Supreme Demon

Chapter 1921: Two wonders in the virtual world!


When the **** spit out these two words, the gods in the field were dumbfounded. I didn’t expect such a wonderful event in this session. I acted in the virtual world and appeared in the cloak. I strongly suppressed a first-class **** and directly dried it. turn.

Such a thing, the virtual world has been the first for thousands of years.


What makes people puzzled is that this cargo does not move forward quickly, and strives to look at the empty road. Instead, it will turn a **** up. Is this a grudge?


Suddenly, the first-level **** screamed and looked at the chest. There was a jade pendant. It was the treasure he had received over the years. But now the jade pendant has been taken off, and the treasure inside has disappeared.

That is a treasure of the gods, the treasure inside can not be a lifetime, some of the gods involved in the heavenly level is very important, but did not expect to be taken off.

"Damn, who is the cloak?"

Several gods are full of resentment, although this is not to kill them, but the situation is quite serious, how many years they will have to get so many treasures.

"The Heavenly Flag is being pinched!"

A **** noticed the remaining ashes of the first-class god, and suddenly his face sank. It was obvious that the cloak was very deceitful. After he turned it over, he was not at ease. Although he did not remove it, he directly expelled it from the virtual world. .

This is blood hate!

It is equivalent to cutting off the path of its forces entering the empty channel, and the impact is very serious.

"Don't let us find him!" said a god, depressed. "Otherwise, I will kill him half!"

"What a wonderful thing!"

An old **** looked down on the cloak and despised the cloak. At this juncture, he was still greedy for the little profit, which is the **** of which forces came out.

Still shameless?

More importantly, the resources of the region can be obtained in the empty road. As long as you show the potential of the world, you will get more than this, and this idiot-like **** actually cares about this?

He should fight for the rainbow!

“What is the wonder of the virtual world?”

Another **** said with a sneer: "A **** of death, a cloak, this is two wonderful!"

People look at the forehead and feel that it is such a thing. These two wonderful things don't seem to care about the rainbow, one is busy killing the opponent, and the other is busy picking up the treasure resources.

It seems that this is more important than the Rainbow Rainbow Engraving!

"The ability to knock the first-level **** directly out of the way, without being alarmed, is at least a second-level god!" The former **** said coldly, the virtual world is a wizard, who can quietly turn over the gods. Only the second god.


The first-class gods do not have such power. Most of them are busy flying and want to be visible on the rainbow. What's more, their realm and strength do not allow them to do such things.


The gods of the gods looked around and looked at the forces that had the second-level gods. The taste of the examination was full. This made the forces of the gods frown, and several forces rushed to the heart, feeling the character of their power. It is not necessary to do such a thing.

Boom! While they were examining each other, the emptiness trembled, another genius was thrown out, and the eyes closed slightly until the head was on the ground to eat and wake up, and the first time was to fly backwards, watching the surroundings with vigilance. After he determined that he had been thrown out of the virtual world, his mouth was straight and he almost cried out.


"Zhu, what's the problem with you?"

The **** of cold Yunzong flew, looking at Zhu, his face was ugly and scary, and Zhu used to be the first-class peak god, but it was still thrown out by God without knowing it, which made their hearts more stunned.


Zhu used his jaw to tremble, and his hatred was very strong. At the beginning, he was galloping. Suddenly a scorpion flashed and hit him on the back of his head. The speed was so fast that he would suffocate. may.

In a hurry to look back, he saw a **** staring at a black cloak.

Cloak brother!

The cloak brother is really awesome!

"It is him again!"

The squeaky teeth around, especially those who were injured, even wanted to tear the cloak and see what the face under the cloak was.

"My treasure is gone!" Zhu said with a dark face, he was looking for it.

"Don't look for it, it should be that the cloak was taken away!"

The **** of cold Yunzong said with resentment: "This is a rather shameless god, specifically for other gods, completely do not care about the rainbow, there is already a god, and you are the second."

"This is a wonderful wonder!"

The **** moon is frowning. Although he does not like this kind of cheating, this is indeed the rule of the empty channel. It is difficult for people without strength and means to step into the empty road. Even if these people can reach the end, they can really step. There will not be too many people entering the empty channel.


In this special occasion, the Wizards are fully born, so the Void Road will not deliberately limit the number of people. As long as they can succeed in the virtual, they are a member of the Void.

The problem is.

Now these two people are really a headache. A strong one is not dead. One is specially selected to win the treasure. The virtual world is completely regarded as a hunting ground. This is the rhythm of the characters of the empty road.

More importantly, he also has a cloak!


The third **** flew out, planted the onion, the head was inserted in the soil, his face was gray, he was not thrown out after being overturned, but was forced to run out himself, otherwise, the goods did not know what would happen. Come.

"Li Qing, which one is you on?" asked one God.

"He claims to be a cloak!" Li Qingxin said with a lingering fear. "I have done my best, but it is indeed not his opponent, that is, the empty box has also been taken away."

"It's a cloak... still brother?"

"Who is he?"

"I don't know!" Li Qing shook his head and said seriously. "If you don't say looks, you can't see the realm, but the power it shows is only the first-class god."


The gods really want to breathe out a bowl of blood. The cloak brother is really black, crazy to a certain extent, completely ignoring the feelings of these forces. Is he going to target the forces on the whole virtual star?

However, things are not like this.

In the next hour, several gods were thrown out, including the gods to the virtual star, and other stars, so that the gods look ugly, the gas is straight, that is, the **** moon is showing a faint Angry.


The cloak is too much. In this way, the whole world will be confused.


The present virtual world can only be described by these two words. The forward gods do not know what is happening in the rear, but the gods later don’t even know, but the gods in front of the virtual world are deeply aware of the hustle and bustle. atmosphere.

Two wonders in the virtual world!



Ling Feng is sitting on the ground without image, picking up the fire, roasting the dragon and the flesh and blood, gold oil is dripping from a sharp sword, scattered on the fire, snoring, the fire will become more vigorous.

The meat is overflowing!

then. He sat on the ground and screamed, and he looked at the fourth rainbow from his footsteps. There was a faint smile between the eyebrows. When he was traced by the oriental poetry, he was directly violent. Brighten the whole void, let him fly 50,000 miles in a short time, avoiding a head

The beast of the beast is only more than the martial arts of the night.

Here, he wants to fly, it is bound to light up the rainbow, but he did not do this, but he sat down and snorted to barbecue.

If this scene is to be seen by other gods, it is estimated that they can vomit a bowl of blood. They fight for life and death, and it is not as fast as this one.

Still let people not live?

"The king's volley should not be so fast."

Ling Feng squinted at the dragon wolf meat and said, "The oriental poetry is not waiting, it should be chased soon, always thinking of a way."

After cleaning the dragon wolf meat, Ling Feng simply left the fourth rainbow, the body's breath completely dissipated, and the body space appeared, and then he flew into the void and quickly walked behind him.

What others care about is not what he cares about, and what others can't think is what he wants.

in a blink.

He disappeared in front of the fourth rainbow, and in just a quarter of an hour, he had already flew 50,000 miles. He appeared in front of the third rainbow, his body flashed and his body appeared on the top of the mountain.

"She should have been tracking forward?"

Ling Feng grinned and smiled, and the thief said, "This goddess is born with a cute, but it is very smart. It’s horrible to know that it’s terrible, but you are stealing my copyright."

"I want to target me, give you a gimmick!"

Ling Feng used the eyes of the gods to look into the distance, and then the sense of consciousness spreads out in full and quickly flies toward the front. He wants to hide behind and turn the poems of the East.

The oriental poetry wants to catch the cockroach, and his cockroach is already behind him - the oriole is behind.

Who catches who?

call out! Ling Feng is like a sword passing through the air, moving forward quickly, and smelling the atmosphere of oriental poetry in a short time. He smiles and traces to the distance, and the body is completely hidden in the void, when he really Hidden, even the top gods want to find his whereabouts is very difficult

The thing, let alone the second-order **** of oriental poetry.

The oriental poetry did not detect the danger, but was sniffing the breath of Ling Feng, moving fast, and the look on the face became more serious. Obviously, the speed of the wind was faster than she thought, and it was beyond her imagination. .

She thought it was a very easy thing, but I didn't expect things to be so tricky.

"It’s really a small one."

The oriental poetry whispered, and the look became rushed, because the breath of Ling Feng became lighter and weaker, and it would disappear.


She came to the fourth rainbow, looking at the bones of the earth and the burning traces of the fire. She had a dumbfounded feeling. It was not difficult to judge the time when Ling Feng came here with her intelligence. The fourth rainbow has just been lit up?

Ps.. I encountered some things today, it’s too late, too sleepy, my head is groggy and can’t write anything, first, I’m going to take part in the classmate’s wedding tomorrow, I’m going to have to change it, and come back later. . good night.

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