Supreme Demon

Chapter 1881: Aogu!

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This is not the sound of lightning, but the tears of the flesh and blood of the proud bird.

In front of him.

The bright red blood has formed a small stream, and it is flying down. The fallen feathers have been dyed red, and some broken meat have fallen together, so that the true witches such as the leaf witch are unbearable.

Too bad!

The current situation of the Tsundere bird is very dangerous. If you are inadvertently, you may be killed. This is the reason why Ling Feng reminded him. If you insist on it, you will stick to it. .


Its sorrowful sorrow is particularly clear in this empty **** volcano, but no **** has come to ask, they know that the main things people do are beneficial to the anti-God.

The process is very tragic, but the ending will be great!

Three days!

Tsundere bird has been in this tragic state, blood must be drained, if it is not the tears of the fairy, afraid that he has collapsed at this moment, the body is dead.

after all.

In the map of God, the **** of the gods ranks fourth, far more terrible than the phoenix and the real dragon, and now the arrogant bird is far from that step, it is forcing the soul and accepting more terrible power than itself. .


The emptiness of the emptiness, the fascination of the arrogant bird to the last moment, a heavy smashing is here, the land is instantly smouldering, the blood is instantly annihilated, and the whole void is in an extremely terrible situation.

Step by step!

Ling Feng and other real gods are paying attention. Ye Huo and other real women attach great importance to it. Guys will also step into this level. Ling Feng will let the proud birds take the first step, which is to let them know the dangers and processes.

at last.

Two days later, the terrible power dissipated, and the eyes of the proud bird opened, the blood on the body stopped, the wound that was torn open was quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the momentum in the body was wildly sprayed and covered with empty space. .


It flutters in the air, and the eyes are full of ecstasy. No one knows how embarrassing the world is. It is not only the blood of the gods, but more importantly, it begins to move away from the distant ancestors. Martial arts.

"Void God!"

It shines in both eyes, and the wind is hurricane. It flies down and hits Lingfeng. In the process, the hurricane disappears and becomes dark.

That is dark matter!

It is the most terrible to see it!

When the force spurted out, the entire volcano trembled because of it, and the terrible force shattered and cracked, and the bombs fell.

It is aimed at Ling Feng!


Ling Feng seems to have guessed it early, but he did not panic, but screamed and screamed. A wonderful force is emerging, and it is able to dispel the power, it can despise all beings.

Everything is empty!

Although this is just a prototype of the way, people can imagine its greatness in the future.

Power is empty!

Space is awkward!

Time is eternal!


The arrogant bird that had to be suppressed was instantly disappeared, and the emptiness of the gods was dying at this moment. People were still waiting for a worldly confrontation, but did not expect that the arrogant bird had evaded.


The proud bird said with anger, it just melted into the gods, the emptiness of the gods is difficult to play the top Tianwei, there is no chance of winning on the wind.


In the realm of the present, it really realizes how unpredictable it is in the wind. It is a monument to the sky. Standing on the ground, you can’t see how high the monument is, only in the clouds. Only in order to reach the height of the monument.

Everything is annihilated, including the emptiness of God!


If you want to suppress the abnormality of Lingfeng, it is not enough to melt God. What's more, the picture of God is from Lingfeng. If it can really suppress him, Lingfeng will not release it and integrate it into other true gods.

Gain... too weak!

Even if the arrogant bird blends with the gods in the gods, it is even harder to threaten the wind.

"Want to play one game?" Ling Feng asked with a smile.

"Let's talk about it later."

The proud bird said very sadly. "I just got radiant and my strength has not fully recovered."

"Then wait for you to recover."

"I may take several years to recover." The proud bird said very shamelessly.



"Next, there is a happy start."

Ling Feng is too lazy to take care of this shameless arrogant bird and turn to the leaf witch to say. "The pure land and the magic soil appear, can melt the horizon, then go further."


The leaf witch is obviously stunned. She is the closest to Lingfeng, and the **** figure has only five weights. If she is also melting, is it not enough?


Ling Feng solemnly headed the forehead and said: "The picture in the **** map is not suitable for others. Only you are suitable."


Ye Xinran hesitated, she didn't care about Daotian, but she cares about the feelings of several real women like Ling Qing.

"rest assured."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "The **** map is not suitable for everyone, but there will be more suitable for them."


Ye Xinran nodded. She knew that Ling Feng had already figured out that she would not treat every true woman, and she could see that Ling Feng took the step of this step, which is not like the rhythm of conquering a supreme star.

She sits cross-legged and is solemn.

A drop of fairy tears fell on the top of Ye Xinran, quickly into its body, and then Lingfeng opened his eyes, let the pupil disappear, and then the top of the gods Tianwei appeared, a day appeared, flying to the leaf witch.


The road disappeared, and then the sound of Ye Xinran's body torn, but because her body is more sturdy, so its fierceness is not as serious as the proud bird.


As Ling Feng said, Daotian is the same as Pure Land, Magic Earth and Tianya, so the process of melting God becomes much easier. The Yews are not to integrate the Tao into the body, but to integrate into their power.

She does not need to activate the blood!

She doesn't need strong flesh and blood!

All she needs is pure land and earth, and the horizon is blooming!

A few days later.

Ye Xinran, who was covered in blood, opened his eyes, still so cold and clear, as if there was no change, but when his eyes sparkled, people discovered that Ye Xinran’s left eye had become a violent white, while the right eye It is as dark as ink.

The pure land is in the left eye, and the magic soil is in the right eye!

And the end of the world is in the heart!

She is not as arrogant as the arrogant bird, and the horrible temperament of the heavens is integrated into the world of the world, and the power of the earth is only a real mess. She has already got the most dazzling power in the **** figure, and she does not want to Let Ling Qing and others be upset.

"Ling Qing, you are the third!"


Ling Qing sits cross-legged, and after the drop of tears falls, her body sprays out the endless cold force, and the jade chills step into the ultimate, and then the magical figure of the wind expands, and the phoenix proudly comes out and flies directly to Lingqing. , integrated into its body.

Ice fairy!

Also known as ice phoenix!

This point is very suitable for Ling Qing, her temperament is indifferent, not contending, not completely different from Ye Xinran's cold, she is proud and deserted, and Shenhuang is such a living being.

Ice fairy wakes up and is shocked!

At the moment, proud!

However, Ling Qing is not as good as Ye Xinran. In the process of melting God, he vomits blood. This makes the gods in the room quite nervous. Especially when Ling Qing Shen Bone is broken, Ling Feng wants to curb this momentum.

Fortunately, Lingqing persisted, and the integration of God became stable, while Shenhuang was integrated with it.


When Ling Qing opened the eyes of the United States, the whole volcano was bright, and a phoenix appeared behind Ling Qing, releasing a huge amount of energy, soaring and screaming, cold eyes, cold body, and That can't be proud!

She is unyielding!

She is more stalwart!

At this moment, Lingqing is Shenhuang, Shenhuang is Lingqing!

The ice celestial blood is completely awakened, making it a big step in the true state of God. Even if the **** of the gods at the moment is facing the Lingqing, it also feels tremble, but this is the difference between Shenhuang and Tianshen, Shenhuang and the early stage. Power, while the gods are in the late.

"Yunxi, you are the fourth!"

Lingfeng smiled and finally felt relieved. The tears of the fairy can make the gods melt, although the process is very dangerous, but the ending will not be a problem.


Get the creatures in the gods, whether it is the leaf witch or the **** gods will get an unprecedented creation, one step away from the gods, and the growth in the gods can rival the king, it is unprecedented pressure.


A great dream is taking shape.

"True dragon, no matter water or fire, can melt God!" This is the voice of Ling Feng, also telling Yunxi, she will be integrated into the real dragon.


Yunxi sits cross-legged, squatting in the tears of the fairy, melting in the real dragon.

The heat of the fire, the power of the ice.

These are all blended in the real dragon, forming the only ice-fire power, the smell of ignition like ice, but it is completely different, whether it is the heat of the fire, or the power of the ice is striding forward, and once the fusion may be born The power of the "End of the World" level.

Needless to say.

Yunxi is approaching the king's level, but now it is only a preliminary fusion, and later this power will surpass the king.

"Rainy moon, you are Bifang!"

At the beginning.

Ling Feng bred the gods with the blood, and awakened the five beasts. One weight is Bai Ze, the second is Bifang, the third is true dragon, the fourth is Shenhuang, the fifth is Tianshen, and the Tao is born in five. The wonderful sky on the real beast.

That is untestable power!

Because Bifang and Baize's ability is too weak, they are deliberately neglected by Lingfeng. But this does not mean that the convenience is weak, and Bai Ze is weak. In fact, they are very powerful, only because they cannot meet the requirements of Ling Feng.


This is an extraordinary step for Du Gu Yuyue and Liu Shushu.

A few days later.

Du Gu Yuyue got up from Bi Fang, and he was so powerful that he was not as weak as Ling Qing and other gods. Then he was Liu Shushu. It is obvious that Liu Shushu is weaker, but also better than before. Be much stronger.

This is the end.

The **** figure is completely empty, the soul disappears, the whole image of God is dead, but Lingfeng feels a different pressure in it, the **** figure is fundamental, and the creature is just born.

The essence of the **** map is the **** map!

The **** figure does not need to come to life, it can be proud!

Get rid of the branches, the big tree will show the most original style, the mountain with too many old trees, not showing its cold, the sword with scabbard, does not show its edge, and now the **** map is the real **** map! good night.


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