Supreme Demon

Chapter 1893: Reverse God Tentenjin!

Against the gods!

Ling Feng wants to fly to the Supreme Star, these real women are completely crazy, to ask the gods in a short time, to fly with the Ling Feng to the Supreme Star.


In the past three years, Ling Qing and Du Gu Yuyue have been very fierce to themselves, forcibly elevating their strength, and using the spirits to enlighten the spirit to realize the Tao, and gradually realize the space. With their talents in the real state of God, they have the intention to touch the space and now go to the gods. The situation has not been much suppressed.

Ye Witch, Tianshen Que, Lingqing, Yunxi, these four have asked the gods, then Liu Shushu, Duoyu rainy month?

No one wants to suppress the gods! ”

This is the voice of Qin Hong. His excited blood is spurting, and those who sacrificed the gods can look at the eyes. Because the human subject asks the gods, the potential of the anti-God is completely forced out, and Ye Xinran and other gods appear, but they are even more open. Against the new chapter of God.

just now.

They are qualified to be proud of the Shenwu continent and are more qualified to recruit the sky.

Unfortunately, the old reverse master can not see. Qin Hong said sadly, the anti-God can persist in this world, but it is also started on the Shenwu continent. The old counter-master has paid too much effort. Unfortunately, he has not been able to wait until the advent of the gods.

The righteous will see in heaven, he will know! Ling Feng said sadly.

Why didn't he want the old man to witness this scene with his own eyes?

Wealth does not return home, just like a night out.

The spring against the gods is coming! ”

Yang looked at the void and looked bright. Before they were weak, no matter how unpredictable the elite power, people still did not compare it with the top forces. Now they are different. They are really top forces.

The two heavens are in the middle of the town, and the eight gods are proud of the world. The true gods are full of other forces, even if they are placed in the constant sky, they are the strongest force behind the royal family and the virtual gate.

Who dares to despise?


Wu Hao, Su Xiaoru, Chen Xiaofeng, Qiu Han, Qin Sirui, etc. are watching, they did not see this scene, but the power inside the empire is bringing these news up, which makes them excited, because other forces suppress The sadness brought about collapsed at this moment.

Don't feel that you are rebellious against the gods!

Don't feel that they lose their anti-god, you can bully!

When the gods wake up, these forces must be suppressed.

Who will dare to bully them in the future?

Even if you do not do anything against the gods, it is the pressure of the world. The eight gods sit on the volcano of the town. Some forces will numb the scalp. If the stars are in a critical period, the two heavens and the two top gods are here. It is not a problem to reverse the gods to create a new anti-God.

Dare to do it to us and get rid of their brothers and sisters! "The monk said this."

Emperor, but that is the top force. ”

Oh, it depends on whether they have this guts! "The monk said, in the mouth of the gods, he really does not believe that there is a force that dares to touch the beard of God."


These characters have just asked God the success, they are in need of strong proof, these forces are sent to the door, the monk does not mind to find a few opponents for these gods.

Yes! ”

A few military commanders in the Wu State were slightly incomprehensible frowns. They felt that the emperor was still a little crazy. Now the anti-God is against the gods, and the Wu State is the Wu State.


The monks have conquered many gods over the years, and their power is too strong. No one dares to run up to provoke, and even dare not disobey. Then, under the command of these generals, the elite of the armed forces directly kills the front.


The scene that made them horrified appeared. Those forces actually flew directly and did not dare to collide with the Wu State. Even if the other party was more powerful, the Wu Kingdom was very weak and they did not mean to do it.


The current anti-God is really terrible. The man who is scalp and numb, and the one who can’t see through the Lord, even the double space has been born, plus the situation of Hengtianxing, as long as it is not an idiot, there is no one. The forces want to confront the current anti-god.

In the past, they wanted to succumb to the stern sacrifice of the gods, first to crush the country, to take some benefits, and wait until Ling Feng asked the gods, they have already retired, but isn’t that too shameful?

They persisted for three years and did indeed take away some of the benefits, but they did not care about it, as if they were completely ignorant, until the leaf witch asked the gods until the advent of the gods.

No, it is because they have more important things.

Not asking does not mean that they don't care!

Needless to say.

The current anti-God elite is suppressing the situation, they are waiting, and once the last two gods are born, guess what they will do?


The momentum is flourishing.

On the volcano of the gods, in the past few months, the anti-God people have been in the array. They are completely tireless. Because Ling Qing and others asked the gods to succeed, Ling Feng wanted to let the rest of the people rest, and the rebellious gods still came over. It is.

They are waiting too!

How regretful is it that such a prosperous world can’t witness it?


They know that the advent of the prosperous world, the anti-God can be proud, these years they are holding a breath, now it is like suffocating, they do not care about fatigue, they do not care about life and death, they care about the power of God to conquer the world.


The wind whispers, the world is dull.

A dazzling dagger appeared in the sky, and a flash of light broke out, and a space appeared on the dagger, like a self-destructive air cut out, there is no prestige, only the scalp numb Sensual.

Liu Shushu is asking God!

Her martial arts are more different. After the integration with the scorpio, Liu Shushu does not want to realize the space, but uses the shackles to capture the space of heaven and earth.

Cut off!

As long as she can get down is her space!

The space of the void is her, and the space of the **** is also her. As long as the space that can be cut off by the heavens belongs to her, this is an alternative martial art.

Heaven and earth space are all I have!

I have to say that such a force makes Ling Feng feel scared. If Liu Shushu stepped into the ranks of the top gods, fearing that he would scare the gods, there would be no space she could not win, and there would be no opponents she could not afford.

That is a tragedy! ”

She is integrated with the interception of the heavens, and she has been able to intercept the sky. However, she has not yet reached that step, but she is in the heavenly state, but she is able to cut off the air. ”

The first-level **** is on her, she is looking for death. ”

not necessarily. Someone looked very thorough and said: "The cut-off is also space, but it is invisible. If I guess it is correct, then the cut-off of the sky should be a kind of space, but once you pick up the characters like the Witch and the Big Devil, The interception will be ineffective, and that is only the positive face, Liu Shushu is not

It is the opponent of such a character. ”

But... that is the big devil and the leaf witch. ”


The gods are sighing, and the characters that have been born against the gods in these years are really extraordinary. Even the few people in the ridiculous door are incomparable. They should be a group with the Qing dynasty, but the Qing dynasty is a living creature. Her space is very different until People have not seen it yet.


When Qing Qing asked the gods, Wen Zeng was suppressed by the Tianshi Tianwei, and the others could not sense the momentum.

Still one! ”

At this time, people are expecting something. This is not only a resurgence of the gods, but also the prosperity of the Shenwu continent. It has never been such a prosperous world for thousands of years, and only the anti-God can create such a situation.

Like knowing people's expectations, the volcano of the gods is on the wind.

The star power aura is thick, like the rain will drip down, and in the calm, a harp appears in the void, not big, more inconspicuous, but it is so eye-catching.

It is still in the void for a full three days.

People stared at the little harp, it was just a phantom, not a real thing, no shocking momentum, seemingly weak, and soon drowned in the sea of ​​clouds until three days later.

A beautiful jade girl appears in the void, she sits on the sea of ​​clouds, there is no momentum on her body, her eyes are closed, and the harp is flying into her hands. The lightning is magnified and can be three feet long.

It fell on the legs of the beautiful jade girl, the clear color set off the temperament of the jade girl.



Then, people will remember this moment forever, and many true gods and gods are regarded as nightmares, only because the beautiful woman gently plucks the strings, like the fingertips on the harp, light like a glimpse wind.


The void is lost, and the heavens and the earth are eclipsed.

what! ”

A true **** sighs and falls down.

puff! ”

A top-level **** vomits blood and his body is torn.


The volcano was torn open in a large rift, and the clouds in the void were directly broken. Even the gods not far away were distorted, and the lightning fell. They had been torn apart from the chest and injured five. Dirty six.

Power can form a space.

Sound is a space!

The big sound is empty!

When the solitary rainy month unveiled the tenth bondage, it merges with the daoqin, feels its will, and appreciates its rhyme. Although the solitary rainy moon is the last one to ask the god, her path is even more extraordinary.

There is no sound, no momentum, then the chill will climb to the peak.

Imagine if a **** is standing in front of her, unable to prevent it, this kind of heavenly sound is a weapon of spike, the attack is invisible, and the killing is invisible.

In fact.

Even standing in front of her, knowing the power of this harp, can it be prevented?

metamorphosis! ”

Finally, a **** can't help but say that such a solitary rainy month is even more terrible than a thousand troops. The power of the previous candle dragon and Bifang is taboo, and now there is another **** of the world.

One sound and one piano kills the audience!

If such a character enters the ranks of the top gods, what kind of picture will it be?

Just standing there, you can be strictly guarded against death, no one knows when the Tianyin will appear, it is impossible to prevent, the candle dragon can be prevented, the party can be prevented, and the rain alone cannot be prevented.

Is this not a metamorphosis?

Against the gods of ten gods! "Qing dynasty said that they are different, the future will go in different directions, but their starting point is to reverse the gods, and the end will only be against God.

She doesn't know how Ling Feng created such a peerless god. If it grows up, it is indeed qualified to step on the whole starry sky.

It’s really full of helplessness. Yi Feng sighed and said that he had been honed for three years in the Star Road, and he was asked to ask the opportunity of the gods. But he did not expect to be hit once he came back. This kind of **** is a string, and you must be full of laughter. Stress?

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