Supreme Demon

Chapter 1847: Can I speak a word?

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Lingkong does not understand!

In the past, he always thought that Ling Feng and Ye Xinran were opposed to each other. The battlefield of the ages was his heart disease. The goddess came strong, proud of the world, and the gas field was brought to life.

"I want to challenge you!"

Simple and direct, cold and arrogant!

But Ye Xinran is such a person. Her strong destruction and ruin, she is like a mountain that is unattainable. The battle directly defeated the arrogance of the spirit, and lost his confidence.

He thought he would be smashed, but he did not expect that after defeating him, Ye Xinran left, it seems that her purpose is to defeat him, nothing more.

He thought a lot in the ancient road.


Until these two world-famous characters appeared, Lingkong really understood. There are no narrow thoughts in the hearts of these two people. They want progress, not killing them. They are from Hengtianxing, they are a whole. .

They can promote each other, they can challenge each other, but they will not swear and kill each other.

This is a great pattern!

This is a great chest!

Now that the king is in trouble, Ling Feng and Ye Xinran will gallop. Lingkong can see the dust on these two characters. They really don't lie, which makes the spirit hollow.

This is a respectable person.

At this moment, he was full of embarrassment and felt that he was too narrow.


What he didn't know was that Ling Feng was not the true **** of Hengtianxing, and his relationship with the king and the spirit was not so good, and he would not feel embarrassed to let the king back.


Every step of the anti-God on the Hengtian Star is very important. The forces of the Luna Palace and the Winter Rain are good for the anti-God, but the Wang is more powerful. If you can get the ally of the King, you can save the character of the King. The Wang family is not helpful. God?

of course.

Ling Feng can not tell the real purpose, he is to let the spirit of the sky, the king feel his stalwart, his pattern, his chest!

"I was such a person!" Ling Feng said in his heart.


The seventh day of the battlefield!

The sound of the heavens is even more terrible. Every voice swayes the heart. Although the tiger enters the battlefield with the help of the king, it is only this day that makes him bleed and his face pale.

He tried his best, but he could still feel the flutter of flesh and blood. If it wasn’t for the tigers to grind in the ancient roads, let yourself go further, fearing that it would be **** now, that is, the king had to do his best to suppress it, and the heart was greatly affected. influences.

Needless to say!

The true God of God is not able to pass, otherwise the scene will be abolished by the Tianyin, and then the death and death, and this is the king's intention, the fish will be brushed down, only the top figures of the strong confrontation.

In this way, their odds will be a bit bigger.


He is still the determination of the top star of the small starry sky. After entering the seventh battlefield, he really feels the fluctuation of the surrounding gas field. A terrible figure is flying, and there are all kinds of waste in it.

They did not fly immediately, but they tried to adapt to the sound of the seventh day of the battlefield.


The starry sky is indeed the arrogance, the king is the only one in the Hengtianxing, but not in the stars, some top figures are not inferior to him, and now these characters are directed against him, this is an endless situation.

"It's really tricky!"

The king’s eyes are falling, and he knows what it means.


Now he has no ability to shoot. Only by adapting to the sound of the sky as soon as possible can the combat power be fully utilized, and he feels that this voice is also a kind of question and test.

The void is dull, only the sound of heaven is singing in Zen.


The king’s eyes are bursting, and the tigers are directly rising. They look at the distance with vigilance. Their feelings are also affected in the sounds of the sky, and they are suppressed within a certain range. Therefore, once the top masters appear, it is very dangerous. .


When the king saw the resolute middle-aged step, he couldn’t help but pick it up. He knew that Lingkong had been hiding from him for years, but he always wanted to defeat him. At the moment, it means that Lingkong has confidence and confidence. He suppressed it.

"I really will pick the time!" said Shen Huyin. "Down in the rock!"

"Do not misunderstand!"

At this time, Ling Feng had come to the king and the tiger. His face was very dark. It was a terrible thing to gallop in the sound of the sky, but he had to come over as soon as possible.

"Do you come to challenge me?" The king looked straight into the eyes of the spirit.


Ling Feng worked hard and smiled. "Although I really want to challenge you, but not in time, it will not be at this time."

"What are you doing?" Shenhu asked with vigilance, and now they can't believe anyone.

"Transfer for people!"

The spirit is flying and flying, and said: "Someone asked me to send a message to tell you that Hengtianxing is not only the two true gods, they will do their best to reduce the burden for us, we can't afford to lose, we won't lose!"

"We?" Shenhu squinted.

"Yes, we!" said Lingkong.

The king stared at the empty air, and he did not speak for a long time. He only thought about the authenticity in the Lingkong dialect, and he was thinking about who would shoot for them at this time, but he still didn't think about it.

The only thing that Hengtian Star can get here is that they are three.


He can feel the true feelings of Lingkong, and can even see that Lingkong does not mean to do anything to him. Otherwise, there is no need to talk nonsense at this time. As long as the spirits are hands-on, the characters around will appear immediately.

"Who is it?" asked the king.

"They are back!" There is also a little excitement in the hollow of the spirit. I have to say that his heart was heavy before, and he was an opponent with such a character. Can he be stressed?

And now?

He will fight side by side with the two and become friends, and the pressure will disappear instantly.

"Who is back?"

Shenhu is more vigilant. He always feels that Lingkong has no good thoughts. "You can't deceive our eyes."

"I didn't lie to you."

Lingkong said truthfully: "There is no need to lie to you, if we are not coming back, I am afraid that there is no courage to come to you, and there is no courage to fight side by side with you!"

"They?" The king stunned, and the figure appeared in the heart.

"Yes, they!" Lingkong seems to be a guess in the hearts of the king.


"Because of the pattern, because we are together with Hengtianxing!"


The sixth day of the battlefield!

Several peerless gods are standing in the air and looking at the direction of the battlefield on the seventh day. The eyes of the gods shine with the light that others can't understand.

"What a pity."

One of the peerless gods said: "The king of Hengtian, the battlefield of the ancient world, known as the first in the ages, was trapped in the battlefield on the seventh day. It is said that there are quite a few great gods who are very interested in him."

"This is indeed the case."

"A character like this is going to die on the battlefield on the seventh day, and I have no chance to challenge it. I don't know how unpredictable it is in the first place. Is this regret?"

"It's a pity!" Someone echoed.

"But I don't think it is regrettable."

The peerless **** said with a smile: "The gods are the king of the blood, and I wait for the wall, what do you say will be the final victory?"

The gods smiled up in the sky.

This is their intention, to shape the king, let the guys who want to challenge come out, let them fight for you, and wait until they are seriously injured, then they are the hands of the people who are on the wall.

"There are too many gods in this world, not fun!"

"The first in the ages, it’s really embarrassing."

"The future is ours, the true gods of other stars will die!"

This is their sternness. If a star field wants to be shocked, it is necessary to suppress the opponent as much as possible. As long as the king and other peerless gods are killed, there will be no star field in the future.

Just because they are the future of the star field.

"But the king is only one, and there are many other peerless gods." Some people frowned. This layout is good, but as soon as the king is killed, it immediately collapses.

It is not easy to achieve their goals.

"So, the spirit has appeared!" The peerless **** smiled.

"But even then, their power is not enough." Some people sighed, they want to create a situation of both losses, not one side, it is not conducive to their layout.


The peerless **** smiled. "The king of the king, the first in the ages, will give birth to a new age, and as long as we ignite in time, I believe that those madmen will make us satisfied."

This is the real poison!

Star Road and Tiandao Road have been very calm. Many of the stars are jealous of each other. For many years, there is no ultimate confrontation. Now the appearance of the king has broken this situation. The blood of the many years has been boiled. The first name of the next thousand?

When the king is annihilated, a new age will be born.

The challenge will continue, and the blood will continue until the last one is born in the first age, but it will be both losers and hurts. Who can block them?

"The imaginary name is dead."

"We don't fight for fame."

"What are we fighting for?"

"We fight for the future!"

Several peerless gods look at each other and can't help laughing. They feel that they are the smartest people. Some self-proclaimed masters have entered the seventh day of the battlefield. Only they are still on the sixth day of the battlefield. This situation is If they build it, then they must stick to it.

"Cheers for the future!"

"Keep the future!"

The gods raised their glasses, but when they were about to drink, an untimely sound came.

"Can I say something?"

As a result, the actions of the peerless gods toasting were stiff and could not help but look at the direction of the sound. They did not think of this hidden place, but also had terrible power seals, but some people did not know how to come in.

At the beginning of the voice, a young man smiled and stood, looking at the four peerless gods, who looked at the four idiots.

"You don't mind, I just feel that if I don't speak, it's a bit rude!" Good night.


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