Supreme Demon

Chapter 1925: Virtual day

Virtual sky!

Two golden handwritings are shining on a mountain. This mountain traverses the entire void, and only through it can it enter the seventh rainbow.

This is a Gai Dao Mountain.

On the other hand, the space of the road shines, the colors are different, and the clear light shows bright and bright light in these colors, which is gorgeous and extraordinary. They are like bubbles, crowded with the whole mountain.

Every space is like a sky, and people are shocked.


Ling Feng came to the virtual sky and looked at this awkward and strange mountain. He was amazed. When he was on the Shenwu continent, the butterfly presented the whole process of the virtuality to him, so he knew it was here. There is a virtual sky.


This is far from being more shocked by the eyes.


Starting from the sixth day of the rainbow, the whole dynasty becomes terrible. The space is the threshold and the imprisonment. Only the characters with the potential and the space of the gods are able to carry out the imaginary. This is no longer speed, but Real Scorpio.

This is a question of strength!

of course. This sixth rainbow is just the beginning of the virtual sky. The power of space is not terrible. There is not much power. It is of no value to them, but to the seventh rainbow, the eighth rainbow, and even the ninth rainbow. The virtual sky will become more and more terrible, and in the end, it will really be able to cross the virtual.

However, it is just a few of them.


At this moment, the virtual sky suddenly became bright, and a **** stepped into a golden space from another direction, sitting in it, and the treasure was solemn, and in the process, the golden space was shining, releasing a massive momentum, and then Carrying the **** to fly far away.


This space is similar to the space of the gods. He can see through it and sense the space power in it, and then blend with this space, which can control the space away from here and rush to the seventh rainbow.

This is the vain!

! When the **** flew into the distance, there was a buzzing sound in the virtual sky, and then a **** was separated from the space, and one fell to the ground, and the skin was fleshy and bloody. He was the same as the previous **** and wanted to experience it. The strength of this space, but unfortunately, it’s a step worse.

Recognized in space, it was taken out.

"It's a step!"

The **** looked sad, but did not leave like this, but calmly realized, through the sense of God and the space of the gods to find a more suitable space for him.

For the gods, the virtual heaven is a threshold and imprisonment, and it is an unprecedented creation.

There are so many space in the virtual sky here, almost all kinds of martial arts space, although the momentum and strength will be somewhat different, but in the same nature, the gods can completely integrate the virtual space with their own body, and then become more extraordinary.

This means that once the success of the dying, the gods will become more terrible, and even complete a gorgeous transformation.


The gods who are able to step into the emptiness are doing their best, even if they fail, they can also gain a lot of good fortune and benefit their future.

Not much time.

The gods recovered some of their injuries, and then the gods burst open, rushing into a distant space, stepping directly into it, and after experiencing the space honing, his body shone with a faint clear light, which in turn urged the virtual space to fly. distance.

Obviously, he realized the true meaning of this space and blended with his own body, which was able to leave the first virtual sky.

This is the only way!

"Too persistent!"

Ling Feng slightly frowned, the potential of the **** is obviously not enough, placed in the Hengtian Star, can be called a wizard character, but placed in this virtual world is too mediocre, at least, the spirit of the sky is much stronger than it .

Such a forcible crossing, although it will get the true meaning of the virtual space, will also be suppressed by the virtual sky, may not be beneficial for the future.

"Which space is more suitable for me?"

Ling Feng whispered, his eyes flashed, and he was fixed in the distance, only because he saw the spirit and the king. The two were one step ahead of him until the virtual sky, but only in the distance, because they were holding a cloak and suppressing the body. The breath, but let the spirit empty, the king can not find him.


The king and the spirit are very good, even if they are placed on the virtual star, they are also genius figures. They can fly in such a short time and have fully proved their excellence.

"It's time to meet!"

Ling Feng flashed to the spirit of the air, ten steps have come to the spirit of the sky, the king, and the two characters are busy sitting around the space to sense the surrounding, the emergence of Ling Feng surprised them.

"Ling Feng!" At this moment, Ling Feng has taken off the cloak and restored its original appearance. When the king saw that the coming person was Ling Feng, he could not help but exclaimed and met in the virtual world, which made them quite pleasant. Previously, they were quite low-key. Deliberately avoiding the gods on the virtual star, and the appearance of Ling Feng reminds them of the previous


"Hey, I'm waiting for you!" Lingkong grinned. "When you come, let's suppress those characters!"

"We are holding a breath!" The king said very gratified.

"Do you want to give up the space here?" Ling Feng smiled.

"This is not the case." Lingkong shook his head and said.

The virtual space is too important for them. This is an important step for them to enter the empty road. It is also the key to the future. They can't give up their future because of those grievances.

"That's it!"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "This step is very important. The previous grievances can be put down. If they step into the empty road, then we have the opportunity. If they don't enter the empty road, we will have more opportunities."

"Not to mention, I am on the way to the two."


The king, the spirit and the air, brightened and asked. "Are they now forced out of the virtual world?"

"I do not know."

Ling Feng beats the road.. "Maybe at this time, their power is still looking for someone."


The king and the spirits look at each other, and they all laughed. This guy is really black, and he uses **** pens when he comes up. He doesn't leave alive, and he is a mess.


If they choose to do it, they are afraid to do the same. If those people are left alive, knowing who is targeting them, even if they step into the empty road, even if there is a lot of trouble, here is not a constant star, offending a big force. The price is very serious.

They must be careful!

The king and the spirit are not broken, and they smile and turn over.

Lingkong said: "Our speed can't talk fast, but it's not slow. As long as we can cross the next virtual space, I can go straight into the empty road. However, once we enter the virtual space, we will Going forward alone."

"Well, then I will meet on the empty road!" Ling Feng's forehead, quite fiercely said.

"No problem, then take a look at who will step into the void!"

The king was full of confidence and strong. The first one sat down and closed his eyes, sensing the surrounding space. After a while, he got up and stepped out, stepped directly into a golden space, and sat down to understand the space. ".

"I come!"

Lingkong also sensed the virtual space suitable for him in a short time, and quickly stepped in, and when he sat down and closed his eyes, he could not help but look at Lingfeng, only because Lingfeng was still standing until now, there was no sense of virtual sky. The meaning of space.

"Don't be suppressed by us."

Lingkong did not open his mouth, closed his eyes and made a gesture, then calmed down with a bad taste and realized the difference in this space.

The virtual space is too extraordinary. I want to experience the "Tao" one by one. It takes a lot of time to horrify, and the crossing is time-limited. It is impossible to wait indefinitely, so once it enters the virtual sky, it is necessary. Do your best.

This shows the importance of potential.


When a **** came to speed and stepped into the virtual space, Ling Feng was still frowning. He looked at the space around him and was shocked.

He has a lot of things, and there is a lot of space here for him. With his potential, it is not difficult to feel it.


He can't be bound by the way he can do it.

The problem is.

The void in his body is boiling further, and the air and the blast are blasting, making him fleshy and red, as if to burn, and the terrible momentum is about to fly out.


The next moment, the emptiness of the emptiness of the sacred voice, pointing to a direction, which makes Ling Feng very ecstatic, obviously he wants to find the space that is not ordinary, but the space needed for the emptiness of the Shinto. Previously, he felt that this space is not here, it should be in the first Nine heavy rainbows, and now the virtual oracle is directly pointed out.

right here!

"The vain sympathy resonates, will that be the way I want to find?"

Ling Feng muttered to himself, his mouth could not help but rise, he would not violate his own heart, if it was found, the emptiness of the Shinto was completely smeared, and the situation at that time would be more crazy than now.

His footsteps flashed and disappeared directly into this virtual sky.

Flying 50,000 miles!

This is not a problem for the gods like Ling Feng. The 50,000 miles is just a short moment of effort, and when it falls, it is almost at the end of the virtual world, and there is a sea of ​​enclaves here.

The moon is born at sea.

The bottom of the sea is pure and yang!

The picture is a bit sloppy, but it is not so strange in the virtual world, it is quite unusual, but here Lingfeng does not sense the spatial fluctuations, it seems that there is no space here.


After arriving here, the blood of Ling Feng seems to be blasted. The clothes on the body are igniting. The whole person is like a fire, especially the empty veins. The acupuncture point is like the sun shining, swallowing the sun and the moon. , reflecting the mountains and rivers.

"right here!"

Ling Feng slightly frowned, but there is no doubt that it can cause the emptiness of the Nether, only this kind of power, and here is very calm, no **** will appear here, but appear in the gorgeous sky before the color.

It's not like a void here, it's like a world of the sea, full of unpredictable power, forming resistance, not letting the gods cross the place here.

"I hope you are here!" Ling Feng calmed down, sat down, closed his eyes, and sensed the momentum of the mountains and rivers, looking for a space that might exist.

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