Supreme Demon

Chapter 1919: Rainbow is engraved!

White **** is destined!

The body collapsed in the world, and the blood ran across the river. The fire was burning like a fiery fire. There were holes in the land. The blood of the gods was precious and extraordinary. Naturally, ordinary land could withstand it.

Wind and sand are all over the sky, the world is roaring!

This fierce battle is not gorgeous. From Ling Feng's choice to the white **** gods, but in the blink of an eye, even Ling Feng did not use the real skills of the world.

The white **** is very good, but in the eyes of Ling Feng, this is an object that can be suppressed by raising hands. Don't say that the current Ling Feng is that the gods and gods are more terrible than the white gods when they step into the gods.

not to mention.

Ling Feng got the power of the road to the mountain, and merged with the reverse road. It has already been detached. If it is in the realm of the second-level god, even the Shangguan Tiantian, Zhou Qitian, and the Oriental Yingyu are dangerous.

of course.

At this moment, Ling Feng is not afraid of the three wizards. He will not talk about the gods. If the gods who have been suppressed are sacrificed, the gods in the whole world will bow down. However, now he wants to keep a low profile. Born.

"I don't usually account for it, I still like to be simple and rude!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, staring coldly at the body of the white god, scorning them at the entrance of the space. This is not the reason why Ling Feng killed him, but because the gods are full of killing, they are in the virtual world. Lieutenant him, Ling Kong, etc.

Even if Zhou Qitian and Dongfang Yingyu dare to target him, he dares to smash each other, not to mention these. As for the impact of this incident, this is not something that Lingfeng should consider, let those forces guess.

"you are the first!"

Ling Feng took a few steps forward and threw the body of the dragon wolf into the devouring beads. This is an old medicine of precious blood, very precious, and it is very tempting for him to eat.


He disappeared into the forest and walked toward the front.



Suddenly, the knives in the hands of the gods who were eagerly awaited suddenly cracked, and a red blood scar appeared on them, extending directly from the blade to the handle. The subtle voice made the gods in the field suddenly eclipse.

"Miao Shao, commandment!"

A **** with his hands trembled, his face became pale, cold sweat, DC, Miao Feng is the wizard of the vast gate, although not the top one, but the status of Haohaomen is not low, it is very hopeful to enter the void A **** of the Tao.

Such a character is very important to the vast gate, so when he enters the virtual world, he will leave the knife that bears his life.


Hao Haomen did not wait until Miao Feng came back, but waited for his death!

"How could this be?"

The three gods stared at the sharp knife in the hands of the god, full of resentment and incredulity. When Miao Feng stepped into the virtual world, she had put the life-saving banner in her arms. If she was on the sinister, she could smash it and return directly. .


Until the moment of the commandment, Miao Feng did not pinch the flag because it did not have time? Still haven't thought about it at all?

"Miao Shao is stunned, but not stupid." A **** said coldly.


Miao Feng is not crazy enough to want to use the flag, so there is only one possibility, Miao Feng has no time to pinch, which proves that the opponent is too terrible, terrible to the extent of crushing Miaofeng.

"Who will be?"

The gods smothered and angered, and this scene has caused other forces to attract attention. They are also very surprised. It is normal to have death and injury. Even if the flag is held, there will be a god.


It’s really rare to kill in front of the first Rainbow, and this time, Miaofeng is the first!

Normally, before the first rainbow, the gods should do their best to try to appear in front of the first rainbow in the first time, and engrave "self" on it. Few people will be shopping at this time. not worth it.

But things just happened.

"Will it be those three people?" said a **** murderous.

"probably not!"

One of the gods said with a certainty. "I don't want to say whether they have such strength. I am afraid that the three people have not yet courage to target the forces on the virtual star. Otherwise, they will not be swallowed before."

"Moreover, they should not be as strong as Miao!"

The four gods discussed it, but they did not get any results. They speculated that Lingfeng and other three gods did not have the courage to do this kind of thing. This is a common problem of the stars and gods of the mountain villages. They always have to be weak.

They want to ask the **** moon, but they don't have the guts.

We must know that once the crossing of the virtual world begins, the entire virtual world will be closed. Even if it is a **** moon, it will not be prying. Otherwise, it will be sanctioned by the empty road. This is to protect those gods who are crossing the virtual, and to prevent unnecessary death and injury.

If they let them know, who is the **** of power in the power, what do they want to do at that time?

If the other side steps into the empty road, then is the empty road and the power to be right? This is just one of the forces. For thousands of years, if the empty road is to be open to the public, then the empty road will not have such a situation, and it has long been shredded by those crazy forces.

Can not find the culprit, then the vast door can only break the teeth and blood swallow, they hate, but can not find any object.


In the virtual world.

Ling Feng is fast, and in the blink of an eye, it is a hurried past, and at this moment, the first Tianhong suddenly shines, and the figure is enlarged, pretty dusty and extraordinary.

Oriental Yingyu!

Her "body" was engraved on the first rainbow, and quickly climbed up, directly crushing more than ten "body", appeared in the third position, which made the wind stunned, the oriental girl is indeed terrible.

To know.

The first rainbow is engraved with the fastest 20 talented gods in the past years, especially the top five arrogant talents, but also maintains the status of 3,000 years old, but now it is actually pressed by the eastern Yingyu.

what does this mean?

The speed of the Oriental Yingyu can press the ancient wizards!

"This oriental clan is really extraordinary. Speed ​​is a manifestation of strength. Her overall strength is truly trepidation." An old **** is the forehead.


The strength of Dongfang Yingyu is recognized, and it can be juxtaposed with the two at the beginning. It is only because the time difference is not much, and they are all characters of the oriental clan. It seems that they are born with weak intelligence and more extraordinary force.

At the time of people's sighs, the first rainbow was suddenly brightened. Zhou Qitian and Shangguan asked almost simultaneously, and pressed more than a dozen Wizards, appearing in the fourth and fifth positions.

They are slightly weaker in speed than in the East.

of course.

This is just a one-sided statement. The virtual world is different. If there is a slight delay, there will be different results. No one can say that Shangguan Tiantian and Zhou Qitian are inevitably in the speed of the East.


The three characters maintain a balanced momentum, and they appear in the posture of crushing the celestial celestial gods. This makes people excited and excited. This session is indeed a world.

In the past years, the road was over.

There is a character who can force the characters of the ages to be shocked, and this time there have been three, and this seems to have just begun, and in the next dynasty, a more splendid picture will be born.


Suddenly, the fourth light appeared, not as good as the top three, but it also pressed the ancient celestial gods, appearing in the twelfth position, which made a force full of red light, excited.

Although their magical moments are slower, they are second only to the imaginary three.

"This is a good thing!" The **** moon is the forehead. This kind of recognition is even more exciting for the forces. This means that the gods in their power will be watched as key figures and thoroughly concerned.


After the tenth interest, the fifth light appeared, lit up the void, letting people hold their breath, and another force was excited. It could be compared with the 20 gods of the ages, which in itself can explain its potential.

This is praised by the **** moon, so that the power is full of glory, and this is listed as eighteen, which is equivalent to the end of the first rainbow, because time is too late, other gods are difficult to copy the magical glory of the ages.

"Is this a branding?"

Ling Feng looked at the front, the first rainbow, faintly pouting, if his speed is really violent, it should be one of them, even if the Oriental Yingyu wants to suppress him is difficult.


He deliberately fell behind, the speed is not fast, but also to get rid of the white god, it is a delay, and this time flying will not cause the first rainbow change.

"I don't know where the king is going!"

The first rainbow is very vast, 100,000 miles horizontally. It is not easy to find the king's spiritual space, and the virtual world does not have such a vast area. The gods will meet in the frontier.

It was only when it was smashing!

the difference is.

Ling Feng did not gallop, but sat in front of the first Rainbow, specifically looking for a few.


At this moment, Ling Feng's eyes flashed, his body disappeared into the void in an instant, and at the end of his eyes, a blood-dressed **** was coming quickly, looking at the first shining figure on the rainbow, he looked very Annoyed and sighed.

"Only one step!"

He said faintly, like the white god, he wanted to engrave "self" on the first rainbow, so he did not hide his momentum. This was discovered by the celestial beast and intercepted, although he fell off. Beast, but it is too late.

call out!

Suddenly, the emptiness of the void was undetectable, and then one hand fell from the sky, quickly and detached, directly in front of the **** god, and when the reaction came, the hand appeared on its throat.

"Don't be nervous, I am not a good person!" Ling Feng said with a cloak and smiled.

"You... who are you?"

When the **** of blood is in the mouth, he has already touched his arms. He can feel the killing of Ling Feng, and he wants to pinch the flag.


The next moment, he found that the body was frozen, and a strange space was covering him. It was futile to let him struggle. The cloak brother here seems to be the **** of death.

"Body space!" The **** gods face changed.

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