Supreme Demon

Chapter 1853: Fight for the eighth day!

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At that moment, nine days of dullness, only forever!

One of the gods volleyed and stood up, despised the sound of the heavens, and proud of the world, the body is in full bloom, the ten spaces are around his body, and Wan Dao is stepped on his feet at this moment.

That is the pride of straight into the stars!

At this moment, to the birth of God!


The whisper of the emptiness of the sky, a dull voice, and then sings, like an ancient Buddha singing in the Zen, more like a war song blowing, arching on the Ling Feng body, making it appear more stalwart.

This is supposed to be.

This is singing!

He swayed the true God, he cast it on a **** bone, and he won, and he should reward him the whole world!

The sound of the day is clear, forming a phoenix, a true dragon, and more forms a statue of the three-legged bird, Tianzun, etc. They soar around the Lingfeng, let them like the stars to hold the moon, people envy, but then they are stunned.

Just because.

The endless **** is integrated into the Lingfeng body, so that the whole body is trembled, it seems to be overwhelmed, but it is like a feeling of omnipotence. Time is like a moment, and it seems like it has been for a thousand years. When the endless **** figure flies out, it slowly dissipates. At that time, the repressed suffocating sound of the day came to an end.

On the seventh day, there was a moment in the battlefield.

"Tianyin baptism!"

The king exclaimed, nine days have its mysterious and untestable place, and Tianyin baptism is a kind of baptism, baptism and flesh and blood, and more baptism of the soul, so that the true God is reborn, so that their temperament is more extraordinary.

Not before, but it is now.

This is a blessing!

The king did not know what Ling Feng had got, but it was definitely a shocking sentiment. To tell the truth, he is still smashing the wind. This enchanting character is now more unpredictable.

"Is this the sound of the day?"

Ling Feng looked at the sky and smiled slowly. The slightly curved corner of his mouth was showing his invincible self-confidence. Then he flew down and came to the king and looked at the horrified look.

"It's not a shocking experience. If you need it, I will let you know."

Ling Feng said calmly. "The sound of heaven is true."


The king is stunned by God, and for a long while, he smiles bitterly. "Are you afraid that you only care about it?"


"Haha, I am discouraged."

The king’s body stood up and said, “I didn’t think you would come, but it’s still coming, it’s worth it.”

"Take me a glimpse of the eighth and ninth battlefields."

Ling Feng patted the shoulders of the king and said with a smile. "Recover as soon as possible, we will come here, then conquer this nine days!"

"no problem!"

The king readily agreed to come down and conquered with such a **** for nine days, so that he could not help but get excited, and the tiger looked at the wind and the king, and his mouth rose and laughed, but it quickly dissipated.

If I knew that Ling Feng was such a person early on, I was so discouraged that Long Hu would not do such a thing.

In the past, he hated the wind and hated it.

But now, he can't hate it. Ling Feng never thought about getting rid of them, and they want to get rid of the wind, and they have completely lost on the chest.

"What do you want to say?"

After the king regained his seat, Ling Feng came to the proud bird and looked at the dark face. He asked with a smile.

"Does the **** figure really give birth to the birth spirit?" "Spirituality, but it is not a real life." Ling Feng solemnly said: "I know what you want to ask, the gods are indeed born very early, but it is more than true. The dragon and the gods are more extraordinary. I want it to be born, but then I thought about it. I think this family is my brother. I can’t let my brother.

Lost when he was born. ”

“I am working hard to study. I want to make it stronger. Will it be more eye-catching when it is born?”

"Thank you."

The proud bird is moist, this person has never thought of insulting its family, but is trying to maintain the dignity of the gods.

"The emptiness god, I am looking forward to it."

"Reassured, I will not let you down." Tsundere bird grinned proudly.


Ling Feng came to Ye Xinran, grabbed the pair of bleeding hands, took out a handkerchief, carefully wiped it clean, and said softly. "In the future, don't be so desperate, there are things that men should be in front."

"I know."

Ye Xinran smiled and enjoyed this gentle care, and then sat down to recover.

The world calms down.

The gods have squashed to recover, and Ling Feng is volley, standing in front of them, to prevent this seventh battlefield and other peerless masters, and he is also trying to deal with the ten masters.

“It will always be useful,” he said.

Half awkward.

The gods recovered, and the king was bathed with blood, but the whole person was radiant and glamorous. After such a battle, his physical strength will be further enhanced, which is more conducive to martial arts.

Lingkong and Shenhu have also made progress, but they have not yet shown.

For a martial arts battle, it is not the gains and losses of the moment, and the future.

Ye Xinran's temperament is like a play, ethereal and dusty. What's more important is that her peerless power has conquered everyone present. Even the king is envious of Ling Feng. One person is tyrannical, if he finds such a tyrannical girlfriend. It is really fortunate.

"Let's get it!"

Ling Feng looked directly at the distant eighth day of the battlefield, and his eyes were sharp. "You can't leave with regret."


He took the lead in the battlefield on the eighth day, the speed was very fast, and the king, Ye Xinran, etc., lightning, and not slower than the wind, the proud birds, the **** of death is very calm, they have long known the purpose of this trip, in There is nothing strange about the shackles in front of the gods.

It is the spirit of the sky, the tiger is excited, more flustered.

Others do not understand the significance of this step, but they know, that is the battlefield on the eighth day, how many days of sighs have been sighed, and how many days of arrogance and blood, and now they will conquer this eighth day of battle.


This is a small step, it is a big step!

In a short time, they appeared in front of the battlefield on the eighth day. This day is obviously smaller, far less than the battlefield of the seventh day. The golden statue is made of **** gold, but people know that it is stronger than Shenjin. land.

There seems to be a layer of light on it, distinguishing the battlefield on the eighth day from the void, and in which the sound of the heavens roars, even if they are here, they can hear the sound of the heart.


The battlefield on the eighth day will be unprecedentedly horrible, and no one knows what kind of horror will face in that light.

The king is cautious, Ye Xinran is full of heavy, and the spirit is pale and pale. People like them can naturally capture the strong sound of the day. The seventh day of the battlefield is in front of them, it is simply a mosquito.

However, the proud birds, the tigers, and the **** of death are not very thorough.

"Or, I will come first?"

The proud bird said excitedly that it has long been eyeing this legendary battlefield, hoping to break the limit.


Ling Feng said with a smile. "Even if it is blocked, it is also experienced. The longer you persist, the better you will be."

"Ling Feng!"


"Do you want me to go too far?" Tsundere bird gnashed his teeth, it was full of expectations, but the goods were pouring negative energy, is there such a brother?


Ling Feng immediately changed his face and said in a very serious tone: "Even if you die, you must hold on until the moment you enter the eighth battlefield."

"This is almost the same."

Tsundere bird grinning, but immediately feel that something is wrong, what does this goods mean?

It always feels like it has fallen.

However, it did not care about these, striding forward to the battlefield on the eighth day, and the force was pressed forward in a full-fledged posture, and the layer of light was torn open in an instant, and the eyes were directly unfolded and pushed forward.

It wants to make a light track!

It wants to move to the eighth battlefield!


The sound of the day suddenly exploded, and the roaring sound made the nine days tremble. It was ten times more terrible than the seventh day. It was not a ladder-like strength, but a mighty battle. On the body of the bird, he flew on the spot.


The proud bird used his body to tear open the void and planted it in one end. It didn't appear for a long time.

"Mom, it hurts."

Half a sly, the proud bird flies out, the face is blood, the face has been deformed, the wings have been broken, the power is scattered, if not the shackles at the moment of life and death to withstand the power, now it is a dead body.

Death, gods, and spirits are all discolored, and they still want to fight forward, but the horrible moments of the proud birds let them dispel this thought.

It's no wonder that no one has been able to climb the eighth battlefield for so many years. This kind of heavenly sound has entered the level of the gods. Who can stand up in the bombing?

This battlefield is simply non-human!

"I really don't know which **** set up such a battlefield. Who can smash the power of the gods?" said the arrogant bird.

"I come!"

The king's eyes are bright, he is self-proclaimed and can compete with the top Tianjiao in ancient times. Before he encountered Lingfeng, he always felt that he was the only one. Even if the battlefield on the eighth day was terrible, he could also fight.

call out!

He is like a sharp arrow, and he stabs the battlefield on the eighth day. He tears the layer of light and greets the vastness of the sky. With his tyrannical confrontation, Tianzun sword hits a thousand lines of gods at this time, tearing open the light path and letting him drive straight into it.


His footsteps fell on the eighth battlefield, arrogant to Tianyu, so that the proud birds, the **** of death, the spirits and the tigers were exclaimed, even Lingfeng was the forehead, such a king is qualified to become his enemy.


The king only insisted on a moment of hard work, and he was blown out by the wild power. The Tianzun sword could indeed tear, but he could not maintain the power of the Tianzun sword all the time, but he was able to board the battlefield on the eighth day, which has proved the king’s Peerless.

One after another.

The king is full of scars, even Dan Tian is subject to the sound of the heavens. After all, the attack of the Tianyin is no dead ends. The king was wounded, which made the gods of death, gods, and spirits dispel the thoughts. Even such characters were dead for a lifetime, and they did not want to smash blood.


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