Supreme Demon

Chapter 1912: To the birth of the road!

The virtual light is scared!

The virtual star seems to be filled with this light, and the clouds floating in the void are scattered, and a glistening light column rises into the sky, tearing up the space and appearing in people's field of vision.

as if.

The whole mountain is trembled, and the power of the wonderful is being crushed out by one of them, and the old tree is shaken vigorously, letting the mountain and river swell, and then the road squats out in a white form. Push the Qianli Mountain River horizontally.


The endless 涟漪 涟漪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 激 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

That is an unprecedented frenzy!

When Wan Dao collapsed, people couldn't help but raise their heads and look into the distance to Daoshan. They wanted to know what was going on.

It was that moment!

An ancient scroll slowly unfolds, but it is not big, but it hides the momentum of the mountains and rivers. The power of the road is being sprayed, how many haze is dispelled, and the sacred breath flies in all directions. It seems that the mountains and rivers on the scrolls collapsed.


The scroll was only a moment of martial arts, and it slowly dissipated. Then, the virtual light that caused the waves of the heavens and the earth was also exhausted.

The whole world calms down, and the mountain is still like that. The ancient trees and rivers that can be collapsed prove that this is not an illusion, but a real happening. This scene is too wonderful and makes people horrified.


It is not an accident to see such a picture in Daoshan. In the past few years, the mountain has been very calm, and there has never been such a thing. This shows that some unpredictable changes have occurred on the mountain.

"To the way, your uncle!"

Ling Feng said with resentment in his heart that others may not be aware of what happened to the mountain, but he was able to guess.

That scroll is not the one that is his eyebrows.

It shines and goes out, meaning it will disappear into the Daoshan Mountain, and this power to Daoshan will also leave because of him. The virtual light is a tribute to him who has passed the Daoshan Mountain, and even more to him. The praise of the scroll.

This is like a heritage!

In this gesture, I will tell the world.


Ling Feng would like to throw back the ancient scrolls, although the ancient scrolls are extraordinary, there should be some unpredictable things, but at the moment they are hot potato, whoever knows that the ancient scrolls are on him To be crazy, by then, this is not a blessing, but a curse.

To the virtual star is too embarrassing, how many characters will be there?

What about Tiandao and Tianzun?

At the first level of the gods, I am afraid that those who are not enough to slash, one person and one knife can be smashed into pieces, relative to the future of the gods and their own life and death, even if the ancient scroll is not a heavenly treasure.

The problem is that he has no qualification to throw away at all, and the ancient scroll is in his eyebrows, blending with himself, even if his eyebrows are cut off, it is still there.


He also wants to conceal this matter and study it slowly. But because of this scene, the whole to the virtual star knows that there will be some clever figures guessing the truth, and then it is the coming of the disaster.

It’s too hard to bully!

Not to mention the appearance of the two heavenly women, that is, before they stepped into the Daoshan, and then appeared here, they have been able to let smart people grasp the focus of the problem, as long as they care, they will not be able to find out.

"Low-key, do you understand?"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and couldn't wait to smash the mountain to the mountain. Is there such a pit person?

This is to let him face the rhythm of the whole force to the virtual star. His thin and tender wings still do not have the big arms.

"what happened?"

The king, the spirit and others are being shocked by the mountains and horrified.

They did not know that Ling Feng had gotten to the ancient scrolls, and he did not know how Ling Feng had passed through Daoshan, which was very surprising.

"Is it the treasure to be born?" said the empty frown.

"There is this possibility!"

The king’s forehead said, “I am afraid that this scene has something to do with the two previous goddesses.”

"They get the treasure, or is it the seal of the seal?"

"It should be almost!"

Ling Feng mouth's corner is slightly undetectable, and he does not express his attitude. This kind of thing is more and more wrong, so he shuts up at the right time.


"Who is it?"

At this moment, the two heavenly ladies on the Daoshan Mountain were pale and their mouths were bleeding. Although they lived in the moment of life and death, they were still injured. They made them depressed and vomiting blood. It seems that the ancient scrolls have fallen. And the power of the Tao does not seem to have the power of the previous.

"Dare to be a black aunt, don't you want to live?"

The hot girl said, "The end of the earth is killing you!"

“Would it be the previous few people?”

Wen Jingtian's goddess blinks and is meditating. The only ones they have ever seen on this mountain are those who have the possibility to say that they are the only ones.

"It's him?"

A hot woman, a sigh in the mind can not help but emerge the face of Ling Feng, a few people in the wind is the most calm one, not suppressed by the power, strong to make them frightened.

"do not know."

Wen Jingtian said, shaking her head. "This is too vast for the road, and you can walk around. Maybe there are other wizards who are looking for it. You know that some guys don't want others to know that they are squatting on this mountain."

"What does the younger sister mean?" The hot woman frowned, her most resentful is thinking, what can't be solved by force?

For her, nothing can be solved by force. If there is, then it needs stronger force.

"Leave here first."

Wen Jingtian said, they don't know if this will be the cause of the mountain. I am worried that there will be a second wave of such power. The trouble at that time will be great. As for the power, the power can be slowly searched.

At least, those few people are suspected to be the biggest.


"The brand is born!"

In the emptiness of the sky, an old man opened his eyes and his eyes sparkled with light that others could not understand.

"Find that person!"

He said dullly: "The power is what we are looking for, and some people are able to find it on the mountain. If you want to go to the power anyway, this is a genius."


In the vast distance, another old man wakes up.

"To the virtual star has finally produced such a genius, it will be the whole world to the virtual star, when he comes out of the world, is the moment of crushing!"

"Find him, no matter how much it costs!"


The other side is empty, a middle-aged back to the world, cold eyes looking into the distance.

"Either bring that person back, or bring the truth and the road map back!" This is his voice.

Ling Feng first entered the virtual star, but because of his small butterfly, it caused a sensation to the virtual star. The power of the Tao is very different, which has an extraordinary significance for the virtual star.

It is reported.

At the beginning, the person of the world mentioned that the secret of the world was sealed in the mountains. If it could be obtained, the virtual star would be different, and if someone could cross it, get the power, or suppress it. Power, to the virtual star will press other Supreme Stars.

That is the future of you!

That means that a famous person will be born from the virtual star!

Such characters, can they miss it? Anyone knows that getting this person will get the power of the people and a person who is a worldly person. The empty road is indeed extraordinary, but there are still many forces on this star who want to ride on the head of the empty road to pee.

"Red Moon, the road is born!"

An old man squatted and pushed open a decaying wooden door and said to the sulky man who was drunk. "We suspect that the power is awakening, you always want to find the truth, now is the time."

"it is good!"

The man got up and looked into the distance. He saw the glory of the last disappearance of the ancient scroll. He sniffed the weather and he looked like a torch. "I will find the truth."


He strode forward, and the wine jars behind him were quickly smashing, full of alcohol, this scene set off the image of its stalwart.

Since this moment!

From this moment he wants to find out the truth, he wants to let the whole star know that there is a kind of power that is not abolished, but that it has not yet awakened.

Now, this power is coming!

The wind is stirring, the whole to the virtual star is boiling, but it is more concealed. There are not many people who can really understand the mountain, and these forces do not want the opponent to know that person.

They want to bring that person back with a low profile.

To the front of the road.

The crowds are crowded, people are looking at the whole mountain, and when the two heavenly girls fly out, they are immediately concerned by everyone, and some of the power figures are directly going forward to ask what happened to Daoshan.

"do not know!"

The two heavenly women shook their heads and decided to leave.


People don't want to let them go, so the impact is very serious. When it comes to Daoshan, they have to be cautious. Some forces have thrown olive branches to the two gods, hoping to bring them into power.

"We really don't know what happened to Daoshan." Wen Jingtian said.

"Step aside!"

Hot women are going to be a lot more fierce.

"If we don't let it go?" A top **** appeared, coldly looking at the hot woman, this woman is very appetizing for him.


The hot woman sneered. "I don't know if you are qualified enough?"

When the top **** is going to be angry, the hot woman’s hand flashes in a flash of light, and a small order appears in the hand, with two ancient characters engraved on it.


A few pens, but the dragon and the phoenix dance, like a sword passing by, piercing Shenyun 90,000 miles.

Silver hook stylus, it does not look like two words, but like two pieces of void.

Just two words, it is shocked that all the gods are discolored, that is, the top gods are also pale, almost scared to vomit blood, these two words are the heavenly characters to be awe-inspiring, and Tianzun must pay attention to it.

It is too heavy! Until the pressure is over, the gods can't stand the body, and until now, they understand what these two strange women are. No wonder they can go to the mountains alone. No wonder that scene will appear, and only this The character can do this step.

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