Supreme Demon

Chapter 1903: You are dreaming!

Wang Yan’s forehead was cold and sweaty.

He felt that his performance was in place, his strength was perfect, his relaxation was good, and in the face of everyone's face, he suppressed the five masters, he should give the five faces, he was as humble, and the five did not suffer. Still not satisfied?


They are very dissatisfied!

What is even more frightening is that this character has seen him every step of the way, the analysis is extremely in place, even his heart state is clear, is this character a locust in his stomach?

At this moment, Wang Yan is trying to put the Lingfeng regiment into a group, and the locusts are scary and scary.

"Every bad guy has to pay for the bad things!"

Ling Feng said righteously. "Otherwise, they will feel that the cost of crime is just like this. They will intensify. At that time, I don't know how many women will be injured."

"Do not repeat this tragedy?"

Suddenly, the martial arts people who were watching were getting sharper. Until now, they knew the poison of Lingrui and Wang Yan. They are obviously not the first time, but if they do, This time they let go of them, they really will be worse.

By then.

Will they be the target of their bullying?

Wang Yan’s heart burst into cold sweat, and Lingrui looked at Ling Feng with horror. He didn’t expect this little person he despised to be so unfathomable.

"Dare to ask how to call?"

Wang Yan smiled stiffly and stepped forward. He said slightly, "This is indeed our fault. Wang Yan is willing to hand over the building and ask some people not to quit."

This is a great hand!

This building is stingy with the daily Jinjin, and the daily earning is full of money, which is equivalent to a chicken that will lay golden eggs. Now Wang Yan wants this chicken with golden eggs to give Lingfeng five This makes many martial arts envious.

The cost of making this mistake is really not small.

"It doesn't matter who we are!"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "This building is too small, wait until the person who can do the main thing comes over and say it."


Wang Yan’s eyes passed a cold light. He didn’t think that this character really licked his nose. He had already given such great sincerity, and the other party was still unwilling to let go. Is it really necessary to abolish Lingrui?

"The mountains and rivers will meet, and some people really don't think about it?" Wang Yan's voice turned cold and said, "Even if you don't think about it, you should also know the family, they will always consider it carefully."

This is a threat!

He wants to say that you are so persecuted, that is to die with us, because this little thing will offend a force, shouldn't it be worth it?


He thinks that Ling Feng is still too young, and he does not know the importance. He should let the characters at home think about it. Sometimes it is not important to be right or wrong, and the interests are important.

“Young people are too impulsive to do things!”

"The elderly are too ignorant to do things!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"People can live to enjoy!"

"Then you don't want to enjoy it?"

A cold voice sounded, an old man came with a small doll like a doll, but only two people are like a thousand horses.

The gas field is born!

Despise the sky!

He stared at Wang Yan, and he did not have the pressure to suppress the world. However, he felt that he was cold and sweaty. At least Wang Yan felt this way. He felt that the old man was too old, and that the gas field was developed in a long time. temperament.


The porcelain doll came out of the hand and quickly ran to the front of the wind, like a small doll, and climbed into the arms of Ling Feng along the waist of Lingfeng.

"How did you come?"

Ling Feng loved the small head that touched the rain.

"They said that someone was bullying, and I came with Qin Grandpa." Raining and smiling.


"Yeah, they seem to be very angry." Rain said seriously.

"How do you know that?" Ling Feng blinked.

"I don't know what happened, the news came to us. It is reported that the characters in the battlefield of the gods are coming back!" Rain said very sullenly. "Brother, I am also very angry, they dare to bully you."

"They can't bully me!" Ling Feng said quite proudly.

"They are coming back?"

This sentence was asked to Qin Hong. There is not much rain, but Qin Hong has been responsible for this matter.

"They should come back!" Qin Hong said solemnly, the top figures such as the lord will leave here and go to the Supreme Star. This is too important for the anti-God, and each of them will come back.

This is parting, it is more powerful!

"Then come back!" Ling Feng forehead, he understood the meaning of Qin Lao.

"The news comes from them, are they still right?"

Qin Hong’s voice rang in Ling Feng’s mind and did not let other people know. He asked very incomprehensible, but Ling Feng understood it.

He can hold on to other forces, but he can't help Qin.

It’s not too strange that the cold is still alive, and the news of their “bullying” is inexplicably present in Qin’s hands.

To know.

The Lord and the Lord are not too angry about the matter of rebellion. Most of them are handled by Qin Hong. At the time of the incident, the butterfly on the face of the volcano has not yet heard the news. What other forces have such ability?

Only real butterflies!

Among them, Qin Hong’s heart is boiling, and he guesses that a very terrible truth is still alive!

Ling Feng smiled and said to the soul of the soul. "In, they are all there. They were not worried about Qin, so they didn't know you."

"I know!"

Qin Hong said in his heart, and then he laughed out loud and said, "I know, when I came over, I already felt that they were coming."


When Ling Feng’s face changed, this matter was serious. This little wave was so irritating that the whole anti-god was irritated, and the Yang master seemed to be unable to suppress it. This is the rhythm to bring the whole anti-God to the bright side. .

What are they doing?

Qin Hong can sense that the other forces can be more sensitive. At that time, his layout here and even the entire starry sky will be completely disintegrated. This effect is too great to be worth the candle.

"rest assured!"

Qin Hong is aware of Ling Feng’s concern and explained: “You can’t feel it, but I can, this is what they mean.”


Ling Feng’s forehead, this is the anti-God wants Qin Hong to know that he can know, and the anti-God does not want other forces to know, they will not know.

This is power!

The two whispered, completely ignoring Wang Yan and Lingrui.

At this moment, surrounded by awkward, several middle-aged people surrounded by people around, appeared in front of Qin Hong and Ling Feng, the dust is servant, the clothes are full of folds, which affects the image of these characters.


At this moment, they can't take it seriously.

"Ling Shao!"

One of the middle-aged characters walked humbly in front of Ling Feng and said respectfully. "The deaf person Zhu Lingrong is the father of Zhu Lingrui who is not a weapon. I know that Lingrui has sinned Ling Shao, so he invited Ling Shao to let this child go. ""

Low profile!

This is looking forward to Lingrui's dumbfounded eyes, and even let Wang Yan, who is waiting, be dumbfounded.

How is this going?

Although their power is not a top force, it should not be underestimated. Why do you want to lower your posture to these people?


Ling Feng’s backhand slaps on Zhu Lingrong’s face and asks in a cold voice. “Do you understand?”



"Do you understand?"



"Do you understand?"

All the people were shocked, and people were scared. But the big man behind the Seven Miles, even the gods have to look up, but now they are being looked at by a young man, and they can’t refute and dare to be angry. so wonderful! amazing!

Lingrui and Wang Yan are scared and directly stunned. What kind of characters they have provoked, they know the character of this big man, if there is no background, the character who has no strength dares to smoke his face, fearing that it is already dead at the moment. .

Ling Feng is still alive and can only prove one thing.

They can't afford it!


Another slap in the face of Zhu Lingrong.

"Do you understand?" Ling Feng asked this way. Others were completely beaten. What does this mean?

You don't say who knows anything.


Zhu Lingrong was full of flesh and blood, he did not wipe, and he did not frown. His subtle movements may cause a disaster. When he knew that Lingrui had provoked this position, he could not wait to kill him.

Even the top forces are retreating, are you looking for death?

Even more frightening is.

At this moment, a person in charge is standing in front of this building. They are silent, they are cold and chilling. They are waiting for an order. On the other side of the volcano, the gods are coming back from the battlefield of the gods. The two gods have been vacant and sit down, and the elite is born.

What does it mean?

The anti-God is waiting for a result. As long as Ling Feng is not satisfied, the anti-God will make them very satisfied.


He really understands the meaning of Ling Feng. If you do the wrong thing, you have to pay the price. The wrong person has to pay the price. Ling Feng is not looking for a right or wrong for the four gods. They don’t need it, but those who suffer. People need it.

"Ling Shao, the dog made a mistake, it really can't live with Ling Shao and four heavenly women..."


Lingrui's head was blown up directly, his hands and feet were numb, Mom, he just threatened the four heavenly girls... God!

"Therefore, I will abolish Lingrui."

Zhu Lingrong said with shame. "There is no way to teach the Son, and you are stunned by the Seven Miles. This building is eclipsed by us. If Ling Shao does not deny it, let it go down and take care of it."


He is looking forward to it. He is not talking about this building, but the whole seven, and everyone in the room is fine, can't he hear it?

There are not many that can really be understood. Zhu Lingrong wants to send not the whole seven scorpions, but to smash the gods, this will be the great Fuze, the monk is the best example, self-defeating against the gods, from the small Wu Kingdom prince, step into the sky, now It is to lay down the vast mountains and rivers, sitting on the territory of 300,000 miles, which is comparable to the seven miles in the district.


"You dream!"

Ling Feng turned and walked away, but when he passed Wang Lingrong, he paused a little and his voice fainted. "Send me a greeting to Xu Lao." Good night.

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