Supreme Demon

Chapter 1843: Heavenly Road!

Mobile phone reading is more exciting, mobile phone directly accesses c

Five devils are doing their best!

Millions of demons are killing!

Such a record is shocking, but it is exactly what these characters in Shenwu can do.

The demon star was flattened, the bones of the earth were filled, and the bleak style of painting was formed. The tragic color appeared in the whistling magic, but the faces of the gods on the field were filled with smiles. This was after they were oppressed for thousands of years. The strong counterattack.

I heard that the old man was worried that there was more than one magical Dodge door, and he disappeared in front of the gods.


This day, the magic star is indeed a magical Dodge gate, and all the demons have been corpses, tragic people want to vomit, and people are sitting on the ground without any image, letting the blood of the ink flow beside them. They are really too tired, even if they smell old and beast.

In entering the Demon Star, they have a string in their bodies, worrying that the demon will be stronger than they think. After the emergence of the Dodge Gate, they are more worried that the news will be known to the demon world.


They are very urgent every step of the way, to destroy the magical Dodge door before the emergence of the demon world, although the urgency, although suffocating, but they did!

I heard the old plate sitting on the ground, looking at the Lingfeng that I was looking at, and said with a smile. "Ling Feng, what you are doing is really beautiful."

"Smell old awards!"

Ling Feng said modestly. "When I came, I didn't think that this day's magic star is just a channel for the demon world to attack Shenwu. However, this is suitable for the current situation. We have not yet had the power to fight with the demon world."


Wen old sighed and said: "The current Shenwu mainland is not as old as before, when the heavens and the roads are rampant, where can the demon be the demon?"

"The devil star is now in our hands!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, this is a very important place. The direct passage to this ancient road is too significant, but many people still don't know it.

of course.

Now Ling Feng does not want them to know.

The gods suddenly breathed, looking at Ling Feng, sometimes frowning, sometimes contemplative, obviously they also realized the importance of this place, but they think more, they want to take responsibility here, here There is no glory and it is not suitable for them.

"What do you mean?"

Wen old looked to ask Ling Feng.

"Create a strange door, seal here." Ling Feng said with a deep voice. "The demon can find it here, naturally can come over, even if there is no such magical door, but now there are too many loopholes in the magic door, it is more beneficial to build here. ”

"no problem."

I heard the old forehead and said seriously. "We must always be vigilant against the demon and attack, and this day the magic star is the best battlefield."

What he meant was to bury the demon here, not to bring the war to the Shenwu continent.

"This Qimen needs at least one Tiandao character to sit in the town." Ling Feng continued. "I personally recommend the Emperor, the Blood Phoenix, etc."


The emperor's holy land, blood phoenix and other forces are all pale, cold and sweaty, and the thought of Lingfeng is too vicious. This is to throw all the powerful hostile figures into the rhythm of the demon star.

To know.

The demon star is far away from the Shenwu continent, and it needs the unique space of Lingfeng to cross, but if Lingfeng does not come back?

Then, a few heavenly characters will be trapped here. At that time, it is too simple to smell the old and the beasts of the beasts, and it is too simple.

"It makes sense!"

I heard the old eyes brighten and said: "Put off the magic star of this day, they don't have much effort, and now they have to pay a little."


The great forces of the gods completely blew their hair. They pre-feel that the situation is out of control. If the Tiandao-level characters such as Wen Lao and Ming Tian beast are promoted, it is difficult to refuse.

Let's not say that the emperor and the blood phoenix will be trapped. The single is that they leave the power, and their development momentum must be contained. Who will they cry for then?

They are not stupid, but smart is not obvious enough!

At this moment, many gods are anxious, and they can't wait to send the news back to the forces immediately, so that the heavenly characters can get ready.

"Ling Feng, I have enough rest, can you send me to leave?"

The top **** of the Emperor’s Holy Land smiled and asked, who would dare to offend the wind at this time?

The old and the beasts are their people. If they do it at this time, they will all get rid of them and wait for them to return to the battlefield of the gods, claiming that they are sacrificed. Even the heavenly characters can only eat nose gray.

"Don't worry, always wait for everyone to rest." Ling Fengyin measured the laughter.

"Yeah, I am waiting for the injury." Zhou Tian immediately agreed.

"I haven't recovered yet!"

The cold opening of the candle dragon makes the guys who are in a hurry to anger and dare not speak.


Because of this, they are even more anxious. They can see that Lingfeng is trying to drag their rhythm. If Lingfeng goes back one step and invites the Tiandao characters, there is really no room for recovery.

"Cough, when people are old, they are worried about their families."

An old man stood up and said with a full of thoughts: "The old slaying is like this, compared to the old lady who is afraid of being anxious, she is congenitally weak, and the old can not make her worry too long."

Play a family card!

"Should it not be?" Ling Feng frowned. This really refuses. If the old man really has such a granddaughter, what if he is seriously ill?


Will a top **** have such a weak granddaughter?


But Ling Feng can't be exposed.

"It is very serious, do you want to go back and see?" The old man said with concern. "This is a ruthless request, please complete."


Ling Feng's unrecognizable frown, while other top-level gods are heart-beating, this cargo really has the meaning of imprisoning them.

"Or, wait a few days?" Ling Feng grinned.


If it weren’t for the rumors of the old and the beasts, now the top gods want to beat people, this dead metamorphosis is poisonous!

"Smell old, I think Shenwu mainland is also eager to know this exciting news, we can't wait." People turned to smell old.

"And, my granddaughter really..."

"Smell old, now things are over, there are still things to deal with on the other side."


"Or, Ling Feng, you should send them back first."

When I heard the old sigh, he was so generous and could not do this kind of thing. Even if he wanted to force the emperors and other heavenly figures to come here, they would not need to imprison these heroes.

"Okay, then you can hear the old one."

Ling Feng sighed, and then let those gods enter the spiriting beads, ready to take them back to the battlefield of the gods.

"Would you like, smell old and go back with us?"

The old man opened his mouth and his eyes flashed. Obviously, he was not worried about this guy.

"it is good!"

I heard that the old is very simple. "I want to build such a strange door, I need too many resources, I need a lot of forces to do my best, I can go back to preparation, but here also need the heavenly characters to sit down."

"Why is it me?" said the beastly dissatisfied.

"Because you are the best fit!" Wen Lao said with a smile.

After that, he flew into the spiriting beads, and other heavenly characters quickly entered into it. In the short time, only the five battlefields were Lingfeng, Ye Xinran, Mingtian Beast, Bifang and Candle Dragon.


Ling Feng did not rush to leave, but instead showed an excited look.

"Kid, what do you want to do?" Mingtian beast looked thoughtfully at Lingfeng.

"I want the devil battlefield!"

"There you got it there!"

"I want to be here!"



The gods were stunned and looked at Ling Feng for a moment before asking. "This day the magic star is completely waste soil, not good for us."

"But here is straight through... heavenly road!"

It’s so loud that it’s so shocking that even the Mingtian beast has been shocked. Until this time, it has carefully looked into the distance. There is a big star in the distance from the far-away star, a virtual light, and an ancient road.

Heavenly Road!

Although Ling Feng did not enter the ancient road, but the familiar atmosphere, the familiar light, and the unique charm of the ancient road, is incomparable in its origins.

"You want to use this to create a stronger anti-god?" Ye Xinran smiled.

"It's us!"

Ling Feng pinched Ye Xinran's jade hand and said softly.


Ye Xinran looked straight into the distance, but the ear roots were already fainting. She didn't quite adapt to this occasion, but she liked it.

"I really didn't think that behind the battlefield of the gods, it turned out to be the ancient road. What kind of star is the Shenwu continent?" The candle dragon blinked straight, and she couldn't figure it out. I was afraid that I would only return to Wangu, or step into it. The third heaven of heaven can solve the truth.

"Kid, then you just brought them to the emperor?" asked the beast.

"I want to fight, anyone will fight, I will not fight, no one will fight, but will fall into our hands." Ling Feng sneered and said: "They are afraid, so they will do their best to shirk, when the truth is revealed It’s impossible for them!”

"You are so mean!" Mingtian beast turned white.

"Do you praise me?"


"Then you are boasting me!"


The Mingtian beast was defeated by the shamelessness of Lingfeng. It shook his head. "You already know the truth before entering the battlefield of the gods?"

It refers to the magical battlefield that leads directly to the ancient road.

"I don't know!" Ling Feng shook his head. "I am not a fairy, I can't guess it."

"Then you want the battlefield of the gods?" "Don't underestimate the battlefield of the gods, really build it out, and use it, it will be a fertile land, perhaps not suitable for other forces, but suitable for against God." Ling Feng said abruptly. "I want them to rise in the battlefield of the gods, I want them to be honed in the demon, the buckle of blood and fire.

Q. I don’t want to let me down if I want to come. ”

"what about now?"

"right now."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "First send them back, when I hear the old build Qimen, I will move to burn the rules of Tianzun, and then enter the heavens and the road to compete for the hero, the top real God of the entire sky, it really makes people Looking forward to it."


"It is reported that the two demons of the demon are also vying for the ancient roads?" Good night.


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