Supreme Demon

Chapter 1910: Feng Xian is also!

Nine shackles!

Every shackle is sacred and splendid, shining with white light, like the nine lightning dragons are playing together, it seems not spectacular, but if you enlarge this scene, it is the picture of the sky.

This is a power!

Tied to the hollow, the whole cavity and the hollow particles are sealed, and the inside is only running inside, and it is almost impossible to fly out. The binding force is very strong, and it is coming to the hole little by little. The power of the road is boiling, and Ling Feng’s face is amazed.

"This is the truth!"

Ling Feng is full of gloomy, this tricky force actually makes him squat, it is really troublesome.


The strength of the **** is not fast. It is not easy to completely seal the hollows and empty particles. In a short time, this kind of power can't be done. This makes Ling Feng feel relieved and there is no jealousy.

These nine shackles are like a curse formed by the blood of the gods, and even the Taodu town can't seal him, let alone the district "curse"?

His time is a lot, he can completely get rid of it step by step, and based on this road, he will go further in this realm.

This is a sharpening knife!

The hollow and hollow particles are the knives without the shank, and the shackles are the whetstones. Lingfeng uses this whetstone to polish the hollow and hollow knives to an unparalleled level.


Ling Feng frowned, his realm was actually sealed by the shackles of the road. Now there is no realm, but there is no power. This is the result of the hollowing of the seal, and it is difficult to leave Daoshan with his current strength.

"That's tearing here!"

Ling Feng is quite wild. He flies to the Guwu Tower on the spot. Only there is safety. If there is a change in the landscape of the mountain and river during the process of tearing the shackles, he will have no chance.

The plate sits in the seven-door.

Ling Fengbao is solemn and solemnly sacrifices the true fire of Nie, flying on the path of the evil path of Heaven. With this slashing blade, it opens to the Taoist lock. When it trembles, the whole body of Ling Feng is bleeding, the body is trembled, and the bones are made. The voice of the human tooth.

The ruined sharpness can incite the gods, but in the face of the power of the road, it is actually losing color. Instead of opening it up, it makes the empty turmoil, and the pain is swaying out from the dantian dantian, letting Ling Feng twitch.

"It hurts!"

Ling Feng is boring to vomit blood, he is still too rash, this is not easy to force, it is not easy to completely tear.


The murderous blade of the burning lane loses its color, and the true fire loses its power. The hurricane is unable to find the power that can be torn open to the shackles. Its sacredness seems to be killing the heavenly force without being restrained from being suppressed.

"What power is this?"

Ling Feng asked himself, feeling that this power is unusual, not as simple as the Tao, but more like the sacred thing in this world, not subject to power suppression, not into space.

"This is not the way!"

A voice rang in Ling Feng’s heart, and the rain was released by Ling Feng. She said, “I’m afraid it’s just hiding this power.”

"What is it?" Ling Feng frowned. "Is there any way to get rid of it?"

"The real way!"

Falling into the rain and solemnly said: "This is the ultimate evolution of the Tao. Once it is tied, it is difficult to tear."

"What is the real way?"

"The detachment of space, time constraints, and the entire starry sky side by side!" said the raining fascination. "That is the real goal of martial arts chase, can break the **** of the heavens and the earth, not die."


"It's not space, it's not time, it's a very embarrassing force." Rain explained and said: "It's in the same position as the power of the wild, the power of Xuanhuang and the power of chaos."


Ling Feng wants to curse, which dead metamorphosis will cover this power here?

Isn't this a pit person?

“What does this mean?” Ling Feng asked. “Is there a solution?”

"It’s extraordinary to be very busy, and you haven’t really understood its true meaning. When one day you can tear open the surface of your own, there is no power in the world to bind you.”

"What can I do now?" Ling Feng asked.

"Disintegrate with your strength, don't tear open the nine shackles, as long as one is enough!"

"it is good!"

Ling Feng is shimmering, and he must use all his strength to tear this true Tao. Moreover, there are many explanations for the rain. This kind of road is not tyrannical, but a kind of primitive road, like a jade, has not been carved, it should It does not form an attack.


Ling Feng still wants to open it, the prototype of the road is very important, but he is confident that he is more invincible and the other roads are not needed!

He wants to go all the way to the end!

"come on!"

Ling Feng used the nine stone, the gods and the burning blade to suppress, and the spirit of the formation of the real fire and the real water flew down, fully urging three kinds of bans and rolling.


He used hollow, empty particles, let them thoroughly stir, slammed into the nine shackles, and shocked the power to shake this incomparable "big mountain."


The loud noise exploded in the Lingfeng body, and the whole wind and waves were stunned. The whole Dantian was torn, the blood flow was like a note, the Lingfeng eyes were covered by blood, the nose and mouth were blurred, the teeth were loose, and the flesh and blood were also in this kind. Disintegration in power.

It hurts too!

Even if Ling Feng’s current body can’t hold back, he will die with his current will.

Different from the previous one.

At this moment, Ling Feng used all his strength to incite a shackle, so that it became as dazzling as before, and grayed out, which made Ling Feng see hope, he did not want to be bound by this, too affecting the future.

If he is trapped here, how can he enter the void?

The anti-God will stop here, and their plans will be put on hold here.

This is impossible!


Ling Feng's eyes are bright, his hands are pushed, and the phantom is pushed forward. In an instant, the hollow trembles, and the power is sprayed out. The law is formed in it, like a big dragon bursting into the air and smashing into it. Road lock.


The next moment, the three sharp weapons also moved with all strength, and slammed the shackles!


This sound rang, Ling Feng all flew out, flesh and blood, if not the body is strong, afraid that it will be torn by this recoiling force, but all the law is smashing in the body, Wei Li The wild is unimaginable, that is, the king of the original will shed blood.


What surprised Ling Feng was that the empty and unpredictable, even destroying most of the power, did not know where to go, like a bottomless abyss, because of this, Ling Feng did not fall in this frenzy.

Ling Feng’s pay is worthwhile, and the shackles become darker, with a faint material fading down, falling into the hollow and disappearing.

"Come back!"

Ling Feng was embarrassed and fiercely slammed into the shackles. He wanted to rest and recover, but he was worried that the shackles could be restored, so he wanted to die in the end and try to completely ruin the shackles.





This is a life-and-death contest. Ling Feng uses his best efforts. He even plays out the body space and crushes it. Every time he bumps, he will vomit blood and fly down. The belly flesh is blurred, and Dan Tian is beginning to become ruined.

If it was not at the moment of life and death, too much water would flow out, he could not hold on.


Finally, after 13 days of persistence, the shackles were completely dark, like dead wood, losing vitality and becoming fragile. In the last force, it made a clear broken sound, and it broke in the violent turbulence. .


In the next moment, the endless force surged out, like the sea water that had been suppressed for a long time. When the gate was found, it was instantly spewed like a mountain, and there was a little white light, like a star, letting the hole change. It’s not empty, and Wei Li goes further.

"This is my way!"

Ling Feng’s heart is full of tides. The previous fears collapsed at this moment. If the road of no solution is terrible, as long as the method of restraint is found, it will become less terrible.

This proves that his path is unpredictable, even if it is the real road, it can be shredded!

more importantly.

The hollow and hollow particles are actually shards that are integrated into this path. In the past, during the collision, this shackles will fly out of the stars, mostly in the hollow, and a few fly on the particles, but really emerge. There is a smaller part of the space.


Where did the debris go?

Taiyi really rushed down and was recovering his flesh and blood, and the ancient **** regenerative operation, let his body recast, some pieces of debris poured into the body, making him more dusty and indestructible.

Not much time.

The Fengshen jade of the Fengshen is sitting in a seven-day period.

At this time, he was fascinated, and the air was empty. In Dantian, the hollow was shining. It was like a star that was born, and the hollow particles were like a shining star.

It exudes a touch of white light, and the breath of the road and the anti-channel is rapidly colliding, and then the sacred white light is born, which is very similar to the real road.

Is that Xianli?

Ling Feng stunned, looking at the remaining eight shackles, his mouth was straight, which meant that he wanted to tear open, and he had to experience eight such life and death pains. However, he was also very excited, only because of this time, the shackles were torn open. He seems to open a door that is different and the power becomes stronger.

What if you tear open the nine shackles?

How different is that?

That will be a qualitative change!

"And what about it?"

Ling Feng looked at the white empty particles, excited, if this power has evolved to the end, what is the difference with Xianli?

Not in space, nor in time, completely detached.

That is a fairy!

"The real road, the seal is not too!"

"Yes, is this eight shackles really a prototype of Xianli?"

Ling Feng smiled slightly, and then said with a voice. "So, is it a magical technique?"

This is a crazy idea, but Ling Feng has seen this difference in the nine shackles. At first he thought about how to tear the nine shackles, but now he calms down and finds that the nine shackles are very similar to the shackles.

"Bound magic?" Frowning in the rain, said: "I have not heard of this kind of magic, but before the ancient times, there is indeed an ancient technique, which can be used to seal the heavens and the earth, and the next can be a singular demon, that is the bounds !"

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