Supreme Demon

Chapter 1886: Four days of swords!

In the void.

The clouds are dark and dark, and the thick clouds are still pushing up. People don't know how thick the clouds are, and the gods hidden in the sky are immediately far away.


This is a god-level punishment. If they touch it, they will die immediately, and God knows what kind of punishment is caused by the perverted enchanting.

There is no such thing!

Asked that God is destroyed by the sky!

Ye Witch, Qing Yu and others are looking forward to them. They frown, and they are very jealous of the punishment. Although the punishment has not fallen, it is only the power that makes people feel tremble.

They are going backwards.

It’s not that they are worried about dying from the punishment of the sky, but because this day’s punishment is due to the wind, only the Lingfeng can annihilate it. Others, even if they can withstand it, will only lead to a daily bounce, and then they will have to Affected.

Not worth the candle!


They believe that Ling Feng has even been tempered by his own way of service. Nie Zhenzhen can't annihilate it, let alone the punishment of the area.


Here is the volcano of God. If the celestial punishment falls here, the entire volcano will be destroyed. But it is about the life and death of the people. It is not against the gods. They are flying fast out of the volcano, which is the heavenly road. The same is true of the disciples.

The battlefield is empty.

And they waited for the day to slash and fall, waiting for the character to push back the punishment, proud of the world.


In the seven-door.

The light is madly swallowing the surrounding aura of the stars, making it brighter, and in which colorful, the "stars" are blending, and the "Xinghe" is disappearing.

Presented in space is a bright light!

Initial time.

The light is very calm, but when the "Xinghe" gradually disappears, it will spin up madly, engulfing the surrounding astrology, and even the light, forming a vast hurricane, roaring in the seven-door, causing the line to "respond". With a stronger force to suppress.


Suddenly, the light smashed a small gap, and there seemed to be a mysterious celestial body.


The second gap appeared, and the torn light shards did not disappear, but were swallowed up by the mysterious celestial body.

in fact.

The light is not cracked, but scattered, but collapses inward. Simply speaking, the mysterious celestial body inside is swallowing up the light, the terrible devouring power, and the surrounding lines are grayed out.


More and more pieces of light were swallowed and disappeared into the mysterious celestial body inside, and when the light disappeared a little and a half, the whole light collapsed in an instant, and the endless pieces of star powder were swallowed by the mysterious celestial body.

The celestial body appears!

It was a hollow, dark as ink, without any substance, but the light disappeared because of it, it was not a black hole, it was not a white hole.

But it is a mysterious hollow than the black hole white hole!

Devouring any substance, giving birth to infinite creatures!

It is an unpredictable space, intertwined with endless power and mystery.

Surprisingly, in the middle of the empty hole, there was a seed floating in it. It was white as snow, and it was crystal clear, emitting a white light, more like a fierce skyfire, making people unable to see through.

Seeds bred in the cavity!

Only sesame is a big point, but it is like gestating the whole universe. It appears in the hollow that devours everything and breeds everything. It is immortal. Its mystery is incomprehensible to the gods and heavens.


after all!

This is the **** that was born out of the way, and it has never appeared in the ancient times, but it is undoubted that it is very unspeakable. Even if it is empty, it is impossible for the gods to imagine, and it is the radiance of the Tao. Breath.

It is a void!

They floated calmly in the void, without any breath, like dead objects, until the seeds emit light white light, the whole cavity only runs, crazy and terrible!


The lines are trembled, only because of the hurricane that is hollowed out.


Cracks appear on the lines, only because of the phagocytosis in the holes.

Between the empty spins, the emptiness of the gods is emerging, swallowing the sea of ​​stars and aura, gradually clearing, and becoming ruddy by the void color, it seems to breed bleeding in the void...


The wind is fierce.

The thick black clouds have become dark, and some real gods have to suffocate, and their faces are pale and distant. In the dark clouds, there is a kind of lightning, which is as big as a dragon snake. When these lightnings fall, it is The real dragon snake.

The birth of lightning!

What kind of lightning is this?

Some gods are eclipsed, and their mouths are straight. If they ask for such lightning in the process of asking the gods, they are afraid that they will die long ago. However, it is difficult for them to touch the taboos of heaven, and they will not be subjected to such punishment.


Lightning tore through Tianyu, appeared in the sky above the volcano of God, directly hollowed out, appeared in the seven gates of Guwuta.

This is also difficult to suppress in the ancient Wuta.

The lightning came straight into the hollow and wanted to destroy it. Obviously it was this hollow and the space particles that really ruined the world.


Suddenly, the hollow trembled, which spewed out the endless space power, dark as ink, directly greeted the dragon snake lightning, and in the process, the ink force formed a dragon knife.

The dragon knife is in the world.


The dragon snake lightning was instantly smashed, and the lightning power collapsed over the hollow, and the power was swallowed up by the hollow and annihilated by the hollow particles.


Like being irritated by the hollow, the dark and heavy clouds are boiling, the whole form of true dragons, and the weather is tens of thousands. Then, nine lightnings fall straight down, and each lightning is bred with a creature.

Kirin, Bifang, three-legged bird, Zhenlong, Kunpeng and so on.

This picture is too grand, so that people's eyes must be pulled out. What is the realm of the day when Ling Feng asked? How can it lead to such unpredictable punishment?

To know.

Every lightning is a **** of the gods, although it is only a level, but where is Wu Xiu, who has just advanced to the gods, is the opponent of the nine gods?

This is annihilation!

This is bullying!

The gods, such as the Qing dynasty, the chords, and the singers, are gloomy and biting their teeth. They can deeply feel the power in the lightning, but now they can only stand by and intervene.

Nine lightning strikes the ancient Wuta tower, and it hits the hollow and hollow particles.


Suddenly, there was a tremor in the hollow, like the drums of the Tiangu, the sounds were dull and powerful, and a black mang was stirred up by the drums, and swooped at the nine lightning bolts, and the creatures in it.


The unicorn roared and banned from welcoming.


The drum slammed into the unicorn head and killed him. Then the drum sounded forward, penetrated the unicorn body, and fell on Bifang. The endless fire was suppressed by the fire, and the black mang was struck along with the fire. In the mouth of the square, the head is penetrated.


The power of the black mang is also being wiped out, and when it kills the three-legged bird, the power is exhausted.


The hollow is shining, no material is coming out, but there is silent power coming out.


This is the rhyme that Ling Feng got on the battlefield in the nine days, but it has been integrated into the hollow. At this moment, the Billy knife is fierce and ten thousand, more horrible than the tangible, and it spreads too wide and too wide.


Six lightning flashes together and the six heads are killed in an instant.

This is the rhyme of the gods level!

Not suppressed!

Destroy all roads!

Nine lightnings are exhausted!

Such a void really makes the gods tremble, showing the imposing manner of the void and the law, the heavens can't hold back, and the Wandao only bows.


The black cloud rolled, like a big dragon was provoked, roaring in the wind, and the endless lightning did not immediately fall down, but in the void, a kind of mountain, the power to suppress the gods is in the dark clouds Appeared in.


A crisp sound, a sword was born, completely formed by lightning, showing a light ink color, with a five-clawed dragon on the plate.


The black cloud was torn, and the second sword was born. It was formed by lightning, showing a light cyan color, and a white tiger was lying on it.


The third and fourth handle swords were born, one reddish like blood, the plate lying on the Suzaku, one handle was dim and the earth was like a soil.

Four handles sword!

Four images are born!

This is the four swords!

Although this is not a real four-sword, it is only formed by lightning, and its power is extraordinary. At least many of the second-level gods have changed their color, and the gods of the four swords have destroyed the Buddha. That is unsolvable.

not good! "Ye Xinran turned pale.

Damn, how can it cause such a fine? "Clear and angry."

Xiaoqi is very dangerous! "This is the sound of a string."

It is the color of the day, if the real four swords are born, the heavens can also kill, it is not only the power level, but also the pressure level, perfect, or the strength is stronger than the four swords, or only Fuxi.


Ling Feng is very dangerous, and he is guilty of four days of swordsmanship.


They can only watch with their eyes open, and the four swords are alive. If they are beaten up by Zhou Tian, ​​there may be more terror-free taboos in the dark clouds. At that time, Ling Feng would have no way to live.

Now they can only pray that the wind can withstand.

Oh, it’s really amazing. It’s just like the gods in the area. It’s actually forced out of this kind of ban. Ling Feng is looking for death. ”

The four swords of the heavens destroy thousands of ways, unless he can be detached, or he will die. ”

This is the voice of some powerful gods. They sneer at the corner of their mouths, hoping that the four swords will smash Lingfeng.

If he survived? ”

A sound sounds, and the sneer is slammed in an instant. People's mouths are straight and the eyelids jump straight.


If Ling Feng survived this kind of punishment, how unpredictable is his god? At that time, the second-level gods will be full of pressure. At that time, there are still a few gods who can be compared with them.


This is only a preliminary one. When Lingfeng advances step by step, what kind of situation will it be?

At this moment, they were cold and trembled.

Not very likely? ”

Don't ask this difficult question at this time. " Someone said angrily. Good night.

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