Supreme Demon

Chapter 1835: The three kings knives in the hands of the devil!

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There is no sound in the skull of death, and the black is like a magic knife, but the lethality is too shocking. After the demon elder is killed, the death disappears and the second elder is killed. The top dead force is on the stars. It is unbeatable.

In simple terms, death is equivalent to winter rain, and power is even stronger than the tenth demon.

His task is to get rid of the most important characters in the demon, the tenth demon has been oyster, the most important nature is the demon elder.

The demon army is really scary.

If it is a frontal collision, it is really not the opponent of the demon army, but it is the state of the demon army to exert the strongest power, so Lingfeng will disintegrate its true strength.

There are ancient thieves who first smashed the king!

This is very reasonable. On the one hand, the thief king can be used to control the thief group. On the other hand, the thief group without the thief king is a loose sand, and the strength that can be exerted is not as good as before.

Then, the **** of death appeared!

"Elders are careful!"

The demons shouted and quickly rushed to the elders, trying to use the body to prop up a wall.


The **** of death is much stronger than they think. The **** of death directly smashes the demons and succumbs to the elders of the demon. The death force is crushed down in an irreversible manner, and the elder's life is taken away in an instant.


Suddenly, the arrogant bird flew up and the sky, a demon stone rose into the sky, bursting with golden light, and the power of engulfing was crushed down with unparalleled momentum, suppressing the demon and swallowing them.

"Magic Stone!"

The wind flies up, and a dark stone appears, killing thousands of roads, stunning the demon's resistance, and killing them.

"Human stone!"

Ling Qing Jiao Yan, flying a white stone in his hand, released a purifying magical power, smashing the earth, let the demons smash blood, causing the most terrible situation.


When three stones appeared at the same time, the scene was too spectacular, and the power fluctuations gradually became boiling and blending, and then a light column appeared in the center, swallowing the magic stone, winning the demon stone, and melting the stone.


The image of the sky is a magical stone that has been carved out of a hole, a colorful stone appeared, and was born by three strange stones. The momentum is no longer the level of the gods, but climbs directly to the level of heaven.

What is even more unbelievable is that the power, even surprisingly shot, breaks through the true state of the gods in one fell swoop and reaches the level of the gods.

This is what the gods did not think of, but Ling Qing, Yi Feng, etc. did not think of it, but this is exactly what they want, the power of the gods appears, the magic is faster, directly plowed from the demon army, kill The person turned up and died.


The three strange stones only blended for a moment, and they quickly separated and shot in three directions. The anti-phasing force would fly out of the clear, easy-wind, and proud birds, and the blood would roll, but it was not injured.


The next moment, the **** of death first flew out, disappeared in front of the eyes of the gods, and then Lingqing, Yunxi, etc. also disappeared, only a few true gods succumb to the spot, while the demon is dead and injured 20,000, which makes the demon army defeated.

"The elders... die!"

The Demon Legion mourned, and the elders of Fuxi, the demon army, had no heads, and the spirits were devastated, and the impact was too serious.

"How to do?"

This is the most serious problem in front of the demon army. Without the command of the elders, the retreat is a loose sand. When they are hesitating, the second demon power comes in, and several elders appear to solve this problem.


This is the ultimate strength of the demon in the battlefield of the gods. If such power is also scrapped, then they will have no room for resistance.


The demon elders waved their hands and said, "The three forces have been created, the power is not as good as before, they can't stop us, so we can't go back!"

"And, the emperor is in their hands, and must not be humiliated!"


The demon army continued to move forward, the number was quite large, and the limelight was quite scary.


Just after they were flying for an hour, the crows screamed, the blood phoenix emptied, the gods trembled, and three dark stones passed by.

That is the seven heavy in the nine stones!

They appear, form a circle, and break into the demon army in one fell swoop, plowing out seven **** light paths in it, directly leading to the death of the demon army, and that the power is still trembled, the devil is demon, and the elders are straight. Turn your eyes.

If it is said that the **** of death and the three forces are the first knives in the hands of Ling Feng, then this is the second knife.

Although its lethality is not as good as the first knife, it does make the demon die too much, especially the tragic death of the demon elders, but also accelerate the destruction of the demon army.


The strength of Lingfeng blessing on the Seven Stones is limited. When the power is exhausted, the seven heavy stones fly down, it is dead, the demons are jealous of this, and they have not moved away.


At that time, the **** of death appeared, Ling Qing and other true gods were born, broke into the demon army, causing fatal damage to them, especially no one of the demon elders could survive, and all were killed by death.


This is what the demons didn't think of. It's even harder to understand. They are stronger than a few decades ago, and they are all tens of thousands of people. But the end is worse than a few decades ago. How long has it been? Ten thousand demons, even the elders who have been headed have been killed, even the tenth emperor has been oysters.


A nine-level real devil screamed, even though he was extremely wronged, even though the tenth emperor was still in the hands of that person, but if they had to slam forward, they would be eaten, and there would be no residue.

Their purpose is to invade the Shenwu continent, not to come to life.


When they were flustered and retired, Ling Qing and Death were faster than they ran. They seemed to worry that the demons were dying, which made the Demon Legion a very weird feeling.

Who is the losing party?

At this moment, they did not think too much. The situation in which the dragons have no heads is the most terrible. They must insist that other demons enter the battlefield of the gods. Otherwise, they will become the home of the true gods.


Just as they were withdrawing thousands of miles away, a strange wave of swaying was far and near. They didn’t notice it at the beginning, but when the flag of the red face flew up, when the gods and battlefields roared in the earth. They are only alert.

"It is the third knife to be sacrificed!"

In the distance, Ling Qing’s mouth is slightly raised. Although it is full of blood, it is completely relaxed at the moment. She knows that the purpose of Ling Feng has been achieved.

"When we are still before, idiot!"

Tsundere bird screams, the big devil is not clear, really bloody, can play the demon this race, the real **** is not good at this strategy, but the big devil is in it for many years .

When he came up, he was born with the tenth Emperor, grabbing the demon's pain points, and even threatening to let him bow down. This stings the demon and makes them come crazy.

And these three forces are the countermeasures, as far as possible to kill the elite power of the demon army, especially the demon elders, etc., when they have no leader, in fact, the demon army has no retreat.

"Do you really think that we are in the **** demon?" Liu Shushu sneaked a smile.

Their main purpose is to lay down the flag and lay a solid foundation for this final handwriting. Of course, when Ling Feng flew out of the six-hole day, he also laid down the flag, in order to detonate the mountain.

The magic is in the air, but the mountain and river terrain is not a magic!

He is available!


Before the ridiculous, Lingfeng stepped on the void, and the ten channels of space really shone, and inspired the glory of the gods on the top of the head, and echoed the banner in the battlefield of the gods, and when the mountains and rivers trembled, when there was endless power The power of his body is boiling wildly.

There is no natural force, which means that it will not be suppressed by the battlefield.

But the power is boiling in the world.


The real force rushed for nine days, and the flag collapsed around, forming a sea of ​​oceans and seas, directly detonating the mountains and rivers.


This is not only the flag is broken, but also the endless mountains and rivers, the magic gas is beaten away at this moment, and the center of the demon army is violent, and the arrogance is violent, and then the sky is over. Hey, seven heavy stones and so on quickly entered the battlefield... That is Tianyu collapsed.

"Do not!"

The tenth Emperor was frightened and drunk, and his eyes finally became scarlet, spurting blood, looking at the annihilated mountain river, looking at the broken demon army, his heart was like a knife, hate like a tide.

Who can think of that the fascinating demon army is pushed horizontally like this.

Who can think of swearing at him, just a big net laid by that person, the purpose is to invade the demon of the gods and battlefields.

Good times and people!

This person has calculated all of them, just to eat a demon emperor, just destroy the entire demon army, so that the invaders of the demon battlefield will be destroyed, such people are simply not human.

He is even more magical than the devil!

He is the great devil!

The dust was gone, the madman fell to the ground, and he was blind, but he could not save the tragedy of the demon.

The appearance of this person is simply a disaster for the devils.

"Your use value has disappeared!"

Ling Feng flew down, the body space directly collapsed its soul sea, collapsed its life, and then the power died, but its body was forever worshipped before the ridiculous, let the wind and rain hit, let the years rush.

This is the price!

Ling Feng stood before the ridiculous, said with a deep pain. "I did not let you down, if you are in the spirit of heaven, please bless me to kill the devil!"


He groaned in the end, and then he looked up and quickly flew toward the six-hole.

"The devil has three handles in his hand, and the devil is killing God without fear!"

Before the battlefield of the gods, the celestial figures of the heavenly people said that they didn’t know the layout, but they saw the ending. If the Qing dynasty and others had such a plan and the heart, they also had such strength, and they were afraid that they would not need it. So hard?

"If the anti-God is still alive, I am afraid that the situation will be easier!" Wen old shook his head.

But the hearts of several heavenly characters are a glimpse. Such a demon king has already made them jealous. If the anti-God is still in the hands, they are afraid of sleeping hard. good night.


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