon army!


This is what is described as against the gods!

Only two hours, the powerful and imperial demon corps fell in a pool of blood. No one of the thousands of gods and sorcerers could smash the gods. Their bones piled on the ground, forming a **** picture.


The cold wind is like a song!

In the star map leading to the middle field, there is a valley, vast like the sea, filled with reeds, each reed is unusually tall, like a sharp blade.


This valley is known as the Valley of Heaven.

At this time, a demon army was quietly pouring into the Tianzhu Valley, and quickly came to the midfield. They were low-spirited, their power was exhausted, and they were avoiding the reeds, and their steps were silent, like a wind.


Just as they walked to the center of Tianzhu Valley, a faint flame suddenly flew down on the reeds. This is a very common thing. For the gods, even if the reeds are raging, they can cross.


When his flames instantly formed a raging fire, the devils were panicking. They flew to the void for the first time, trying to rush out of the sea of ​​fire from the void, but a sky net flew down from the void to suppress the gods. , fell into the sea of ​​fire.

"Damn, we were discovered!"

A few gods are mad at the face, they really don't understand, they are low-key, but through the desert of inaccessible, to cross this day, why is it discovered?

This is not reasonable!

But this is too reasonable for the anti-God!

"Hey God!"

Ling Feng is flying in the air, Nie really fires down, igniting the reeds to form a Nie Lie fire, can burn out the body of the gods, and beside him, the gods are old and holding the Skynet, fully urging, not letting any gods, true gods fly Out.


The gods and devils are in horror. They try their best to suppress the fire, but they form a complete supply. They do not extinguish the fire, but they make it burn more fiercely.


Several gods and gods are discolored, and the heavenly weapon is to be torn open.


At this moment, a big bell trembled and flew down from the empty sky. On the spot, the gods and devils were suppressed. The endless temper was boiling, letting the gods and gods gods squat, and they would not want to break out of the skynet.


Against the appearance of the gods, they hit the demon army in all directions, letting them disintegrate faster. Less than an hour, the demon army collapsed, and most of the gods have vanished, only the top gods and gods can persist.


At this moment, they have been devastated and completely isolated. They are not against the opponents of the gods. When the old man spreads out the skynet, when the strong force is killed, the true **** and the gods are completely fallen. This squad is thus annihilated.

Lin Yi!

This is a vast forest in the star map, which is another direction along with the middle and star maps, and the third demon army is moved forward from here, trying to enter the middle field without knowing it.

Unfortunately, they hope to lose.

After they entered Yilin for two hours, a sharp arrow suddenly flew out, and if a **** was smashed by lightning, it seemed to blow the horn of the attack, the void, the corner of Yilin, the soil layer... ... a support arrow flies out and shoots the gods.


This was “responded” by the Demon Legion, who countered the first time, fired the same force, and hid.


On the hidden martial arts, the demon army is not the opponent of the hidden gods and the butterfly people, and at the speed, the sharp arrows of the gods and the corps are hard to hurt the gods. If they are in the plains, they can play against the gods. The power coming out may be a little stronger than the Demon Legion, but here is their home.


A bright light, a devil licking his throat, looked desperately in one direction, and then fell in a pool of blood.

call out!

A gust of wind blew, a sword carrying a person appeared, the sword lightning in the hand disappeared, and when he appeared again, the surrounding gods had fallen to the ground, and when the demon army reacted and wanted to kill him, he Has disappeared.

Quick and accurate!

The anti-God is showing their swords to the gods, and is also proclaiming the home position here!

No one can insult them in their homes and kill them!

Come here only despair and death!

"What enchantment, get out!"

In the Demon Legion, several gods came out of the air and hit the place where they were hiding. They were attracted by the two gods of Heaven and Taoism, as well as the strings and the laughter. Under the pressure of the top gods, God The gods in the Magic Corps can only accept their fate.

The three gods and corps were scrapped in a short time!

You can lurk in the middle of the field, not only these three demon army, but also a more elite than these three, the number is not many, but they are the most terrible people.

They crossed the sky and moved from the space to the middle.

The demon becomes clever, knowing that the ground is the home of the anti-God, but the void is not, the ability of the butterfly to send a message is very strong, but the void is the most uncontrollable, not to mention, there are three divine legions, other It is difficult for forces to find them.

Even if they are discovered, how can they be used?

Who can stop this power without the gods of Heaven?

They are arrogant and contemptuous, asking themselves unbeatable.


In order to defeat the arrogance of the demon army, the anti-God allowed Bi to play.

When this corps composed of the top real gods and the gods appeared in the middle borders, it was not against the gods, but a bird, blue feathers, white birds, and the world. temperament.

Bi Fang!

This is the life born out of the flame. The blood is not as noble as the candle dragon, but the power is stronger.

"Half...the emperor!"

The gods and corps of three hundred people became smashed here. They thought they were able to penetrate the Shenwu continent, but they never imagined that there is still a semi-emperor soul next to Wudi.

Bi Fang Changming, with endless power in his voice, shrouded the demon army, and at the end of his power is... annihilation!

(End of this chapter)

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