Supreme Demon

Chapter 1890: The power of Ling Qing!

The Qing dynasty is beautiful and the posture is lazy.


Her gods are bright, looking straight at the wind, the gods have no impurities, the faint fragrance of the breath will come to her face, she is so sincere, and so persistent, her life is saved by him. That?

She seems to be saying that you will not refuse what you want.

What she wants to say is that she owes him too much, even if she wants to make up for it with her life.

This Loli not only regards Ling Feng as a younger brother, but also treats him as a close relative. Only a close relative can let you take advantage of it. When she needed it, Ling Feng did not hesitate to pay, but now this person needs, she Will use all efforts to do it.

This is clear!

Loli with blood and flesh!

of course.

She understands the meaning of Ling Feng. He does not let her go, but asks her to go. This can explain a problem. He asks Qing to build a villain. Therefore, it will not be clear. And it will be some elite characters against the gods. He is not worried about clearing up. This creature is in the post-Niger, and the potential is completely blown out. There is no obstacle in the heavenly environment. As long as she has enough power, she can directly enter the second-level heaven and godhood. Moreover, the power is really terrible, than now. Ling Qing, Tian Shenque must be fierce, at least Ye Xinran



Qing can spread the situation on the Supreme Star, and the anti-God can extend the tentacles to the whole star under his cover.

Need us? ”

He is also interested in the Supreme Star. If he can cultivate in the top power of the Supreme Star, it is much faster than he is now. What is more important is the smashing between the characters, which will allow him to advance in a short time.

Stress will give birth to momentum.

need! ”

Ling Feng grinned and said: "However, the Supreme Star is very extraordinary. You can't keep up with any of them. If the three brothers can enter a supreme star, they should be able to suppress the situation."


Jun sees laughter, easy to wind and smile, this cargo will really hit people.

How bad is the Wizard of the Wild in this continent? However, it is indeed gray to put on the Supreme Star, and Lingfeng makes Qingyi alone a supreme star, and the three of them can compare, which makes them feel good?


If they didn't see it in Lingfeng's eyes, they would have to hit someone now.

However, if you think about it, they are also inferior to the clearing of the Qing Dynasty. They are even less than the Lingfeng. The goods are asking for the gods. The vast Tianwei makes them feel trembled.

Ok? ”

Suddenly, Yi Feng stunned, looking to Ling Feng frowning: "Do you let Ling Qing, Du Gu Yuyue, they are alone in a supreme star?"

Yes. ”

Is this feasible? "Yi Feng said with some dissatisfaction: "They are too young and want to ask God that it should take a long time, let alone a single star." ”

The chords, the singers and the laughter also reveal strange light, the frowning that is invisible, and the meaning of Lingfeng is too obvious. He put Lingqing, Duguyuyu, etc. in the position of clear and equal, and even stunned them.

Can it be said that the potential and strength of waiting for others in his heart is not as clear as them?

The three Wizards of the Waste Gate expressed dissatisfaction!

It should be soon. ”

Ling Feng smiled gratifiedly. The former Ling Qing and others were equivalent to easy wind, but now Ling Qing and others are equivalent to the king. The Gai Tian Tian Wei and potential will be the power of them to ask the gods.

Xiao Qi, are you here at Xiaoxiao? "Easy Wind grin, it wanted to hit this cargo meal.

Or, let them play with you? "Ling Feng blinked."

They are goddesses, how can I be willing to start with them? "Yi Feng aimed at Ling Qing and others. Although he said that he was not willing, he had such a meaning in his heart. He knew that he could not be targeted. He dared to say that the power of Ling Qing and others would not be the same. Generally weak.

The true God is against the true God, and the absurd door is against the god. ”

Ling Feng got up and said: "Brother, you just pick one."


The wind is full of air, and the previous Ling Feng is a small insult to him, but now it is the insult of the red fruit, the old six, the **** of the gods in the Shenwu continent is very rare, who dare to be small?

And now?

Ling Feng asked him to pick a few of the real women in Lingqing. What does this mean?

It means that although one of them can suppress him, this is simply contempt and contempt, even if Lingfeng is his younger brother, this tone can not be tolerated.

The strings, the gentlemen and the straight eyes frown, today's wilderness Xiaoqi gives them a strange feeling. Although they are not talented, they can't be so insulted.

Ok, then play one! ”

Easy to wind and dull opening, to Lingqing and several other real women, eyes glimpse through the leaf witch, he knows that this real woman is terrible, second only to Ling Feng, should be the same level as Qing Qi, he also I didn't want to find a way.

Just Ling Qing! ”

Yi Fengshen fell on Ling Qing, he knows that among the four true women, this is very powerful, and should be called "two arrogance" with Yunxi, while Duoli Yuyue and Liu Shushu are slightly weaker, if they can Repressing Ling Qing, I don’t have to fight if I want to come to other real women.

it is good! ”

Ling Qing was indifferent, banned from pushing the door and flying to the battlefield.

Hey, let's go watch. ”

Liu Shushu sneaked a smile, pulling Yunxi, and flying alone out of the room in the rainy month, but Ye Xinran was very indifferent, she was not interested in a battle without any suspense.

The chords and the singers disappeared. They are the gods who can't challenge the real women like Ling Qing, but this does not affect their eyes. They want to see what kind of realm Lingqing is in this battle. Dare to be placed in the position of clear and equal.

Don't you look at it? "Qing Yu looked at Ling Feng doubtfully.

Not exciting, or talk about the Supreme Star is more important. "Lingfeng stalls hands, said that it is not wonderful.

Are you so confident? ”

Clearly, she knows that the strength of Yifeng is very powerful. At least Lingqing’s desire to overcome Yifeng is difficult. The current Yifeng is further in the real world, and its strength should be similar to that of Lingkong.

If there is no such confidence, how can I let them alone? ”

Ling Feng sighs, if he hopes that they can live a happy life, do not have to be so tired, the reversible situation of the gods must be opened, Ling Qing is the main force, and there are not enough elite characters to conquer a supreme star. For the anti-God, you have to pay less.

This step is too important!


Now Ling Qing and others get the gods and the treasures, this is not the same as before, Yi Feng is very good, but in front of these elite is really not enough to see.


Ling Feng leaned closer to the Qing dynasty, and talked with him about the star, Ye witch was sitting on one side, very calm, but occasionally the gods would come over and don't know what to think.

Half awkward.

The face of the military field calmed down, and the group of people walked slowly. The Qing dynasty couldn’t help but raise his head, and then the small mouth opened, and there was a feeling of incredulity. The first one came in Lingqing. Her breath was dull and her face was not hurt. It didn't seem to have been beaten. When she came, she stood behind Ling Feng, and then she was swollen with a nose and blue eyes. Without the previous arrogance, it is the chords that come in behind him, and the smiles are full.

Face smile and horror.

Who can think of it?

This thought was a unilateral suppression, but did not think that the one that was suppressed is easy to wind, although the performance of Ling Qing is not dazzling, but the gods such as 禹 string, 君君笑, naturally will not think so.

The whole battle is the personal show of Ling Qing!

She gave Yi Feng the opportunity to play, she gave the easy wind crazy moment, but the whole game is in her rhythm, it is the suppression and control of the battle.

Control the field!

This made the two gods horrified. The previous Ling Qing had this ability, and it took only a long time that she had grown to this stage, and until the end, Ling Qing did not show its invincible power.

what does this mean?



Is this the true strength of the current anti-God? "The self-examination in the heart of the string is really shocked by this scene. If Liu Shushu is the same, then the current anti-God can completely control the true state."

more importantly.

The chords, the singers and the singers, see the Qing Dynasty’s kind of repression in Ling Qing’s body. This is something they can’t do in the real world. It’s no wonder that Ling Feng dares to say such a rhetoric, it’s not a small insult and an insult. It is the absolute confidence of those who are against God.

no doubt.

If Ling Qing asks the gods, it will be a great event. At that time, the gods will be born with many gods. With their potential, in the next hundred years and hundreds of years, the anti-God will become the first force in the whole continent. Have to give way.

Lost? ”

Qing Yi looked at Yi Feng and asked.


I can't lift my head and I can't lift my head. How many years has he been in the desert? At the beginning, I was watching Ling Qing and others step by step to the true God, but now?

After the waves of the Yangtze River pushed the waves, the waves were shot dead on the beach.

Now the wind is like this feeling.

Brother, don't be discouraged. Ling Feng comforted Yi Feng and said: "If you have time, go to the Star Road and the Ancient Road." ”

Right on my mind. "Yi Feng is shining, he knows that Ling Qing and so on, it is such a qualitative change after returning from the Star Road, which makes him interested in the Star Road, and is eager to compete.

Then go to the battlefield of the gods and gods, there is the ancient road, suitable for the brothers to fight. Ling Feng said with a smile, these brothers are trustworthy, he does not mind letting them know more.

what? ”

The gods were shocked and stunned, and they couldn’t get back from this shock. Who could think of it?


They thought that Ling Feng had to go to the battlefield of the gods in the early days of the battle. At that time, he had already thought of it? It's no wonder that he did his best, no wonder that when other heavenly characters were not willing to guard the Tianmo star, the retro music was gone.

This is a pit.

They not only hang other potions, but also hold the vast resources of the ancient road.

They didn't know, and I didn't give them time to snoop. Ling Feng seems to know what people think and explain.

If there are really heavenly characters who are willing to sit in the past? ”

Then get rid of its power! "Ling Feng said with a sigh of relief."

You are really black! "Is this complimenting me?" ”

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