Supreme Demon

Chapter 1900: Bulls!

Everything is beautiful.

This building is indeed extraordinary. The upper and lower floors are almost full of jade. On the first floor, Ling Feng saw all the ordinary jade, but the value is very high. For them, Wushu is cheap. But for some mortals, they may not be able to afford this money for the rest of their lives.

Just because.

It is no money that can be bought, but it depends on herbs, medicinal herbs, weapons of the gods, etc. This value is equivalent to completely escaping mortals, only martial arts can come in.

Increase your worth!

The difference is common!

This is exactly what the building wants to do. They want Wushu to have a natural sense of superiority, rather than being crowded with the common customs. It seems that there is no taste. There are too many real "rich people" in this world, as long as the taste is in place. They don't care about this "small money."


This building is booming, even if they are deliberately restrained, do not want too many "rich men" to come in, give some people real space, so that they can be carefully selected, but the front door is still in the market.

"It's really hot." Ling Feng stood in front of the building, looking at some martial arts packed with buildings, and he was quite sighed.

"What kind of picture would it be if I asked the immortal to do this?"

"That will explode the whole question!"

Duo Yuyue smiled and said, Ling Feng is the person who has not cared for the fairy in these years, but they are different, knowing the status of the immortal on this continent, if it is not hunger marketing and walking is a boutique, afraid to ask Xianmen It will be hundreds of times more expensive than this, or even 10,000 times.


Asking the level of immortality is even more different. It is not something that you can buy from a "rich man". You need to get a certain position before you can buy it. You must know that any medicinal medicine placed on the top layer of the fairy can buy this whole. The building, and even more of this building.


Ling Feng grinned and asked that the level of the present is the top force. If the "wealth" in the hand is taken out, it is estimated that it will attract a frenzy in the mainland.


Asking Xian does not need this kind of "business", it is too low-profile.

Not much time.

They stepped into the building and looked at the dazzling, Liu Shushu, Yunxi, and Duoyuyu are very excited. Most women are beautiful, even if this woman is a goddess.

not to mention.

Today is very important to them. This is the last gathering before leaving. They may not be able to meet Lingfeng in the next few decades. They will spend their years in loneliness. They will push the anti-God to the Supreme. star.


They are waiting for the person to give them gifts.

They care, so precious!

Ling Feng is not an idiot. On the contrary, he knows the meaning of several goddesses. After entering this building, he is particularly eye-catching. He remembered the jade articles that the four heavenly girls had seen, and even looked at the whole building.

This gift is too precious. The four heavenly women care about not the gift itself, but the heart of his choice of gifts.

Needless to say.

When the five gods such as Ling Feng appeared, the whole building was lit up. The gas field of the world was used to disperse the thousands of miles, and the handsome men and women who were picking jade articles were also eclipsed at this moment.

There are only heavens in this scene. How many times do you hear about it?

The four goddesses are different, Liu Shushu's savage, the leaf witch's cold, the gentleness of Yunxi, the coldness of the solitary rainy moon, the unique flavor, and their beauty is not only the face, but also the peerless temperament.


Even if it is very ordinary, but the Gestalt is also inconsistent with other mediocrity.

This is the gas field!

The leaf witches are very low-key, and they don't go straight to the seventh floor, but they are going up one level at a time, like sightseeing. Lingfeng seems to be ignored by them, like a servant behind them.

Ling Feng knows that these little tricks are not careable, but they are very competent and good servants.


Just as I walked to the third floor, an untimely character appeared. His feather fan towel was graceful, like a young man with a faint smile on his face. It doesn't make people feel stiff, and it doesn't make people feel deserted.

He is gentle and more graceful.

"Several girls are picking jade articles?" He called back and forth. What is even more ridiculous is that the servants directly blocked Ling Feng behind him and highlighted the young man in the arch.

This scene has not been disgusted by the four heavenly girls. They smiled and looked at this scene. Of course, only Liu Shushu was smiling. The other three heavenly girls still kept the cold gesture.

However, everyone who knows them knows that this is a very likely momentum. Even the gods and gods don’t dare to appear at this time. Now, some people dare to disturb the Yassin of the Lord and the four goddesses. If you don’t ask, you will know that the price will be great. .

"Yeah." Liu Shushu laughed.

"Can there be a suitable?" The son of the son raised his posture and was not too close, but he intentionally revealed the fan, and his god-level breath was faintly exuding.

God level weapon!

This is the jewel of martial arts dreams, but now it is just a fan.

"I haven't picked the right one yet."

Liu Shushu looked thoughtfully at the fan of the young man's hand, and his eyes fell on the bright jade on the wrist of the young man. Undoubtedly, it was also an artifact. She was looking at it and even despised it.

Poor acid!

If the young man knows the meaning of Liu Shushu's heart, he is afraid that he can live alive and suffocate. However, for her, this is indeed very poor. Does this jade still need to show off?

If Liu Shushu needs it, Rui Shen can drag her a car.

Can't be right!

"The girl is right in this sentence!"

The young man said with a smile. "Where are these jade articles worthy of the temperament of several girls? Go, I will take you to the seventh floor. Where there are several kinds of jade articles, but they can barely claim the temperament of several girls. ”

"Okay, okay!" Liu Shushu said with a heart, the big eyes and the water are shining.


Under the leadership of this young man, everyone came to the seventh floor. This layer is only open to important people. Without the identity light, it is "rich" and can't enter, which can better set off the taste of the guests.

What is rare?

What others can't buy is rare!

What is the taste?

It is the taste that others can't buy if they have money!

This can be seen from the display on the seventh floor. There is less and more dazzling and prosperous, and there is a touch of luxury. There is a jade on the crystal table, which is a treasure of jade, which is rare in the world.

"Several girls can like it?" The young man highly recommended, and the more ridiculous thing happened. Ling Feng was actually blocked in front of the seventh floor, and the servants had not seen him in the eye.


Lingfeng mouth corner slightly curved, since the war, there are really few forces that are so open-minded, the seventh floor of the district, he is not qualified?


He didn't care.

"Vulgar!" Liu Shushu looked at the jade, faintly said.

The leaf witch is calm, but the eye is still in front of the door, the jade hand can not help but touch the wrist, a jade light gray bracelet will reveal a corner, and this scene happens to be seen by the young people.

This makes him look bright!

Although the jade bracelet is extraordinary, the texture is still much worse than these jade articles, and it is obviously worn for many years. This proves that this jade girl family does not have the imaginary wealth, this object that can be taken down.

"Hey, girl, should this jade be from Lingfang?"

The beautiful young man intends to show off and smiles and says: "Jade is old, loses spirituality, and loses its light when worn, and there is a jade bracelet for you."


He clap his hands, and all the people sneaked in, holding a jade box in his hand, displaying a jade bracelet, a jade, a string of bracelets, and a chest jade in it, and the magnificent light almost covered the sky.



When the beautiful young man raised his hand to uncover the jade box and took out the jade bracelet, he found that the eyes of the ladies looked at him very strangely, smiling with a touch of mockery, and Liu Shushu seemed to appreciate the general.


That is the jade bracelet that the lord gave to the Lord. Even if they looked at them, this jade bracelet was regarded by the rebel as a treasure more important than life. If it appeared in the anti-god, it was able to drive Do you want to describe the jade that can be described in the area?

That is the symbol!

That is the feeling!

That means the meaning is extraordinary.

And now?

This person is actually despising the jade bracelet? It is still the feelings and the face of the Lord who are despised together. This is going to step into the level of the top forces, and it is necessary to directly confront the anti-God.


At this time, Liu Shushu would like to praise such an idiot!

When the beautiful young man came, the leaf witch took a step back, frowned, and said coldly. "No need!"

"Girl, this jade bracelet is really setting off your temperament." The beautiful young man smiled and persuaded, very unwilling, and his heart was very unhappy, how many times before the trial of Bailing's moves, how failed today?

"People are not right!"

Yeh's **** said softly. "If it is him, even a flower is precious as life."


Ling Feng’s body trembled and looked at the Ye Witch. He was full of joy. He liked such a woman. He was obsessed with cute and bold red fruit. She didn’t pretend to hold it, saying that it’s cold and cold, in the end, saying that you will really fight. you.


Her sentence is wrong, it is to make Ling Feng feel wet, he is her only.

The beautiful young people are stunned, and the corners of their mouths are soaked. For a long time, they are not able to return to God. Is such a beautiful woman a famous woman?

How is it?

"The four jade articles, I have all wanted, you open a price!"

At this time, a cold voice sounded, Ling Feng crowded out, completely refrained from being blocked by the servants, so walked in such a big sigh, not looking at the beautiful young man.

I have to say that people need taste.

If the beauty of the beautiful young man is on several levels, if he seriously watches the clothes on Ling Feng, his very delicate face and the fingertips on his wrist, he may not be in such a position.

Ps.. Today is awful and has been smashed more than 10,000. It’s hard to finish this chapter and let the fragrance go to be depressed.

good night.

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